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The Hot Sergeant (Second Chance Military Romance) (Hargrave Brothers - Book #2)

Page 36

by Alexa Davis

  She had looked so beautiful last night, so incredibly fucking beautiful in that Goddamn black lingerie I had bought her. She was the perfect fucking blend of innocence and sin, and just walking into my sitting room and finding her perusing over my bookshelf in that damn sexy underwear had been enough to drive me fucking wild.

  I'd just intended to play a little BDSM with her – give her a good spanking and a hard fuck. I had never fucking meant to carry her into my private Goddamn fucking bedroom and spend the night with her. That wasn't me; that wasn't something fucking I did. I could fuck a hundred different women in a thousand different fucking ways, but taking one into my bedroom was just too intimate, too fucking personal. My bedroom suite was my own private fucking space where I was free to be my true self without having to cater to anyone's Goddamn idea of who I fucking was. No one intruded on that – until now.

  She'd just been so incredible when I'd been fucking her over my padded horse in the play dungeon. The way her ass cheeks vibrated when I fucking spanked her with the wooden paddle, the way she gasped and moaned with each strike, and the way her pussy fucking shined with the slick juices of her come. Then, when I slammed my fucking cock into her and felt the muscles of her tight little cunt envelop me, welcoming me into her folds and hugging my cock as I fucked the shit out of her. I could feel her cunt rippling as she orgasmed, and she just didn't stop, she just kept coming and coming as I fucked her and even long after I had finished, she just kept going. I'd never had that effect on a woman before, and it made me feel more of a man than anything else I'd accomplished ever had. Just to know that I had the ability to make someone so pure and sweet climax that many times without fucking stopping in between was an incredible fucking rush, and I felt flooded with an indescribable mixture of emotions. I was fucking proud that I had done that for her, that I was the man who had fucking made her feel that way. I was humbled, too, that this perfect creature had given me her trust and allowed me the honor of dominating her and fucking her. I felt gratitude that she had fucking picked me to be her lover and relieved that I had been able to pleasure her so effectively. Most of all, I felt an overwhelming emotion of caring for her. I wanted more than ever to nurture and protect her and to keep giving her all the pleasure she deserved in this world. Although I didn't want to fucking admit it, the feeling welling up inside me could only be love.

  She stirred in the bed, and I felt my heart fucking skip a beat as her eyelids fluttered open. She noticed the sunlight filtering through the fucking curtains and sat up in bed, startled.

  "I didn't mean to stay the night. I should go," she apologized.

  Seeing her so alarmed activated my protective side. Plus, she was so fucking adorable that I hated to see her go. Putting on my best scowl, I said, "Not without eating breakfast first. Take a shower and meet me in the kitchen. After you've fucking eaten, then you can go."

  "You're the Boss, whatever you say goes." Olivia smiled at me with sparkling eyes. I had to remind myself that she was only here because I had fucking paid her. She didn't really care about me like I cared for her; she was paid to smile at me and spread her fucking legs. She was just so Goddamn good at her fucking job, she had convinced me that there was something between us and I was just a fucking sap. Even though it was just a fucking fantasy, I couldn't stop the feelings that I had for her, and even though she was just in it for the fucking money, I wanted to stretch out every moment we had together and make them last. I'd pay her every fucking cent I had if I could wake up to that smile every morning. I was just too blind to realize that I didn't have to and I laid a huge stack of hundred dollar bills on the night stand. It was enough to cover her fucking time since she'd arrived last night, even while she was sleeping, and well into this fucking afternoon. The last thing I wanted to do was be accused of shorting a fucking employee on her paycheck.

  Closing the bedroom door, I strolled naked to my kitchen, feeling pretty fucking good after the incredible night Olivia and I had shared. I had given the staff the day off, and that felt pretty fucking good, too. Today, I would do all the cooking myself. It was a little known secret that I fucking loved to cook. No one knew it and that's the way I liked it. It was one of the few things about myself that was just mine, and now I would share that secret with Olivia. I wanted to impress her with something really fucking great.

