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Highland Warrior Woman (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Becca Van

  A large, warm hand enveloped her small, cold one, and she looked up to see Hamish looking at her with a smile. She could also see the concern in his eyes.

  “Are ye ill, lass?”

  “Nay,” she answered truthfully even though she wanted to lie and halt the proceedings. Maeghan had never felt so torn in her life. She wanted to yell and scream at the tradition of arranged marriages, about how women were used and bartered like a piece of cloth, but she also wanted to walk up to Calum Campbell, place her hand in his, and pledge her heart to him.

  “Everything will be all right, sweetling,” Hamish said.

  “Ye donnae know that,” Maeghan whispered so only he could hear.

  Hamish bent down and looked deeply into her eyes. She could see emotion there but wasn’t sure what he was trying to convey.

  “Aye, I do.” Hamish straightened once more and placed her hand upon his forearm. He led her across the great room along the path which had been left for them. People stared at her, making her feel uncomfortable. Since there was nothing she could do about it, she ignored them.

  Calum was standing near the great fireplace, where a table had been set up as an altar. The timber was draped with a white cloth, a golden goblet stood alone in the center, and there was a monk standing on the other side of the table.

  Maeghan stopped when Hamish did and was only vaguely aware of him giving her hand to Calum. She looked up into his expressionless eyes and shivered with apprehension. Then he turned her toward the monk, and she watched the proceedings from outside her body. She must have made the appropriate responses and said the traditional words, because all of a sudden she was being pulled into Calum’s arms. His lips felt hot on her own cold, bloodless ones as he kissed her. She was only vaguely aware of the cheering and clapping of the crowd but was thankful when he finally released her.

  Just as she was about to step away from Calum, another set of muscular arms swept her off her feet. She looked up at Ewan, and before she could protest, he was kissing her passionately. Maeghan didn’t feel right kissing him in front of so many others when she had just been wedded to his brother, so she pushed against his shoulders and turned her head away.

  “What are ye doing?”

  “Och, now, lass, donnae be getting in a lather. The clan has known for a long time that we would be sharing a woman.”

  “I donnae think our wife is comfortable with such things yet, brother.” Hamish took her from Ewan, hugging her tight against his chest, and strode across the room to where the wedding feast was being laid out.

  “I can walk, ye know. Release me,” Maeghan whispered through her teeth, her face heating.

  “In a moment, sweetling.”

  “Ye are making a spectacle, Hamish.”

  “Nay, not yet, woman.” Hamish lowered her down the length of his body. She could feel his hard cock through his plaid and the thin material of her bliaut and chemise. When her feet finally touched the floor, Hamish cupped her cheek, tilted her face up, bent down, and possessed her mouth. His tongue pushed into her depths and swept around every inch until she was gasping for breath. He finally withdrew and stared down at her with a wicked twinkle in his eye. “Ye are looking much better, Maeghan. I will have to remember to kiss ye whenever ye are feeling frightened or unsure.”

  Maeghan could only stare at him. How had he known what she was feeling? She hadn’t told anyone about her concerns. Not even Gerty. She had only asked the older woman one question. It would seem that Hamish knew more about her than she thought. She was going to have to be careful about letting too much of her emotions show if those emotions weren’t reciprocated.

  The wedding feast seemed to last for hours. After the meal was finished, the wine and mead just continued to flow. Some of the men brought out bagpipes, and everyone danced. Calum and his brothers each took a turn to dance with her, and though they tried to engage her in conversation, she was too heartbroken to respond with more than one-word answers.

  As the night wore on, lethargy invaded Maeghan’s body and she wanted nothing more than to leave the festivities behind and crawl into her bed.

  At last, she rose to her feet between Calum and Ewan, stepped over the back of the bench seat, and made her way toward the table Alec and his warriors occupied. Feeling the three sets of eyes on her didn’t stop her progress. It only made her more determined to ignore them. As the bride, she ought to thank her guests for coming, particularly as Alec was the only one here she actually knew.

