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Highland Warrior Woman (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Becca Van

  Calum explained what he had found Maeghan doing, and his brothers cursed loud and long. As one they all turned toward her to see that she was nudging the horse away from them and was trying to escape.

  “Come here, now, Maeghan!” he bellowed.

  “Donnae ye yell at me, Campbell. I donnae take orders from ye.” Maeghan shouted her reply.

  Calum began moving toward her, keeping his eyes on her so he would see the signals she gave his horse. He saw his brothers moving at the edges of his vision. They all spread out, hoping to cage off her escape.

  “Now that would be where ye are wrong, lass,” Ewan said loud enough for her to hear, drawing her attention. “Calum is yer laird, and ye would do well to remember it.”

  “Just because someone tells me he is my laird doesnae make it so.”

  “Aye, in this case, it does,” Ewan stated emphatically. “What did ye think ye were doing, Maeghan? If ye had been thrown or slipped from the horse’s back, ye could have been killed.”

  “I knew what I was doing. I would often ride one of the warhorses at home to entertain the young and old.”

  “Did Alec or his warriors know what ye were up to?” Hamish asked.

  Calum was glad that he had his brothers’ help. They were keeping Maeghan’s eyes from him as he stalked her. When he got hold of the lass, he was going to give her ass a sound spanking.

  “Nay,” she replied, and the look of sadness and loneliness which passed across her face made Calum’s chest ache. She seemed to realize she had shown too much emotion, because when she looked toward Hamish, her expression was blank.

  “Why do ye do it, Maeghan?” Hamish queried.

  “I donnae like to be bored. I need to keep busy. I have spent my whole life alone except for my good friend, Lauren, and I only befriended her after I was moved from my old home to a smaller one so a family could live in it, five months ago.” She looked at both of his brothers, but instead of seeing anger in her eyes, Calum saw sadness.

  “Do ye know what it’s like to be ignored? To be looked at and turned from just because ye were raised differently from others? Nay, ye could not. Ye are used to giving orders and having yer every word obeyed. I have been spurned by my own clan, men and women, because my father raised me like a lad. I’m used to hunting for my own food and making cloth and selling it so I can buy more supplies. The men dinnae know what to make of a lass being able to care for herself, so they gave me a wide berth. The older women told their daughters that I was the spawn of the devil because I can take care of myself.

  “I wasn’t even worthy enough for my own laird to find a place for me in our clan. It was up to me to find ways to keep myself busy. I need more in my life than walking around the village and bailey talking to yer people. What better way to keep busy than to entertain the young and old?”

  No wonder Maeghan was reluctant to give up her independence and freedom and proclaimed that she was bored. Calum and his brothers were going to have to give her things to do to keep her busy and away from harm. He would talk to them later when she was asleep. But he couldn’t allow her to do such dangerous things. There was no way she was going to get away with her impertinence either.

  “Why did ye no’ come to us if ye wanted something to do?” Ewan asked, drawing her eyes to his.

  Calum took a wide arc around her so she couldn’t see him. He moved in closer.

  “Why would I do that? I have a brain, do I no’?” she asked belligerently.

  Since she had been conversing with his brothers, Maeghan and her mount had come to a standstill, which allowed Calum to get within a few feet of her. He took another step and hoped she wouldn’t turn to look for him.

  Just when he was within reaching distance, she whipped her head around and gasped. She tightened the fist she had on the horse’s mane and kicked it in the sides. The horse leapt forward, but Calum was faster. Using the strong muscles in his legs, he bounded a couple of steps forward and vaulted onto the back of the horse.

  Maeghan squealed and swung her leg over the horse’s head. If he hadn’t wrapped an arm around her waist, she would have jumped to the ground and out of his clutches.

  “Let me go, y−ye big brute.”

  Calum only tightened his hold on her when she pushed against his arm. Her legs kicked out but didn’t connect with him or his horse since she was sitting sideways with her curvy little ass between his splayed thighs.

  “Settle down, ye little wildcat,” Calum commanded, trying to control the skittish stallion with his knees.

  “Ye are a−a barbarian. Let me down.”


