Dr. Orgasm (A Holiday Romance Collection Book 2)
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But of course, fairytales always, always end …
Two weeks later, Norah opened the Anthology early, still energized from her vacation. She and Giacomo had professed their love for each other again and again in their holiday idyll, and now she had some major news to share with Zulika.
Zulika, her blue eyes crinkling with smiles, greeted her a half hour later. “Hey, you,. You look amazing. That man is better than any makeup.”
Norah laughed. “No arguments here.” She bent down to hug Ziggy. “How’s my big boy?”
Zulika stuck her tongue in her cheek. “So many jokes, so little time,” she quipped, then went to the door as a delivery van pulled up. “Uh-oh, I think this one’s for you.”
A man bearing an enormous bouquet of exotic flowers came staggering into the bookstore. “Miss Reddy? For you.”
Between them, Norah and Zulika wrestled the bouquet onto a table and thanked the delivery driver. “Don’t need to ask who they’re from.” Zulika buried her nose in them. “God, heavenly. I take it these are all native to your island?”
Norah, smiling, nodded. “I saw them all there. God, how lovely.”
Zulika fished the card out and handed it to her. Norah opened it.
I love you. That is all.
Yours always,
G. x
(p.s. the hibiscus reminds me of something…)
Norah giggled and the card to Zulika, who rolled her eyes. “You two are like a full-on porn movie.”
Norah shrugged. “Pretty much.” She snagged her phone from her purse. “How very Georgia O’Keefe of you,” she read aloud as she wrote a text message to Giacomo, “Thank you for the beautiful flowers …come play with my hibiscus anytime. I love you.”
Zulika cackled with laughter. “Seriously, No-No, that man has unleashed your inner slore.”
Norah pretended to be affronted. “Excuse me, I happen to be a strumpet.”
“A harlot.”
“A lady of disrepute.”
“A trollop.”
That made them both giggle so much that they couldn’t speak for a while. Zulika wiped her eyes and Norah cleared her throat.
“Actually, I do have some other news.”
Zulika’s eyes immediately dropped to Norah’s flat stomach and Norah grinned. “Slow your roll there, cowboy. I’m just moving in with Giacomo is all.”
Zulika squealed and hugged her. “Seriously, Norah …I’m so happy for you.”
Norah hugged her. “Thank you, baby. Now, let’s get some work done.”
Giacomo, of course, couldn’t stay away long. He arrived at lunchtime and bore Norah off to a little trattoria in the city. They shared a plate of pasta and half a bottle of a superb white wine, chatting easily and enjoying the warm day.
It wasn’t until Giacomo was paying the check that Norah saw her. Tara. Norah had learned enough about the blonde woman now that she recognized her immediately as she walked towards Norah. Norah didn’t like the smile on her face.
“You must be Norah.”
Norah gazed back at Tara coolly. “You must be Tara.”
Tara smirked and sat down without being asked. Norah glanced at Giacomo, who was talking to the maître d” and hadn’t seen them. “What do you want?” She asked Tara, who lit a cigarette and observed her for a few moments.
“Just wanted to see my replacement. He’s a good fuck, isn’t he?” She flicked the ash of her cigarette and didn’t wait for a reply. “Lovely, thick cock and he knows how to use it. And that face …”
Norah’s expression hardened. “I’ll ask again, in case you’re stupid enough not to understand my question. What do you want?”
Tara cackled. “Oh, you have some fire in your belly. Good. That’s good. You’ll need that when he screws around on you. And he will screw around on you, Norah, mark my word.”
“Please leave.”
Tara didn’t move. “You know why he’s with you, of course. I’ll tell you, unless you’re under the illusion that you have some sort of magical cunt that he can’t resist. Payback.”
Norah sighed. “I really don’t care what you think.”
Tara’s mouthed formed into a perfect O. “You really don’t know, do you?”
Giacomo was there then, his face full of anger. “Tara, what the fuck are you doing here?”
She smirked, completely unfazed by his annoyance. “Just filling in your lovely whore on the real reason you’re fucking her.”
