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Drago's Woman

Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  The car came to a stop outside a huge abandoned building.

  “What is going on?” she asked.

  “This is the address they gave me. If everything went well, Ava should be here. I’ve made sure they kept her safe. She’s with someone I completely trust with my life. She’ll protect your daughter. She also happens to like to kill people who hurt kids, which is an added bonus.”

  “I don’t know if I like the thought of someone like that being near my daughter.” All she wanted to do was protect her, care for her, love her, give her all the things she could never have.

  “I promise you, I wouldn’t put her life in danger.”

  “I know that, I really do.”

  “Belle, she needs her mother, and no matter what you think you’re doing right now, that you think you’re not good for her, you’re wrong. You’re her mother, and that’s what she needs.”

  Belle looked at Drago, and it was so strange to believe this man was considered one of the most dangerous men in the world, but he was. She knew his reputation. He stared at her with so much love, and she saw it now, so clear.

  “You’re coming with me,” she said.

  “Of course. I do want the opportunity to meet my daughter for the first time.”

  Those words.

  Ava wasn’t his daughter. Her father was a deadbeat who’d used Belle to knock her up, but Drago was going to take responsibility for Ava.

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I know I don’t have to. I’ve come to realize there are many things in this life I don’t have to do—it doesn’t mean I won’t do them.” He kissed her hands. “And being a father to your daughter is going to be one of them. She will never have to know I’m not. I promise you that. Hey, come on, no more tears. I thought you’d be happy about this.”

  “I am. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, I’m just not used to this, to any of this.” She sniffled. “I’m making a complete mess of this.”

  “Let’s go and see your daughter so you can stop worrying.”

  Belle followed him out of the car, and they headed inside the building. This was not the place where she ever wanted her daughter to be, and she hated it so much already. Her hands shook but steadied a little within his grip. She could do this. All her life, she’d been alone. The only person she could really count on was herself, but now, she wasn’t alone. She had someone—Drago. He wouldn’t let her down. She knew this more than anything else in the world. He wouldn’t fail her.

  As they entered the abandoned building, she couldn’t help but be ashamed that her daughter was even here in the first place. This was so much like the places she had been forced to fight in many years ago, and what she’d promised herself her daughter would never have to deal with, but here she was, and it pissed her off.

  What if she wasn’t here? What if something went wrong?

  Forcing her feelings down deep inside herself, Belle only focused on seeing her daughter. Everything else could wait.

  She had no doubt in her mind Drago would take care of everything, and even though she would have loved to see the mighty fall, she wanted her little girl first.

  There was no sign of a woman or her little girl, but Drago moved them toward a set of stairs.

  With each passing second, the sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach began to grow. She hated feeling this way and wanted no part of it. Not a single little bit, but it was there, curling within her, threatening to spill over, and attack her at a moment’s notice.

  Breathing in and out didn’t help, but she kept taking deep breaths, using all of her training to know what to do next, to figure out how to fight the next battle.

  I can do this.

  She’s my little girl.

  As they came to the third floor, Drago called out and entered a room. He had a gun in his hand, holding it discreetly down. A small lamp was lit, and in the corner she saw a woman, a sweet-looking person, holding her daughter but with a gun trained on them.

  “You can lower that now, Candice,” he said. Drago tucked his pistol in the back of his pants and stepped forward.

  “Fuck. Do you have any idea how worried I’ve been? Getting her was a piece of cake once you gave me the address. The guards were useless fucks, but I wasn’t going to risk letting her out of my sight.”

  “That’s my baby?” Belle asked.

  “Yes, and I think she misses you,” Candice said.

  Letting go of Drago’s hand, she stepped up to her little girl and laughed. This, for her, was the most joyous occasion of her life, and she would never forget this, not so long as she lived.


  Safe and secured in one of his many hotels, Drago stared out across the city, knowing he would have to leave his woman and child soon. Ava was a beautiful girl, and he saw her mother in her. She was sweet, and now she was under his protection, and anyone who tried to hurt her, would answer to him.

  Running a hand through his hair, he stepped out of the evening’s cold, into the warmth, and closed the door, securing the bolt, and watching as Belle kissed her daughter’s cheek, before blowing a raspberry on her belly.

  “I love you. Yes, I do. I love you so much. Mommy has missed you. She loves you.” She lifted her up and held her close, breathing her in. “I’m never, ever letting you out of my sight.”

  He chuckled. “I think we’re going to need a nanny to keep an eye on her.”

  “I like Candice. Can we hire her?”

  “Candice is not available to hire.”

  “Is she, like, an assassin or something?”

  Drago sighed. “Let’s say when it comes to Candice, she has … many talents.”

  “Have you tried them out?”

  He detected a hint of jealousy there, and he liked it. Too much. Tilting his head to the side, he watched her, curious about why she wanted to know. “No, I haven’t.”

  “Good.” He watched her cringe.

  “Are we not used to feeling … jealous?”

  “I’m not jealous. I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Could have fooled me.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m not anything, okay? I’m fine. Perfectly fine. Not a worry at all.”

