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Heat Wave: A Summer Loving Anthology

Page 33

by Anthology

  "You. Feel. So. Fucking. Good. Damn, Ev." The clench of my inner muscles helps send him into his own ecstasy. I can feel the heat of his release deep inside just as he reaches for the floor to stop us from falling.

  "I'm going to love lovin' on you for the rest of my life. Promise you'll always look at me like this." I wrap myself around him completely and devour his lips, reminding him just how much I love him with every kiss. He guides us to the floor during my attack and before I know it, we are both breathing heavily and sprawled out on the floor.

  "Thank you, Mr. Walker."

  "You're welcome, Mrs. Walker." His response lands him a few extra pinches to the side and me wrapped up in his arms again. We stay there for a little while and talk about our future together. Knowing that our life will be full of adventure and love makes me eager.

  We shower together when we finish; knowing people will be over shortly makes the shower go a lot quicker than usual. The muscles all over my body are sore from his mission to make me orgasm so many times, but that is a sweet soreness that I'll take any day.

  It isn't long before the house fills with our friends. The guys start up the grill and break out the beer. All of the girls surround Heaven and enjoy how precious she is. She has more color today and is absolutely adorable. I'm not going to lie, holding her gives me a little bit of baby fever and I look forward to the day we will have our own.

  "How are you feeling?" Ivy's painful expression when she moves kind of worries me.

  "I'm doing alright. My milk came in today, and holy shit, why don't they warn you of the pain?"

  "I'm sorry. Do you need anything?"

  "Yeah, I need to feed her again already." We move to the spare bedroom and she begins to feed Heaven just as the dresses arrive. Lilly and I guide the delivery guys into the living room until they have them all inside. Each one is in a clear bag and it's overwhelming seeing all that lace. After the delivery guys leave, I grab a couple and move them so that Ivy can see, too.

  "You know you have to try them all on."

  "There’s an ass load of them out there."

  "It doesn't matter. We need to see them all. It's not like I'm going anywhere any time soon." With Lilly's help, I start trying on each dress. I'm quick to decide I don't like the real poofy skirts.

  When I try on the dress, we all know it’s the perfect one. It's the one that takes our breath away and brings tears to my eyes. Ivy moves to hug me, even with a baby breastfeeding on her. My dress is simple, yet perfect. It hugs me in all the right areas and will make the perfect beach wedding dress.

  Looking in the mirror confirms it all for me. I absolutely love this dress and it’s in this moment that the reality of everything comes to surface. I'm getting married to the love of my life. He chose to spend his life with me and there is nothing greater than that. I plan to spend forever with him, no matter where life takes us.

  There's a knock on the door and Talon's voice carries through the room.

  "How's it going? You need help with those zippers?"

  "We have it under control. Don't you know it's bad luck to see a bride's dress before the wedding?" Lilly moves quickly to block him from entering. His laughter fades as he moves down the hall.

  "Oh, Ev, you’ll make a beautiful bride! I can't wait to see his face tomorrow." Ivy grabs my camera to take a few pictures of us. When Macy arrives, the guys demand to send us off for pampering while they take care of Heaven. Spending time with my girls is all I could ever ask for in a bachelorette party.

  We don't stay gone very long because Ivy needs to get back for the baby, but it’s the perfect day. My girls are very important to me and that's why each of them will be standing on the beach with us tomorrow. They all have their dresses ready to go for our big day. Luckily, Macy was able to find a perfect style for them when Ivy was in the hospital. To be honest, I don't care what people wear. I refuse to get caught up in all the bridezilla emotions about everything needing to be perfect. It will be perfect because everyone I love will be there.

  Our evening goes just as fast as the day did. It's usually really easy with our group. I’ve been watching Luke to see how he interacts with Lilly. I can tell there is something going on and I take the opportunity to interrogate him the second we're alone in the kitchen."

  "Watch yourself, big guy."

  "Why Cuz, what do you mean by that?"

