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Between Two Doms [Club of Dominance 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Becca Van

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “What was that, sub? I didn’t hear you.”

  Charlie raised her head and looked at Master Tank. His eyes were gleaming with amusement but his face was still expressionless. “I’m sorry, Master Tank.”

  “Much better.” He ruffled her hair like she was a little kid. “Now I think you need to go and talk to your two Doms.”

  Charlie stepped back and shook her head as she lowered her eyes once more. She didn’t want to talk to Master Turner or Master Barry. She was still hurting inside. “I have work to do.”

  Charlie worked for the next hour, avoiding the area of the bar where her two Masters sat drinking water and watching her. She tried to keep her gaze from them, but it was an impossible task. When her eyes met Master Barry’s, they seemed to snag as he held her gaze. No matter how hard she tried to look away, she couldn’t. Then movement to his side drew her attention, and she met Master Turner’s green eyes. He rose to his feet, never taking his eyes from her, and skirted around the end of the bar. Charlie took a step back with every forward step he took. The muscles in his arms and shoulders rippled as he stalked toward her.

  God, he is so damn hot. Why do I have to be in love with him and Master Barry?

  Charlie gasped as she felt herself drowning in his green pools. What is he going to do? She thought, placed a hand over her pounding heart, drew in a ragged breath, and finally managed to drag her eyes away from his. She let out a squeak when her back connected with the counter to the side of the bar. She was trapped and had nowhere to go. Master Turner stopped in front of her. He was so close she could feel the heat emanating off of his body, but she kept her eyes lowered.

  “Look at me, Charlene.” His voice was hard and brooked no argument or rebellion.

  Charlie found herself once more looking into the depths of his eyes. When he raised a hand up and cupped her cheek, she wanted to pull away from his touch, but she couldn’t get her body to obey the command of her brain.

  “I’m so sorry, little one,” Master Turner said with such sincerity it brought tears to her eyes. “I never meant to hurt you, Charlene. I didn’t mean what I said the way it sounded. Will you please forgive me?”

  The tears she had been trying to contain spilled over and rolled down her cheeks. Charlie believed that Master Turner was contrite and hadn’t meant to demean her in any way, but she wanted so much more from him and Master Barry. She loved them. God, I want to spend the rest of my life with them. But that will never happen. I know they said they care for me but that isn’t enough. I want more.

  She finally conceded with a nod of her head and tried to step back.

  Master Turner moved quickly, lowering his hand from her face and grasping her around the wrist. “Will you please come and talk with us?”

  Charlie finally found her voice, even if it did come out a little raspy. “Okay.”

  “Good girl.” Master Turner removed his hand from her wrist and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “Tank, if you need help, call one of the other Doms to give you a hand. Charlene won’t be available for the rest of the night.”

  Charlie glanced at Master Tank, and he gave her a smile and a wink. “No problem.”

  Just as Charlie was about to pass him, Master Tank bent down to whisper in her ear. “Give them a chance, little one. They care for you.”

  Master Turner led her out from behind the bar and headed across the great room toward the door leading to their private quarters. The tears she had shed had stopped, thank God, but her face felt a little tight and sticky. She wanted to go to the bathroom and clean up, but the way Master Turner was holding her firmly, she didn’t think she’d get the chance to do that for a while.

  He led her over to the sofa and sat down beside her. Master Barry closed the door to their rooms and then sat on her other side.

  “From now on I want you to call us Turner or Barry unless we are playing, all right? We want more than just a Dom/sub relationship with you, Charlie. You are equal to us everywhere but in a scene or the bedroom. When we aren’t playing or making love, you can call us by name without any title.”

  Charlie nodded but couldn’t bring herself to speak. She was afraid that if she opened her mouth right now that she would blurt out all of her feelings, and she wasn’t about to make a fool of herself and suffer rejection. She didn’t think she could stand another upset tonight. The ache in my chest hasn’t let up even after Master Turner… Shit, how am I going to call them by their first names when I am used to adding a title first?