  Reaching into the fridge, I took out an array of vegetables, mushrooms, and imported cheese and began to dice, slice, and grate until I had all the ingredients for a fantastic omelet prepared. As the vegetables and mushrooms sautéed in a skillet on the stove, I put eggs and milk in a bowl and began to whisk vigorously. That's when Olivia came into the fucking room wrapped seductively in my bathrobe. Her blonde hair was piled high on her head in a sloppy bun to keep it from getting wet and loose tendrils curled around her freshly washed face in a perfect frame. God, she was sexy; it took all my fucking willpower not to drop the bowl from my hands and take her right then on the kitchen counter. Instead, I just kept whisking the fucking eggs. Looking down at my own bare form, I said with a playful smirk, "In this kitchen, we cook and eat naked."

  Obediently, she let the bathrobe slip from her shoulders and fall to the fucking kitchen floor. The morning sun shining through the windows made her fresh, young body glow. Her bright unblemished skin begged to be touched, her breasts were pert and perfectly round, her stomach was so tiny and flat, and her legs were so fucking long and toned. I realized with a start that this was the first time I'd seen her fucking naked in the full light of day. Sure, we'd fucked plenty of times, but it was always at night in the dark alcove of Whip and here in my mansion. Never before I had seen her glorious body in the natural daylight of the sun. I hadn’t known what I'd been fucking missing. Feeling strangely awkward by the intensity of my feelings for her, I turned my attention back to the eggs, whisking them with a fucking frenzy until they turned into a froth.

  Olivia moved across the kitchen and sat on a stool by the kitchen counter, watching me as I cooked. I made a fucking show of it, demonstrating all my greatest skills, fucking narrating to her as I flipped the omelet in the pan like it was some fucking television cooking show. As corny as I fucking felt doing it, the damn trick amused her and she laughed merrily. God, the fucking sound of it was like magic; I'd do any foolish fucking thing just to hear her laugh.

  When I set the finished plate before her, I actually held my fucking breath as she took the first bite, anxious for her reaction. Why the fuck should I care what some high-priced BDSM whore from the club thought of my cooking? Except she wasn't and I did. Her opinion mattered to me more than fucking anything; and when her eyes lit up and her mouth curved into a smile, I felt an immediate fucking flood of relief and joy. I'd fucking done it! She liked it!

  "Mmmm. This is really delicious." She grinned up at me, digging in her fork for another bite. I sighed happily and sat on the stool next to her to join her. She was right, it was fucking good. Then, she said, "You should quit television and become a chef."

  "It just might come to that," I said with chagrin, and her eyes grew wide.

  "What do you mean?"

  "As a businessman, I can tell you that it's only a matter of time before the fucking network pulls the plug on Pick Me."

  "But the party was such a huge success. Everyone loved you." Olivia looked genuinely hurt, and I was touched by her concern.

  "Yeah, we were all best fucking friends at the Goddamn party as long as the fucking drinks were flowing and the women were everywhere; but the truth is money outweighs fucking friendship and with these recent scandals, the network is losing too fucking much of it. Right now, there's still a fucking chance I could ride things out and everything will be okay; but one more fucking scandal and I'm fucking done. The network will be forced to cancel me no matter how much they fucking like me; and I wouldn't blame them. The truth is, I wouldn't fucking respect them if they weren't smart enough businessmen to make the hard call and do it."

  "You don't seem very upset about
the prospect," Olivia noticed. "I know you don't need the job, but Pick Me was your idea. It's been your career for years. Surely, it would be a great loss to you if it were cancelled."

  God, she was fucking smart. She saw right past my bullshit facade to the heart of me. Shit.

  "You're right," I confessed. There was no point in fucking hiding it and trying to bullshit her. She knew me too well. "The show has been big fucking part of my life for a long fucking time and I would miss it; but a greater part of me hungers for something new. I've been thinking about it for nearly a year now. The show has lost its excitement for me. It's all just going through the fucking motions now. I'm ready for a fucking change, to stretch my fucking legs and do something completely fucking different."