  "You know exactly what I mean."

  "It's all good. We're just having fun. Nothing to worry about."

  "Tell that to the Walkers who will have your ass if you fuck her over."

  "I won't fuck her over. Besides that, we're friends and I don’t want to mess that up."

  "I'm going to hold you to that, Luke. Be nice to that girl." He seems amused by my warnings so I'm just not sure how this is going to go. He really is a great guy but he has zero intention of settling down. His focus on his music and the gym usually puts a stop to any type of relationship anyway.

  "Oh....... I plan to!" He's trying to use his teasing tone to lighten up this conversation, but it doesn’t make me feel any better. I'm going to have to face that he's going to do what he wants. I'll just have to keep the Walkers in check if they try to interfere with those two.

  The night goes so well, yet totally different than I expected. To be honest, we can have fun anywhere as a group. I watch our friends interact and the smile on Talon's face lets me know that this is the perfect party for us right before our wedding. The bachelor party scene is a continuous possibility out on the road, but a night like this is completely rare. I move in to stand beside Talon as he tells the story of the first night he met me. That damn body shot that started it all. Who'd have thought?

  "I think this calls for a shot! Taron, you and Ivy need to do it up like you usually do!" Luke decides to encourage Taron for a toast.

  "I'm not drinking, but I'll toast!" One of these days, Ivy and I are going to have to go out and celebrate everything we have to be happy about! Taron grabs the shot glasses and begins to pour a round of tequila.

  "Raise your glasses to the bride and groom! Brother, I'm so happy you let us keep her!" Taron bumps into my side with a teasing grin. We have come so far. Who'd have known I'd bond with that vulgar male and my best friend would fall in love with him.

  "No really, let’s do this right! I want to toast to the women! Is everyone ready? Get your glasses in here." We all lean in close to tap our glass in the center of the circle. Ivy's is filled with water and everyone else's is filled with tequila. "Here's to those who sit when they pee. We love 'em in leather, we love 'em in lace, but we love 'em best when they sit on our face!"

  "I'll drink to that!" Talon speaks up very quickly to accept the toast. I watch his face while we all drink our shots, loving the smooth taste of this tequila as it slides down the hatch. The glasses are all filled again and we turn to face Ivy, because we know another one is coming.

  "My turn! I have one for all of us! Here's to lookin’ like movie stars, livin’ like rock stars and fuckin’ like porn stars!"

  "Hell yeah!" I notice Lilly smile at Luke as she downs that shot. Well, hell.

  "This one is mine!" Talon takes over the spotlight and finishes pouring a round.

  "Here's to Eaven, the only thing that rhymes with her is Heaven and I can't quite go there, so this one won't rhyme. Here's to the love of my life, the woman who gets me inside and out, the only girl my eyes search for and the only girl my heart beats for."

  "Awwww." I'm not even sure who said that because I'm so lost in his eyes right now. His words make me a mushy mess and I don't even care. I wrap my arms around his neck and let him pull me up for a very long kiss. Our audience moves away sometime during our kiss.

  "Thank you, Talon. I love your toast. Do you have your vows ready for tomorrow?" I start to panic a little because I haven't even thought about mine.

  "No. I want us to say what comes to mind in that moment. That way we both know it's completely genuine."

  "Okay. I hope I can act
ually think at the time."

  "If not, I'll know." We hear the others start to return and little Heaven begins to cry. Ivy and Taron decide to go home and the others follow shortly behind them. Tomorrow is the big day and I can't wait.

  Chapter Ten


  THIS DAY HAS BEEN so damn exhausting. Getting everything to the lake house has totally worn me out. I can only be thankful for the huge support group we have helping us so that we can even have the wedding today. I had no idea how much goes into these things. The caterer has everything in place and our mothers have made the deck and lake front perfect for our ceremony. I have Rebel Walking set up to play a little tonight and we brought in a DJ to cover the rest of the evening. Ev and I will have a great wedding and I know the night to follow will be even better.

