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Heat Wave: A Summer Loving Anthology

Page 27

by Anthology

  Maybe it was the crazy old woman filling my head with nonsense, but I felt connected to Fiona. Like I was destined to be with her.

  There was a high probability that the alcohol was impairing my judgment, but I didn’t want to believe that was true.

  After I released her lips, I rested my forehead against hers. “We need to keep moving or I won’t be able to stop myself,” I said through gritted teeth. My rock-hard cock made wearing pants almost unbearable. If I kissed her again, I wouldn’t be able to control what happened next. The mix of alcohol and horniness wouldn’t help me maintain my composure.

  “From what?” she whispered as she stared into my eyes.

  “I want you so bad. If I kiss you again, I won’t be able to stop myself from wanting to fuck you tonight.” I closed my eyes, trying not to visualize the act.

  “I may want that.”

  My eyes flew open and saw the grin pulling at her lips. “Not tonight.” I didn’t want a one-night stand. What the fuck would I do the rest of the weekend? I’d be stuck in New Orleans for the next however many hours with nothing to do. I wanted to fill my weekend with her.

  Sadness filled her eyes as they flickered toward the ground. “Hey,” I said, using my fingers to lift her chin, “I want you more than anything right now. I just want to give you a reason to see me again tomorrow.”

  “Oh.” Her magnificent smile returned and then vanished. “I have to work tomorrow. Shit.”

  Damn. I wasn’t ready for it all to slip away. “After work?” I asked, hoping she wasn’t just making an excuse.

  “I work twelve to twelve, though.” She sighed, leaning against me as she rested her hands against my chest.

  “You get off at midnight?” I asked, feeling hopeful. I didn’t care what time it was. I’d sleep all damn day if it meant I’d get to spend my night with her.

  “I’m hoping.” She laughed, digging her fingers into my pecs. “So muscular,” she whispered, squeezing my muscles.

  “I’m big all over,” I bragged. What a fucking idiot. That was definitely the liquor talking. I knew I could back that shit up, but it wasn’t sexy to brag.

  “You’re too much, Sam, but I hope to find out.” She smiled, her eyes looking into mine. “Walk me home?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “I’d love to, Fiona.”

  “You can stay the night if you want.” Her other eyebrow joined the first, giving me a look of hopefulness.

  “You need to sleep for work, and I need more than a few hours to worship your body.”

  She smacked my chest and laughed. “You’re such a shit-talker.”

  “It’s not shit when I’ve got the goods to back it up.” I smiled down at her and grabbed the back of her neck. Holding her in my grip, I wiped the smile from my face. Bringing her lips to mine, I said, “I plan to take my time when I fuck you.”

  Fiona sucked in a quick breath as her hands stilled on my chest. “How is it possible?”

  The question made me want to laugh, but I kept it in check. “Well, first I’m going to touch every inch of your body using my mouth and—”

  “Stop,” she pleaded. “That’s not what I meant, Romeo.” She giggled.

  It was my turn to act surprised. “No?” I grinned, wishing we could stay in that moment forever.

  She rested her forehead against my chin as her fingers started to rub my pecs. “I’m wondering if I’m truly here or if I’m passed out at home dreaming this.”

  “I’m real, sweetheart.” I gripped her ass, pressing her against my body. “Does this feel like a dream?” My stiff cock should be enough affirmation that it was, in fact, very real.

  “That feels real. Let me get a better feel though to be sure.” She wiggled her lower half, rubbing against my pants and making the throbbing that much worse. “Yeah, huh,” she whispered. “Sure as hell is for real.”

  I tossed my head back, laughing at her words. “You’re just as wicked as I am, Fiona.”

  “You’re the one who made it sexual, Sam. I wasn’t even thinking that when I asked about this.” She motioned between us with her hands.

  “I know, but it was fun. Let’s get you home so you’re not asking yourself that question and regretting the entire evening.”

  She intertwined her fingers with mine and pulled me forward. “Not possible.”

  “All things are possible,” I replied, following her away from the square.

