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Between Two Doms [Club of Dominance 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Becca Van

  Master Barry reached up and took one of her nipples between his finger and thumb and pinched firmly while he got up onto his knees. He sucked the other nipple into his warm, wet mouth. Charlie sobbed and arched her chest and then her hips up for more of their touch.

  Then Master Turner laved the tip of his tongue over her clit and rimmed her pussy hole. Charlie was so overwhelmed with pleasure she didn’t know whether to push them away or beg for more.

  When Master Barry released her nipple with a pop, he then leaned up and covered her mouth with his own. He ate at her lips, sucking on her tongue and lips rapaciously. She cried out with pleasure as Master Turner thrust a finger up inside her pussy. Her muscles clamped down around his digit as he sucked her clit into his mouth. Charlie whimpered with frustration when he removed his finger from her body, but when he pushed two back into her sex, that whimper turned into a mewl of delight.

  “Yes, that’s it, little sub. Give me your cream and let go.”

  He pumped his fingers in and out of her pussy, passing the pads of his fingers over that sweet spot inside that she’d heard every woman had but had never discovered for herself. Master Barry weaned his lips from hers and kissed his way down her neck and chest. He flicked his tongue over the tip of her breast in time with Master Turner’s tongue rasping over her sensitive little pearl.

  The dual sensations were enough to send her rocketing to the stratosphere. Charlie threw her head back and screamed. Her whole body shook with cataclysmic pleasure as wave upon wave of ecstasy swept over her. The two men didn’t stop touching her until the last quiver faded away, leaving her spent and so satiated that her eyelids were too heavy to keep open.

  She let them slide closed and sighed when strong, muscular arms wrapped around her waist and she was lifted from the tub. Charlie floated in the zone between sleep and wakefulness until she was laid down on cool sheets and let her conscious mind drift away.

  Chapter Six

  Turner snapped his eyes open and wondered what had pulled him from a deep sleep. Since he had served in the military and then security he had learned to be on alert in an instant. A slight breeze washed over his face, and he reached out to the middle of the mattress where Charlie should have been. The space was empty but still warm. His hand connected with Barry’s and he quickly pulled back again.

  How did the little vixen get out of from between Barry and me without me feeling her move?

  With a sigh Turner flung the covers aside and swung his legs over the side of the mattress and then sat up. Muted light was coming from under the door, and he wondered where Charlie was. He pulled his jeans on sans underwear and went in search of her.

  The living room light was on, but Charlie’s clothes were gone from where he and Barry had left them on the floor. Checking the door to his rooms, he saw the lock had been disengaged. Charlene Seward had cut and run.

  With another sigh, he headed toward the kitchen and the coffeepot. Just as he poured the hot, dark brew into a mug, Barry entered.

  “She’s gone?”

  “Yes. I didn’t wake up until it was too late. Fuck. What are we going to do?” Turner slammed his hand down on the counter.

  “There’s not much we can do at the moment. What time is it?” Barry asked, picking up his mug and walking over to the table where he sat down. Turner followed him.

  “It’s just after three.”

  “Well, we’ll just have to make sure we spend as much time as we can with her. Maybe we scared her off by acting out a scene with her and the incident with Chad was just another catalyst.”

  “Why would she be scared?” Turner scrubbed a hand over his face. “He’s an asshole and deserves everything he gets.”

  “You and I know that, but it was Charlie’s first night working for us. She’s submissive down to the bone and has a poor self-image. To have to confront Chad must have been hard for her, and then to find out he was banned would make her feel culpable.”

  “Yes, you’re right. Damn it, normally I understand exactly how a sub’s mind works. Why is it that we are reversing our roles here?”

  Barry leaned back in his chair. “Because we both know that she is the right woman for us.”

  “I don’t follow.”

  “Charlie’s exposed our own fears as much as she’s shown hers. I’m a little afraid of pushing her too quickly emotionally and you…you are worried that if she sees what an arrogant, controlling bastard you are that she will turn tail and run.” He paused. “I mean that in the nicest way possible.”