  The guys have all arrived in their tuxes and the guests are starting to show up. The preacher is even here, ready to make this official. I try to keep busy while we wait for the girls to signal that they’re ready to go. I feel like I'm preparing for a concert, trying to make sure every single thing is perfect, but in all honesty I know it will be. We are both easygoing and will be able to go with the flow of any disasters that may arise.

  We get the signal that the girls are ready and I watch as one by one the most important women in my life begin to be ushered out of the lake house. All of the mothers and grandmothers are seated first. The groomsmen work their way to the steps to begin ushering the bridesmaids to the shore. The sound of the waves rolling onto the shore behind me drowns out the music just slightly.

  Luke begins to walk with Macy. Holden follows with Lilly. Taron helps Ivy down the stairs with Heaven and they walk together down the aisle. I laugh when Ivy takes a picture of me as she walks. Taron is holding Heaven in his arms and I can't think of a better place for her to be. Little Avery tosses petals down the aisle and walks right up to me for a hug. I lean down for this precious little girl and let her hug my neck.

  "You're going to be my brother today!"

  "Yes I am, pretty girl!" I notice the flashes of the camera and see Ivy turn back to the house to focus.

  Then I see her. Everything else fades away and my focus is completely on my woman. She did this to me the first day I met her and now, over a year later, she still does it to me. Ivy moves around and begins taking pictures of Eaven when she starts to take the steps one by one.

  Her smile captivates me and makes me so proud that she is walking toward me. What did I do to deserve to be this happy? I know I've messed up in the past, but somehow I know I got this right.

  Our eyes lock and we don't lose the connection the entire time she makes her way to the sand. Her father leads her hand into mine and she begins to lightly brush me with her thumb. It’s crazy how everything in the world is non-existent in this moment. I see her and only her. I watch her lips and know they are mine forever.

  The ceremony moves very quickly and all of a sudden we are asked to say our vows. I have no idea what I'm going to say, so I hope I can actually speak when he asks for mine.

  I pause in awkward silence when the preacher asks for my vows. There are many words going through my head, but it's total chaos. Taking a deep breath, I look deep into her eyes and let the words flow.

  "Eaven Bennett, your eyes are glowing and I'm going to make it my personal responsibility to make sure they remain that way. Your lips are smiling and I promise to do everything it takes to keep that beautiful smile on your face. Your heart is beating very fast and I hope to always have this effect on you. Your hands are warm and I will forever walk beside you in life, hand in hand, to make sure that never changes. Ev, you have made my life complete and I will do my best to deserve you one day."

  Tears roll down her cheeks and she has to compose herself before she begins her own vows. I work hard to focus on what she's saying. I want to memorize this moment and ease her through speaking the words her heart wants to say.

  "Talon Walker, I love you with everything inside me. I knew the first day I laid eyes on you that you were the one for me. I promise you my heart. It's yours to take care of and I trust you to shelter it for many years to come. My heart only beats for you and I can't wait to walk through life with you. All of this is because you already deserve me."

  The preacher says a few words and I can’t repeat any of them. I love this woman and she is seconds from saying 'I do' to me. I get her ring and wait for her words to come so I can slip the ring on her finger once and for all.

  Her breathy "I do" moments later has me impatiently diving in for my kiss. The preacher clears his throat and everyone begins to laugh, but Eaven joins me for a very nice display of affection. She even nibbles on my lip when she finally pulls away. I look at the preacher, who is amused, whether or not he should be.

  "May we continue, Mr. Walker?"

  "Yes, please hurry!"

  He takes that request and makes it official right after I say the same words. She slides my ring on and I decide right then that I'll be getting one a little more permanent very soon.

  "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride....again." Now this kiss is more like you'd expect at a wedding. Except, I'm not going to lie, my hands roam around her waist and a little lower to pull her in tight for the hug I'm used to getting.

  "I love you, Mrs. Walker."

