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Shadow Spy: (Urban fantasy romance) (Shadow Walker Trilogy Book 2)

Page 9

by Tiffany Shand

  Chapter 12

  Charlie woke to find Drake gone, scowled. She liked waking up next him. Having a quick shower, she dressed in her usual jeans and t-shirt. She tried calling Kaz and Nigel but neither answered their phones. Strange. They had agreed keep in contact at least twice a day. She guessed Drake must be off with Daron or some of the other demons.

  Time to walk around Demon Town some more, especially around the citadel. It felt odd wandering around without Drake or Kaz and Nigel. Even among Demonkind she felt out of place. The demons either glared or looked suspicious of her. She noticed that growing up too – even when she hadn’t known about her demon heritage. Wandering through the market she found no sign of Helga. Typical, she wanted to ask the crone more about what she’d seen in her vision. And when she needed her, Helga was nowhere to be found.

  Checking her phone, Charlie still found no messages from the others. Without Drake around she didn’t have much to do so she decided to look around more on the outskirts of the city. She needed seclusion before trying to contact any spirits. She suspected the girl’s spirit might still be hanging around somewhere, Charlie hoped she’d be able to make contact and get some real answers using her medium powers. Maybe even the Srimtar might offer help too – and she couldn’t risk anyone seeing that.

  Charlie move towards the city gates when she felt someone following her. Did Daron have people spying on her now? If so, she’d lose them soon enough.

  Her alias made sense and Drake had made a show of keeping her around as a “plaything”. Unless they didn’t want her to escape. She thought about staying with the others but she needed to keep an eye on things to report back to the Alliance. Drake needed her too.

  He’d found it hard to control his inner demon since his kidnapping. Charlie prayed she could convince him to become bonded soon. They’d both be safer but she wanted to bond with him, spend her life with him. He was it for her. No point in trying to deny it anymore. She was crazy about that demon.

  Charlie ducked around a corner, fazed into a wall, and hovered there as a man stood looking around for her.


  “Why are you following me?” Charlie came out of the wall, frowning. She’d faze back out if she needed to. Although she’d promised Drake she wouldn’t faze anymore her powers felt controllable.

  Seth’s eyes widened. “How did you do that?”

  “Answer my question.” She folded her arms. “My powers are none of your business.”

  Seth sighed. “I came to talk to you, but I can’t risk us been seen together.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Why?”

  “Not here.” He shook his head. “Daron has spies everywhere.”

  Charlie grabbed his arm, pulled him through the wall. They reappeared a couple of miles away in some ruins she’d spotted on the way to the city the day before. “Talk,” she said.

  Seth glanced around, bewildered. “You’re not a Zexen, are you?”

  Charlie shrugged. “What do you want to talk about?” She sensed no threat from him, but she wouldn’t let her guard down.

  “You’re Drake’s mate.”

  Her mouth fell open and she started to protest. “No—” Goddess, how the heck had he known that? She’d thought she and Drake had done a good job hiding their relationship. Pretending to be lovers was one thing but that didn’t make them life mates – or at least she hoped it appeared they weren’t.

  “Don’t lie, I’m on your side. Daron is unstable. He’s kept us at war throughout his reign,” Seth said. “I came to ask for your help.”

  “My help?” Charlie touched her chest. “Why?”

  “Because Daron needs to be stopped. I know Drake is the true Akaran – you must convince him to kill Daron before it’s too late.”

  “Whoa, backup.” Charlie raised her hands. “How the hell do you know that?”

  Seth ran a hand through his hair. “I overheard them arguing the day their parents were killed. Daron forced him out.”

  “Yeah, so why haven’t you said anything before now?”

  “I couldn’t.” Seth rubbed his chin. “No one questions the will of the Akaran, not without real evidence. Daron lusted for power even as a boy.”

  “If you were there that day, did you see who killed the family?”

  “No, Daron said it was a sworn enemy – the mist walkers. That’s the tale he’s told.”

  “But you don’t think it’s true.”

  “I don’t know. It’s possible – they did try before and have surprised us with sneak attacks over the centuries,” he admitted. “They’re wily, they can come and go like mist but they do have some weaknesses. Light can make them visible. You’re his mate, you must convince Drake to—”

  “I’m not his anything.” But she could tell he didn’t look convinced by the lie.

  Seth snorted. “You’re his mate, I saw how he looked at you, how you look at each other. He wouldn’t have kept you around if you weren’t his.”

  Charlie groaned. “Even if I am, I can’t ask him to kill his own brother. Part of him never got over losing his family,” she said. “Like you said, we need proof.”

  “Then I’ll help you get it. We must stop Daron before he can start another war.”

  “Why did Daron call Drake back here?”

  Seth bared his teeth. “Because the clans questioned him. Though we hate the mist walkers, some of us are tired of war. More demons want to venture out of Kyral, but Daron has ordered a lockdown forbidding anyone to leave the country.”

  “Drake and I will do all we can but I can’t make any promises.”

  “You’re a witch too, aren’t you?”

  “So what?” Her eyes narrowed. She wouldn’t be so quick to trust him.

  “You can’t let Daron know that, he despises witches. He’ll be even more suspicious if he found out you’re kin to the Grand Mistress and the Serenity.”

  “How the hell do you know that?” She gaped at him.

  Seth pulled a piece of paper. On it read: Grand Mistress and family celebrate in style. The pictures showed Cate, Charlie, Niara and the rest of the family together a party the year before.

  Damned media! Charlie had thought no one would notice her there.

  “Most people here ignore the affairs of the other races, I like to know what happens,” he said.

