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Dark Promises 4: Flesh & Blood

Page 4

by Elisa Adams

  “Good girl. Now spread your legs for me. I want to look at you.”

  She moved her legs apart with such excruciating slowness he had to quell the urge to help her along. The end result, though, was well worth the wait. The folds of her pussy glistened in the dim lamplight, drenched with her cream, swollen and red with her desire.

  He knelt on the bed and brought his face to her mound. He sucked in a breath filled with the now-familiar feminine scent, only stronger there, more enticing. A thin trail of dampness coated her skin where her juices had run down the inside of her thigh, probably when she took her panties off. He leaned in and lapped it up with a long, slow stroke of his tongue. He barely registered her gasp as the sweet and salty taste of her burst on his tongue. He let out a soft growl. If he’d had any doubts before this moment that she’d been made for him, they vanished. She wouldn’t understand. Hell, he could barely grasp it himself, but he couldn’t deny it.

  “Sam?” Her question came out on a moan as he lapped her thigh again.

  “Shh.” Talking would break his concentration and snap his control. For now, he wanted to focus all his attentions on bringing her the pleasure she deserved. He would do anything to make her happy. Anything.


  The very idea turned him inside out. He’d gotten so used to not caring that it didn’t come easily. He had a feeling it would be a long while before it did—a good thing, since he’d need the time to let himself adjust to this new development before he filled Faith in on the details. Details that, as of right now, she wouldn’t appreciate. His world didn’t always work the way the human’s did, but he’d have to play by human rules until it became safe to make his confessions.

  He spread her lips with his thumbs and brought his mouth to her pussy. At the first, light contact of his tongue on her sensitive skin, she bucked against him. He followed up the first feathery touch with a longer, bolder stroke that ran the length of her moist slit. The feel of her smooth skin against the roughness of his tongue sent a shock of heat through him and hardened his cock even further. He had no doubts they would fit together perfectly.

  He moved to center his attention on her clit, stroking, circling and pressing the hard nub of flesh with his tongue. Her hips arched toward him, small, breathy moans floating from her lips. An answering groan rumbled through his chest, deep and primal.

  He sucked her clit into his mouth, gently rolling it between his teeth, as he slid a finger deep into her cunt. She gasped. He slid another finger inside her, marveling at how tight she was. Tight, hot and wet. Her slick channel gripped his fingers, sucking at him every time he pulled back, urging him deeper whenever he thrust.

  “Do you like this?” he asked, meeting her passion-clouded gaze.

  “Yes. Don’t stop.”

  Pull back. No emotions. Emotions are human. And dangerous. As much as it killed him to do so, he pulled his fingers out of her body. “I’ll decide when I stop. You have no say in the matter. None at all.”

  He recognized his words for the lies they were the second they left his mouth. But if Faith noticed, she didn’t let on. She whimpered and squeezed her eyes shut, giving him a moment to look at her again without meeting her defiant gaze. She was so beautiful, so perfectly made for him. Having her on his bed like this had been a dream of his since the first time he’d seen her, but he hadn’t thought he’d ever get the chance. He said a silent word of thanks to destiny, and its part in bringing Faith to him, at the same time cursing the circumstances. If things had been different…

  No. He couldn’t allow himself to think that way. Everything happened for a reason. If he was being tested, if they both were, he could do nothing but endure. He needed to stay focused on the present, and the beauty waiting less than patiently on his bed.

  As if reading his mind, Faith huffed. “Sam. What are you doing?”

  A smile curved his lips, but he didn’t answer. He stood up from the bed and stripped out of his clothes, his gaze never leaving her flushed, waiting body. There was so much he wanted to do to her, so many things he wanted to experience. He was in control at that particular moment, but in reality she held all the power. Her pleasure was completely in his hands. It awed him to think she’d offer herself to him this way, didn’t run but met his demands instead. She’d given him a gift, one he couldn’t ignore. After tonight, he would be forever in her debt.

  He stopped by the foot of the bed and brushed his fingertips against her ankles. “Open your eyes now, Faith. I want you watching me.”

