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The Bandit

Page 10

by B. B. Reid

  Mr. Phillips, my math teacher, finally noticed the commotion and hurried over. Jesse and his posse wasted no time kicking rocks. I didn’t want a repeat the next day so when my teacher questioned me, I told him I’d fallen and limped home before he could ask any more questions.

  “Do you see him?”

  My head flew up to meet Angel’s hard gaze. “See who?”

  “Jesse,” he answered through clenched teeth.

  Naively, I scanned the crowd until my gaze fell on the blond hair and pudgy face of Jesse Newman. Angel followed my gaze, and a split second later, he was moving in his direction.


  I ran to keep up even though I knew I wouldn’t be able to stop him. Jesse and two of his goonies were standing on the side of the building, away from the crowd and teachers, while they pushed around the same boy from yesterday. I guess he liked to get a head start on his quota for the day.

  He was wearing his signature faded blue hoodie that he never took off, even in the heat—even if it made him smell rank. I don’t think he even knew what deodorant was. Rumor was his parents were not only poor but also abusive. He probably used his size over his classmates to make himself feel better about it and stole lunch money to eat.

  After yesterday, though, it was hard to sympathize with him.

  “You Newman?” Angel demanded when we were close enough

  “Who wants to know?” Jesse mouthed. That was before he looked up. I took great pleasure in watching his eyes bug out of his head. “Do I know you?”

  “Do you want to know me?”

  “I—” He looked around and shuffled his feet. His two friends, carrot top and shaggy, had already put space between them and Jesse. The kid they were pushing around looked up in awe from the ground. “I don’t think so.”

  He looked ready to piss his pants, and Angel hadn’t done anything other than stand there.

  “But you know her, right?” It wasn’t until Jesse’s accusing blue eyes landed on me that I realized he was referring to me.



  Angel pointed to my busted lip. “Hm,” he said in that way that let me know shit just hit the fan. “So, this isn’t your handiwork?”

  “I never touched her! I swear!”

  “Funny. She says you did.”

  “She—she’s lying!”

  “Say what?” Angel took a menacing step forward. “Let me hear that again? She’s…?” He waited.

  Tears gave Jesse’s eyes a glossy sheen.

  Jesse Newman was actually crying.

  I grinned.

  “Tell you what. I’ll give you a chance to apologize.”

  Jesse didn’t hesitate. His head whipped toward me. “S—sorry.”

  Angel shook his head and smiled. “I don’t accept that kind of apology.” His tone never lost its calm, but I could hear the sinister edge beneath it.

  “What do you mean then?”

  “You’re going to let her return the favor.”


  “B—but—but—but—but… I can’t let a girl hit me!”

  Angel’s fine shoulders lifted in a careless shrug. “Okay then.” I watched his powerful hand as he balled it into a fist and took another step forward.


  “What? You don’t want a girl to hit you, right?”

  “Please, sir.”

  “Ah… I see. It’s not fun when they’re bigger and stronger than you, is it?” Stupidly, Jesse shook his head. “So, what will it be?”

  He looked between Angel and me weighing his options. I knew what he decided when he sniffled, and his body slackened. “Okay.”


  He quickly pointed a chubby finger at me. “She can do it.”

  Angel’s grin was slow and scary. “Good. Because she’s not going to stop until I’m satisfied.” Jesse gasped and looked ready to bolt, but Angel was no longer paying attention to him. He was staring at me now. “Do your worst, kid.”


  His stare went from hard to impatient. “It’s not an option.”

  It was then I realized that I was just as much a pawn in Angel’s game as he was. If I refused him, Angel would likely pummel him, which wouldn’t fare well for Jesse. Angel would leave permanent damage. Beating up Jesse in front of his friends would be doing him a favor.

  After stealing another glance at Angel, I squared my shoulders and tried to look tough. Jesse didn’t look particularly worried about me. His terrified gaze was still locked on Angel.

  I swung, landing my first punch on his arm. I stepped back, hoping it was over. Jesse didn’t move, but his face said he hoped it was over, too.

  I should have known better.


  I didn’t hesitate this time. I punched his shoulder, this time, harder. I could tell he felt it this time when he winced.


  I chose his chest. Rearing back, I put my weight behind it this time. This time, I was rewarded with a low oomph .

  Angel didn’t need to direct my next hit. The rush I felt spurred me. I delivered blows, again and again, choosing tender spots, and giving it all I got until he was on the ground trying to escape the pain and humiliation.

  My arm was too tired to continue, my breath was coming in and out hard and fast, and I had built up a nice sweat. Feeling good, I looked behind me, hoping to see approval but found his expression impassive as if I’d just completed a crossword puzzle rather than beating the shit out of my bully.

  “Are you satisfied?”

  He smirked and shook his head slowly.

  Jesse was crying now, and my guess was he’d seen Angel’s answer, too. What more did he want? I glanced at Jesse’s friends and wondered if they stuck around out of loyalty or fear, and then I wondered which one pushed me yesterday.

  “Class is starting—”

  “You came home bleeding yesterday,” he interrupted.


