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The Madeleine Richards Box Set (The Madeleine Richards Series Book 4)

Page 16

by Juliette Duncan

  "Mom and Hank got married recently," Maddy said when she saw what Alex was looking at. "That's why we're living here in Smithtown. Hank's a doctor at the hospital. I didn't want to move, but I didn't have a choice."

  "All okay here?" Sarah said as she entered the kitchen a few moments later. Sarah's perfume wafted through the air and tickled Alex's nose. The sweet scent was familiar and unsettling.

  "Yes, thanks Mom. These cup cakes are so good!"

  "Thank you sweetheart. Let me know if there's something else you'd like, Alex."

  "These are good, Mrs Wilson. Thank you."

  She speaks, Sarah thought.

  Maddy was shocked to hear Alex speak to her mom. She turned and looked at her.

  "God, please help me this afternoon," she prayed silently before hopping off the stool.

  "Come on Alex. We'd better get started."

  The two girls carried their books up the stairs to Maddy's bedroom.

  "Let's sit on the bed to start with. We can work at the desk later." Maddy climbed up onto her large, comfy bed and sat cross-legged, expecting Alex to join her. Dynamo stretched out on the bed and Maddy gave him a rub.

  Alex was still standing in the doorway, leaning on the frame. "Fancy house," she said.

  "Yes, it's much bigger than the one Mom and I had in Riversleigh. I still miss it a lot. We lived in the country there, and had lots of space. This house is nice, but it's not the same. At least we were able to bring the chickens. Hank built a chicken coop for them. It's out the back if you'd like to see it later."

  "Maybe," Alex replied. She entered Maddy's room and sat at the desk. Maddy noticed that her clothes were a bit old and slightly grubby, although they still looked reasonably trendy. She was wearing a chain around her neck with a locket that looked like it might open. She was also wearing make-up. She looks older than twelve, Maddy thought.

  "We'd better make a start. Have you had a look at it yet?"

  Alex shook her head.

  "I took a look last night," Maddy said. "It actually seems quite interesting. We need to decide on a disease that’s fairly common, research it, and then interview as many people as we can who have it. Mom said she can help us make contact with people, and drive us to meet them. Hank also said he can help if we need. I think it’ll be interesting."

  Maddy waited for a reply from Alex, but didn't get one.

  "I was thinking that Diabetes would be a good one to do. There seem to be a lot of people who have it. What do you think?"


  "What's wrong, Alex? I don't get it. You seem to be really angry all the time. Has something happened?" Maddy put her papers to one side and slid closer to Alex.

  "No. I'd rather just not have to go to school, or do these dumb projects," she said, picking at the chipped nail polish on her left hand.

  "I can do this on my own, if you'd prefer, but Mrs Miller would probably find out, and then we'd both be in trouble."

  "I'll do it then, but I don't know how I can help. I don't know anyone who has Diabetes, and I don't know that much about it."

  "That's okay, Alex. We can work on it together. I don't know that many people either, since we haven't been here that long, but Mom said there are some ladies at church that have it, and who’d be prepared to help. Hank can also get us a whole lot of information on it, so I think it’ll be okay."

  "Alright then, but don't expect me to get that involved. I'll just do what I have to, but that's all."

  Maddy and Alex spent the next hour or so looking through the information that Maddy had already collected.

  "You know so much," Alex said to Maddy when she was explaining about the possible causes of Diabetes and how it develops.

  "Not really. I just enjoy reading and learning about things. Also, my grandma has it, so I found out quite a bit from her." Maddy stretched her arms out and leaned back in her chair.

  "It's probably time we finished for today. Do you want to take this with you and read through it before we get together again? I'll get some more information for next time, and then we can start working out what questions we're going to ask."

  "Okay, but I'm not going to promise to read it," Alex replied, gathering her things together. She stood up, and started to leave.

  "Mom can drive you home if you like," Maddy said, following her down the stairs.

  "I'd rather walk, but thank you."

  "Alright, but it's not a problem. Mom won't mind."

  Sitting in the next room, Sarah had overheard Alex and Maddy's conversation, but thought it best to leave them to it. At least Alex seemed to be talking a little, she thought. That had to be a good sign.