  Her eyelids drifted open and she caught her lower lip between her teeth. She didn’t say anything. Uncertainty glittered in her big brown eyes. He ran his fingertips up the insides of her legs, stopping just shy of her pussy. She arched her hips toward him and he pulled his hands away.

  “Uh-uh. Just lie there and enjoy.”

  “I can’t enjoy this if you won’t touch me.” Her voice sounded hoarse with aggravation and arousal. “Please, Sam. Just touch me.”

  He rested his hand on her thigh, her cool skin warming under his touch. “I am touching you. I’ve been touching you.”

  “I need more.”

  He grazed the skin on the underside of her knee with his thumb. She let out a soft moan. “Sam.”

  “What do you want?”

  “Anything. Everything. Please.”

  His gut tightened, his cock throbbed. His fingers tensed on her legs, turning her skin white. Anything. Everything.

  He’d take it tonight. All she had to offer.

  And it had nothing to do with a ridiculous bargain, though that had given him a very convenient excuse to get closer to her.

  He ran the pads of his thumbs over her folds, spreading her slick moisture everywhere. She panted, arched her hips toward him. He slipped one finger inside, then worked in another into her snug sheath. His head spun. “You’re so damned tight.”

  A raspy laugh escaped her. “It’s been a while.”

  He froze, instinct warning him to slow down. “How long?”

  “Don’t stop.” She arched into him again, whimpered when he held her still.

  “How long, Faith?” What about her husband? Hadn’t he noticed how beautiful, how sensual his wife was?

  “Three years.”

  Three years? Something inside him clenched at the thought. “Why so long?”

  She shook her head, tried to duck away from him. He rested his hand on her middle to hold her in place. He wanted none of her secrets between them, nothing to stop her enjoyment tonight. “Talk to me, Faith. You offered me whatever I wanted. This is what I want. I want to talk about this.”

  A tear slid down her cheek. “Why? Why do you need to hear this? Paul and I didn’t have that kind of a relationship, okay?”

  He said nothing, continued to watch the emotions flash across her gaze. Anger. Desire. Aggravation. He would have smiled, if he hadn’t been so shocked at her admission. What man wouldn’t want that kind of a relationship with her?

  “What do you want from me?” she asked.

  Her small, strangled voice welled longing inside him. Longing, and something deeper, harder to define. He stroked his fingers in and out of her, slow and steady, knelt on the bed and placed a kiss on her stomach. Somehow her confession made her seem more fragile than before. Like spun sugar, easily destroyed with no hopes of being put back together. The urge to protect her, to hold her and keep her safe cemented into a silent promise. He wouldn’t leave her side until he’d found—and gotten rid of—the people trying to hurt her. “You don’t want me to answer that question.”

  “I don’t need you to. I already know the answer. We both do. It’s why we came into your bedroom in the first place. Stop talking and fuck me.” Her voice came out as no more than a whisper, her gaze begging. Her soft pleas undid the last of his control. He’d give her what she demanded, but he wouldn’t let her hide anything from him again. He moved up the bed next to her, cupped her face in his palm and brought his lips to hers.

  * *
* * *

  Faith wrapped her arms around Sam’s neck and fell into the kiss. She parted her lips as his tongue demanded entrance. He stroked deep inside, matching the rhythm of his fingers moving again in her pussy. Her tongue met his thrust for thrust, her body controlling the moment as her mind slipped into the background. She shouldn’t enjoy this…giving her body to him in exchange for his protection. It shouldn’t be any different than the other times. Those men had wanted things from her too. The terms had been different, but the end result the same. She’d left that part of her life behind when she’d married Paul.

  And now she was right back where she started.

  No. That was a lie. This time, everything had changed. Sex had always been a means to an end. Physical. Never emotional. Never meaningful. A way to survive. Sam made her feel, made her want things she shouldn’t want. Made her wish her life had been different. Why couldn’t she have met someone like him sooner? Someone who lent passion and emotion to what had once been a cold, unfeeling act.