  Halting beside Alec, she waited until he finished speaking, and then when he looked at her she found herself uncertain on what she wanted to say.

  “Maeghan, sit down and share a drink with yer old laird.” Alec patted the seat beside him, and she sat down.

  “Ye are such a bonny lass.” He paused to take a sip of his mead and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “I be sorry for the way I neglected ye, Maeghan. Yer father would be very disappointed in me. He was such a good man. There be reasons why I dinnae keep a closer eye on ye, but I will forever regret it. I wish that ye can forgive me.”

  Maeghan realized that Alec was in his cups and smiled hesitantly at him.

  “Why dinnae ye come to me, lass? If ye had told me ye be struggling, I would have brought ye to live in the keep.”

  “Ye have nothing to apologize for, Laird Alec. I was as much to blame as ye were. I was raised to take care of myself.”

  “Aye, that ye were, lass. Yer father was so proud of ye. He was a good man.”

  “Aye,” Maeghan replied quietly. She found Alec leaning toward her to hear. “He was the best father a girl could wish for.”

  “Ye will be well looked after by Laird Campbell and his brothers. They took one look at ye and declared ye theirs.”

  Maeghan felt her mouth drop open. She had realized that they had wanted her, but she had wanted more from them than lust, and even though she felt some of the ennui leave her body, she was still uncertain of what they really felt.

  “They care for ye, lass. Ye willnae find a man to care for ye more than the Campbells. I can see the love they feel for ye in their eyes when they look at ye.”

  She closed her mouth when Alec placed a finger beneath her chin and pushed her lower jaw up.

  “Ye dinnae know that, did ye?”


  “The day I came to collect ye, do ye remember what Calum said aboot an alliance?”


  “And what Ewan said aboot a life being saved was then the saviors’ property?”


  “I know ye aren’t stupid, lass. Think aboot it.”

  Maeghan gasped and looked up to Alec again. Words formed, but she didn’t get to speak them.

  “Aye, they be talkin’ aboot ye, Maeghan.”

  She’d thought her laird had left her here because he had wanted the Campbells to ask for her hand, but it seemed she had been wrong. “So ye didn’t arrange a betrothal for me?” Maeghan asked, wanting to know for sure that Alec hadn’t forced her onto the Campbells.

  “Nay, lass. They took ye because they wanted ye, but ye were no’ against the idea, were ye?”

  Maeghan shook her head and lowered her eyes again. When she looked up to Alec, she thought she saw sadness in his eyes. The emotion was gone so quickly, replaced by a smile, that she thought she must have imagined it.

  “Lauren sent ye her good wishes. She was greatly concerned for ye when ye dinnae come home. She barged into the keep, right into the great hall, and interrupted a council meeting demanding I go and search for ye.”

  “She did?”

  “Aye,” Alec replied solemnly. “She gave me a dressing down I will never forget. I had only just returned from here and was catching up on my duties. Thankfully, she had the foresight to ask for a private word with me before giving me a tongue lashing.”

  Maeghan laughed, feeling lighter than she had for hours. She couldn’t really imagine her soft-spoken friend getting angry over her. Of course, she had known
that her friend was holding back with everyone but her. Lauren and Maeghan used to talk for hours as they worked on their tasks, and she was the only one who knew how feisty her friend really was.

  “Please, tell Lauren I miss her. Do ye think ye will visit again, Laird?”


  “Could ye bring Lauren next time ye visit?”

  “I’ll think on it. I’m no’ sure I could handle her vicious tongue for such a long journey.” Alec smiled.

  A hand on Maeghan’s arm drew her attention. Gerty took her hand in hers and helped her to her feet. It seemed it was time for her to depart for the bedchamber. She looked across the room, her gaze connecting with the three men she had just married. They were looking at her with such heat in their eyes that she felt her body begin to burn.

  At least they had passion between them. That was a place to start. And what about that part of her that believed what Alec said was true? Could they really love her the way she loved them?