  “What are you thinking about, Charlie?” Master Barry drew her from her introspection, and she looked up to find him studying her avidly.

  She just shrugged. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “Oh, that’s where you are wrong, little sub. Everything about you matters.”

  Master Turner took hold of her chin gently and turned her face until she was looking at him. “What is it going to take for me to gain back your trust?”

  “I don’t know,” Charlie whispered. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust them, because she did. She would never have let them touch her body and make love with her if she didn’t. But she was scared she would end up with a broken heart, and that was something she wasn’t sure she could deal with. Already Master Turner had hurt her, and even though the ache over her heart was dissipating, she didn’t know if she wanted to open herself up for more of the same.

  “What if Turner lets you tie him up?” Master Barry asked, drawing her gaze.

  Charlie’s heart stuttered and then beat heavily inside her chest. Her breath hitched in her throat as her imagination took over. She could just imagine how she could explore Master Turner’s body to her heart’s content. To have the ability to touch, caress, and make love with him when he couldn’t command or touch her in return had her panting heavily.

  “Oh, I think our woman likes that idea, don’t you, baby?” Turner stated in a voice tinged with facetiousness.

  Chapter Nine

  Barry watched the pulse at the base of Charlie’s neck flutter and then beat rapidly. Her breathing increased, and she unconsciously licked her lips as she stared at him. It looked like he was right. Charlie seemed enthralled with the thought of tying Turner up and having her way with him. He wondered if she would feel the same about him. No time like the present to find out.

  “What if we let you tie us both up, Charlie? Would you like to be able to touch and taste us whenever and however you wanted?”

  Barry held in his smile when she made a small squeaking sound and nodded her head. She was staring at him as if he was the last piece of chocolate on earth, and he knew how much women loved their chocolate.

  He wasn’t about to wait any longer. If having him and Turner tied up and at her mercy would gain back her trust and respect, then so be it. Barry just hoped after she’d had her way with them that they could talk her into staying with them permanently. She’d worked her way under his skin and into his heart. It didn’t matter to him that he hadn’t known her for very long. He was old enough and experienced enough to know when he met the right woman. And Charlene Seward was definitely that woman. He loved her and wasn’t about to let her go. Barry was going to do everything within his power to win her over.

  He looked over her head at Turner and knew he was in the same boat as Barry was and was thinking exactly the same thing. Turner gave him a slight nod and then looked back to Charlie as Barry rose to his feet.

  “Come on into the bedroom, darlin’. I’ll help you restrain Turner and then you can tie me up.” Barry offered her a hand and waited to see if she would take it. All three of them knew he was asking her to give them another chance, and he and Turner were hoping like hell that she would accept that they weren’t infallible since they were only human.

  When she moved and placed her hand in his, he released the breath he hadn’t been aware he was holding in, and the tension in his shoulders dissipated. When he glanced at Turner, he saw a flash of relief run
across his friend’s face.

  “Thank you, sugar.” Barry helped her to her feet and led her toward Turner’s room since it was closest. “You won’t regret it. We will do everything in our power to see we never hurt you again.”

  Turner entered the room as Barry led her to the bed and seated her on the edge. They stood side by side and looked down at her.

  “You are to give the orders tonight, baby,” Turner said in a huskier voice than usual. “We will obey your every command.”

  Charlie nibbled on her lower lip uncertainly as she eyed them both up and down. Her cheeks turned a pink hue, and Barry wanted to ask her what just went through her head, but he waited patiently instead.

  “I want you to both remove your clothes, please?”

  Charlie’s order came out more like a question, and as he reached up to pull his T-shirt off over his head, her cheeks turned an even deeper pink. But when he looked into her eyes after he threw his shirt aside he could see the barely contained excitement in them.

  She shifted on the bed and squeezed her legs together. Oh yes, our little sub is very aroused. He bet if he moved closer and inhaled he would be able to smell her musky arousal.

