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Lin's Challenge

Page 10

by Mara Jaye

  “Have you been able to break through out in the fields?” Turkh asks.

  “Some but not a lot. I can transmit a sentence or two, get an answer, then the channel goes dark.”

  We’re maybe twenty people away from being shuttled to the mines or the fields. I don’t want to access the database in my head to double check, but I’m pretty sure we could be near an antenna or cell tower device now as a team. “The three of us together would boost the signal.”

  G’nar shoots me down. “No. They’d notice the transmission, and we couldn’t be sure our message would be received by the director.”

  I step between the men as the last six people before us line up. “We have to try. The message won’t go out for sure if we chicken out.”

  “Chicken out?” G’nar frowns and addresses Turkh. “Do you…?”

  “No idea.”

  Nothing is familiar around here, so you’d think I’d remember to keep down the slang. Yet I keep forgetting not everyone is familiar with the random idioms I use. I don’t think people even register how many of them they’ll use in a day unless shoved into an English as a second language situation. I sigh and rub my sweaty palms on my pajama pants. Last time I went through this process, some new guy attacked me. Turkh took care of my arm but can’t stop the nightmares. As we edge closer to the dividing area, I can hear the announcement better.

  “Keep calm and accept your assignment. All upsets will be corporally punitive.”

  I want to grab Turkh’s hand for comfort but don’t. I can relax once we’re together on the surface or underground. G’nar goes through the translator tube. It gives him a pass. Turkh’s through, and I’m up next. I also go through, a little breathless from holding my breath in fear until now. His bionans did the job correctly if not a little overzealously.

  We’re approaching the two doors. I’m nervous about being on the surface. What if the cold is unbearable? I didn’t wear socks to bed that night. I don’t want to lose a toe to frostbite. But then, G’ar looks okay. I didn’t think to check his fingers and toes to see if any were missing.

  Turkh turns to me. “We’re up in a few seconds. No matter what happens, stay with me.” I nod, my throat clogging up from the urge to cry. “You’ll be fine.”

  I count as people are directed to their next work area. Right, right, right. Now three men are ahead of G’nar. Left, left, left, and we’re next. Three rights and I follow the Gharian men out to the planet surface.

  We move with the others onto a concrete slab. A securbot hovers above a round metal container full of bags. People reached in for the silver plastic and walked away. As we drew closer, the announcement here was different from either the main room or the mines.

  “Take five bags. Take one row. Fill bags with fruit. Leave bags and debris in row for pickup.”

  The landscape was more colorful the evening I’d arrived. The sunset, maybe sunrise now that I think about it, gave everything a beautiful glow. Row after row of plants were to our left, and everyone meanders over to them. I’m glad we’re up here despite the chill in the air. In the midday, the flat lighting gives everything a dull appearance. The hills in the distance were still jagged but gray now. The dome overhead doesn’t glitter, and the farm stretches to the edge. I’d love to use the nanos to figure out how far, but don’t. My best guess is it’s a few miles before the trees turn into shrubs and then into small plants.

  As we get closer, I see how the first hundred rows or so of plants are small trees with thick leaves. They remind me of magnolias only the leaves are inky black instead of dark green. Turkh and G’nar might be able to see over them if they stand on tiptoes. There’s no way I could. The work area here seems sunnier and less oppressive than the mines. I glance over at the men and spot G’nar tucking four of the bags into his beltline. Good idea and I do the same as does Turkh. “At least there are no bodies to put on the conveyor belt.”

  G’nar shakes his head “It’s not easier up here. Debris is what they’re calling the bodies.”

  Shit. I imagine the worst. The trees are poisonous and the green goo they feed us is waste material. I want to ask if people drop like flies out here, only they’d give me that blank, “Must be an Earther thing,” stare. Instead, I ask, “Are there a lot of deaths in the fields?”

  “Only in the beginning. Once people realize the securbots mean business, they settle down.”

  Like the mine. Cool. I glance around. Current workers and new people are mixed together and are the only humanoids around. Securbots fly around like Earth’s drones, pausing every so often before resuming. “Are they the eyes and ears of the ones in charge of this place?”