  Chapter Ten

  Hamish had been watching Maeghan all evening. He had been concerned over how pale and cold she had been when he had met her and then escorted her across the great hall. It seemed to him that she hadn’t been aware of her surroundings and was just going through the motions when it was her turn to speak her vows. It was only after they had each kissed her in front of the clan that the color had returned to her cheeks.

  But all through the wedding feast, her eyes seemed to be lifeless, and he was trying to figure out what she was feeling.

  Not once during the wedding feast had Maeghan spoken to him or his brothers. Hamish wondered if they had done the wrong thing by planning a betrothal before they had wooed her heart. She was a conundrum to him and his brothers. Maeghan was such a feisty, independent little thing and yet so innocent. When they had introduced her to pleasure for the very first time, on the table he was now sitting at, she hadn’t protested. And yesterday they had showed her the joys of lovemaking again, and still she hadn’t denied them. Their wife was full of passion, and even though he wanted to pick her up, carry her upstairs, and strip her beautiful bliaut from her, he didn’t.

  Hamish clutched his wine goblet so hard his knuckles turned white. His cock was constantly hard when he was around Maeghan. Even though he had release yesterday afternoon, it hadn’t taken long for his condition to return. Now all he wanted to do was bury himself balls-deep into her delectable little body. He’d never seen a more beautiful woman than Maeghan.

  It had been a long time since he had felt the desire of a young buck. Of course he had taken his ease with other women over the years and even shared Lilith with Calum and Ewan once. But on those occasions, he had felt almost bored, disconnected from the act of lust. And lust was all it had been. No one compared to his stunning wife, and he wanted to capture her heart as well as pleasure her body.

  She had ingratiated herself into the clan by spending each morning visiting and making suggestions to make their lives easier, and he had heard nothing but praise from their people. They all seemed so enamored of her. Of course the way she had entertained them by doing dangerous tricks on the back of Calum’s destrier had also proven their wife was not faint of heart.

  Hamish wondered if she resented them for taking her independence away and thought about how to circumvent that problem. He and his brothers needed to find a way to make sure Maeghan was happy. If she wasn’t happy, then how could they be?

  Pushing those thoughts aside with a sigh, he concentrated on what Ewan and Calum were talking about.

  “MacLeod has left his keep,” Calum said. “Our men are still trailing him and if they get the chance will take him and bring him back here.”

  “That’s no’ a good idea, Calum.” Ewan frowned. “If ye bring MacLeod onto our land, ye know he will declare war. We cannae put our own people in danger just for revenge.”

  “He’s right and ye know it,” Hamish stated. “If our warriors are indeed able to get to the laird, they will have to send word to us. We can ride oot to meet them and show him how it feels to be beaten.”

  Hamish felt rage permeate his soul at the state they had found Maeghan in. His whole body shook and he felt his face heat.

  “Calm yerself, brother. Donnae let the rage get a hold of ye,” Calum advised. “At least wait until we have MacLeod in front of ye.”

  Hamish knew Calum was right. If he let the anger consume him, he would lose control, and he never wanted to do that in front of Maeghan. When he gave his temper free rein, he was like one of the ancient Norse berserkers. Taking a deep breath, he exhaled slowly and looked for his wife once more.

  “I wonder what MacTavish just said to Maeghan,” Ewan speculated. “She looks surprised and confused.”

  “Aye, that she does.”

  “Do ye think we have done the right thing, Calum?”

  “What are ye talkin’ aboot, Hamish?”

  “Our wife dinnae look like she enjoyed her wedding. She looked more like she was attending a burial.”

  “Maeghan likes us well enough, Hamish. She just needs to get used to the idea of having three husbands.”

  “Ye do realize that she dinnae agree not to put herself in danger again, dinnae ye,” Ewan said with a smile.

  “Fuck, she is a cunning little thing. We will have to watch her closely. I wouldn’t put it past her to leave if she becomes angry with us.” Calum grinned and took a sip from his goblet.

  “All that passion has to come oot somehow. I want to be around when she finally lets it go.” As Hamish spoke, he spied an angry Lilith hurrying into the buttery. “Have ye spoken to Lilith, Calum? She looks madder than a hornet’s nest.”