  “I don’t see blood on him.”

  My stomach turned. I was the one assaulted, but Angel was the one out for blood. What if I couldn’t make him bleed? Would Angel do the deed himself?

  I searched Jesse’s face for his most vulnerable spot and then swung my leg over Jesse’s prone body. I cocked back my elbow and let my fist fly. He screamed and clutched his nose but then screamed louder and removed his hands. His nose and upper lip were now covered in red.

  I did it.

  I didn’t mean to smile, but it felt good.

  I actually made someone bleed.

  If I wasn’t careful, I could become addicted.

  “What is going on here?” My victorious moment was shattered by the shrill outrage of the intruder. Mrs. Rogers, my English teacher, stood a few feet away sporting a scowl. Her crooked red glasses, red lipstick, and dull brown hair pulled into a hideous undo did nothing to help her appeal. “Jesse? Why are you on the ground? Oh, my God! You’re bleeding!” That’s when she noticed me. Fist balled and standing over him. “Miss Ross, in the principal’s office now! Mr. Newman, we need to get you—”

  “She’s not going anywhere but to class. Do what you want with him.” I looked back in time to see Angel flick his hand to Jesse.

  “Excuse me? Who are you and why are you on school property?”

  “I’m with her.” He moved closer behind me until I could feel the heat from his body and smell his body wash.

  He said he was with me.

  Angel Knight is with me.

  Why did that send tingles up my spine and unleash butterflies in my stomach?

  “I don’t care who you’re with, young man. She is going to the principal’s office, and you will leave school property before I have you arrested.”

  “Call them. We’ll do it from Principal Field’s office.”

  He knew the name of my principal?

  Sweeping out his arm, he sent her a smug smile. “Shall we?”

  She stomped away in her ugly brown heels with Jesse in hand but not before demanding I follow. I did because, Angel or no Angel, I was in trouble that Angel couldn’t fix. He couldn’t very well demand I beat up a teacher or even the principal to make a statement.

  We were shown inside the principal’s office after Jesse was escorted to the nurse’s office. I could feel Angel at my side the entire time.

  “Mr. Fields, I have Mian Ross with me, and her friend .”

  But he wasn’t my friend. He was my babysitter.

  It didn’t escape my notice that he didn’t bother to correct her.

  “Mrs. Rogers, what is this about?” Mr. Fields demanded impatiently. His sharp gaze landed on me and then slid up to Angel, and I could have sworn I saw him pale.

  Glancing up, I searched Angel’s face but his gaze gave nothing away. He looked bored again.

  “I found Miss Ross outside beating up Jesse Newman while he ,” she thumbed in Angel’s direction, “watched. He says he’s with her .” I could hear the disgust in her voice. Oh, God. Did she get the wrong idea? Did she think Angel was my boyfriend ? That would be insane since he’s seven years older than I am. He was turning eighteen next month, which would legally make him an adult even though he never acted the part.

  “I think we should suspend her and ban him from school grounds—.”

  Mr. Fields held up his hand, silencing her tirade. “I will handle this from here, Mrs. Rogers. Please return to your classroom.”


  “Now, Mrs. Rogers.” His tone was much harsher this time. Mrs. Rogers huffed, and stormed away, leaving a cloud of stale perfume and hair spray.

  Once she was gone, Mr. Fields sat back, but he wasn’t paying attention to me. He and Angel were having a silent argument, and I was invited.

  “What are you doing on my school grounds, Knight?”

  Wait… They knew each other?

  “Why was she attacked on your school grounds, Fields?”


  Angel’s voice sent a chill down my spine. I shivered when the temperature in the room seemed to drop below zero. Mr. Fields appeared flustered despite it.

  “I wasn’t aware of an altercation involving her had taken place.”

  “It wasn’t an altercation. She was beat down. End of story.”

  “Like I said—”

  “I heard you the first time,” Angel cut in. “But her father didn’t pay you twenty grand so you could sit on your ass and not know shit. Someone had to be held accountable. You’re lucky it wasn’t you.”

  Twenty grand?

  Oh, crap.

  I wasn’t even aware my father had that type of cash.

  “Now just a minute, young man—”

  “We’re done here. Mian is going to class, and you aren’t going to do shit but ensure this doesn’t happen again.” I watched, entranced, as Angel dominated a man at least three times his age. I felt heat on my cheeks and in my belly and didn’t understand how it got there.

  “I won’t take orders from a child!” For the first time since we arrived, I saw Angel react, as infinitesimally as it was. His jaw ticked.

  “I can call my father if you like?” Angel’s voice was calm and low despite the muscles working in his jaw.

  “No. That won’t be necessary. I’ll take care of it.”

  “I’m sure you will.” Without looking at me, he said, “Go to class, Mian.” I wasn’t sure why, but I hesitated until his head turned and repeated the demand with just his cold gaze.

  I left the office and dragged my feet down the hall. I’d just turned the corner when I heard the familiar fearful cry of one Jesse Newman. Peeking around the white brick wall, I saw Jesse was trapped between Angel’s tall frame and the wall. He was bent low so that he could talk in Jesse’s ear. I strained to hear, but he spoke too low. A second later the hairs on my skin rose, and I realized I was being watched.