  Once Alex had left, Maddy plonked herself down in the chair beside her mom.

  "That was hard work! I'm worn out after that!"

  "Seems like you did okay, though. At least she was talking."

  "Yes, but I think there must be something she's hiding. She said there wasn't anything, but she's so angry inside."

  "Yes, it seems there's something going on with her. Maybe in time she'll feel comfortable enough to open up. In the meantime, we should pray for her, and show her some love and care. Just like you did with Lyndsay. You'll do well with her, Maddy. I know you will!"

  "Thanks Mom. I know I said I wanted some friends, but I wasn't expecting this.” Maddy moved closer to her mom and rested her head on her shoulder. "I wonder if she'll end up being my friend?"

  "Time will tell, Maddy. Time will tell."

  Chapter 4

  The rest of the week passed quickly as Maddy and her friends settled into the school routine. Nina's mom had said she could go ice-skating with them on Saturday, and had also asked if she’d like to bring her new friend home one day after school.

  Maddy wondered what Nina's family would be like as she walked home with her on the Friday afternoon. After walking down the main street for several minutes, they turned into a smaller street and entered a neighborhood that was totally unfamiliar to Maddy.

  Having lived in the country all her life, she’d never been into an area like this before. Her senses were bombarded with the happy noises of children playing, and the enticing but unfamiliar odors wafting from the open front doors of the houses lining the long, narrow street.

  A group of small children ran along beside Maddy and Nina as they walked along the pavement. It seemed that Nina knew them, as a cute little girl with pig tails grabbed her hand and asked her who the other girl was.

  "This is my friend Maddy," Nina said, smiling at the cute little girl who was skipping along beside her.

  "Hello Maddy," she said. "You look pretty."

  "Thank you! And what's your name?"

  "Gabby," she said, as she skipped off with her friends.

  "She's so cute!" Maddy said.

  "Yes, she is. She's my little cousin. They live next door to us. This is my house." Nina stopped in front of a tidy, freshly painted bungalow. She opened the gate, and led Maddy along the path and onto the front veranda. An elderly lady was dozing in a rocking chair. She started as the girls walked up the stairs. Nina bent over and kissed the old lady on the cheek.

  "Gran, this is Maddy."

  Nina's gran smiled at Maddy, and said something to her that she couldn't understand. Maddy smiled back, and said hello. She noticed that Nina's gran had some crochet on her lap. She looks nice, Maddy thought.

  "Come inside and meet my mom," Nina said. Maddy followed Nina along the hallway. As she walked, she peeked into the darkened living room on her right and noticed a mantelpiece topped with a large religious looking picture.

  They reached the rear of the house where Nina's mom was peeling vegetables. She was wearing a brightly colored apron, and her hair was covered with a scarf. She put down the peeler and wiped her hands on her apron before walking over to Maddy and holding her at arm's length. Oh no, Maddy thought! Not the hug! But yes. Nina's mom wrapped her arms around Maddy and gave her a big hug and a kiss, before releasing her and looking carefully at her aga
in, all the while talking rapidly in a language that Maddy didn't understand.

  Maddy winced and looked over at Nina.

  "What's she saying?" she whispered.

  "It's okay, Maddy. Mom’s just saying how nice it is to meet you, and that you are always welcome here. She wants you to eat some of the special cookies she made for you."

  "Okay. Tell her thank you. It's nice to meet her too."

  Maddy and Nina took the cookies that Mrs Suarez was offering, and sat down at the table. Nina and her mom talked to each other while Maddy listened, trying to understand bits here and there. It was obvious to Maddy they were close, and that Nina loved her mom a lot.

  She looked around at the busy kitchen. It seemed to be the hub of the house, and where Nina's mom spent most of her time. Nina had just suggested to Maddy that they go outside when two older boys wandered in.

  "These are my brothers, Carlos and Julian."

  The boys smiled at Maddy, but were more interested in the cookies that were left on the table.

  Nina and Maddy went outside, and sat on the swings that were hanging from the tree in the backyard.

