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Heat Wave: A Summer Loving Anthology

Page 55

by Anthology

“Is that why you avoid me?”

  “Sì. I should refrain. It’s not fair to you.”

  “What’s not fair is the fact we need to ignore this—” I paused and searched for the right word “—connection.”

  He gripped the back of his neck. I watched the muscles of his forearm flex from the pressure he applied. I watched as he closed his eyes and pulled in one measured breath after another. When he opened them, he looked right at me. “I don’t want to jeopardize your career. E ridicolo…um, sorry, it’s ridiculous to have to worry about such things, but it’s an unfortunate reality in our society.”

  He was right, but I didn’t like hearing the truth. It wasn’t fair. Life was too short to ignore the universe when it was offering a gift. “So now what?” I asked.

  “Non lo so,” he responded with a shrug. “I don’t know.” He wasn’t saying no. Hope swirled in my chest, along with the desire that still consumed me. He needed to know where I stood on the subject. I closed the distance between us and placed a hand in the center of his chest. I could feel his heart pounding beneath my touch.

  “I’m a big girl, Marco. I appreciate your chivalry, but I’m fully capable of handling my professional career or anyone who tries to insinuate I’m here for the wrong reasons. I am fully committed to Sunset and to my job.” I pulled my hand away and folded my arms defensively. He watched the motion before settling his eyes back on mine. “Marco, I am also a woman who is attracted to her boss. I’m sorry, but I can’t help how I feel. As far as I’m concerned, one should have nothing to do with the other, nor should it be anyone’s business. But, unfortunately, things aren’t so simple. I did warn you when we first met…I’m a dreamer.” I could tell he was processing my words. I smiled warmly and turned to leave him alone with his thoughts and my admission.

  He now knew how I felt.


  THE ENTERTAINMENT STAFF had the evening off. Each week, a different band or singer would perform on The Horizon. Tonight one of my favorite bands, Cliffhangers, supplied the evening entertainment. I had a huge crush on each member, but my favorite was the bass player Evan Miller. The only thing that kept my mind off the “incident” in the storage room was that I’d finally be meeting them face-to-face.

  They were gracious and funny. The drummer Joe was hilarious. I embarrassingly asked them each to pose for a photo, and then collectively. That was an experience I will never forget. Once the show was over, the gang decided to head to the disco lounge.

  As part of the entertainment staff, we were allowed to do whatever we wanted on days or nights off. Usually, I went with the flow and hung out with my team. That was always a fun time, especially watching Warren and Hirrod break out into the latest hip-hop moves. I enjoyed spending time with my staff and, except for Dina, I think they enjoyed spending time with me. That chick simply didn’t like me. Ricky would always join us and always have me laughing hysterically with comments he’d make during the night. It was rare for Marco to make an appearance at the lounge, and I wasn’t waiting around to find out.

  After Cliffhangers performed, I no longer had a reason to pretend I wanted to be there. I excused myself, claiming I felt ill, and headed back to my stateroom, wanting to be alone.

  Time off was a privilege, and having the option to do whatever we wanted was even more so. Members of the crew weren’t allowed to interact with the public on their time off. Most would congregate in the staff lounge, the Internet room, or the crew gym. Ricky reminded me of how lucky we were when he came to my stateroom to reprimand me.

  “I’m just not in the mood to hang out tonight.”

  “He’s there.” He tried to sweeten the deal. Did he realize that meant torture for me?

  “Oh, great.” He smiled, assuming victory. His smile faded when I then said, “All the more reason to stay here.” I went into my bathroom to change into a tank top and pajama bottoms. When I emerged, he pounced.

  “You two are killing me! I’ve never met two people as stubborn as you!” I had no smartass retaliation, which gave him the green light to continue his tantrum. “I saw the sparks flying between you today in that storage room. Actually, that is too tame of an analogy. It was more like fucking explosions going off from land mines!”

  True, I thought.

  “I’ve never seen him act like this! Ever! Trust me when I say you got under his skin.”

  And he got under mine, I thought.

