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Madison and the Missing Moon

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by Jamie Busby

Madison and the Missing Moon!

  By Jamie Busby

  Copyright 2009 Jamie Busby

  Madison and the Missing Moon!

  There was once, in fact there still is, a little girl called Madison! She had lots of friends and her Mummy & Daddy loved her very much. It just so happened that EVERYONE loved Madison because she made everybody so happy!

  Madison was a very happy little girl too & one thing that made her REALLY happy was the Moon. You see, Madison loved the Moon and liked to look up at the sky every night to see it shining because it made her smile.

  It seemed the Moon was always in a different place & was a different shape. Sometimes she could see it all, big & round in the sky. But sometimes, she could only see a small piece of it, Madison never knew what she would see each night when it got dark!

  But one night there was no Moon at all. The Moon still wasn’t there the next night either. It wasn’t there all week, or the week after that too. There was STILL no Moon. Christmas was coming and Madison really wanted to see the Moon but it just wasn’t there anymore. There could be only one reason……..

  The Moon was MISSING!

  Madison looked everywhere in the sky, but the Moon was nowhere to be seen. “I must ask someone if they know where the Moon has gone” thought Madison.

  The next day she asked her Daddy; “Daddy, where has the Moon gone?”

  “I don’t know Madison, maybe it’s gone on its’ holidays” replied Daddy.

  “Don’t be silly Daddy, the Moon doesn’t go on holiday!” said Madison. “I will have to ask someone else” she thought.

  So the next day Madison asked her Mummy; “Mummy, where has the Moon gone? Daddy says it might be on its’ holidays”.

  “The Moon doesn’t go on holiday!” said Mummy. “Maybe the Moon is poorly and in bed getting better.”

  “Don’t be silly Mummy, the Moon doesn’t get poorly!” said Madison. “I will have to ask someone else” she thought.

  The next day Madison was at nursery and asked her teacher Miss White, then her Grandad, then her friend’s Mummy Emily, then her other Grandparents Nana & Poppa. Their answers made Madison laugh out loud!;

  “Maybe it’s busy doing the housework” said Miss White.

  “Maybe it’s gone to do the shopping at Tesco’s” said Grandad.

  “Maybe it’s gone to play on the swings at the park” said Emily.

  “Maybe it’s gone horse riding” said Nana.

  “Maybe its playing football with it’s friends” said Poppa…..

  “The Moon doesn’t do any of those things!” she told everyone.

  Madison couldn’t think of anymore people to ask about where the Moon had gone and she was feeling sad. Christmas was only a few days away and she STILL hadn’t found out where the Moon was. Maybe it really was lost, maybe it would never come back?...

  She went back to Daddy; “Daddy, I’ve asked almost everyone I can think of if they know where the Moon has gone and nobody knows, all their answers were a bit silly” she said, looking rather glum indeed.

  “Well Madison, I’m not sure where the Moon has gone, but I am going to take you to a wonderful place to see someone very special today that will hopefully make you happy again!” said Daddy.

  “Where are we going and who are we going to see Daddy?” said Madison.

  “It’s a secret! Just put your coat on and we’ll get in the car so I can take you there right now” said Daddy. “Ok!” said Madison.

  She was very excited now and started to wonder if she was really going to find out what had happened to the Moon. Where was Daddy taking her? Who were they going to see? Madison could hardly wait to see and she had butterflies in her tummy!

  Madison and her Daddy got in the car and before long, they had parked up and were in town. They were walking around the shops which all had beautiful Christmas decorations and twinkly lights in the windows, Madison thought how pretty it all looked!

  “Where are we going Daddy? I’m very excited!” she said.

  “Just give me 5 minutes and we’ll be there Madison” said Daddy.

  There were crowds of people in town that day, some rushing about one way & some rushing about the other way. It was so busy that it made Madison dizzy!

  “Why are there so many people in town Daddy?” she asked.

  “Everyone is doing their Christmas shopping, buying presents for all their family and friends” said Daddy. “It’s like this every day all over the world when it gets close to Christmas!” Daddy told her. “Do you like it?” he said.

  “I LOVE it Daddy!” said Madison. “It’s so exciting and it’s so nice to see everyone looking so happy!” she added.


  One thing was still bothering Madison though and she had a little frown on her face, which Daddy noticed.

  “What’s the matter Madison?” asked Daddy, “Why are you sad?”

  “Everything is so lovely Daddy, but I just keep thinking about the Moon and where it has gone. I am sure it is lost” said Madison.

  “Don’t worry about that for now sweetheart” said Daddy, “I think you might be able to get some help today if you’re a good girl and keep smiling.” Daddy looked at her with a big smile, this made Madison smile too!....

  Madison looked at her Daddy and wondered what he could mean. She had that funny feeling of butterflies in her tummy all over again! Where were they going? Was there someone who could help her find the Moon? Then she noticed that they were walking towards a large crowd of people……..

  Madison & Daddy had arrived at the square in the middle of town. She could hear music & singing and there were people standing on the balcony of the Town Hall high above her head. It was very busy though and she couldn’t see much. Just as she was about to speak, Daddy said “Come here Madison” and picked her up. Before she knew it, Madison was sitting high up on Daddy’s shoulders; Now she could see everything!

  There was a band playing music, a choir singing Christmas carols and the Mayor was standing on the balcony of the Town Hall with some other very important people. Daddy was standing up against a shop window with Madison high up on his shoulders, she could see it all! A huge crowd had gathered and they were all watching the choir. Everyone inside the shops and the people who lived in the houses above the shops were all watching what was happening through the windows. Some people were leaning out of their windows just so they could see. People were also walking past in every direction, it was so busy and Madison loved it!

  The choir finished singing their Christmas carols and then the Mayor started talking through a microphone so everyone in the crowd could hear; “Hello everybody! Welcome to all of you who have come to see us turn on the Christmas lights!” he said.

  “Wow!” thought Madison. All the lights that were hung up on the shops and down the streets were about to be switched on!

  “This is brilliant Daddy!” she said.

  “I thought you’d like it!” said Daddy from down below.

  She was up on Daddy’s shoulders remember!

  The Mayor said “Are you ready?” and the crowd all screamed out a big, loud “YESSSSSS!”......

  “Ok” said the Mayor “I will begin the countdown.”

  “What is the countdown Daddy?” said Madison.

  “The Mayor is going to count from 10 down to 1 and then switch the lights on” said Daddy, “Watch!”

  The Mayor started to count slowly and everyone joined in!


  He then pressed a big button and all at once, every light in the town came on at the same time! It went from being quite dark to very bright indeed. There were stars & angels & candles & pictures all made up of light
s and suddenly, they had all come to life and were lighting up the whole town; Madison thought it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen!

  “Do you like the lights Madison?” said Daddy.

  “Yes I do Daddy” said Madison from high up on Daddy’s shoulders, “I LOVE them!” She looked around at all the lights and all the people and thought what a magical time she was having, surely it couldn’t get any better!.....

  Then the Mayor spoke again to the crowd; “We have a very special guest today but he’s a bit shy, can you all join me in calling for him?”

  “YESSSSSS!!!!!!!” replied the crowd loudly.

  “Ok then” said the Mayor, “Let’s call him; FATHER CHRISTMAS!....” he shouted. “Join in everyone! FATHER CHRISTMAS!.....” and the whole crowd started calling his name too!

  “Where is Father Christmas?” asked Madison, very

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