  “In a way,” Turkh answers. “They’re automatic, checking for stationary people to threaten back into work. There’s too many of us to watch individually plus the ones running the place don’t want to spend the salary on wages.”

  “I’d noticed there were fewer guards today.” A look passed between the two men as we continued on to non-occupied rows. “What do you suppose it means?”

  “Could be anything. They could be closing shop, opening a new mine somewhere else, or just reassigned to a more problematic area.” Turkh puts a hand on my shoulder, the first time he’s touched me since we met up with G’nar. “Don’t worry about it. Just refrain from using the nanos and keep your focus.”

  “We’ll try to contact the Alliance,” G’nar added. “The main thing is to keep busy.” He stopped at the first of unoccupied rows. “We can eat as much as we’d like, but it doesn’t take a lot to fill you up. The main goal is getting the five bags full and dropped. The pick up process is automated and happens just before the sun has set for the day.”

  “You don’t have two sets of people, one working while the other sleeps? And, where do you go to sleep?”

  “What about washing and waste?” Turkh added from his row between G’nar and me.

  He began picking the fruit as he answered. “The stone pad just before we get bags is where we wash up. It’s nice. The water sprays up from small holes and is warm, but I get cold afterward. I grab my bags and work until my clothes dry. I keep warming as the day goes on.” He gave me a sly grin. “As for waste, look around. You go behind the nearest tree.”

  Both of them chuckle before a securbot buzzes up. I refocus on my job gathering fruit and ignore the machine. It moves on after a while. My shoulders are tight, and I turn my head side to side to loosen up. Somehow, working in the mine with Turkh felt more intimate than being out here with him. Maybe because now we are both on our best behavior around G’nar. They’re up ahead of me a few feet already, and I try to pick up the pace. If it’s like the mine out here, my keeping busy matters more than how fast I work. Which is great because if they’re expecting me to be as good as two Alliance officers, I’m sunk.

  Despite my best efforts, I fall behind as the day wears on. I taste test the fruit. The outer skin is bitter, but the meat inside is decent. They remind me of tasteless mangos with a much smaller pit. The dark leaves absorb the sunlight, and the warmth radiates to me. Eventually, I’ve filled one, then two, and finally three bags before Turkh is walking toward me.

  “How are you doing?”

  “It’s going a lot slower than I’d planned.”

  “Sorry for leaving you behind. We’re going to lag behind this afternoon so you can catch up.”

  “Don’t get into trouble on my account.”

  He pulls his last bag from his beltline. “We won’t. G’nar has filled me in on the expectations. As long as we’re working and there’s movement, they’re forgiving of work speed.” He picks and tosses fruit into his bag. “The work stops after sunset, and we sleep wherever we can find a place.”

  “Good to know.” I watch for a few seconds as he works on my side of his row. I never thought to leave fruit on the opposite side of the trees. “Are you sure we can’t use innercoms to talk?”

  “Positive. Not up here where the signal could be clearer. Plus, we want to be ready for
the Alliance’s signal. Can’t do that if we’re chitchatting.”

  I keep working and hold my thoughts to myself. If Turkh had shown any of Rick’s attitude, I’d be pissed over his “we” talk with G’nar being important while our “we” talk was chatter. “All right. Can I access internal databases?”

  “Sure, I don’t see why not. Just don’t try to go beyond yourself for information. We’ll be able to access the fabric soon enough once we leave here.”


  “Yeah, the blanket of waves our information system sends out.”

  “Ah.” So, no web means there might not be spiders on Ghar. I’m sold on going there. “I promise, no trying to access beyond my own nanos.”

  “Good.” He leans over and gives me a quick kiss. “I’m going on up to join G’nar. We’re working on a second plan, so you’re included when we leave.”

  All of my reservations evaporate as I realize neither man must let me tag along. “Thank you, Turkh. I promise I’ll make letting me go with you two is worth the trouble.”

  “No need to thank a man for him keeping his mate.” He gave me another quick kiss. “I’ll be back later to check on you. If there are any emergencies, use the innercom.”