  “There is absolutely no reason that condones this stupidity!”

  Except for destroying our careers, I thought.

  Reading my thoughts, he then said, “There is no way Sunset cares if you two are fucking, as long as you two are okay with fucking!”

  Great, now I had a visual of Marco fucking me.

  “They would only care if you were forced or harassed into it!”

  The only thing Marco would have to force me to do was to stop fucking him.

  “Are you going to say something or sit there and ignore me like you ignore what he does to you?”

  Yep, ignoring sounds like the perfect solution at the moment.

  He raised his hands as if he wanted to strangle me and cried out, “Ugh!” Without another word, he stormed out of my room, slamming the door behind him.

  “Well, that didn’t go well,” I finally spoke, but the only one to hear me was my reflection.

  Chapter Eight – Marco

  I SAT AT THE BAR, watching all the fun happening around me. It wasn’t unusual for me to act as a spectator on our off nights. Normally, I’d sit and watch my staff releasing stress. I’d chat with the bartenders or any other staff that were hanging out at the bar. Tonight, all I could think about was Rebecca. I replayed the scene while staring at the whiskey in my glass.

  I wanted her. She wanted me as well and made that very clear earlier. That didn’t make it okay. If she were a seasoned employee with years of experience behind her, I probably would cave in to my desires without worry. She’s so new to this industry. I don’t want her losing the respect she’s already garnered from her staff.

  Ricky sat beside me with a scowl on his face.

  “Cosa vuoi?”

  “I need to talk to you.”

  “Of course you do,” I responded with an eye-roll.

  “Don’t give me attitude, mister.” He lowered his voice and said, “I just left Rebecca crying her eyes out in her stateroom because she thinks she’s causing problems in your life. She feels awful about it and is considering ending her contract commitment.”

  “What? She can’t do that. She loves it here, and she’s perfect for her job.”

  “I agree. You need to go tell her she can’t leave. She won’t listen to me.” I downed the rest of my drink and climbed off the barstool. Ricky gripped my arm and then said, “One more thing. You also need to knock this shit off. There is one scenario that needs to occur. You and Rebecca need to work side by side on this ship while allowing yourselves to have an intimate relationship. She can’t continue walking around here like a love-sick teenager, and you can’t continue walking around here with a humongous hard-on.”

  “Cos'è humongous?”

  “It means huge. I’ve seen you in your underwear, Marco.” A devious smile spread across his face.

  “You’re crossing a line, Burrows.”

  “Big deal. I’ve crossed far worse, and you know it. Now get your ass over to her room and convince her to stay. If she leaves, I quit.”

  “One of these days I’ll fire you, Burrows.” I walked away, shaking my head as I once again took orders from my assistant.

  A few minutes later I knocked on her door, expecting to see a distraught Rebecca. The minute she opened her door looking absolutely beautiful in a white tank top and plaid pajama bottoms, I knew I’d been duped.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked, confused by my visit.

  “Except for the fact there will be a murder committed on this ship tonight, sì, everything is okay.”

  “Maybe you shouldn’t be voicing that ou
t loud in the hallway. Come in.” She stepped into her room and I followed. “Who are you going to murder?”


  She laughed adorably. “What did he do now?” I recounted our conversation, leaving out the part where he demanded we have a relationship.

  “He lied.”

  “Yeah, I figured that out.”

  She sat cross-legged on her bed, and I sat in the only chair in her room. “What are we going to do with him?” she asked, more amused than annoyed by his antics.

  “Lui è un rompiballe.” She raised her eyebrows in confusion. “Pain in the ass. He threatened to quit, again.”

  “Does that happen often?” she asked tentatively.

  “What, that he threatens to quit? Yes, he threatens to quit daily.”

  “No. His obsession to have you in a relationship.” She looked down, and it then occurred to me what she was getting at.

  “No. He’s never done this before because mai agito in questo modo.” She met my eyes, waiting for me to translate. Damn it, my frustrations were obvious with every Italian word I spoke. “Sorry. I’ve never acted this way before.”

  Relief flashed over her face. “Neither have I.”