  The entire walk to her place was filled with flirtatious double-talk. The conversation flowed easily and never died. It was rare to find someone who made me feel completely comfortable with being myself. I didn’t want the evening to end. I tried to tell myself “good things come to those who wait” as we approached her door.

  “This is me,” she said, glancing at the address above the door.

  718 Saint Philip. I repeated in it my head, writing it on my memory. “Until tomorrow,” I said, wrapping my arms around her body before I kissed her.

  Her breathing changed as I pressed my lips against hers. She panted, moaning into my mouth as she fisted my hair in her hands. Listening to the sounds she made almost pushed me over the edge. If I didn’t stop, I wouldn’t be able to. This wasn’t the moment to fuck her. No. I’d be back for more.

  I nipped at her lips, finally removing mine from her mouth. “Fuck,” I groaned, feeling my restraint slipping.

  “I know,” she agreed in a breathy tone, pressing her tits against me.

  I grabbed her arms, holding her body away from mine. “We gotta stop,” I said through gritted teeth. I knew what I said was right, but it was the last fucking thing I wanted to do. The only way to make myself feel better would be to bury myself inside her and not come up for air until my flight took off.

  “Tomorrow,” she whispered, peering up at me.

  I looked down at her and nodded. Her entire face smiled. The corners of her mouth almost kissed her eyes. “Yeah. Give me your phone.” She reached in her small purse and handed it to me without hesitation. I put in my number, saving myself as a contact. I hit send and waited for my phone to vibrate before hanging up. “I got ya now.” I winked at her, turning off her screen before I handed it back to her.

  She stared at the ground, kicking her feet against the sidewalk as she slipped the phone back into her purse and pulled out her keys. “Is this it?”

  “For now, Fiona. I’ll see you tomorrow night.” I kissed her gently on the lips, holding her face in my palm.

  “Promise you’ll be there?” she asked against my lips.

  I smiled, wishing I could explain how I felt about her without sounding like an absolute lunatic. “I promise.”

  She kissed me back, swaying a bit as she grabbed my arm. When she stopped, she glanced up at me. With a smile on her face, she said, “I don’t know if I’m tipsy or just exhausted.”

  “Probably a little bit of both. I know I’m drunk on you.” I swiped my thumb across her jaw, relishing the softness of her skin. God, I sounded like a cheesy asshole. Could I be any more of a tool?

  “You’re such a flirt, Sam. I’ll hold you to your promise.”

  “And I’ll get my payback you promised me for talking to the fortune-teller.”

  She blushed. Even in the virtual pitch-darkness, I could see the pink creep into her cheeks. “I thought maybe you forgot.”

  “A promise like that is unforgettable. I’ll collect tomorrow.” I dragged my hand down her jaw, touching her neck before I released her.

  “Night.” She waved before unlocking the door.

  I gave her a goofy smile, feeling happier than I had in a long time. “Night, Fiona. See you tomorrow.” I waited for her to enter the house and close the door before I started to walk away.

  I fist pumped the air and whisper-yelled, “Yes!” as I headed back toward the action on Bourbon Street. I hope she hadn’t watched me through the window, but the thought didn’t occur to me until after.

  Tomorrow felt promising. No longer did I feel like I was gliding through lif
e, only trying to make it to the next day. I had a reason to be excited for tomorrow. Fiona, the golden-haired girl with eyes as blue as the Caribbean Sea on a sunny day. Her lips breathed new life into me.

  There was a possibility that New Orleans wasn’t just a place where people came to get lost and stay that way.

  Maybe, just maybe, it was a place where someone could be found.

  Chapter 4

  Sexual Healing

  THROUGHOUT THE DAY, Fiona and I texted as I enjoyed my time in the city. We learned a little about each other, or at least as much as either of us was willing to share. I learned that she was an only child. This little fact was refreshing to me. Izzy, the girl who crushed my heart, or at least I had thought so, had four brothers. Every single one of them hated me. Maybe not her brother Thomas, he and I had worked together and seemed to get along. But the rest—they were happy I was out of the picture.

  I added multiple brothers to the list of things to steer clear of in a future mate. That was in addition to crazy, a drug addict, and crazy. Really, most women are perfection, but crazy wasn’t my thing. They’re fun to fuck, but not to spend time with in any way, especially as a girlfriend.

