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The Last Wizard: Case Files

Page 5

by Brown, Allen

  "I can't, I can't do it. You can't get away with this." I said stretching my hand out, my cane zipped through the air into my hand. Slashing forward, my sword release an energy so powerful, that once it collided with Balin's shield it created a large blast. Apporting out of it, I saw Balin fade backwards.

  Standing in-between the blast, Balin looked at me as he faded again. I could see the fabric of space bend in front of me slightly. Pushing my hand towards the ground, I gripped and raised my hand, as I raised my hand, the ground crumbled onto itself and falling down, like a sink hole.

  Falling backwards, Balin faded back into reality as he stammered backwards away from the gaping hole that spanned a quarter of the field. He twisted his body and leaped into the air high above me. Falling straight down towards me, he pulled his cloak in front of him. It turned into a silver spear with the edge pointed down right at me.

  Twisting my hand again and moving it to my side, I grasped the earth around me and encased myself into a bunker made of dirt and stone. I could feel the clash of the metal hit the enclosure, cracking the roof. Shooting outwards the stones darted in every direction like nail driven torpedoes. Balin spun like a tornado, deflecting all of the stone that came into contact with him.

  "Stop this madness." Balin shouted at me, "like hell you can defeat me. You don't have the guts to kill, you never did."

  Ripping the handle off my cane, I tapped the blue crystal against my forehead. I could feel the pain as my body ripped into two, tearing right down the middle. My head felt like it was being sawed down by an old rusty and dull saw. But now, standing beside me was a mirrored image of myself, an illusion.

  "That's new." Balin said, turning his cloak into a silver metal.

  "This ends now!" I howled after him.

  Both of me ran towards him, one from the right, the other from the left. The one on the right shot a bolt of lightning at Balin's feet while the other rumbled the ground as it shifted below him. Throwing him off balance, the me on the right shot out a shockwave pushing him backwards as the me on the left apported behind him with my hand and cane extended.

  A wave of light blew out from his shield, as it disinte-grated. The second me on the right disappeared.

  I stood with my cane wedged into his heart. He had moved into my apparition, fusing his body with my blade. I pulled it free, blood dripped from the edge of my sword as my brother fell to the ground.

  "You were always so naive." Balin said to me.

  "And you never listen brother. If it wasn't for you, peo-ple would still be alive." I told him, sheathing my sword.

  "No! You can't blame me for that. I did what I had to, I did what anyone would do if they saw their family and friends hunted like dogs just because they were different. We didn't start or deserve this, the Church will burn for its crimes against our world. I promise this." Balin said coughing up blood.

  "Go now brother, as I clean up your mess again, I shall see you in another life." I said walking away from him. He yelled for me, but I couldn't look back, he didn't deserve it.

  He brought this upon himself.

  The Apprentice

  By Allen Brown

  "Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before."

  - Edgar Allan Poe


  The pastor took each step with intent as he approached the podium, he was careful to not disturb the ground beneath him. His legs dragged, as if they were weighted, along the freshly cut grass shining from the dew that coated it the night before. The atmosphere was heavy, and the air thick. Silence crept the hollow grounds like daises invading a field of roses. Gripping the podium, the pastor zeroed in on us, his audience. Diverting my eyes whenever his glance hovered over to me, he began, "Ladies... Gents..." He spoke in a thick Irish accent, pausing, he pinched the bridge of his nose. He has clearly done this a thousand times, something I imagine one could never acclimate to. Continuing, "We gather today on sorrowful terms," He said with a glaze in his eye.

  Unlike our eyes, we latched onto each word as he spoke, it carried us along like an old train chugging away at rusted tracks. My eyes traced each casket that lay before us, the first in particular gravitated my attention. It wasn't any bigger than a coffee table, I felt as if I could cradle it in my arms with ease. I really wanted to.