  “I’m sorry, Marco. I can’t help how I feel.”

  “And how do you feel?” I asked, knowing I was asking for trouble.

  “I’ve never met a man who made me feel winded by his presence. I’ve never looked forward to seeing a smile, hearing a laugh, or smelling a cologne before. I’ve never met a man whom I thought about more than not.”

  I needed her to be more adamant that whatever this was between us couldn’t happen. If she were to thrust a firm hand in my face and tell me to fuck off, that would be all I’d need to leave her alone. Instead, she sat there saying things to me that had my heart squeezing with emotion. She looked absolutely beautiful with parted lips, thick waves of her chestnut brown hair cascading around her shoulders, pebbled nipples pushing against the fabric of her tank top, and causing my pene…penis…to throb in my pants. She stared at me tentatively while her deep blue eyes focused on mine, and I couldn’t think of anything other than kissing her.

  So, instead of telling her this was a bad idea, turning on my heel, and leaving her room, I stood and walked toward her. Her breathing altered, forcing her chest to rise and fall with each breath. I was about to cross a line, and I no longer cared. Logic was the furthest thing from my mind. All I thought about was what her gorgeous lips would taste like. I reached for her hand and pulled her into a kneeling position on the bed. My eyes devoured the contours of her face, her neck, and her beautiful breasts before I asked, “Posso baciarti? Can I kiss you?”


  I dug my hands into her hair and held her head hostage. She watched wide-eyed as I leaned closer and pressed my lips to hers. Her hands slid up my arms until she linked them behind my neck. When I felt her fingers in my hair, the tentative kiss turned into an explosion of passion between us.

  I couldn’t get close enough to her warm, perfect body. Releasing her silky hair, I skimmed her back, pushing her farther into my body. A tiny moan escaped, and my hardened cock jerked in my pants. I needed to feel her skin, so I slipped my hand beneath her tank top. The minute I made contact, I decided it wasn’t enough. I knew she wasn’t wearing a bra. Curiosity had my other hand finding skin as well but in the form of her full breast. She filled my hand so perfectly. I found heaven.

  When I ran my thumb over her nipple, she broke the kiss and pulled away to look at me.

  I worried she was stopping this because I was beyond the point I’d be able to stop. Nervously, I pulled my hand away, but she caught it and pressed it back onto her breast. “Don’t stop,” she pleaded.

  I didn’t respond. Instead, I continued fondling her and watched as her head dipped back and her eyes fell shut. Supporting her with one hand, I bent down and licked her nipple in slow motion. Her sweet scent and smooth skin made me want to tear her clothes off and sink into her. At the same time, her sounds and responses to my touch made me want to taste every inch of her with my mouth.

  I removed her tank top. Her breasts were spectacular. I gawked at her nakedness like a horny teenager. With a shy smile, she reclined until she was flat on her back. In a trance, I moved to lie beside her, still fully clothed. This no longer had anything to do with my needs. It was all about appreciating this gorgeous woman in every way. She watched as I ran a hand over her breasts and down her torso. She bit her lip when I slipped my hand inside the waistband of her bottoms. She closed her eyes when I skimmed over her tight curls and into her slick folds.

  She muttered, “Oh, God,” when I slipped a finger inside of her warmth. I added another and used my thumb to bring her an orgasm. Her fingers clutched my shoulders in desperation. I dipped my head and pulled her nipple into my mouth. The vision of Rebecca having an orgasm was so beautiful, and one I would never forget. She stared straight into my eyes and said my name. I’ve never heard a more beautiful sound. I kissed her deeply, swallowing her noises until they were replaced with heavy pants.

  Once she relaxed, a seed of doubt began to cultivate in the pit of my stomach. What had I done? She sensed the change in me and cupped the side of my face.

  “Marco, please don’t regret this.”

  “How did you know?”

  “I could tell. What you just made me feel, I’ve never felt that in my entire life. No one has ever made me feel that way.”

  “You’ve never had an orgasm?” I asked incredulously.

  “No. I’ve never had a good one.”

