Michigan Fall

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Michigan Fall Page 8

by Philip John Walibba

  Chapter Seven

  From childhood I have been taught that all days are equal, all have twenty four hours and we count them equally. But, I have also learnt that indeed some days are greater than others. This particular day I’m referring to falls in the latter category. Some kind of debate about the appropriate length of a cane was raging on in our classroom that day.

  ‘Through experience class, most blind people have found out that the length of the cane is an individual matter.’ Our guest, a gentle man from some Federation of the Blind organization labored to explain to the class.

  ‘But sir, doesn’t it depend upon the length of stride, walking speed, and reflexes of the person?’ Someone asked.

  ‘Yes I agree.' the man replied. 'To some people it does, but to others it may not necessarily be the case.’ The man reasoned. ‘Shoulder height is a good measure for a cane I believe.’ He continued, ‘at this height, one can assume a normal walking speed with safety.’

  ‘Sir, how can I check whether the cane is the right length?’ I asked.

  ‘Thank you Miss. One way to check whether a cane is the right length is to observe where the footsteps in relationship to the cane touch. If the foot touches approximately the same place the cane did, the cane is the right length. If the foot touches in front of where the cane touched, the cane is too short. If the foot touches significantly behind where the cane touched, then the cane is too long and is definitely not meant for you, unless of course you break it into two.' he said drawing chuckles.

  ‘In today’s lesson class, we will focus on how to combine the elements of cane techniques, orientation skills, and environmental exploration.’ he continued.

  We were interrupted by a knock on the classroom door.

  ‘Come in will you.’ I heard the gentleman call out to the person who had knocked. A few seconds later, the man’s voice rose for all to hear,

  ‘I have been reliably informed that a certain Abraham the third is downstairs, here to see a Miss Cook.’

  My heart thundered within me.

  ‘Adam!’ I almost yelled.

  ‘Pardon me?’ The man asked.

  ‘I'm Miss Cook.’ I answered elated.

  ‘Then what are you waiting for?' he answered in reply.

  In the six years I had spent at MSB, I had never noticed how numerous the stairs were from the third floor to the first until that day. The descent seemed unending. Why was he here? What was he doing here? I thought. I felt angry, betrayed and excited all at the same time. He had abandoned me, but again, it wasn’t entirely his fault. He had sought for me, but why hadn’t he sought me earlier? At least he should have tried. I wanted to rush first to the dormitory, make myself up before presenting myself. But why should I anyway? I thought. Adam didn’t appreciate me in the first place. But again if he didn’t, he wouldn’t have come out to see me. I thought my mind was about to explode.

  ‘Hey’ I heard his sweet voice come to my ears arresting all my senses.

  ‘So, you finally came.’ I said trying to hide my joy.

  ‘Leila my darling, I had to see you.’ He answered. He’d never called me darling before. Then, he hugged me.

  Dear reader, words can’t describe how my entire being collapsed into his embrace. The straw scent and hard flesh all engulfed my small frame. My heart leapt for joy thumping my chest violently and bright colored flashes danced in my head. All the anger I’d stored up in vanished that very instant.

  ‘Look Leila, I called your school principal yesterday claiming there was indeed an urgent family matter that required your presence for at least a day, and she agreed. So am here to take you with me.’

  ‘Adam! I don’t understand.’

  ‘Here are the signed papers for your one day's stay of leave. Come now let’s go.’

  ‘Where are we going and what will I wear?’ I asked puzzled.

  ‘That my dear, has already been taken care of.’ He replied.

  At that point, I heard Miss River’s door creak open before I heard her pitchy voice.

  ‘Oh Mister Abraham the third, I see you’ve already met miss Cook, I wish both of you a safe journey home and I hope you do sort that mess up.’

  ‘Thank you Miss Rivers, the pleasure is mine.’ Adam replied before he tugged onto my arms leading me through the door down the front main building block stairs and abruptly lifting me off the ground.

  'Oh! What are you doing?' I asked startled, and embarrassed.

  'Here we go, steady, put your left leg above the sit, hold here firmly.' he said directing my hands to a metal plate. He had just sat me on his Harley Davidson bike.

  ‘So, you are Mister Abraham the third?’ I asked soon as I felt comfortable on the soft seat, both my feet firmly placed on its leavers.

  ‘In some quarters of society yes, and in others am just plain Adam.’

  ‘Where are you taking me and where is my cane?’ I asked, anxious.

  ‘We, young lady, are heading for Ann Arbor and your cane is stuck at the rear of my bike like an antenna.' He said.

  He came over sitting just in front of me, his leather jacket rubbing against my bust. I heard loud pops and felt a sudden thrust forward. Cold winds pelted my face and ruffled my hair as we rode off the main campus, my arms tightly wrapped around his muscular chest

  ‘I told you I’d give you a spin on this babe someday.' He said loudly above the wind and loud pops, 'and I'm a man who keeps his word.’