  "Lest, we must not forget, this is also a day of joy!" His voice sparked anew, a fire burning within had ignited breathing fire into his patrons, it warmed our hearts from the brisk wind. "These children may have left us early, but they continue on their journey on a different plane." He said in an almost lectured tone, the pastor stood straight and continued, "We are best to remember, that we are soon to follow."

  Continuing his prayer, the pastor stood with his neatly combed red beard brushing with the howling wind pushing pass like a steaming kettle. His Irish accent became more apparent with each word. He donned long black robes that were as dark as night, and a white shirt that was as bright as day on a perfect Sunday afternoon. The caskets were each etched with their respective family crests. On a day where the clouds wrapped the skies to every end, the polished wood had a shine to it, courtesy of the Church.

  The crowd was mostly mute, sans the sniffles and coughs that the weather had brought upon us. I couldn't help but stare blankly at the red roses that were tied down onto each casket, flickering with the wind.

  Could I have done more? Is this my fault? It was my brothers' doing...

  Jinn was beside me, but I couldn't look at him, I didn't want to. I was scared that if I did, I would only see a look of disappointment staring back at me. Sonia was a few seats back as well and I could feel her eyes burning a hole in my back.

  Why did I come to this fucking funeral, I want to fucking leave.

  I gripped the knob of my umbrella so tightly my hand started to ache. Finally, I gave in, I dropped my umbrella down. Starring into the heavens, past the tree shrouding us from most of the rain, the leaves danced with the wind, moving in a perfect rhythm. A single droplet of rain fell in-between the cracks, drifting down towards me. In a brief moment, I could see the reflection of everyone in the bubble right before it landed on my forehead.

  "Don't fret Balan... You tried your best, it wasn't your fault." Jinn said without looking at me, his head stayed straight as if he couldn't peel his eyes from his target. "Remember I wouldn't be here without what you had done for me, I know you tried just as hard to save them."

  His words were like a dozen blades tossed into the air and all miraculously find its way into my chest. I could barely breathe from how my chest had tightened.

  Chapter One

  Ten Years Ago


  Standing atop a mound of dirt outside the city of Alexandria, I find myself on the perimeter of a newly found excavation site at the heart of Abu Mina. Rumor says it is a monastery of a wealthy Church member from the past. This, of course, attracted the attention of the Church, which in turn surrounded the site with their crusader knights. Truthfully, I don't know what significance of the grave they dug up holds, and quite frankly, I don't give a shit. I'm not here to stake a claim and have my name remembered in history for a newfound piece of our past. I only worry about filling my stomach tomorrow, and I bet this well guarded place has something that I can borrow to get the job done.

  Today was drier than usual, the sun simply shat out its heat upon the desert lands of Egypt without a care. I could feel the heat stinging my skin under my white fleece shirt, which was loosely fitted because I like to let the wind hug my body. My brown khakis blended nicely with the ruins of the site, dirt and sand filling a thin lining in my lungs. Even though I have been here for five years, I still can't get use to it. The sky was as bare as a baby's butt, no cloud or anything that could save us for a brief moment. If those damned pyramids were any taller, I would love them a whole lot more. Not to mention, as a result, the ground being hard and dry, if you don't have good s
et of boots, like my age old sandals, you will be in pain every night. Trust me.

  I shifted my location to get a better look, for them to close the entire pilgrimage site meant they had found something. The guard was a friend of mine, the fat shit would do anything if I simply paid for his dinner. Donning the traditional Ottoman blue coat, he stood by the checkpoint barring entrance. "Johnny!" He said getting a glimpse of me in the crowd that awaited their turn for their dose of holy tranquility. The place only got busier and busier each passing day as word continued to spread, I needed to get into that monastery before the Church completely moves in.

  "It's Jinn! How could you forget after I fed you those shish kebabs." I said to him, poking at his stomach. I hug onto his shoulder turning him away from the crowd. "Why is there so many people here bud?"

  "The church took over the site." He said, looking at my arm gripping him tight so he couldn't turn away. "They received a pass from the empire, due its historical significance. So, Galahan I believe his name was, is representing the church and setting up security." He pried himself away from me, trying to get back to his post.