  She pulled me down to kiss me. While kissing, she gathered the fabric of my shirt in her fingers and broke our kiss to pull it over my head. Just as I had when I first saw her, she skimmed her eyes over my chest and abs before working her gaze back up to my face. “You are by far the best looking man that I’ve ever met.”

  “Rebecca, sei bellissima. Non riesco a ottenere abbastanza della vostra bellezza.”

  “What does that mean?” she asked with a smile.

  “You are so beautiful. I can’t get enough of your beauty.”

  “How do you say, me too?”


  “Anch'io.” She kissed my lips and then traveled her lips over my jaw, down my neck, and down my chest. She continued placing openmouthed kisses down my body until she reached my waistband. While watching my eyes, she slowly unbuckled my belt, unbuttoned my pants, and lowered my zipper until my hardened bulge was revealed within my briefs. With one hand on my abs, she used the other to release my cock and placed one perfect kiss on the tip.

  “Fanculo!” I said, jerking beneath her lips.

  “I think I know what that means,” she said with a smile. “Fuck?”


  She didn’t respond but instead smiled before pulling me into her mouth.

  Chapter Nine – Rebecca

  I’VE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING sexier than Marco losing himself from my efforts. I traced lazy patterns on his chest with my fingertip while he stared quietly at the ceiling.

  “Wow,” he said for the third time. I lay against his firm, muscular body, smiling at the state I’d reduced him to.



  “Not bad for a neo, huh?”

  He looked down at me. “Ricky told you that?” I smiled wide and he shook his head. “He’s too much. Do I have any secrets that he’ll keep?”

  “I don’t know, you tell me.”

  “I do feel like a…pervertito,” he finally said after a long pause.

  “What’s that?”

  “How do you say, a creepy man interested in sex?”

  I leaned up on an elbow to meet his gaze. “Pervert?”

  “Sì. I just allowed my beautiful entertainment staff coordinator to give me a pompino.”

  “Blow job?” He nodded like a naughty child, making me laugh. “Marco, we’re both adults. You didn’t force me to do anythin
g I didn’t want to do. In fact, as I remember it, I pretty much took you without consent. At least you asked permission to kiss me.” He smiled at my argument. “It’s true,” I added with a shrug.

  “I’m so happy you said yes.”

  “I’m so happier that you asked.”

  “I know my English enough to know that doesn’t make sense.”

  “Whatever.” I settled back against his chest, and he gathered me in his arms. “So, what happens now?” I asked hesitantly. I knew I was setting myself up to hear words I wouldn’t be happy hearing.

  “We need to be careful,” he said, surprising me. I allowed myself a small smile, thrilled that he wasn’t willing to stop what we started. I wasn’t willing to stop it either. I needed more.

  “I can be careful. I love a challenge.”

  “That I know, Ms. Stanton.” He smoothed a firm hand down my back and rested it just above the curve of my ass over my pajama bottoms. When he patted my ass, he said, “I really should go. We both have to be up in a few hours.”

  “Okay,” I responded, unable to hide the disappointment that I felt over him leaving my bed. I wished he could stay until morning, get naked, and possibly continue what we started. I didn’t want to push my luck or drive him into thinking this was a mistake. Instead, I watched quietly as he buttoned his pants and buckled his belt. I reached for my tank top and quickly covered myself up.

  “I’ll have Ricky coordinate our breaks and off time. He’ll also be our carrier pigeon,” he said with his stunning smile.

  “You’re telling Ricky?” I asked excitedly.

  “Sì,” he laughed, causing my insides to tremble. “He’ll know after taking one look at me. Besides, I bet he’s sitting outside my cabin door at the moment.”

  I giggled at the visual, and Marco sat beside me on the bed. “You have the best laugh.”

  “No, you do,” I refuted.

  He leaned closer and kissed me sweetly. “Così bella,” he said after he broke our kiss. “I truly must go now. Otherwise, I’ll be here for days and end up getting us both fired.” At his words, a chill caused by doubt ran over my heated skin. “Ciao, bella,” he said before turning to leave.


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