  “She turned tail and ran anyway,” Turner said with a frown.

  “Charlie’s not running from us. She’s running from herself.”

  Turner mulled over that statement and realized that Barry was right. Charlene Seward was scared of what they made her feel. He and Barry were going to have to set up a scene and try to get into her mind. If they could work out what she was running from and why she was so scared of what she was feeling, then maybe they would be able to move ahead and have a relationship with her.

  “I think you’re right. Who do we have coming in tomorrow night as dungeon monitors?”

  “Let me think.” Barry pondered. “Tank as usual. And I think Wayne and his brother Warrick as well as Kenny and Nate. Why?”

  “I want to keep at least one of them watching our sub when we play with her. You know as much as I do that when we’re in the moment we can miss things. Plus one of the others can help Tank work the bar while we are otherwise occupied.”

  “Hmm, what do you have in mind?”

  “I think we should do a scene on the stage near the dance floor.” Turner rubbed his chin. He was getting an idea of what she needed. He and Barry spent over an hour talking and planning. Once done they headed back to their own beds to try to get a few more hours’ sleep.

  As Turner lay on his back staring at nothing in particular, he tried to figure out why Charlie was afraid of her feelings. He wanted to know everything about her, including her family and previous boyfriends. There was usually a reason for a woman to run. She had obviously been hurt before and didn’t want to commit on an emotional level, but he and Barry weren’t about to let her get away with that. He realized how deeply he already felt for Charlie and he knew he and Barry could have something really special with her, if she’d open up with them. Turner had learned to watch subs very closely, but with Charlie it was different. When he watched her he picked up every little nuance of emotion, expression, and body language she portrayed. And because he was so attracted to her, felt more intimately tethered to her, he was able to read her more clearly than anyone else he knew besides his longtime buddy. They wanted everything from her and they were just the men to take it.

  * * * *

  Charlie once again found herself looking in the mirror, perusing her plump body and the way the new outfit she’d bought that afternoon fit over her round hips and full breasts.

  God, why do I bother? All I ever see is cellulite.

  She turned away and slid her feet into the black three-inch heels and hoped her feet wouldn’t ache too much. Though she was used to wearing heels all the time, she still felt the effects by the end of the evening.

  Tonight she was wearing a dark purple corset and midthigh-length black leather skirt. The clothes were so different from what she usually wore, but the change made her feel almost sexy. Maybe when she looked in the mirror she didn’t actually see reality. Maybe her mother and sister had been wrong about how she looked. She closed her eyes a moment and took a deep breath. When she opened them again she tried to look at herself from a stranger’s point of view. For a moment she almost believed that she was pretty and only slightly overweight, but then the same image she usually saw stared back at her. She felt really uncomfortable and vulnerable wearing something so out of the norm to what she usually dressed in. Tugging at the top of the corset didn’t make any difference. The tops of her breasts still bulged up and out. And pulling on the leather skirt didn’t make it any longer either. As
far as she was concerned she had way too much flesh on display. No, make that way too much flesh on her body, period. With a sigh she reminded herself that she couldn’t change the way she looked or the extra twenty pounds she’d carried since she could remember. She snagged her keys and purse and headed for the door.

  As she drove she thought about the previous night with Master Turner and Master Barry.

  Why did I let them touch me? I am so weak when it comes to those two men? God, what the hell am I going to do? I can’t have a relationship with two men! What do they see in me?

  When she had woken in the early hours of the night she hadn’t known what she was supposed to do. She wasn’t experienced enough to know what men expected from her after spending the night with them. Or part of the night, anyway. Would they have been horrified to wake up and find her still in their bed? She didn’t want to come across as too clingy or needy, so she had very carefully crawled to the bottom of the bed and snuck into the living room, dressed, and left.