  My job with the FBI didn’t go well with crazy either. Everyone in my life had to go through a thorough background check. Sometimes I thought it was a pain in the ass, but in all actuality, it saved me a lot of hassle.

  More and more, as the days passed by, I realized I no longer wanted to be part of the Bureau. It had lost its sparkle. Maybe it was the last undercover assignment I had, but it didn’t make me happy anymore.

  As I sat in the backseat of the taxi, I sent Fiona a text. I told her I’d pick her up at work, but a hospital is massive. She could be anywhere.

  Me: Where do you want me to meet you?

  I stared out the window of the taxi, watching the city pass by as I waited for her reply. The outskirts of New Orleans were like any other place on earth. The romanticism of the French Quarter disappeared quickly as you moved out into the city. Restaurants and bars fill the urban landscape, some new and some old. The mix of cultures created a unique city that offered something for everyone.

  Fiona: Near the ER. Be there about 12:15

  Me: Take your time.

  I checked the time, seeing that it was only quarter to midnight. I was early, but I knew it was better than being late. The last thing I’d want her to think is that I didn’t care. Tomorrow night I’d be at home, back in Florida and bored. Tonight, I’d be with Fiona, and there was no fucking way in hell I’d be late.

  After handing the cab driver a twenty following the short drive, I strolled through the entrance of the ER. I didn’t want to wander around looking for her; I figured she’d find me.

  Not even ten minutes later she walked through the doors to the waiting room. She had on her nursing uniform, and I was oddly disappointed. I wanted it to look more like a naughty nurse costume women wore at Halloween. Instead, it was a pink pantsuit thing and didn’t fit the fantasy I used last night to jack off.

  Her head turned from side to side as she scanned the waiting room, looking for me. I waited, watching her as she surveyed the room. A giant smile spread across her face as our eyes locked. She curled her finger, calling me to her.

  Without hesitation, I sauntered in her direction, trying to keep my composure. Inside my body, everything danced, feeling the happiness and excitement as it coursed through my system.

  “Hey,” she said with a grin on her face. “You came.”

  I shot her my best cocky grin and a slow blink to go with it. God, the shit she said made it so easy to be dirty. “That’s the plan.”

  She slapped me on the shoulder before placing her hand over her mouth to cover her laugh. “Dirty.”

  “You look stunning,” I said, touching her cheek. My fingers itched to touch her. My lips ached to kiss her, but I couldn’t. There were too many people around, and it was still her place of employment.

  “Thanks.” Her cheeks turned a rosy shade of pink, almost matching her outfit. “You ready to go?”

  “Yes. You lead the way and I’ll follow.”

  “Just have to grab my things in the break room.” She swiped her card through the security system, unlocking the door into the ER.

  I followed her through the doors, keeping up with her fast pace. “I’m just along for the ride.” Fuck, really? I didn’t mean for it to come out dirty, but something told me she’d take it that way.

  She stopped dead and turned to face me. “Do you always have sex on your mind?” she asked as the smile tugged at her lips.

  “No. I could ask the same thing of you. I didn’t mean it that way, but you took it that way. Who’s the dirty one here?” I arched an eyebrow, throwing down the challenge.

  She smiled before turning around and continuing down the hallway. “Point taken.”

  Crisis averted. I didn’t want to be the creepy guy who only thought with his cock. I mean, I wasn’t that guy right now. Tugging on it last night wasn’t the same. It didn’t dull the ache I had for her. It was a momentary Band-Aid that had been ripped off the moment I saw her again.

  She opened a door labeled “Hospital Staff Only” and motioned for me to follow. Without thinking, I followed her inside. “What the…?” I asked as I scanned the room. It wasn’t the employee lounge, but it sure as fuck was a storage room.

  Before I could ask another question, she pushed me against the door. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.” Her hands slid up my chest, feeling my pecs with her fingertips.

  “Me either, Fiona.” Reaching out, I grabbed her face and brought my lips down upon hers. The velvety texture was the same, but the taste was different. Last night they were laced with whiskey, but right now, the only thing I tasted was Fiona.