  Turner was naked before him, and Charlie couldn’t seem to take her eyes of his friend’s hard dick. When it pulsed and jerked, she licked her lips. Barry stepped forward and placed a hand on her shoulder. She jumped as he startled her and then looked up into his eyes.

  “What do you want us to do now, darlin’?”

  “Um.” Charlie tilted her head as she pondered.

  She obviously couldn’t make up her mind because she didn’t say anything else.

  He decided to help her out. “Do you want me to tie Turner up?”

  “Yes!” Charlie answered enthusiastically and then said in a softer tone, “Please.”

  Turner got onto the bed and lay down in the middle. He unselfconsciously spread his arms and legs so Barry could restrain him. There were cast iron rings on all four bedposts, and the wrist and ankle cuffs were always kept in the bedside drawer. Barry retrieved them and shackled his friend to the bed.

  “Okay, sugar, he’s all yours. What would you like me to do?”

  “Uh, hmm, maybe you could just sit off to the side for a bit.”

  “Okay, sugar. Just let me know if you need anything.”

  Barry sat down on the chaise lounge off to the side of the bed near the wall and waited to see what Charlie would do. He was in the perfect position to watch all the action as well as her face once she started. Barry wondered if their little sub would be able to go through with what she wanted. It hadn’t taken him long to work out that she was shy and introverted as well as inexperienced in regards to sex. But underneath all that was a tiger waiting to emerge. He would bet his last dollar that Charlene Seward was hot and wild in bed once she really let go. Of course he and Turner had had a taste of her passion, but Barry knew there was so much more that they hadn’t tapped into.

  He had gotten to know her over the last couple of nights when he had worked alongside her, and he loved what he had learned about her. She had a wonderful sense of humor when she wasn’t feeling threatened and tense, and she wasn’t scared to talk with the members while she worked. Barry had seen how a few of the other Doms had eyed her speculatively. Without her knowing about what he was doing, he had stared the other men down and staked a claim. Turner had made claim, too, with the collar she had worn around her neck. He and Turner hadn’t taken the time to explain about the collar and made a mental note to talk about it later tonight.

  She climbed onto the bed and then sat back on her heels and exhaled heavily. Was she going to chicken out, or did she have to the guts to stand up for what she believed in? Although he already knew the answer to that question with her show of defiance in the face of adversity earlier in the night, Barry still watched avidly, waiting to see what she would do first.

  She surprised him when she leaned over Turner, her arms on either side of his shoulders, and bent down so she could kiss him. Barry had expected her to run her hands over Turner’s chest since she was such a tactile person. She hadn’t shown that side of herself to them as yet, but he had seen it in the way she touched or brushed up against him as they worked together in the bar, and when he or Turner touched her she would unconsciously arch or press into their touch.

  The kiss Charlie bestowed on Turner started off slow. She just pressed her mouth to his and then brushed her lips back and forth. Turner clenched his hands into fists, and Barry knew his friend was having a hard time controlling his dominant tendencies. If and when it was his turn, he hoped he could just lie still and relax, but he was sure he would want to break out of the restraints and take over.

  Turner groaned and opened his mouth when Charlie licked over his lips. She whimpered and then thrust her tongue in between Turner’s lips and teeth. The kiss turned hot, wet, wild, and carnal. Turner opened his hands and fisted the sheet beneath his body, obviously trying to find an anchor in the fierce storm of passion their little sub was creating.

  When she finally pulled back, they were both breathing heavily. Barry was so aroused his cock was moving with every beat of his heart and he didn’t know how long he could stay off on the sidelines watching. He wanted to get on the bed, grab hold of Charlie’s hips, plunge his cock into her body, and fuck her hard and deep until they both screamed with pleasure.

  But he couldn’t. They had given control to her, and if they wanted to have another chance with her he was going to have to rein in his libido. He palmed his dick and stroked his fist up and down slowly, trying to relieve the incessant ache, but it didn’t help. Moisture seeped from the top of his penis and he reached down to yank on his balls. He was in danger of shooting off and she wasn’t even touching him yet.