  "What would you do?" Her bright hazel eyes looked even larger. They were like calm lakes shimmering in the moonlight and made me want to kiss her.

  "That's the fucking question." I winked at her, making her laugh. I grew serious and said, "What would you do if you could fucking do anything in the world? No fucking limits; what would it be?"

  "I don't know." Olivia looked thoughtful for a moment. Her forehead furrowed adorably, and she bit her bottom lip. God, she was even sexier than ever when she did that. "I think I would want to do something that helped other people."

  "I do that with Pick Me; I'm giving all those Goddamn people the fucking business deal of a lifetime."

  "Yes, but it benefits you, too. You make millions of dollars off those deals," she was quick to point out. "I want to help people find true happiness and contentment. Like you did for me when you introduced to BDSM. I'd never done anything but the missionary position before we met, and I thought sex was more of an obligation than a pleasure. A part of myself was unrealized and unfulfilled. Then, you opened my mind and body to the greatest pleasure I've ever known and it changed everything for me. I stopped feeling lost and afraid and unsure of myself. You didn't just awaken my body to the pleasures of sex, you opened up my mind and heart to the idea that I deserved those pleasures. You made me feel that I was worth something and gave me courage and confidence. I was even able to stand up to my parents and demand that they let me live my own life. I never would have known I could do that without BDSM."

  "So what are you saying? I should make a fucking career out of introducing people to BDSM?" I chuckled lightheartedly, but she nodded enthusiastically.

  "Yeah, why not? When I was at your party, so many people were curious about it. They had tons of questions. They wanted tips, suggestions, and guidance on how they could try it for themselves. You even said yourself that when you were first curious about BDSM that you didn't know where to go to learn about it. There was no way for you meet people who shared your interest in it until you found Whip. Well, Whip is limited to just the people that live in Los Angeles and become members of the club. What if you could reach as many people around the country as your show does? You could help millions of people experience the joys of BDSM for themselves."

  "I doubt any fucking network is going to allow me to host a fucking BDSM show," I said, although the idea was intriguing.

  "Well, it doesn't have to be a television show. Maybe like an app or something on their phone. I use my cell for everything; so why not let people use theirs to learn about BDSM? There could be tutorials, an advice app, and an app for meeting others who share your level of interest and live right in your area where you can hook-up and play."

  "Yeah, I fucking like it. It could range from beginners and those who are just curious, all the way to fucking hardcore experts. Fucking anyone could learn about BDSM and hook up with people who shared their interest in it. Players wouldn't have to be isolated or feel like fucking freaks anymore. This could change the world."

  I was really fucking excited about it. This was a great idea and my mind was already spinning in a hundred different directions. I would need to hire an expert in creating apps, someone who could fucking design a marketing campaign that would appeal to a mass market and not just the fringe base, and of course, I would need fucking experts who could provide input for the tutorials and advice apps. I could have set times of the day when I would answer questions personally, for a modest fee, of course. I could become America's fucking voice for learning about BDSM and achieving sexual fulfillment in each person's relationships – a sort of ambassador of kink. The more I thought about Olivia's brilliant idea, the more I fucking liked it and endless possibilities flooded my mind.

  I looked at her, eager to share my excitement with her, but I was shocked to see her peering down at her coffee pensively. It was the first time I'd ever seen her looking so fucking forlorn and it broke my fucking heart instantly.

  "What's wrong?" I put my hand around her shoulder protectively.

  "Oh, nothing. Mentioning my parents had made me think of them, and I just got a little bummed out." She tried to laugh it off, but I could tell it was really bothering her.

  "You must really miss them," I said, thinking I understood her heartache. "How long has been since you've seen them?"

  "Not long enough," she laughed without humor, and I realized I had completely misunderstood the situation. "They were so upset when they learned that I was working as a prostitute at an underground BDSM club, that I thought maybe knowing you were my only client might help soothe their fears. I was wrong. Then, when this latest scandal hit the media about you being a drug addict and dealer, they went crazy. I talked to them on the phone, but there is no reasoning with them. They're coming here to drag me back home."