  An hour later, we stopped at a gas station to refuel before roaring into the center of Ann Arbor.

  My heart pelted within me once Adam gleefully announced loudly above the motor pops,

  ‘Leila dear, I have a game in half an hour.’

  ‘What game?’ I asked over the loud pops.

  ‘We are playing the California Golden Bears in half an hour’s time. I thought you should be there.’

  ‘Where is it taking place?’

  ‘It’s at the big house?’

  ‘What big house?’ I inquired anxiously.

  ‘The Michigan Stadium’ he replied.

  ‘I don’t want to go.’

  ‘Am afraid we’re already here.’

  I could hear shouts from what seemed like a million voices and sporadic chanting, voices calling out Adams name. I also felt patting on my back. We were headed into the Michigan stadium and I was petrified.

  ‘Okay, we are here. Come let’s get you off this monster.’ Adam said.

  I reckoned we had ridden for just over an hour.

  ‘Where are we now?'I asked, feeling very scared, 'give my cane.’

  ‘Leave the cane.' He replied. 'You might break it in the crowds. Just hold on to me.'

  Dear friend, I obeyed. I didn’t have a choice at that moment.

  'Leila darling, welcome to the big house!' Adam said loudly. 'We are in the VIP section, in a reserved parking slot. Now come with me.’

  I had never been in such a noisy place. I could smell all kinds of odors, hear all kinds of voices and to say the truth, it was nerve raking but exhilarating too. Adam was with me and I clung to him so tightly like a kitten to a blanket.

  We pressed through compressed bodies then, there was some space. I could still hear the noise although not as loud as a few moments ago. It seemed elevated, above us. Then I heard Adam say,

  ‘Okay, at least now someone can breathe.’ I could smell strong male odors mixed with strong overpowering stingy smells.

  ‘Adam where are we now?’

  ‘We are in the locker room, our locker room.' almost immediately adding, 'Coach, gentlemen, you’ve all heard about my fiancée Leila, I have taken the trouble to bring her with me to remove any doubts that you might still have in your minds with regards to her existence.’

  ‘Nice to meet you Leila,' I heard several male voices greet me in unison.

  'Alright team, gather around!’ A loud male voice bellowed before I heard what sounded like boots loudly stamp on the ground.

  ‘The odds are against us but we belie
ve! Don’t we?' the voice sounded firm, resolute.

  ‘Yes we do!’ a chorus of strong male voices rung out inside this damp and moist place.

  ‘When we step out there on that tuff, we each have to look out for one another, fight hard, play hard and cover for one another, Wont we?’

  ‘Yes we will! We are the Wolverines!’

  ‘Team blue, go out there and make me proud!’

  ‘Yes we will! We are the Wolverines!’

  The same energy buzzed throughout the stadium when I emerged tugged onto someone else this time not Adam. He had me assigned to someone apparently called the stick.

  ‘Missy I’m the stick,' he said introducing himself, 'Adam’s wingman.' I didn’t know or really care what he meant. My mind was reeling from all the noise that greeted me inside the stadium.

  ‘Easy missy, take one step at a time. There you go. This is our dug out. Today you’re going to witness us make history as we slaughter the California bears.’ Stick sounded very excited.

  I found myself squeezed between hard restless bodies, my ears assaulted by loud parade drumbeats, cheering, screaming and I must admit, I did hear a lot of foul chants surging throughout the crowds, but to this day, I have never heard such noise all in one place.

  Three hours of relentless deafening noise raced by very quickly.

  ‘The game was awesome and the fans were awesome,’ I heard Adam’s voice. He was speaking to someone. ‘When the stands fill like this, we believe that we are playing for something bigger than ourselves.’ He went on to say.

  ‘So Adam, how was it like out there?’ a male voice was interviewing him.

  ‘After you come on, you get right into the fray and that’s the point. It’s like throwing yourself in for the team.'

  'What are your team's aspirations this year?'

  'This year we’re pushing for glory, team work, and we really accomplished that today. Our bench, the fans, everybody around this venue was showing support, and that’s what it’s about.’

  ‘How do you rate your opponents in today’s game?'

  ‘We were the superior team offensively and defensively and proved it throughout the game. I’m not saying we didn’t have our struggles too. We committed eight penalties for 88 yards and gifted California field position throughout the afternoon. But they still couldn’t take advantage, committing plenty of errors of their own and in the end got punished.’

  Adam and whoever it was he was talking with seemed pretty close to where I was seated.

  ‘So how did it feel scoring the winning try, and do you have any plans for celebrating today’s victory?’

  ‘Oh my, it was great feeling, simply amazing. My plan for celebrating today’s victory? My beautiful fiancé over here is my celebration.' I heard Adam say, ' Leila darling, say hi to the camera, you are on TV.’


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