  As I kissed her, she moaned into my mouth and squeezed my chest harder. Tonight I wouldn’t hold back with Fiona. I didn’t have time for that luxury.

  “Sam,” she groaned as I ran my hands down her arms, brushing my thumb against her breast. Her body trembled under my touch as her breathing hitched. The simple sounds that spilled from her lips made the throbbing need in my cock almost unbearable.

  When her hand made a beeline for my dick, rubbing it through my jeans, I almost exploded. The heat mixed with the friction of her palm almost brought me to my knees as she stroked my shaft hard and slow.

  “Fiona,” I whispered against her lips. It was a plea for relief. I wanted her both to stop and to keep going. The last thing I wanted was to come in my pants like a teenage boy. Fuck, that would be humiliating.

  “Mmm,” she mumbled into my mouth, the sound vibrating against my lips. She gripped my dick, her stroke growing more aggressive.

  “Fuck,” I groaned as my body shuddered in her grip.

  Two could play at this game. Besides that, my fingers needed to touch her. The urge to touch her flesh and taste her became overwhelming. Sliding my hands away from her breast, I dipped my fingers inside the elastic waistband of her uniform. When they pushed through the top of her panties, it was her turn to quake in my arms and moan in my mouth.

  Inside I found a landing strip that beckoned for me to go further. The closer I got to the Promised Land, the softer and damper the hairs became. Her need drenched my fingertips as I slid them between her legs. My fingers moved easily against her satin skin, laden with her wetness. Running my fingers through her lips, I savored the softness as she spread her legs farther apart.

  I dragged my fingers backward, pulsing her clit between my fingertips. She hissed and bit down on my lip. Everything about that moment drove me wild with lust. The way she smelled, the feel of her pussy, the way she stroked me, it all had me on edge and fighting to keep control.

  As she stroked me faster, I plunged my fingers inside her, unable to wait any longer. She cried out as her hand locked around my dick and ceased to move. Her lips popped off mine as she sucked in a harsh, shaky breath. “Oh God,” she moaned as her head tipped back. “Ye
s,” she whispered.

  With my body against the door, I held her body close to mine using my hand. Digging my fingers into her pants, I used my other hand to stroke her deep. Feeling her pussy convulse around my fingers was sexy as fuck. Her breathing changed, growing more ragged as her hand finally started to move. Moving my face forward, I ran my nose against her neck before kissing the tender flesh.

  Working in another digit, I stretched her body open and thrust them inside of her. She fit me perfectly, milking my fingers as I fucked her with my hand. She moved against my hand, not pushing it away, but smashing her pussy against my palm. I tried to focus on her, ignoring the pleasure and the feel of her hand as it rubbed my shaft through my jeans. I couldn’t and I wouldn’t come here. I wanted to feel her mouth as she took me deep, rubbing her tongue against the head. God, I wanted to feel something more than fabric and heat.

  As her grunts turned into something different, a noise more primal, I touched her clit with the pad of my thumb. Her pussy quivered around my fingers and her mouth fell open. I wanted to tip her over the edge. Bring her to her knees with pleasure so intense I’d leave her winded.

  I moved my fingers in tiny circles, increasing the pressure with each rotation. The more her pussy contracted, the more I quickened the pace. Even though I wanted to taste her flesh as she came, I wanted to see her face more. Watching a woman come is one of the most beautiful things in the world. Knowing I fucking did that to her is life-affirming. Life is nothing without pleasure. The way their mouths fall open and their breathing changes—it’s heavenly.

  Her hand locked on my dick, pulsing it as she sucked in a quick breath without exhaling. I watched her eyes flutter closed as her pussy locked down on my fingers. Her body swayed as the first wave of orgasm crashed over her. I didn’t relent, fucking her harder with my fingers as she came on my hand. Increasing the pressure on her clit, I could hear the wetness of her pussy as my fingers moved inside of her. It was fucking fantastic.

  As her body grew limp in my arms, she blew the air out of her lungs and then pulled in a breath. “Jesus,” she whispered, raising her head to look at me.


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