  “You’re lying.”

  She kissed Ava.

  “Come on, Belle. I know I would kill any man who dared look at you, so I’m guessing you’ve got a protective streak in you.”

  “Okay, fine. Fine. You’re right. I’m not happy with the thought of you and … Candice being together. In fact, I don’t like to think of you with any woman, and this is all new for me as well. I’m not used to feeling this way, period.” She released a breath. “Who knew doing all of this would make me feel this way. I’m more confused now than ever.”


  She nibbled her lip.

  He went to her and stared at Ava. He’d yet to hold the young girl, and seeing as there was no reason to stop him now, he took her into his arms, cradling her close. She wasn’t a newborn, but was still just a toddler. This little child had no hope against the monsters who threatened to take her.

  No one would ever get that fucking close again. He’d kill every bastard who even dared.

  He’d done what he had to do, played by their rules, but no more. From this day forward, they were going to be playing by his.

  Belle was safe, as was Ava, and now he’d get to have some fun as well. Until he ended Donald Ford and Randal Aiello, they’d never stop searching for his new little family. That was not acceptable. Not to Drago.

  “I’m waiting for all of this to disappear.”


  “Nothing ever goes well for me. I always have to fight for what I want, and now, having my girl back, and you, I’m afraid it is all going to be taken away.” She released a breath. “Wow, I didn’t realize just how insecure I actually was.”

  Staring down at Ava, he took Belle’s hand and led them all to the sofa. Sitting down, he settled Ava into a comfortable position.

>   “This is not going to go away. It’s taken me a long time to come here, and it’s not going to change. I won’t let it.”


  “Because I love you. I take care of what’s mine. You and Ava are mine. I won’t let anything happen to you. I love you both.”

  “You’ve only just met her,” she said, reaching out to stroke Ava’s face.

  “And like you, she holds a special place in my heart, one I’m not going to willingly give up.”

  There were those tears again. Belle didn’t cry pretty, but seeing her emotions, it was more than enough for him. She sniffled. “I can’t seem to stop crying.”

  “I don’t mind.”

  “I look ugly when I cry.”

  “I don’t think women can cry pretty.”

  She laughed. “This is just all so much. I mean, all my life, I’ve done nothing but fight. You know I’ve never even graduated. I spent so much time in the ring, I didn’t have anything else I could do. You’ve come into my life, and you’re offering me the world.”

  “Take it. I’m giving you the world because you deserve it. You have a right to live with me, be with me, and I fucking love you.”

  “What do I have to give back?”

  He gripped the back of her head, pulling her close, and kissed her deep. He loved her more than anything in the world. She cupped his face, kissing him back with a passion that made him ache. Fuck, he wanted to keep her forever.

  No matter what happened, she and Ava would be protected.

  She groaned and pulled away. “Wow, I think she loves you.”

  Looking down, he saw Ava had passed out in his lap. She looked so cute and adorable. Innocent.

  “Do you want me to take her?”

  “No, I can take her. You get to my room.” He had more than enough time to make love to his woman before he went and took out the scum of the earth.

  She entered his bedroom, and he passed her toward the nursery. Slowly, he lowered Ava into her crib. He’d made sure to only get the best. Staring down into her sleeping face, he smiled. He’d never thought of himself as a family man. How things had changed.

  Like Belle, growing up in a fighting world, he never for a second believed he would want anything but power and money. Both of them were cold, but they provided him with the means to live in peace, or relative peace. There was always someone there to take his place, to try to win the title he once had.

  “I will protect you and your mother with my life. There is no doubt of my love for you.” He moved away from her, taking the device that was beside the bed. There was another on the opposite side so they would hear if she was in distress.

  There were trusted men all around his hotel, and they wouldn’t be disturbed unless it was necessary.

  When he took out their enemies, he was going to do it in the morning. Tonight was just for them.

  Stepping into his room, he found Belle, naked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “I figured this is how you wanted me,” she whispered.

  She was perfect.

  “Spread those legs. I want to see your wet pussy.”

  Without another word, she opened her legs, and he went to his knees before her. He’d promised himself he would never go to his knees for anyone else, but Belle was different. She would always be the only person he ever gave to.

  Putting his hands on her knees, he moved her so she lay down and he put his lips to her wet slit. Sliding his tongue through her slickness, he plunged inside her, before coming back up to circle her clit. He groaned from the satisfaction of being between her legs.

  Her pleasured cries and begs filled the air. The sounds were everything he wanted to hear. When he sucked her clit into his mouth, she moaned, begging for more, and he was more than happy to give her what she wanted.

  Before he fucked her, he wanted to hear her come, to have his name echoing off the walls. He’d take her over and over again.

  It didn’t take long for her to reach climax, and as she did, he continued to lick her until she burst in a second orgasm.

  While she was still shaking from his tongue, he stood up, released his dick from his pants, and slid in deep, taking her hard as he filled her. Staring into her eyes, he knew there was never going to be any other woman in the world for him.

  She owned him.

  He would do anything for her.