  “Nay. Not until ye let me go.”

  Calum didn’t answer. He made sure he had a good hold on her and headed into the trees. The sounds of feet moving quickly behind let him know Ewan and Hamish were following them at a run. When the sounds of the babbling brook grew closer, he stopped the horse and dismounted, pulling Maeghan with him. He didn’t let her feet touch the ground, knowing that if he did she would begin to struggle again. Shifting her weight slightly, he slid an arm beneath her knees and carried her to the grassy bank, keeping her in his arms until Ewan and Hamish drew near.

  With reluctance he tried hard not to show, he let her feet down and held her steady until she had her balance. When he let her go, she took a few steps away from him, her eyes lowered. Calum didn’t like that all the fight in her seemed to have dissipated so quickly. He wanted a woman who would stand up to him, and he wanted to be able to yell back at her without having to worry he would scare her off. He was a big man, and so were his brothers. They needed a strong woman to stand at their sides and challenge them instead of a meek, mild female. There were plenty of those in his clan, and in their company he’d always soon found himself bored and disinterested.

  “Look at me, Maeghan.”

  Calum waited impatiently for her to do as he bid and had just about given up on her obeying him when she finally lifted her head. The fire in her eyes gave him pause and grabbed hold of his cock and his balls. Her blue eyes were lit with such rage that he wondered if she would give him a tongue lashing.

  Instead, she pulled her lips into a tight, thin line and glared at him. Never had he seen a more passionate woman, and he prayed he would be able to get her to direct that emotion at him and his brothers as desire rather than wrath.

  “If I ever see ye do something like that again, I will lock ye in yer chamber and not let ye oot.”

  “Ye donnae have the authority to tell me what to do,” she spat.

  Calum silently rubbed his hands together, knowing this was a battle worth fighting. He didn’t want to break Maeghan’s spirit, but he did want her to stop and think before behaving so heedlessly. Keeping his eyes on hers, he took a step forward, and when she didn’t back away, he drew even closer. He was within an arm’s reach before he came to a halt. She craned her head to keep their gazes connected, still looking very angry.

  “I am yer laird, Maeghan. I do have the authority to tell ye what to do, as do Ewan and Hamish.”

  “I am leaving. I will not stay here and obey yer commands. I donnae belong here.”

  When she took a step back, Ewan and Hamish moved in close behind her, blocking her way. Her breath left on a gasp when she backed into Ewan, and then she turned her head to look over her shoulder.

  “Ye belong to the Campbell clan now, lass. Why would ye be wanting to go back to the MacTavishes? Here ye donnae have to work for yer food.”

  “I like being able to do what I like when I like. I will not have ye or yer brothers dictating to me.”

  “Ye need to learn that when we give a command it is to be obeyed, lass. Maybe a spanking will help to remind ye what will happen if ye donnae listen to us. Ye will no’ put yerself in danger again, Maeghan.”

  “What did ye say?” Maeghan screeched and stepped to the side, obviously looking for a way to leave.

  “Donnae be frightened of us, lass,” Hamish said quietly and clasped her wrist. “We wo
uld never hurt ye.”

  Maeghan snorted and tried to tug her hand away, but Hamish didn’t release her. Calum could see even though his brother had her in a secure hold that he wasn’t holding her tight enough to cause pain. She sighed and her shoulders slumped as if she had given up all expectation of escape.

  Calum moved in, preparing to lift her up and then position her over his knees, but his little she-cat struck before he could even lay a hand on her. He was left speechless when she twisted in Hamish’s hold, stepped into his brother, and bent over. Hamish flipped over Maeghan’s small body and landed on the ground with an “oomph” and a thud. Turning quickly, she lifted one of her legs to the height of her shoulder and landed her bare foot in the middle of Ewan’s chest. Since his other sibling was standing with his mouth gaping, he stumbled back a couple of steps. His little wildcat took advantage of his shock and landed a fist against Ewan’s jaw.