  “Aye. I haven’t bedded her for over nigh on four months, but when we first brought Maeghan to the keep I sought Lilith oot and explained that I wouldn’t be taking her to my bed again.”

  “Was she angry?” Ewan queried.

  “Aye,” Calum sighed and turned to watch Maeghan.

  Gerty approached Maeghan and drew her to her feet. Hamish’s cock jerked under his plaid and his balls ached. He watched the two women leave the great hall and begin the climb up the steps leading to the bedchambers. It took all his self-control not to bound to his feet and follow quickly.

  “How long do we have to give our wife before we can follow?” Ewan asked, and Hamish saw his brother shift in his seat.

  “Not too long. I have been dreaming of being with Maeghan since the first moment I looked at her face.” Calum rose to his feet, obviously too eager to wait a moment longer. His plaid was tented just like his was. Hamish didn’t care that the entire clan could see how eager they were to bed their wife.

  It seemed to take forever to climb the steps to the chambers, but when Hamish and his brothers stood outside the closed door, they each took the time to take deep breaths and calm themselves. Just as he reached for the door it swung open. Gerty stood in the doorway with a knowing smile on her face.

  The older woman glanced at each of them and whispered for their ears alone, “Go easy on the lass. She is an innocent, and it would be unsettling to have one man on her wedding night, let alone three.”

  “We won’t hurt her, Gerty,” Calum replied in a low voice. “Ye know we respect and protect all the women in this clan.”

  Gerty stepped into the hall heading toward the stairs. She looked back at them over her shoulder, “I know that, but yer wife may no’.”

  Hamish stepped into the room, his brothers following. The sound of the door closing was loud in the quiet room. His eyes immediately found Maeghan. She looked so beautiful lying in the big bed with the covers pulled up to her chin. He knew that she was trying to appear calm, but he could see the nervous excitement in her eyes.

  He moved closer to the bed and her fingers tightened around the edge of the covers. His little wife was nowhere near as calm as she looked. Even though he wanted to strip out of his plaid and shirt, he knew it was too soon for Maeghan. They were going to have to woo her into letting go with them like sh
e had the previous day.

  “Ye looked like an angel in yer wedding gown, Maeghan. Ye are so beautiful.”

  She didn’t reply, just stared from him to his brothers and back again. Hamish vowed that if it took all night to calm her, then so be it. He didn’t want to frighten her with his intense desires.

  As he moved closer to the bed, her gaze still followed him warily. He sat on the edge of the soft mattress and leaned against the stone wall, pillows behind his back. Reaching out for her, he gently pushed her hair back from her stunning pixie-like face and caressed her cheek with the tips of his fingers.

  “We won’t hurt ye, sweetling.” Hamish ran a finger down her nose. “We will only give ye pleasure, that I can promise ye.”

  “Are ye wanting us, Maeghan?” Calum asked as he moved to the other side of the great bed and climbed on beside her.

  Hamish held his breath as he waited to hear her answer. His cock jerked and pulsed, the rough material of his plaid abrading the sensitive head.

  “I−I donnae know.”

  Expelling his breath in a quiet rush, he felt the tension in his body ease slightly. Even though she hadn’t really answered the question, at least she had not rejected them outright. He moved down the bed until his head was resting on the pillow next to hers and, cupping her face, turned her toward him.

  Leaning forward, he placed his lips on hers, brushing them back and forth, hoping his and eventually his brothers’ touches would stir the fires in her blood and make her lose herself in passion.

  She sighed against his mouth, her sweet, moist breath tugging at his heart and his cock. Her lips parted, and he took what she offered. Slanting his mouth over hers, he pushed his tongue into her depths and tasted every inch of her moist cavern. The whimpering sounds she made were enough to make a grown man beg, and though he wanted to rip the covers from her sexy little body, he knew she wasn’t ready for that yet. When a hand pushed against his shoulder, he opened his eyes to see Calum glaring at him. Hamish realized he was monopolizing Maeghan and that his brothers were each waiting impatiently for a taste of their wife.


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