  Then the little minx wiggled her way down the bed. Her ass cheeks flexed and rippled beneath the fabric of her skirt and he groaned with unquenched desire. Charlie turned her head and looked at him. She seemed mesmerized when he gripped his cock again and pumped his hand up and down his shaft. When she lifted her gaze to his, he let her see how hungry he was for her. Charlie turned back to Turner and with feminine grace straddled his thighs.

  “Baby, why don’t you take your skirt and corset off first?” Turner suggested in a deep rumbling voice.

  Charlie gave a nod and scrambled off the bed. Her hands were shaking when she reached for the first hook and eye on her top. It seemed to take forever for her to release the last clasp because he was eager to see her sexy naked body again. Her breasts spilled out and her dusky, rosy-colored nipples were so hard they were standing up in tight little buds. He knew what she tasted like and licked his lips as he remembered how sweet those hard little berries were.

  She ran her hands over Turner’s chest and down his torso to his abs. Her fingertips followed the outline of his defined abdominal muscles and then traced through the narrow trail of hair which led to his groin. Barry had heard some of the subs in the club call the line of hair on a guy’s stomach a treasure trail. Since Turner’s cock was rock hard there was no way she could continue on that journey without reaching the treasure.

  Charlie was just full of surprises tonight. She didn’t hesitate at all. She wrapped her hand around Turner’s cock and pumped it a few times. When she released him again, Turner groaned and thrust his hips up.

  * * * *

  Turner didn’t know how much more he could stand. He was so used to being in control he was having a hard time relaxing with restraints around his ankles and wrists. When Charlie palmed his cock, he had to grit his teeth because he was so close to coming his balls had drawn up. Her hand was so much smaller and softer than his, and her grip was much lighter than the one he used when he took himself in hand. But because he needed her touch, loved her, just a brush of her skin against his was enough to have him on edge.

  Oh shit! I don’t know if I can hold off. I love her so much she has me on edge from just the touch of her hand. I can’t wait to feel her
mouth on my cock. God, I want her living here with us. I want her in my bed permanently. Will she accept if I ask? Her hands are so soft and gentle, but I want her to sink down over my cock and make love to me, but what would satisfy me more is flipping her over and shoving my dick into her pussy so I can ride her hard and fast until we’re both screaming.

  He wanted to escape the cuffs, grab hold of her, roll her onto her back, and pin her with his body and fuck her until neither of them could walk, but he had promised that tonight was all hers. Grinding his teeth so hard they ached, he started going through the multiplication tables so he wouldn’t embarrass himself.

  He jolted when her little wet tongue slid over the top of his dick. He bucked his hips up for more. Whether she was answering his needs or seeing to her own he didn’t know, but he growled low in his throat as her lips closed around the head of his cock and sucked him in. As she withdrew, her teeth scraped over his flesh and the sensitive mushroom-shaped head. She laved the underside of his cock and the sensitive spot beneath, which had his erection pulsing in her mouth. She sucked him back in and took him almost to the back of her throat. His balls were an aching, roiling mass of cum just waiting to be shot out of the tip of his dick.

  Turner didn’t know how much longer he was going to be able to hold off. His testicles drew up in his scrotum, and he knew he was about to lose his battle with his control. If his hands had been free he would have threaded his fingers into her hair and guided her bobbing head up and down over his cock, but he had no control whatsoever.

  “Baby, if you don’t pull off now, you’re going to get a mouthful,” Turner panted.

  His little sub surprised him. She cupped his balls in her hand and rolled them as she sucked him down as far as she could. Turner was lost. The muscles in his body were so taut it was a wonder they weren’t pushing out of his skin. His body quivered and he thrust his hips up. The tingle near the base of his spine spread around and coalesced at his groin. The warmth stole up his erection, and then he jerked as cum spewed up his shaft and out the end of his dick. He could hear Charlie gulping as she swallowed down every drop of his essence, and the climax seemed to last forever. When she drew her mouth back up over his cock, she licked him clean and then lifted her head.


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