She turned back to Norah. “He knew, you know.”
“Tara, shut your damn mouth.” Norah had never seen Giacomo look so angry. She stood and took his arm, her eyes cold as she looked at the blonde woman.
“I really don’t care what you have to say.”
She began to walk away when Tara called after her. “Lucian. Giacomo knew I was screwing him before he offered you a job. Before he fucked you. That’s what I mean by payback. It was revenge, you stupid bitch.”
Norah felt her heart stop. She looked up at Giacomo, who shook his head. “That had nothing to do with …”
“You knew. You knew your girlfriend was screwing my boyfriend …and then, what? Giacomo?”
“It had nothing to do with the way I feel about you, mio caro. Nothing. I love you.”
Norah pulled her arm away from him. “But you knew …and you never told me?”
Giacomo closed his eyes. “Norah …”
“You bastard.” She whispered the words, her voice breaking. She heard Tara behind her.
“He’s just like all of the rest of them. Just like Lucian.”
A fury rose up in Norah and she turned and slapped Tara’s face, hard. Tara, laughing, staggered, but righted herself as Norah, with burning anger and hurt in her eyes, looked at Giacomo.
“You’re a liar and a user. Go find someone else to play your twisted games with.”
Giacomo reached out for her, but she ducked out of his reach. “Don’t follow me.”
Tears pouring down her face, she fled down the street, hailing the nearest cab. Giacomo had arranged this all. She was a mere pawn in his and Tara’s twisted game.
Her chest felt like it was being ripped open and she bent double, trying to drag air into her lungs. The cab driver cast worried looks in the mirror. “Hey, now, are youokay? Do you need to hurl?”
“No, I’m okay. Just, please, get there fast.”
At Zulika’s apartment, she barely made it into the room before collapsing to the floor and sobbing her heart out. Zulika, terrified, couldn’t get a coherent answer out of her. Instead she managed to wrestle her into her bedroom and put her to bed, encouraging Ziggy to lay next to his weeping mistress.
Giacomo turned up at the apartment an hour later, but Zulika wouldn’t let him in. “Giacomo, no. She doesn’t want to see you.”
He looked devastated. “Please, Zul. I need to explain what really happened to her.”
Zulika felt like she had been refereeing her best friend’s love life for months now. “Just give her some time.”
He had agreed, but Zulika could see the pain in his eyes and knew he was genuine. “I love her. Please just tell her that.”
“I will,” she whispered before closing the door.
Norah was in her room, knees hugged to her chest. “Was that him?” Zulika couldn’t stand to hear the break in her voice.
“Yes, honey.” She sat down and stroked her friend’s hair. “He’s a mess.”
“He lied to me. He used me.”
Zulika didn’t know what to say. She understood why Norah was reacting this way; at the same time, she thought this was more about Norah’s fragile trust being broken than what Giacomo had done. Zulika didn’t believe for a moment that Giacomo had seduced Norah out of a need for revenge. But since the rape, she didn’t think Norah had processed her feelings, instead blanketing it out with her affair with Giacomo. Maybe she did need some space to reflect and heal.
It had been a week since the row, and Giacomo, desperate as he was, had managed to stay away.
Now, though, he couldn’t wait any longer.
As Giacomo walked into the bookstore, Norah looked up. Zulika greeted him warily.
“Hey, Zul.” He half-smiled at her and looked over to Norah. She looked away and went out into the back room, closing the door behind her. Giacomo sighed.
“Give her time,” Zulika said in a low voice. He nodded, his eyes heavy and sad.
“Do you want some coffee?”
He hesitated, looking back at the closed door. He shook his head. “No, I …” His voice broke and he turned and walked out. Head down, he strode across the road, clearing his throat and trying to relieve some of the tension and misery. He got into his car and headed for Orlando’s home. He needed someone to talk to now; Sebastien, usually his sounding board, was annoyed with him. Rightly so, Giacomo thought now, how could I have been so stupid?
He couldn’t shake the feeling that he’d lost her forever and the thought made him want to scream and scream and never stop.