  "I see. Thanks bud. I'll see you tonight?" I said slipping past the checkpoint before he could deny me. "Same club right!" I yelled as I waved him off before another crowd tried to enter, forcing him back on duty to deny them, probably journalists or agents from Israel.

  As I walk through a valley of ruins, shadows and death, a long winding road connected me to the top of the hill overlooking the Abu Mina ruins. A once holy site, crushed by the powers of conquest, rested at my feet. Now, a wasteland of broken walls, decaying buildings crumbling by the minute, and sand, lots of sand. Luckily, the old monastery sat in the center, shielding the old site to its left and was what I was looking for. A cold sweat broke from my temple as I head towards the very embodiment of evil, a tomb locked deep in the earth by the sands of time. You would figure something buried thirty odd feet below the ground, should remain so. But, we are in contempt, the church tries to salvage what knowledge they can from old monasteries for its vaults.

  This could only mean one thing, valuable treasure.

  The site was busier, double the archaeologists and double the guards. I need to hit this soon, and fast. Jumping a fallen wall, I escape the worn path to get a better vantage of the dug up monastery. Still buried, except for the golden cross and a portion of the roof near the entrance, a stained window shined brightly back at me. From what I could make, it was red roses. Something more curious, a woman I've never seen before, standing by it holding a staff. She looked about my age, therefore too young to be someone of significance, yet she looked like she carried a weight upon her shoulders. Her skin was brown, but she dressed more like an English woman in her simple gown with puffed out sleeves. She wandered out of view before I could see more.

  I must get closer.

  "Hey you! Get away from there!" Someone unknown to me shouted behind me. I'm not sure what it was, maybe it was the stark voice or the suddenness of his yell that jolted me to my feet carelessly. Just as I did, I could feel the ground beneath my feet crumble and break apart. What happened next, was me riding a small dirt landslide straight to the bottom of the pit like a surfer slicing through a narly wave before braving and barely escaping a narrow barrel ride. That is what I believed to had happened, but truthfully, all I saw was the world spinning and probably me screaming like a little bitch.

  Under a layer of dirt, I felt my life end with each passing breath. The air was old and filled my nostrils with dirt. I couldn't move a muscle as the dirt of the old ruin pressed itself onto me. Light seeped away from my vision as the cracks leading to the outside world filled in with sand, encasing me in darkness. Like a brisk run, my lungs began to tire as they began to tighten and seize. Holding my last breath, I heard muffled voices surround me, a thick lair of hands dug into the dirt yanked my shirt and hoisted me out of the ground. I can't tell you enough how I took air for granted, it filled my lungs enough to expand my chest so much it hurt. The sunlight blinded me, I couldn't see anything, only blurred images of a man in armor holding me and a few other surrounding me. I was a bit too busy coughing up dirt to ask for names or look at faces at this point. They all spoke to me, but I heard none of them.

  It was till I was done coughing then the one hold me spoke. His armor was silver and decorated; it was clearly an official of some sort. Isn't he fucking hot in that hunk of metal? How does he survive. "Are you okay?" He said to me.

  "Uhh, yeah no problem. My bad." I said, keeping my head low and dusting myself off, "thanks..." I said as I realized the girl from earlier stood beside the man in armor. She looked at me like how you would look at someone running full speed into a glass door, there was no sympathy.

  "Galahan, we should get back." Someone spouted off in the corner.

  The man in armor eyed me inspecting every inch of my inner thoughts, I felt violated. "Where is your badge, are you staff?" He said, shifting his weight. I saw his hand rest on the hilt of his long sword. This is where I had to choose my words carefully, it’s now a matter of life and death. Yet all I could provide was a dumbfounding: "Uhhh, in the dirt somewhere?"

  "Mhmm, guards. Escort this man off the premises until he can reproduce a valid badge of identification."