  For now, all he wanted to do was fuck her, make her his, and keep her all to himself. Pulling out of her tight heat, he slammed in again, watching her, feeling her tight walls surround him. He wasn’t going to last long.

  Belle was everything he ever wanted, and soon, she would belong to him as she was going to become his wife.

  He would never let her go, and she’d never know fear or pain again.

  Chapter Twelve

  Drago had been in retirement for years. He’d come out because of her. Part of Belle felt guilty for putting his life in upheaval, but another part welcomed back the monster. The dark side he’d buried had come out for revenge. Because of her and Ava. For the first time in her life, she mattered to someone. And his darkness didn’t scare her.

  “I tried to do things the legal way. Detective Vent was too scared for his family to make waves and reveal Donald Ford’s checkered past to the media or take down your father by the book. I don’t blame him. He would have ended up dead if things were traced back to him,” said Drago.

  “And now?”

  Belle lay on the bed, half covered by blankets as Drago dressed. She loved his body, hard, strong, and experienced.

  “My turn.” He pulled a long-sleeved black shirt over his head, then sat on the edge of the bed. “When I retired, I lived a simple life. I stopped hiding in the shadows and played by the rules. But I’m still the same man I’ve always been. Playing house, trying to fit in with the neighbors—it always felt off, like I was trying too hard. When you’re raised the way we are, seen the things we’ve seen, you’re never going to be normal. No matter how much you wish you could erase the past from your head.”

  She only smiled. “We have Ava back now. That’s all that matters. The rest of it is only noise.”

  “You’re tough, Belle. That’s what I love about you.”

  Drago strapped on a bulletproof vest and slipped on a gun harness. She sat up, her mood shifting. “Why do you need all that?”

  “It’s just precaution, Belle. You and your daughter are safe, so relax, baby. I told you this bullshit ends today. It’s time to tie up these loose ends so we can live in peace.”

  His tone suggested he may not come back alive. It was not okay for her and Ava to live happily ever after, and Drago sacrifice himself.

  “You’re not doing this alone. That’s crazy.”

  “Carlos is downstairs, and we’ll be meeting up with a couple others who are on board with ending your father’s regime.”

  “I want to be a part of this. You know how much that asshole hurt me,” she said.

  Her father had used her for money. The people who were supposed to protect and nurture her had sold her out, destroying her childhood by forcing her into the ring. Their greed knew no end.

  “Then what will happen to Ava? Think about it, Belle. If we both go, there’ll be no one left to raise her if things go bad.”

  He was right of course, but that didn’t make it any easier. “I can’t lose you, Drago. Please don’t play with your life like it’s disposable.”

  “Trust me, I have something to live for now. We complete each other. I want to come back to you tonight. To this same bed.” He sat close and leaned over to pull the blanket off her shoulder. It slid down her side, exposing her breasts. “I love these tits.”

  She licked her lips. “Do you?”

  Belle didn’t want Drago to leave. She wanted to forget the world, run away, anything to ensure they could be a family. The people he was going after wouldn’t think twice before killing him and ending a problem. It wasn’t much different than fighting in the underground—life and dea
th, darkness, and crime. But Drago’s skills with his fists wouldn’t matter today. He said he’d lived a life of crime for years and knew what he was doing, but that still didn’t comfort her.

  “You have no idea.” He suckled her nipple into his mouth. She closed her eyes and mewled. He knew exactly how to use his mouth. Her body instantly thrummed to life, her pussy throbbing in anticipation.

  “Drago…” She held his head against her, but he didn’t stay long before pulling away. “No, please don’t go.”

  “Stop it. You’re killing me right now,” he said.

  She was angry. And selfish. “You said you couldn’t play house, so how will things be different with me and Ava? Will you walk out when you tire of us?”

  “You’re playing games. Cut it out.”

  She scowled. He knew her too well.

  Belle knelt on the bed and beckoned him closer. The dominant tone in his voice turned her on. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his lips. The kiss deepened, slow and sensual, until she forgot the world. She wanted to love him, to be what he deserved, but part of her couldn’t imagine a world where she came out on top. Everything about her life was a tragedy. Belle hoped things would be different after today.

  “You’re making me hard, Belle.”

  “Good. I like it when you’re hard.” She reached down and palmed the crotch of his black jeans. He was indeed rock hard. There was no way she’d be able to tempt him back to bed when Carlos was waiting for him, but a few minutes of pleasure before he left couldn’t hurt. She unzipped his pants, staring into his eyes the entire time. The hesitation fizzled away when she wrapped her fist around his bare girth.

  He growled, and the sound reverberated all the way to her cunt. As much as she craved to have him fill her, this wasn’t about her now. He was risking everything for her benefit.

  She sat on the edge of the bed and leaned close enough to wrap her lips around the thick head of his cock. He cursed.

  “You’ll be the death of me, baby girl.” His fingers threaded into her hair.

  Belle began to work his beautiful cock, suckling and taking him as deep as she could without choking. The sounds he made only spurred her on. His pleasure was her pleasure.


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