  "I had a swing at my old home," Maddy said, dragging her feet in the dirt below the path of the swing.

  "You miss it a lot, don't you?"

  "Yes. But having you as a friend has helped a lot, Nina. And Lauren and Jasmine."

  "I'm looking forward to skating tomorrow, Maddy. Mom doesn't often let me go out with my friends. She says she needs me to help her at home. I think she likes you."

  Nina had been twisting the swing as tight as it could go while she was talking. Now that it was fully wound, she let it go. Her hair flew all over her face, and she laughed as she spun around and around.

  "That was fun! You should have a go," Nina said to Maddy as she started to wind her swing again.

  They spent the rest of the afternoon having such fun together. Sarah had arranged to pick Maddy up at five o'clock, but when she arrived, Maddy didn't want to leave. Sarah couldn't refuse Mrs Suarez's offer of a cup of tea, so that gave them a little more time together.

  "Bye Maddy! See you tomorrow," Nina called out as Maddy and Sarah drove off down the street. Maddy waved to Nina and her mom until she couldn't see them anymore.

  Hank was already home when Sarah and Maddy pulled up in the driveway. He greeted them both with a kiss, and as Sarah had already prepared dinner, they sat down at the table to eat a few minutes later.

  "Seems like you've had a good first week at school, Maddy," Hank said as he reached for the jug of water.

  "Yes, much better than I thought it would be," she replied. "The only problem is Alex. I'm not sure how it's going to work with her. She wasn't at school today or yesterday."

  "Maybe you should call her," Hank said.

  "Maybe, but she probably won't talk to me. I'll call her if she doesn’t turn up on Monday. She's supposed to be coming over again next Tuesday to work on the project."

  Maddy noticed that her mom wasn't eating. She was just sitting there fiddling with her hair.

  "What's up, Mom?

  Sarah looked up, first at Maddy, and then at Hank. She reached out and put her hand on Maddy's.

  "We've got some news we want to share with you," she said. "It's early days, but we're going to have a baby!"

  "A baby!" Maddy cried. That had never crossed her mind. "When? You don't look fat, Mom."

  "Maddy!" Hank said. "Watch what you're saying!"

  "It's okay, Hank. It's a shock for her," Sarah said, turning to look at her very handsome husband.

  "I went to the doctor today, and she confirmed that I'm six week's pregnant. It probably won't show for a few more weeks. But we're very excited, aren't we, Hank?" Sarah smiled at him, and he reached out and squeezed her hand.

  "We thought we should tell you, Maddy, even though it's best not to tell anyone else for a while just in case something happens. What would you like? A little brother or a little sister?"

  Maddy thought back to Nina's cute little cousin she'd met that afternoon. Maybe a little sister wouldn't be that bad.

  "A little sister, I think. This is crazy though. I'd never thought that I'd have a sister."

  "Well, it could be a boy, so don't get your hopes up too high!" Hank said. "Boys are okay too, you know!"

  "It's just a bit crazy. A baby!" Maddy laughed. "Wait til I tell Hannah! She'll think it's funny too!" Sarah opened her mouth to speak when Maddy continued. "I know, I can't tell her yet. It's a secret."

  Following dinner, Maddy retreated to her bedroom. She needed some time alone to digest all that had happened during the past week, and especially the news she'd just heard. She put on some music, and laid back on her bed, staring at the ceiling.

  "God, this has been a mad week. I'm not sure where to start, but thank you for my new friends. It seems funny to think that I didn't know any of them this time last week. I'm sorry for being really worried about it and not trusting you enough. I'm not sure why I ended up with Alex though, but I guess you'll help me work that one out. And this news about the baby! That really is crazy! Well, I think that's all for now. Help us to have to have a fun day tomorrow. Thank you again for my friends. Amen."

  Maddy stayed there a while longer before going back downstairs to grab some supper. Her mom and Hank were sitting in the living room watching television together.

  "Come and join us, Maddy," Sarah reached out and pulled Maddy gently towards her. Maddy snuggled up to her mom, just like she used to do back home. This feels good, she thought.

  "I love you, Mom."