  Calum was so flabbergasted that he stood staring at her like a simpleton and didn’t give chase until she was twenty yards away. She was no match for him with her shorter legs, but she was no easy prey either. Maeghan used her brain as well as her body, darting in and out of small spaces, over logs and around trees. She might even have escaped him if she hadn’t turned to look over her shoulder to see if they were following. Her foot caught on an upraised root and she went sprawling to the ground face-first.

  “Are ye hurt, lass?” Calum queried and became concerned when she didn’t answer. Just as he knelt to see if she was injured, she kicked back, her small foot connecting with his groin.

  He gasped with pain but shot out a hand to clasp her other ankle and crawled up over her, using his body weight to keep her still. When his hips were level with her buttocks, he pushed his hard cock against her ass.

  He heard her gasp, and she froze beneath him, still panting heavily.

  Chapter Eight

  Maeghan felt the engorged cock against her ass and froze. Her pussy was wet with need and she was excited after testing the three brothers. They hadn’t let her escape, and she knew deep down that they never would. They were worthy opponents and even more worthy of her heart. Not once in all the time she had been with the Campbells had they hurt or humiliated her in any way. She pushed her hips up against his erection and a moan escaped her mouth. Even though she was nervous and excited, she wasn’t scared. For some reason she knew the three Campbell brothers would never hurt her.

  “Ye smell so sweet, lass. I will have a taste of ye after yer punishment.”

  Maeghan had to bite her tongue to keep herself from emitting a groan of pleasure when Calum began to lick and nibble the skin on her neck. He pushed her hair to the side, giving him unimpeded access to her skin, and then his warm, wet tongue licked a trail up her flesh to her ear. Taking the lobe between his teeth, he nipped her and then his tongue traced the outline of the shell of her ear.

  “Are ye going to spank the lass or fuck her?” Ewan asked from somewhere behind them.

  The profanity should have made her gasp with outrage, but instead she found herself turned on by his dirty talk. Her pussy clenched and released a gush of cream to dampen her breeches.

  “Hmm, I can smell yer little pussy creaming.” Calum breathed against her ear. “Ye smell so good, Maeghan. If ye take yer punishment like a good little lass, afterward I will give ye pleasure.”

  The last time the three men gave her pleasure flashed through her mind. She knew if she let them touch her like that again then all would be lost. She was worried she would forget herself and never be the same again. Why do I have to be attracted to these men? Why did I let them into my heart? I was fine when I was on my own. Why did Alec have to foist me on the Campbells? Why are women treated like chattel? Why am I even here?

  But most of all, why am I turned on by the thought of a spanking?

  Calum eased off of her, and when she would have pushed up to her hands and knees, a large, muscular arm wrapped around her waist, lifting her from the ground. She ended up dangling over his arm like a piece of cloth, and then she was being lifted even higher, up over his shoulder, with her ass in the air.

  “Such a beautiful sight,” Hamish said just before a hand began caressing her bottom.

  Maeghan bit back a moan and closed her eyes. The hand smoothing over her covered flesh sent tingles of desire coursing through her body, heating her blood, and didn’t let up until they were back on the edge of the small brook.

  Her world went topsy-turvy, and then she was being positioned over Calum’s upraised knee. Another set of hands took a hold of hers and stretched them out above her head. Her ankles were shackled in yet another pair of hands, effectively binding her so she couldn’t kick out or move.

  She squirmed when the breeches covering her were tugged down, leaving her ass bare to the elements, and shivered as goose bumps formed on her skin.

  “I think our little lass likes being restrained.” Ewan’s voice came from near her feet, so she knew he was the one holding her ankles.

  “I hate ye,” she rasped when Calum’s hand rubbed over her skin.

  “Nay, ye donnae, Maeghan. Ye only wish ye did.” Calum’s voice sounded deeper and huskier than usual and his burr was thicker.


  “Ouch. Ye bastard. Donnae ye dare hit me again,” Maeghan shouted and tried to wriggle free.

  Smack, smack, smack.

  “I dinnae hit ye, lass. I spanked ye. There is a great difference.”

  “Nay,” she screamed. “Ye are just as bad at the MacLeod Laird.” Even as she spoke the words she knew them to be untrue. The MacLeod Laird had brought her only pain and suffering. This spanking fired all kinds of thoughts and feelings in her. Pain being the least of them.