  Jesse was gone, and Angel stood alone.

  “Class,” he ordered before disappearing through the school doors.

  Chapter Thirteen

  A stolen son.



  “This is a fine watch. Yes, indeed. I can tell a pretty penny was paid for this. Not a crack or scratch on the bezel. Eighteen-karat gold. Stainless steel…”

  He continued to appraise the watch while Caylen slept in my arms. My patience was running low, waiting for the guy to finish eye fucking the watch and pay me.

  We were hungry.

  After leaving Caesar’s last night, I went home to more bad news. Not only did Caesar deny me a job, but Caylen had also caught a bug. This was the most peaceful he’s slept since last night when I arrived at Brandi’s to hear him screaming away his poor lungs. I’d heard him from the stairs since the walls were thin, and the few moments it had taken before Brandi opened the door with him struggling in her arms were the scariest. I took him away from her and checked him over for injuries while she looked on nonchalantly. I rushed back to my place before she could ask how the audition went.

  Anna had still been out on her date with Joey, so I hoped that meant it went well.

  “I can give you six hundred for it,” the shop owner grunted. I pushed aside my woes and glared at the shriveled up man with a receding hairline.

  “That’s an eight-thousand-dollar watch. Six hundred isn’t even ten percent.”

  “I’m trying to run a business here.”

  “And I’m trying to survive.” I had no money and no insurance to pay for a doctor’s visit for Caylen. It broke me each time he’d fret and cry. I knew he was suffering and there was nothing I could do about it.

  “Fine. Eight hundred.”

  “One thousand or no watch.”

  He continued to try to talk me down, but I refused every offer until he finally said, “Nine hundred. I can’t do more than that, and no one else will give you nearly as much.”


  I took the money and hurried from the shop just as Caylen began to stir. The pawnshop was only a few blocks away, but the neighborhood wasn’t safe to walk with a pocket full of cash.

  Desperate to get home, I hurried around the first corner and bumped into a wall with arms that saved me from a painful fall. “I’m sorry,” I said when I was steady on my feet. “I’m not usually so clumsy.” I checked to make sure Caylen was still asleep and then looked up at the stranger who saved me from a broken ass. Instinctively, I took a step back. His unfamiliar face was harsh and angry. “Uhhh… sorry again.”

  I sidestepped him when he didn’t move, but another stranger stepped forward to obviously block me. Panic kicked in so I looked around the secluded street, but there were no bystanders around since the city was still recovering from the fourth. There were two black beamers sitting on the curb. I squinted hoping to see someone sitting inside, but the windows were tinted pitch black.

  The engines were running, but the lights were off.

  “Mian Ross?”

  Cold dread crept up my spine.

  He knew me.


  He didn’t bother to answer. His creepy gaze rose over my head, and suddenly, I felt hands wrap around my biceps. My heart thumped fast and hard until it fell at my feet. I fought as hard as I could with Caylen strapped to my chest. He had woken up when I started to struggle and sent a cry into the air.

  That’s when the unthinkable happened.

  My worst fucking nightmare.

  The guy I’d run into unclipped the carrier and ripped him away.

  “No!” My scream ripped from my gut. I kicked and fought as he handed Caylen to a man who stepped from one of the waiting cars. He was carried further a
nd further away even as I fought and screamed. Tears stung my eyes and clouded my vision until I could no longer see what was happening.

  I heard a car door open and close and then the unmistakable sound of it driving away. It sucked what was left of my self-preservation.

  “Ahhhh!” My scream was a cry for war. The first act to saving my son. I bit into the hand of my captor until I tasted blood when he tried to silence me with his hand over my mouth. The metallic tang of his blood on my tongue only fueled me. He cursed from the pain and dropped me. I would have ran, but the man who started all of this quickly grabbed me.

  “The easier you make this for us, the sooner you get your son back.” Mention of my son had me slacking in his grip. I studied his face but had no recognition of who this man was—who so coldly took my son—who he could even be.

  “Who are you?” I thought they were merely trying to rob me but why take my son for nine hundred bucks? They could have easily overpowered me and taken the money, which told me they weren’t mere street thugs.

  “I don’t matter. There’s someone who would like to speak with you.” It was then I noticed the lit cell phone he now held in his hand. I glared at the screen and saw that the phone call had already been going for two minutes. Whoever was on the other line had heard everything. With shaking hands, I took it and waited.

  “Hello, Mian.”

  I might have died when I heard his voice. I could no longer feel my limbs, and I wasn’t sure I was even still breathing until I whispered his name. “Angel?”

  “It sounded like you put up quite a fight.” Pissed off, I wondered if he were actually praising me until he said, “That was stupid.”

  “You did this? Where are they taking my son?”

  “They are bringing him to me as I requested.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Fair exchange isn’t robbery. You have something that belongs to me, and now I have something that belongs to you.”

  “I’ll fucking kill you. Do you understand that? Give me back my son!”


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