Zulika let herself into the back room, knocking lightly on the door. She saw Norah, dry-eyed now, cleaning the tile floor with harsh, angry movements. She didn’t look at Zulika.
“You okay?”
Norah didn’t answer her. Zulika saw the tearstains dried on her face and the red of her eyes.
“Honey …you should give him a break.”
Norah looked at her with a hard expression. “Should I?”
Zulika nodded, trying to smile at her. “He’s devastated. Truly. He’s hurting. Badly, Norah. Really badly.”
Zulika nodded. “You know he is.”
Norah’s jaw clenched. “And yet somehow it’s me who gets screwed once again because a man can’t keep it in his pants. How ironic.”
Zulika looked down. Norah slammed down the mop on the floor, scrubbing the mess away.
“He didn’t sleep with you to get revenge. I think you know that. Giacomo Conti is a man in love. With you, Norah.”
Norah stopped. “Don’t. Don’t defend him. It’s too late for that.”
Zulika looked her straight in the eye. “It shouldn’t be. This isn’t about Giacomo and I think you know that.”
Norah gave a humorless laugh. “So what’s it about?”
“You were raped, Norah. That’s what this is about.”
“You know it is, darling. You’re just using this as an excuse. You know in your heart that Giacomo Conti is in love with you—and you’re pushing him away because, deep down, you think you’re damaged goods.”
Something in Zulika’s voice broke through Norah’s anger. She stopped mopping, her expression pained and haunted, and she stared at Zulika for a long moment.
“You think I haven’t processed the rape.”
Zulika shook her head. “No.”
Norah looked away, all her anger disappearing. She sat down on the couch and dropped her head into her hands. “You don’t think Giacomo used me?”
Norah closed her eyes. “But then why the hell didn’t he tell me?”
Zulika went over to her friend and tried to smile at her. “He did try. You should give him a second chance, honey—and you should definitely get some therapy.”
Norah half-smiled. “I’m so tired, Zulika. Maybe I need some time alone.”
Zulika hugged her. “Do you really want to be away from him?”
Norah sighed and leaned into her friend. “I don’t, but maybe I should just take pause.”
“You do what you think is right.”
“I will. I promise. I need some time for me, I think.”
Zulika smiled, trying to lighten the mood. “You’ve been doing those incantations again, haven’t you?” She grabbed her friend and stared hard at her, her eyes crinkling. “Repeat after me: I am a strong independent woman. I am a strong independent woman. Who really, really, wants to give her best friend a colossal and completely undeserved pay bump.”
Norah laughed then and hugged her. “It wouldn’t be undeserved.”
Zulika’s eyes lit up. “Then I get a pay bump?”
Norah smiled. “I didn’t say that. Come on, let’s get to work. I could use the distraction.”
Giacomo was in such a mess that Orlando persuaded him to stay with them for the weekend. They got a sitter for Ferma on a Saturday night and took him to their favorite bar, Fonseca’s.
He was hollow-cheeked and his eyes were haunted as he told them how Tara had “reached out” to him. “She destroys my life, then tries to worm her way back in. Unbelievable.” He shook his head and Orlando and Carmel exchanged a glance.
“Tara is nothing but a waste of space,” Carmel said. “Don’t waste any time thinking about her. You said Zulika was on your team?”
Giacomo half-smiled. “It’s the only thing giving me hope.”
Orlando felt for his friend. He and Carmel had sat up nights talking about the situation, hurting for their best friend. They had been distracted from their own lives and had been amazed when Carmel fell pregnant almost immediately after they’d made the decision to try. They hadn’t told anyone yet, not even Ferma, and they kept their joy between them, especially in the face of Giacomo’s sadness.
Now Carmel reached over and squeezed her friend’s hand. “I know in my heart that she’ll come back to you, Jacky. I’ve never seen two people more in love—apart from Lando and me, of course,” she added hurriedly, grinning at her husband, and they were both gratified to see Giacomo half-smile.
“If Norah and I were ever as happy as you two, it would be a dream come true.”
“Don’t give up on that dream, buddy.”