  "They can't fucking make you go if you don't want to." My heart was racing. I couldn't fucking lose her; I just couldn't.

  "I know, and that's what I told them. They're coming anyway to try and force me to do it. I just know it's going to be an ugly fight and I'm really dreading it."

  "What if I talked to them for you? Let them see that I'm really not such a bad guy," I offered. Instantly, her eyes lit up and that smile I loved so much filled her face.

  "You would be willing to do that?"

  "Of course I fucking would. I've charmed fucking executives, ex-wives, bankers, brokers, and even hard-nosed politicians. Just let me take you and your parents out to dinner, and by the time the meal is done, they'll feel fucking safe and secure letting you stay in the city."

  "I don't know how to thank you." Olivia beamed at me. She turned on her stool to face me and planted a kiss on my lips. Her mouth was soft and moist and I instantly became hard.

  "Oh, I'm sure we can think of a way," I said with a lustful arch of my left brow. We kissed again, and this time our embrace was long and wet as I took her mouth insistently with my own as our tongues intertwined. God, she tasted so fucking good.

  Her hand accidentally brushed against my erection, making me groan. Looking at me with her green and gold eyes sparkling with mischief, Olivia said, "May I service you, Boss?"

  I nodded my approval and she went to work on my cock, licking, sucking, slurping, and deepthroating me until I was groaning and writhing with delirious fucking pleasure. I knew I should stop her before I blew my wad, but it felt so damn good I just let her keep going and before I knew what was happening in time to stop, I exploded in her mouth, shooting hot come down her open throat. She gulped it down hungrily, swallowing my seed while I convulsed and moaned. Jesus Christ, it felt so fucking good, I wondered if I would fucking pass out with ecstasy. When I was finished, she licked my cock clean, being careful to lap up every last drop. The way her hot tongue felt on my dick was almost enough to make me hard again, but after an incredible orgasm like that, I was going to need a few minutes to recuperate.

  "I hope that pleased you, Boss. How may I serve you now?" Olivia gave me a coy smile as she wiped the corner of her pink lips.

  "You had a little dessert after breakfast. Now it's mine turn." I grinned at her. "Get up on the counter."

  Obediently, she climbed onto the kitchen counter and sprawled her gorgeous naked body out across the cool granite surface. I open
ed cupboards and drawers until I found a pile of plastic twist ties used to close garbage bags. Moving quickly, I bound her delicate wrists together and ordered her to keep her hands locked behind her head. Then I took a bowl from the cupboard and filled it with ice cubes from the freezer and prepared to have some fun.

  She squirmed and moaned with delight as I took a piece of frozen ice and traced it along a path over her body. Her nipples puckered, her breath became rapid panting, and her skin rippled as I played with the ice on her naked flesh. Then, when I put my lips upon her cold skin and warmed her with my hot mouth, moans of pleasure escaped her delicate throat and she spread her thighs, inviting me to pleasure her there.

  When I came to her pussy, I took my time, enjoying the taste and feel of her hot, wet cunt, lapping along her labia with slow licks and flicking her clitoris with quick workings of my tongue. Soon she was writhing and moaning and begging me to fuck her.

  I grabbed her thighs behind the knees and pulled her to the edge of the counter. My cock developed a fresh erection that was more rigid and insistent than the first. Olivia wrapped her legs around my waist as I plunged deeply into her. Grabbing a knife from the chopping block, I cut the ties from her wrists and allowed her to wrap her arms around my torso as I did the same to her, clinging to her and crushing her breasts against my naked chest. Our mouths smashed together in a hungry kiss as we tried to devour each other, and her nails raked across my back as I pulled her blonde hair free of its bun and ran my hands through it, pulling her closer to me. We orgasmed together, climaxing as one in perfect harmony as her cries of rapture echoed off the kitchen tiles. It was the most incredible fuck I'd ever had, and I knew it was because I was with a woman I loved. Shit. There could be no denying that I had fallen in love with Olivia Harte. I just needed to find a way to tell her and hoped beyond all else that she loved me, too.


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