  His skin scorched hers, his chest burning into her breasts and his hard cock pressing against her belly. The heat he gave off warmed her from the inside out and made a gush of cream drench her already wet pussy. Her inner muscles spasmed around his fingers. She spread her legs wider, allowing him better access to do as he wanted with her body. Wanting more. Craving everything he chose to do to her. He took full advantage, sliding those long, thick fingers deep inside her over and over again in a maddening pace that drove her closer to climax. His thumb brushed her clit once, twice, circling and stroking. Every muscle in her body tensed, she panted and whimpered. He swallowed her cries as he pumped his fingers, curving them just enough to hit a spot inside her that made her want to scream in ecstasy.

  She dug her nails into his shoulders, throwing her head back with a ragged moan. “This is incredible.”

  He pressed his lips to the valley between her breasts and laughed. “I haven’t even gotten started yet.”

  Her stomach bottomed out at his words even as another jolt of arousal speared through her. Sam made her feel things she shouldn’t feel. Not for him. Not for any man. She’d learned early in life that men couldn’t be trusted, and she had to remember that he was no exception. But something about him felt different. Right. Like maybe he’d be the one to change her mind about the male species.

  No. She shook her head, shook off all thoughts of emotions. Now wasn’t the time to be dreaming of more. She’d offered Sam a physical release, and nothing more. He wouldn’t want to know the direction of her thoughts, and she’d only wind up hurt if she didn’t stop thinking them. Better to enjoy the pleasure spiraling through her body now and sort the rest of it out later.

  Sam’s fingers stroked along her folds, his mouth closing over a peaked nipple, and the unwanted thoughts fled from her mind. Her nerves snapped, her muscles tightening in readiness for what was to come.

  His thumb pressed down on her clit with enough pressure to send her body over the edge into a heart-stopping climax. Her body convulsed as thousands of pinpoints of light raced past her eyes. Her nails dug even more into his skin, probably breaking through it, but she didn’t care. She only wanted to feel, to enjoy the moment before it passed and she was thrown back into her very real, suddenly dangerous life. She arched into him, silently demanding more. Demanding everything. He gave her all she asked for, and more, and he held her until her body stopped spasming and she could draw a full breath.

  She blinked at him, tried to smile. “That was…” Her voice trailed off when she couldn’t find an adequate word. The encounter was wicked, forbidden, and the biggest turn-on she’d ever known.

  “Not nearly enough,” Sam finished. “Not even close.”

  Her eyes widened. “I can’t…not again.”

  “Yes, you can.” His lips closed again over one of her nipples, drawing the pebbled flesh into the hot, moist recesses of his mouth. He slipped his fingers from her body, dragging them across her sensitized skin along the way. Another gush of cream flooded her softened cunt, jolts of pleasure raced through her. She wet her dry lips with the tip of her tongue. He moved to her other breast, tugging and pulling on her nipple with his lips and teeth. Much more of his play, and she’d come again. The thought both shocked and excited her. She tugged on his hair.


  He lifted his head, his eyes dark and his lips moistened. A rakish smile spread over his lips. “Yeah?”

  “Stop teasing.”

  His smile widened. He moved up her body, crushing her with his weight, kissed her again, hard and fast, before he fitted himself between her thighs. “Is this what you’re so anxious for?” The hot tip of his cock press against her cunt, sending another shock of vibrations through her. Yes. That was what she wanted. Needed. What she’d been wishing for since the first moment she saw him. Another second and he’d be inside her, and…damn it. How could she have forgotten?

  “Sam, stop.”

  A low growl rumbled through his chest. “What’s the matter?”

  “Do you have any condoms?”

  He met her gaze, a strange expression in his eyes—eyes that yet again seemed to glow with his arousal—and shook his head. “Shit. No, I don’t have any.”

  “I have some in my purse. I left it by the door. If you let me up, I’ll go grab one.”

  He closed his eyes as he pulled away from her and flopped onto his back on the mattress. “No. You stay here. I’ll get them.” He pushed himself off the bed and walked out of the room.