  “All right.” Watching him walk away is both good and bad. Good, because that butt and those legs. Hell, the whole man is sex on a stick. Bad, because I miss him already. The guy is like an invasive ivy plant with tendrils all over my heart.

  I shake my head and get back to work. Pick, drop, pick, drop, over and over until my third bag is full. There’s a string tie, and I cinch it up. Another stubby tree, another space bag to fill. I take one of the juicier fruits and eat. The taste is still bland, and it helps my thirst. I wonder if the stuff they feed us is green from the additives because these are like giant grapes, pale on the inside.

  The afternoon wears on, and I sneak away to pee several rows away from mine. Before resuming work, I look up and down my row. Behind isn’t very long while ahead stretches on until it disappears. I don’t think I’ll finish picking the entire row today. I work and concentrate on improving. I want a decent break time. WithTurkh. Lots and lots of him.

  I’m lost in daydreams about what he’d be like on Earth, what his homeworld must look like, how his family acts, and how grateful I am in him never meeting my mom.

  Not until everything around me is glowing do I look up. The dome is glittering again as the sky is a deep blue. Azure clouds, thin and wispy, reflect teal light while puffier clouds reflect pinks and yellows. Different chemicals in the atmosphere must be sending back light along spectrums I’ve never seen on Earth. I smile. Turkh and I might be in serious trouble for the nanos I have, but I wouldn’t change it. It’s wonderful to know what I’m seeing when I look at the world now. Everything was such a blur before then.

  I manage to stuff the last fruit into my final bag and tie it up. None of the prior four are behind me anymore. The pickup machines must be eerily quiet. The row doesn’t end ahead of me, even if I’m done. The dark blue sky is nearly black as the sun sinks below the horizon. There’s no light out here at all. I’m not afraid of the dark but being alone in a field isn’t the best, either.

  “Lin? Are you done, yet?”

  I can see Turkh ahead when he steps into my row, and I relax. “I am. Just now.” There’s just enough twilight left for me to catch a glint from his skin. Seriously, if he upped and told me he was an android, I’d totally believe him. He’s too perfect to be a normal man, or alien.

  “We’re up a little way. Several others have gathered and are sharing stories.”

  I take his offered hand and let him lead me there. Being around others doesn’t sound appealing. I’d enjoyed my alone time up here today since I never had peace and quiet while in the mine. I give Turkh’s hand a squeeze. Plus, I’d like to find a place secluded with him.

  “We’ll stay for a little while, be social, and then find somewhere to sleep.”

  “With G’nar?”

  “No. Nearby maybe but far enough away for privacy.”

  “Even without innercom, you’re reading my mind.”

  He turns me around and kisses me. “I’d like to read all of you, but later. We need to establish ourselves as part of the group in case we need their help.”

  “Are there problems?” I put my arms around him for the warmth and because he’s so irresistible. His shirt is soft against my skin.

  “Always, but none in particular. I just want to be ready with backup in case we need it. Fostering camaraderie will help.”

  “Then, let’s be friendly,” I say, and he silences me with a deeper kiss.

  Chapter Twelve


  Did I say I wanted to be social? Sitting around a bunch of bros, no matter what their color or fur, they’re still bros, and listening to them one-upping each other is not my idea of an otherworldly good time. I could have stayed on Earth for this. Looking at you, Rick. Looking at you.

  Anyway, after I shuffled over to Turkh’s left side, his arm made the perfect leaning post. His race has dominant hands, too, and he tends to talk with his. I tried to listen to everything, but new muscles began aching. I didn’t know some of them even existed. During a lull in the talking, I lean in and get his attention. “I’m about to fall asleep. Can you make sure no one follows me to bed?”

  He moves to put an arm around me and draw me closer. “I’ll do better and will follow you myself.”

  “You don’t need to if you’re having fun here.”

  He kissed the top of my head. “I need to let the others get the message you’re mine.” After another kiss, he leaned away, “Hey, my mate and I are going to sleep for the night. Thank you for the great company tonight.”