  "I love you too, sweetheart," Sarah said. She kissed the top of Maddy's head, and pulled her closer.

  Chapter 5

  The girls had arranged to meet at the ice-skating rink at two o'clock the following day. Maddy had offered to pick Nina up, and so at one-thirty, Maddy was ready and eager to leave. She thought her mom was in the kitchen, but when she called out to her, she didn't answer. Maddy ran upstairs, and found her mom lying on her bed with her hands on her stomach.

  "Are you okay, Mom?"

  "Yes, just feeling a little off." Sarah swung her feet around and tried to stand up, but had to sit back down straight away.

  "I'll be okay in a minute," she said. Maddy sat down beside her, and offered to help her up.

  Sarah stood up slowly, and walked to the bathroom where she splashed her face with cool water.

  "That feels better," she said, drying her face with a fluffy blue towel.

  "Are you okay to drive?"

  "Yes, I'll be fine now. Sorry sweetheart, looks like this baby is making itself known already."

  Sarah and Maddy walked downstairs together, and got into the car. Although Maddy was looking forward to the afternoon of skating, she was now concerned for her mom, and wondered if she should call it off.

  "No, don't be silly. I'll be fine. We'd better get going, or else we'll be late."

  They drove off, collected Nina, and arrived at the same time as the other two girls. Maddy quickly introduced Lauren and Jasmine to her mom, and then all four girls lined up to enter the rink.

  As Maddy skated around with her new friends, her mind flitted back to the day of her twelfth birthday, when she and her friends from Riversleigh had also gone skating together. That was the day before she'd found out about her mom and Hank getting married. How long ago that seemed now!

  "Come on Maddy! I'll race you!" Lauren called out as she passed Maddy and Nina who were skating slowly around together. Lauren had soon noticed how skillful Maddy was on the ice, and wanted to see who could skate the fastest.

  Maddy looked at Nina, who shooed her on.

  "Go on, you can do it!" she said as Maddy took off to catch Lauren.

  All eyes were on the two girls. Both were good skaters, and everyone wondered who'd win. They were neck and neck. All the other skaters moved to the side so they could watch, and not be in their way. As they neared the end point, it was Maddy who was able to pull away just far enough to cross ove
r the imaginary line slightly ahead of Lauren. A cheer went up from the crowd. Maddy and Lauren punched their arms in the air and laughed! Neither girl thought they would have attracted so much attention just with a simple race.

  They skated back to where Nina and Jasmine were standing on the edge of the rink.

  "That was great!" Jasmine said. "You're celebrities now!"

  "It was so much fun," Maddy said, reaching down to adjust the skate on her left foot.

  "You're both really good skaters. I wish I could skate like that," Nina said.

  The girls headed back out onto the ice and started to skate around slowly.

  "I can teach you if you like," Maddy said, taking Nina's hand in hers. She led Nina around, guiding her between the other skaters. Maddy showed Nina a few tips which would help improve her style and confidence. Nina followed Maddy eagerly, and was keen to learn as much as she could from her new friend.

  The rest of the session passed happily, with the girls all enjoying their time together. Hank had agreed to collect the girls as there was no way they would all fit into Sarah's little sports car. He arrived early and was standing with his arms folded, watching them skate around to the final song of the session.

  Maddy saw him and directed the girls over to where he was standing.

  "You look like you had a great time," he said as the girls skated up to him.

  "Yes, it was fun! Hank, these are my friends – Nina, Lauren and Jasmine. And girls, this is Hank, my new dad," Maddy giggled and looked at him when she said that. It still sounded so strange. He smiled back, and ruffled her hair fondly.

  "Nice to meet you, girls. Now, run along and get your things, and I'll meet you at the entrance."

  Maddy hung back so she could ask Hank how her mom was. She felt bad that she'd almost forgotten about her mom while she was skating, but then as soon as she saw Hank, she remembered.

  "She's okay, Maddy. She's just taking it a bit easy."

  "Is she still okay with the girls coming over?"

  "Yes, she's actually looking forward to it. Will help take her mind off how she's feeling for a while. You'd better catch up with the others. Look, they're on their way back already."


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