  How the hell am I going to face them after what happened last night? She didn’t know what they expected from her and she had no clue as to what they wanted with her. Oh well, Charlie. What else is new? You’ve never been good with men, so why would this be any different? She gave herself a mental shake and pushed her thoughts aside.

  Charlie looked around and realized she was sitting in her car in the parking lot of Club of Dominance with the engine idling.

  Shit, girl, you could have had an accident zoning out like that. Thank God I seem to be able to drive on automatic pilot.

  Charlie turned off the ignition, got out of the car, and locked the door. She wasn’t eager to see Master Turner and Master Barry, so she slowly made her way to the front entrance. Master Tank and Aurora were in the entrance, greeting clients and signing them in. Master Turner insisted that all staff and patrons sign in each time they entered the club, apparently for safety reasons. It had something to do with making sure only members were allowed in as well as giving a head count in case of an emergency.

  “Charlie.” Aurora smiled and bounced up and down. The young woman was so full of energy she was never still. “You look hot, girl.” The smile faded from Aurora’s face. “That asshole Chad was here asking about you, but Master Tank kicked him out.”

  Charlie felt fear skitter up her spine and shuddered. Master Tank must have seen her trepidation.

  “Don’t worry about him, Charlie. He’d have to get past me to get to you and I can’t see that happening anytime soon.” Master Tank gave her an encouraging smile and she lowered her eyes to the floor.

  “Thanks,” she replied and gave a weak smile. Her eyes slid over to Master Tank, who was perusing her with a hungry gaze. She looked away quickly, feeling a little uncomfortable with the masculine attention. Charlie walked toward the locker room to stow her purse, and when she came back out, Master Barry was leaning against the counter and staring at her.

  “Charlene, please come here.”

  The inner doors to the club opened as she took a step toward Master Barry. She stumbled when she met the cold stare of Master Turner. Fuck, is he angry with me? What did I do?

  “I gave you an order, sub.” Master Barry’s deep voice drew her attention. He was pointing to a spot on the floor right in front of him.

  Charlie lowered her eyes and took the necessary steps until she stood where he indicated, but instead of looking up and meeting his eyes, she kept hers lowered. She stiffened when she felt a frisson of awareness at the nape of her neck and then the heat of another body. She knew Master Turner had to be standing close behind her. A shiver of apprehension raced up her spine. She felt totally exposed with her hair up in a ponytail, the back of her neck on view to the club owner. Charlie had no idea why she felt that way, she just did. When fingers lightly caressed the side of her neck, she shuddered with awareness but still didn’t look up.

  “Look at me, Charlene,” Master Barry ordered. Although she tried to ignore the directive, Charlie found herself complying.

  Damn it! When will I find some backbone with these two men?

  Charlie jerked when something slithered around her neck. She reached up to touch but her wrists were caught in Master Barry’s hands and he pulled her arms back down to her sides.

  “What are—”

  “Silence!” Master Turner’s cold voice snapped out from behind her. “You do not have permission to talk, sub.”

  Charlie lowered her eyes quickly, hoping that Master Barry hadn’t seen how truly pissed off she was getting. She should have realized that hope was futile. These two Doms seemed to notice everything she did.

  “Didn’t I tell you to look at me, Charlene?” Master Barry said in a deep, growly voice.

  She was feeling a little rebellious, so she kept her eyes on the floor. “Yes.”


  Charlie wanted to rub her stinging butt where Master Turner had swatted her but refrained since she didn’t want to make the two men any angrier than they already seemed to be.

  “Ow. What was…” She half turned as she began to speak.

  Master Turner lifted his hands near her throat once more and then withdrew them. Charlie felt the leather necklace drop onto her skin. Then his hands were on her hips. He spun her around and placed a hand on her cheek, tilting her head up to meet his icy green eyes.

  “I’ve had enough of your hiding and rebellion, little sub. You read the rules of this club, and we’ve been patient with you, but this is going to stop right now.”