  He helps me to my feet as the others catcall. I can’t help but blush. “We’re not, I mean, not yet. Pre mates.” Which didn’t help, judging by the increase in teasing. Turkh puts his arm around my shoulders, helping me ignore the embarrassment.

  As we walk, he lets his hand slip down to hold mine as we walk. “Let’s find a place to sleep under the stars and far from everyone else.”

  Focusing on other things, I think of our beds. “We don’t have anything to sleep on except dirt and maybe leaves.”

  “You can sleep on me.”

  “I could, but then you’d be dirty.”

  He swoops me into his arms and lowers into a seated position. I’m on his lap as he growls, “I don’t mind getting dirty for you.”

  His words go through me like a shot of adrenalin. I look toward the others, their voices faint in the darkening evening. “How alone are we?”

  “Enough for this,” he says before taking my lips in a kiss.

  Finally. He’s still cool to my touch yet warmer than the surrounding area. I ease up without breaking our lip lock and straddle him. He rewards me with a mouth-tingling moan. I wrap my arms around his neck and wiggle my butt against his erection. He leans back to pull off his shirt, and it’s my turn to moan. He’s luscious. I put my hands on his chest as he lies down while holding me close. We bump noses and smile until he pulls my shirt off, too.

  He looks at my breasts before glancing up at my face. I can barely see him in the low light but the white of my bra sort of glows. “What is this? A secondary covering?

  I smile because while I’d love to tell him it’s an over the shoulder boulder holder, the explanation would take up too much of our sexy fun time. “Yes, a covering to keep tender parts safe.” I peel off my bra and let it slide down. His gleeful surprise and reverence make me chuckle until he takes a nipple into his mouth. I want to cry out, but the others would hear. That’s all I’d need. A bunch of alien men trying to rescue me from the sexiest guy I’ve ever seen. “Turkh?”


  “Can we do everything tonight?”

  “Pless, I hope so.” He stopped licking my other nipple to look up and kiss me again.

  His lips give me the shivers every time we touch. I can’t help but
run my hands over his smooth skin. I almost want to consult the datalinks on how to please a Gharian male, but then, finding out for myself sounds a lot more fun. I reach down between us, wanting to get a better idea of his size. I can’t help but squeak out at his impressive size. Even through his pants, he’s hot and hard. “Is this all for me?”

  “Every bit.”

  “Good answer.” I slip my hand into his waistband and…jackpot. After running my hand down his length, I shiver. The man is ribbed for my pleasure. Not huge rings around his cock, but enough to feel when I stroke him. “Umm, are you a typical male?”

  “Very, why?”

  “No reason. I love typical.” I resume kissing him while pulling his pants down and freeing his cock.

  He breaks off my kiss to say, “Stand up.”

  “Hmm?” I ask before doing as he ordered. Turkh gets to his knees while holding me up. My legs are wobbly as he pulls my pajama bottoms and underwear down to my ankles. He hugs me close and buries his nose in my pubic hair. It’s been a while since I’ve used anything resembling soap, so I try to turn away. “We might need to visit a bathing planet for that, Turkh.”

  He looks up at me and grips my butt cheeks. “What did you say about everything?”


  His quiet laugh interrupts me from giving an excuse. “Don’t worry. Everything can be later after a long bath together.” His hands circle my waist as he pulls me down towards him. “Right now, I want you, just you.” Our hips align with his cock in between our stomachs as he says, “You’re mine. I’m yours.”

  “Yes,” I croak and slide down his shaft. “Are you ready?”

  “Have been since we met.” He lies back, holding me close until I slide my hands to his chest.

  I laugh and gasp when his cock head touches my pussy. “All right.” I ease down to envelop him. He lifts his hips up and grinds into me. His girth and length are size appropriate, and I love it. If we were anywhere near a more private place, I’d tell him just how good he feels. The slight ridges stuttering into me as he strokes me, his cock caressing my inner walls, his heat, and how good it is to be full of such a man wipes out anything I’ve ever experienced before now. As I bottom out, our pelvic bones as close as his length will allow, I bend down to rest my breasts against his pectoral muscles. “You feel so good,” I pant in his ear as he thrusts up into me.


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