  Smack. Smack, smack, smack.

  “If I ever see ye putting yerself in danger again, ye won’t sit down for a sennight,” Calum stated in a steely voice.

  Smack, smack, smack.

  “Do I make meself clear, lass?”

  Maeghan didn’t answer. She was in shock. Never had anyone dared lay a hand on her before, not like this. Not even her father when she was a child. Calum was rubbing a hand over her heated skin, and she was worried that if she opened her mouth, they would know how she felt. She pulled her lips in toward her teeth in a tight line and closed her eyes once more. She prayed like hell that they couldn’t feel the tension in her body or the shivers racing up and down her spine.

  “I’m waiting for an answer, Maeghan.”

  She shook her head. Only when he shifted his hand to her lower back did she realize she had pushed her ass up as if begging him to spank her.

  Smack, smack, smack.

  The last three hits caused the tingling warmth in her pussy to spread, and she sobbed as her vagina clenched and released, making cream gush from her as she shuddered with pleasure.

  “She just came,” Hamish panted out. “Strip her oot of her clothes, Calum. I want to feast on our woman.”

  Maeghan was in turmoil. Even though she wanted to fight them so they wouldn’t take over her body and eventually her independence, she wanted to give herself to them and experience the pleasure she knew could be found at their hands. As her mind warred with her body, she was lifted from over Calum’s thigh, placed on the sweet-smelling grass, and stripped.

  Inhaling deeply, she finally opened her eyes to look at the three men. How they had divested themselves of their plaids so quickly she had no idea, but even as that thought coalesced in her mind, it drifted away as she took in their naked bodies.

  They were all much taller than she was, and the muscles in their arms and chests were massive from years of wielding their swords and working their land. All three men reminded her of the Norse men she had been told stories of as a child, with their brawny bodies and commanding auras. Her eyes wandered over them until she came to the apexes of their thighs. They were each gripping their large cocks in fists and stroking themselves.

  Heat crept up into her cheeks, and she quickly looked away. Even though
she tried not to look again, she couldn’t seem to help herself. Her eyes were drawn back to them, and she found herself staring.

  “Do ye like what ye see, little one?” Hamish asked in a growly voice.

  Maeghan didn’t know how to answer, so she kept her mouth shut. The three men were big all over, and the thought of them trying to put those things in her body caused her slight alarm.

  “Hamish asked ye a question, lass. Answer it.”

  She looked toward Calum and saw desire in his eyes. She found herself nodding without meaning to. The three men stepped forward, and she shivered with awareness. More cream leaked from between her thighs, and she squeezed her legs together, trying to circumvent the ache in her pussy.

  Calum knelt down next to her and pulled her up from her reclining position onto his lap. The heat emanating from his body was so hot it was a wonder he didn’t singe her. With gentle fingers he tilted her head up and leaned down. He covered her mouth with his and thrust his tongue in, where it tangled and danced with hers, sending more liquid heat throughout her blood. By the time he finished kissing her she was gasping oxygen into her air-starved lungs.

  “We willnae take ye until the ceremony, Maeghan, but we will teach ye how much pleasure yer body can take. Ye will also learn how to give pleasure.”

  What ceremony? Maeghan was about to ask but was distracted.

  “Just lie back, sweetling. We will make ye feel so good,” Hamish rasped.

  Maeghan sucked in a breath and exhaled slowly. Calum had her pinned with his eyes, and she felt like she was drowning in his blue depths. She cried out when large, warm hands enveloped her breasts and kneaded her fleshy globes. Thumbs began to brush back and forth over her distended nipples, and she arched her body up into the exquisite sensations.

  “Ye are such a passionate little lass,” Calum panted. “We want to see all of yer fire, Maeghan. Donnae hold back with us, sweetling.”

  Maeghan was lifted onto her back on a spread plaid. Calum and Hamish lay at her side and Ewan was down near her feet. She should have felt shame for being naked in their presence, but she did not. She wanted their hands and mouths on her body, teaching her what pleasures could be theirs.


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