  Her body protesting the loss of contact, she closed her eyes and waited for him to come back. Goose bumps pebbled her flesh from the chill in the room, but her arousal didn’t fade. Her mind stayed glued on Sam and his incredible hands, and what he’d done with them.

  You shouldn’t be enjoying this so much. This isn’t about fun. It’s about saving your life.

  The thought did nothing to dampen her need. She understood the reasons she’d come to him, but she wouldn’t let herself analyze them. There would be plenty of time for self-doubt later. If she didn’t live in the moment, she’d collapse from the stress.

  Come on, Sam. Where are you?

  It seemed like an eternity before she felt the mattress dip under his weight. She snapped her eyes open to find him on his knees, his erection straining toward her, a fat drop of precum gathered at the tip. She reached out and brushed her fingertip over the liquid, sucked her finger into her mouth to revel in the intoxicating, foreign taste of the man. Enjoy it while you can, girl. He won’t be around forever. “I didn’t break the mood, did I?”

  He let out a pained laugh and gestured to his cock. “Not even close.” He dropped a large handful of condoms on the nightstand next to the bed. “Were you planning an orgy, or do you normally carry this many?”

  Her faced flamed. Having lived the way she had for so long, she’d learned that it was better to be prepared. Men, often times, were not. “I didn’t know if you… I mean… I just thought…”

  Sam’s lips tipped up in a sensual smile. “No need to be embarrassed. I’m not complaining.” He took one of the packets and handed it to her. “You want to do the honors?”

  She took the packet and tore it open, willing her hands to stop shaking so she didn’t embarrass herself. By the time she’d rolled the condom completely over his cock, his face was red and his breaths escaping in harsh pants.

  “You’re lucky you didn’t make me lose it.” He pushed her onto her back and rolled on top of her. “That wasn’t fair.”

  Just as he hadn’t been playing fair earlier, when he’d ordered her around. She smiled. One good turn deserved another.

  “Deal with it.” She wrapped her legs around his hips, already feeling the arousal build again inside her. The sensations with Sam were so intense, so magnified, that she knew she’d be wrung out in the morning. Sex for her had never been great. Never even good. It had been something she did, a chore to be endured and nothing more. She’d always distanced herself from the a
ct, let her mind wander while the man did what he wanted with her. But with Sam, she couldn’t drag her mind away. Couldn’t separate herself from her body.

  She smiled up at him, but the smile quickly faded. Once she was safe and the men chasing her had been dealt with, Sam would be gone. He’d break her heart and her spirit the first chance he’d get. But until then she’d take whatever he offered and enjoy every moment.

  “Deal with it, huh? I plan to. I have to warn you, though, this isn’t going to be gentle. Or slow. I’ve been waiting too long to get inside you.”

  “I don’t need gentle or slow, Sam. I just need you.”

  She said the words, but hadn’t really been prepared for what he did next. He seated himself fully inside her with one long, powerful thrust that knocked the breath from her lungs. She gasped for air as he continued to pound into her cunt, each thrust harder and rougher than the last. She put her hands on his sweat-slicked arms, her fingers gripping tight as she rose to meet his thrusts.

  Her orgasm took her by surprise, sweeping over her in a wave of light and sensation. She cried out as he continued his assault against her convulsing muscles, pushing into her deeper, harder until she thought she’d come apart at the seams. His strokes bordered on pain, but a good pain. An incredible pain, bursting through her with little jolts of electricity.

  His thrusts grew shorter, more erratic. He was close. She dug her heels into his ass, urging him to let go. She ran her hands along his shoulders, down his arms, raking her nails along his skin. In moments, he stiffened above her and cried out her name as he emptied his seed. After another few pumps, he pulled out, gave her a quick kiss, and pushed up from the bed. “Be right back. I need to clean up a little.”

  He left the room, returning minutes later. He switched off the bedroom light and flopped down on his back on the mattress.

  “Shit,” he whispered, his eyes closed and his arms and legs spread out on the mattress.


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