  There I was being escorted by an entourage of guards, most people would be terrified. Not me though, I was glad I still had my head. Shoving me on my way, I started my jog back to Alexandria. It's time to get what I came here for, this looks to be the score of a lifetime. No more ghetto youth Jinn, it was time for me to step up in life.

  Chapter Two

  You could say I'm a lucky bastard, and I would agree with you. I'd also say yesterday put me in the perfect position. I can finally map out my every move to get in and out of that excavation site. It'll be a walk in the park, even with big wig Galahan on duty.

  The multi colored linens providing shade in the busy streets of the market were the only things keeping the weather cool and comforting. The sharp smell of grilled kebabs always watered my mouth. The narrow street is home to countless merchants trying to make a quick buck, to either feed their kids, or to gather enough money to escape this hell hole.

  Fatima waited for me at the edge of an alley way ahead, her frizzy brown hair was always noticeable from a distance. She's what I would call a Jordanian hidden gem, her soft brown skin could challenge any princess, yet she has a hardness about her that exemplifies her strenght. She says its from her young days from working with her dad in the mill, but there is something almost military like about her reflexes.

  "Hurry up, let’s go." She said to me before continuing down the alley way. I don't know if it was the way she walked or if her ass had a mind of its own. That thing moved miraculously with each step, curtailing against her pants in ways that gave me the strength to walk for miles. It was just right, proportional to her body and asking for a squeeze. "Could you stop staring?" She said turning the corner. She always knew, I don't know how but she did. Maybe women have a sixth sense about that sort of thing, but to me... I don't care, its like the force of gravity. One simply cannot help it.

  Jogging up a short flight of stairs she popped open a side door and let me in. Following the path down the hallway, we turn out into the main hall of the church. Even though I come here often, it warrants a second look every time. The architectural brilliance, the high cathedral ceilings decorated in ancient paintings, telling the story of the Bible, coupled with golden trimmings and hand carved boarding around the dome. Finishing it out with a symmetrical design that eases the mind, I bet a lot of thought goes into building these places to ensure its patrons are at ease. That way they can come again and donate to our holy pastures, albeit I wouldn't mind, I've called this place home a few times.

  "So?" She said with a blank stare as she took a seat on the red bench. "What did you find out?"

  "Uhhh, well they definitely found something." I said after a moment of confusion that escaped me. I took a seat beside her,
"some guy named Galahan was brought in. He looks high ranked."

  Fatima spun in her seat, taking a look around us. “Gala-han? Why would they send him?" She said seemingly to herself.

  "What, you know of him?" I said turning to her, resting my hand on the bench in front of me.

  She looks up at me with defeated green eyes seemingly staring at nothing "He's only the Church's go to Captain when they want something done. He will probably be a Commander in a short few years.” Her shoulders hunched as she let out a sigh of surrender. I know what the next words from her will be, I've seen this fucking look before... "Forget it Jinn, this is too big for us now."

  "Fuck that!" I yelled at her, I couldn’t help it but it pissed me off. Giving up before you ever try, only worthless scums do that. A couple in the front kneeling on their prayer boards got up and looked at me. The looks in their eyes were fairly criminal for someone praying in a Church.

  "Easy." Fatima said getting up and cutting out the hall through a doorway. I followed closely behind, her pace quickened with each echoless step she made.

  "You can't do this. Not this time Fatima, this is too big to let go." I try to reason with her.

  "Jinn! Just drop it." She said flatly with no intention to indulge me with reason.

  Grabbing her by the arm, I pulled her against the wall. I felt the muscles in her body tighten, the smell of her perfume soothed me like a baby being put to rest by a loving mother. It wasn't a sharp smell, but it was enough. "What's gotten into you?" I say, looking at her eyes. It didn't show any sign of fear, only of loyalty.

  "Jinn, you need to give up on this one. Trust me." She said as I released her. "Sometimes, you just need to move onto bigger and better things. Forget the past, it'll only weigh you down." She simply walked out the door into the crowded streets and disappeared.


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