  "I love you, Mr. Walker." I lean down and lift her into my arms. Carrying her down the aisle and into the lake house for our quick reception is my only goal.

  The cake turned out badass. It looks like a drum set and there is entirely too much cake for the friends we have here, but it was necessary to make it like this. I decide to be nice and clean up all the frosting I smear on her lips. It's my pleasure to get rid of the mess I made.

  We move outside for the music and more pictures. Once the band is done playing and it's time for us to leave, I ask for Luke to go get her surprise.

  Our friends and family gather to wish us well on our honeymoon. I can't wait to take her away for a few days. I have flights that leave tomorrow for a resort that she has no idea about. Our bags are packed and ready to go.

  We decided not to do the traditional bubbles or rice that’s found at most weddings. There is only one thing fitting to send us off.

  Taron begins to hand out the shot glasses to every single person here. Each one is filled with their choice of tequila of course, or sparkling juice for anyone who chooses to skip out on the hard stuff. Taron and Ivy meet us at the shore and everyone gathers around us.

  "Little brother, you chose the perfect girl for you! We all knew from the beginning that we'd one day be here to celebrate your love for each other. Ev, you have no idea how happy I am to have you in his life. You brought my brother back to us and for that I'll always have a special place in my life for you. You are an amazing woman who we are very proud to have as a Walker. Ivy, do you have anything to add?"

  "I didn't realize we were doing sappy toasts. I'm not used to being on the spot like this. But really, Ev, you have been more than a sister to me and I'm so proud to have been a part of your journey this far in life. Who'd have thought that day in sixth grade that you'd find your best friend in the bully trying to pick a fight with you. I love you for everything you've become and I know we are in no way finished being in each other's lives. Taron, you are so lucky to have my friend's heart. I know you will cherish it always and take care of my girl. I know this, because I'll hunt you down if you don't. Lift your glasses to Mr. and Mrs. Talon Walker!"

  The shot glasses are all lit up and glow in the dark and just the sight of all of them in the air is badass. They all wait until we tip ours back before they drink up.

  "Thank you for coming! We will see everyone soon!"

  Luke is arriving in the boat I bought for Eaven. I had stored it at the neighboring lake house. This is how our first date started and I want us to have our own memories. The confusion on her face brings out only smiles from mine.

  "Mrs. Walker, here is our new mode
of transportation."

  "Talon, this is crazy. You bought a boat?"

  "Yes I did. I want us to have our own." The surprise on her face is so worth all the trouble it took to get everything together.

  I lean over, lift my bride and walk her down the dock away from all of our family and friends. Luke meets us on the dock and knows better than to detour me from my plan to leave.

  "Have fun out there!"

  I walk us onto the boat before I set her down. The view of all the lights from the shot glasses catches my attention so I have her turn to see.

  "Talon, I love this. This is absolutely perfect."

  "I have plans for you, Mrs. Walker, that'll make it perfect."

  "Really? Exactly what do you have planned?"

  "Remember our first kiss?"

  "Yes. The body shot on the lake."

  "We're definitely doing that again tonight." I point to the lettering across the back of the boat.

  "Oh my God, Talon. You named the boat 'The Body Shot'?"

  "Yes I did."


  Vol. 1

  By S. Moose




  Three thousand, six hundred and fifty-two days since he left. Lying on the couch, clinging to the box of our memories, I try to hold back the tears. Digging deep inside I try to find the strong woman, hoping to find the voice that’ll help me through this, but she’s not here.

  Pushing the box away from my chest, my eyes land on the cover. The beige, almost perfect, shoebox cover holds my past, a past I visit once a year, but I don’t open the box. Not ever. Every year, on June 13, I get the same feeling — alone and scared. Even though I’ve moved on, I still feel like the eighteen-year-old girl waiting.

  Touching the cover of the box, I rest my hand on top, not moving. I’m scared to look at the pictures and objects that represented us. Seeing these things will bring back the memories of the boy who stole my heart when I was twelve and held my hand when I needed him to.


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