Tara was chain-smoking one cigarette after another. She had thought Giacomo would be angry with her, but the fury in him after she’d spoken to Norah that day was like nothing she had ever experienced. She’d chosen the wrong play. She knew that now, but still …Giacomo’s anger had scared her. He was clearly deeply in love with Lucian’s ex-girlfriend, and seeing Norah up close, Tara saw the beauty of the young woman. Her friendliness, and warmth ate away at her. She had everything that Tara wanted; everything that Tara once had and was desperate to regain. Joy. Beauty. Giacomo.
So, that hadn’t worked, but Tara knew exactly how to bring her former lover to his knees and she was looking forward to seeing Giacomo Conti utterly destroyed.
She pulled out her phone and dialed. “They’re at Fonseca’s. You know what to do.”
She ended the call and started the car, pulling away from the sidewalk outside the bar. Tonight, it begins, Giacomo. Tonight.
Carmel excused herself to use the bathroom. She sighed to herself. Damn you, Tara, for making my friend so miserable. Giacomo was as devastated as she’d ever seen him. Carmel knew that he and Norah would have been good together. Maybe she would call the other woman to try and help mend things. She knew what Lando would say—don’t interfere. But she couldn’t stand by while two people who were as crazy about each other as Giacomo and Norah tore themselves apart.
She used the bathroom and was washing her hands when she heard the bathroom door click locked. She looked up to see a man entirely dressed in black, his face covered, and in his hand, a gun leveled at her. Her blood froze. No, this can’t be happening …
She backed away from him as he moved toward her. “What the hell are you doing? Who are you?” She thought she had asked him out loud, but realized the silence of the bathroom had been broken by neither of them, and when she saw a long silencer attached to the front of the gun, Carmel could barely breathe.
“Please …I’m pregnant …and I have a daughter, a seven-year-old-daughter …”
The first bullet hit her in the stomach. Carmel doubled up, the force of the shot taking her breath away. The second bullet tore through her shoulder, smashing her collarbone. She slumped to the floor, the pain taking over. Her killer calmly walked up to her and crouched beside her. Carmel tried to see his eyes. “Please …don’t …”
He pressed the
muzzle against her belly and emptied the rest of the gun into her.
Orlando ended the call as Giacomo returned with the drinks. His friend looked around. “Where’s Carmel?”
“Bathroom,” Orlando said, then checked his watch, frowning. “Maybe she got lost.” He stood and looked over the crowded room. “I’ll just go check to see she’s okay.”
His heart was pounding as he approached the hotel bathrooms and when he heard the scream he started to run. A young blonde girl came out of the ladies’ bathroom screaming, and instantly Orlando knew. He grabbed the young girl. “What is it?”
“I think she’s dead,” the young blonde sobbed. “There’s so much blood.”
He burst into the bathroom, but then was stopped. It felt like a hammer blow. Carmel was propped in a sitting position against the far wall in a pool of her blood. He could tell instantly that she had been shot, her hand on her belly uselessly trying to stem the flow of blood. He darted to her side, his heart hammering, his fingers pressing against her neck trying to find a pulse.
“Oh, my god.” Giacomo’s shocked voice behind him. “Call 911. Now!” He barked the instruction at a shocked-looking bartender who scurried off. Giacomo approached Orlando, who was cradling Carmel in his arms. “Carmel?”
“I can’t find a pulse.” Orlando’s voice was haunting. His hand was pressed against her wounds, her head on his shoulder. “Please don’t leave me, Carmel. Please.…not now, not like this …”
As Giacomo watched, his friend broke down, sobbing over the brutalized body of the woman he loved, begging her to live …
The assassin reported back to his client, who thanked him warmly. She chuckled. “I wish I could have seen Giacomo’s face …listen. I may need you again in the future if my plan doesn’t work out. I may need you to kill someone else for me. Another woman. I’ll send you the details, but I don’t want anything to happen to her yet. Just watch her for now.”
The killer nodded. “And the name?”
Tara Hubert smiled. “Her name is Norah Reddy and when I give the order, I want you to make that bitch suffer before she dies …”