  “But I—”

  “Enough!” Master Turner growled. He looked over at Master Tank. “Do you have any cuffs?”

  Charlie glanced at Master Tank and then Aurora. Master Tank’s face was completely blank, but Aurora was looking at her with sympathy. Without a word, Master Tank handed over wide leather cuffs lined with fur. Before she could protest, Master Turner had her wrists restrained and linked together behind her back. Charlie tugged and pulled but gave up when she found no weakness.

  What happened next left her breathless and filled with anxiety. Master Turner bent down, placed a shoulder at stomach level, and lifted her. She was slung over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and he was walking toward the internal club doors.

  Even though she was nervous, wondering what he and Master Barry were going to do to her, her body was at war with her mind. Charlie’s breasts swelled so much they began to ache, and her nipples formed into hard little peaks just begging for attention. Cream leaked from her pussy onto her thighs, her sheath clamping and releasing as if begging to be filled. And her clit was throbbing so much she was scared she was going to orgasm right then and there.

  Charlie struggled, but when another hard slap landed on her ass, she gave up. She could see other Doms and club members watching them curiously. Master Turner carried her toward the raised dais off to the side of the empty dance floor and then he went up the three steps. He carefully lowered her to her feet and made sure she was steady before releasing her. People around the club moved closer or stopped in their tracks to watch. Heat suffused her cheeks and she hoped she wasn’t as red as she felt. She saw Master Kenny and his brother Nate, as well as Masters Wayne and Warrick watching her closely, so she closed her eyes to shut them out. She had learned the names of a few Doms the previous night as she served them drinks. Although they were all handsome, brawny men, they didn’t hold a candle to her Masters.

  Fuck, Charlie. They aren’t yours. Get that thought out of your head right now.

  Master Barry stepped up onto the stage and held her cheeks between his very large, masculine hands. “You were told that all Doms in this club should be addressed as Master or Sir, were you not?”

  Charlie looked off to the side and nodded.

  “Do not ever look away from me again, Charlie. When Master Turner or I give you an order, we expect to be obeyed. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Charlie put as much sarcasm as she could into the “Sir.”

  Something brushed
over her head and then covered her eyes, and all of a sudden Charlie was sightless.



  “If you say one more word, Charlene, I am going to gag you,” Master Turner whispered against her ear. “You have racked up so many punishments that your ass is going to be too sore to sit down. Hook her up.”

  Charlie clenched her teeth but stayed silent. She didn’t want to give him or Master Barry another reason to punish her. Or do I? Her pussy leaked more juices onto her thighs. Her body seemed to have other ideas about punishment.

  The cuffs holding her wrists together behind her back were released, and then her arms were raised above her head. She heard a clank and a click, and the hands holding her arms up withdrew. Charlie pulled, gasping when she realized that her arms had been hooked up to the chains dangling from the ceiling. She tugged again, knowing she wouldn’t be able to escape but still compelled to try. Another set of hands landed around each of her ankles and then her legs were spread. Restraints were wrapped around her legs, and when she tried to close them, she couldn’t. There was something between her limbs keeping them open.

  She felt more exposed than ever before, being up on the stage and unable to move or escape, but underlying the nervousness coursing through her body was desire. She was becoming so aroused that the trepidation she was feeling was being pushed back. Heat coursed through her at the knowledge that Master Barry and Master Turner could do whatever they wanted with her.

  Charlie felt the numerous pairs of eyes on her and shifted slightly only to have another slap land on her cloth-covered ass. Thank God she still had her clothes on. No sooner had that thought crossed her mind than she flinched when she felt hands at the top of her breasts unhooking the first clasp of her new corset.

  “What is your safe word, little sub?” asked Master Turner.

  “Red,” Charlie panted.


  Shit. That slap had hurt. Her left ass cheek, where the hard hand had landed, was hot and tingly, and that heat traveled to her pussy, causing more moisture to leak onto her thighs.


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