  “I’ll do what I can be you should go now. I have my own reasons for coming here.”

  Seth nodded. “Be careful, Kyral isn’t safe for you either.” He shimmered away.

  Charlie moved through the broken rooms of what looked like a castle. She loved ruins. It felt like touching history. The only downside was spirits often hung out in them too. She cast her senses out, searching for any lingering signs of unwanted presences but found none.

  Settling on the edge of a broken wall, Charlie closed her eyes. Come on, I know you’re around here somewhere. She wished she knew the girl’s name. Names made it easier to summon people.

  Charlie waited but no presence came to her. Were her powers weak from transition?

  Strange. She still felt no different. Every Denai knew when they were going through transition. Their powers and emotions heightened, yet Charlie felt normal. In control of everything, well, except when her fazing took her to strange places.

  She sat on the floor. She didn’t like meeting ghosts in the spirit realm unless she had to since they were stronger there but maybe it would be easier.

  Charlie closed her eyes and felt the world around her fade as her spirit passed over to the next world. She could have gone there in body but both ways had risks.

  Mist swirled around her, the walls of the ruins flashed in and out of focus.

  “Hello?” she called. “I know you’re here somewhere. Come out, I need to talk to you.” She waited. “Please, come here. Tell me who you need me to save.”

  A figure moved out of the shadows. Myles Goodridge. A tall, muscular man with piercing purple eyes and short curly brown hair. Power rolled off him in waves.
  Weird, she could never sense what Magickind he was but his vibe felt familiar somehow.

  Charlie gasped, realising he too had entered the spirit realm. Impossible. No one she knew could do that, except maybe Cate, but even she couldn’t move in and out like Charlie did.

  Charlie knew she had to get back to her body. Fast. “Wow, you didn’t send any of your lackeys this time. How sweet.” She smirked.

  “Where’s the Srimtar?”

  “Safe and somewhere you’ll never find it.” She backed away, trying to force her spirit to go back to her body. Nothing happened. What the hell?

  “I know it’s hidden somewhere here in the spirit realm. Bravo for that,” Myles said. “But you see, you’re not the mistress of this world, you can’t control it the way I can.”

  Charlie closed her eyes, willing her power to reconnect her with her body. The longer she stayed disconnected, the more toll it would take on her body. She would die if body and spirit stayed apart too long. “You’re not getting the orb. It isn’t meant for you.”

  Myles snorted. “And you think it’s for you? Ha!” He grabbed her by the throat in a vice-like grip.

  Even in spirit, her lungs felt like they were burning.

  “Listen to me, there’s a war coming and nothing you can do to stop it. Your council and the Alliance will be no more.”

  Charlie raised her hand, trying to use her powers but they didn’t work either. “You’ll never bring them down,” she hissed. “They’re strong. You’re just a gang lord trying to take control of the underworld.”

  “Oh, that is only one of my visible forces. I control more than you can ever imagine. Strange, I thought you’d be powerful, but you’re nothing, are you?” Myles laughed. “You need the Akaran to protect you. Stop running around in a world you don’t understand, little girl.”

  Charlie fell power rise inside her as her eyes turned azure. Lightning shot from her hand as she sent Myles staggering.

  Power hummed through her, she recognised it as her inner demon. She expected it to take control like before but it didn’t. She remained in control. “I’m not powerless and this is my turf, not yours,” she snarled. “Get out!” She waved her hand, sending a current of blue lightning straight at him.

  Myles blurred, and then dodged it. In a blink, he grabbed her by the throat again.

  Charlie punched, kicked and blasted him again. Come on, demon. Now would be a good time to come out and go psycho on this bastard.

  No response.

  The Srimtar’s in danger.

  Still nothing.

  Charlie dodged the blow, trying again to go back to her body. Still nothing.

  Myles moved with the speed and skill of an old immortal. His powers were stronger but hell, Charlie was an enforcer. She used every bit of her training as she blocked his blows and hurled another bolt of lightning.

  A wave of dizziness washed over her, the more she fought, the more toll it took on her body. Goddess, she couldn’t risk coming close to death or she risked triggering the ascension.

  “This is our realm, Charlie. Remember that,” said a voice. “We control who comes and goes from the space.”

  Charlie blinked to the strange echo of memory. Who the hell had that been?

  “This is my space. Get out!” She raised her hands, pushing at the fabric of the spirit realm, using all her strength to pushing back.

  Myles laughed. “You can’t push me out. You’re too weak, too untrained.”

  Untrained? She was damn good at her job as an enforcer and witch. Or did he mean her demon side? Was Goodridge the same type of demon as her?”

  Charlie’s vision darkened, power falling away. Her heart thundered in her ears as the mists around her started to blur in and out of focus.

  I’m dying, she thought.

  Chapter 13

  Drake cradled Charlie in his lap as Kaz felt for a pulse. He’d felt the soul tearing pain, signalling she’d stopped breathing.

  “Her heart isn’t beating.” Kaz stared at him wide eyed. “We need to shock her; can you conjure electricity?”

  Drake shook his head. “That’s not my power. I’ll shimmer her to—”

  Charlie’ s eyes flew open as she gasped for breath.

  “Thank the gods.” Drake breathed, cupping her face. “Are you alright, little witch?”

  Charlie sat up, breathing hard. Drake froze Kaz and Nigel. “Was it the mist walkers?”

  “No, Goodridge – he attacked me in the spirit realm. How the fuck can he do that?”

  Drake kissed her, not wanting to let go. In that instant he didn’t give a damn about Goodridge, just felt relieved she’d come back to him. “How do you feel? Has the ascension started?”

  “Drake, Goodridge fucking attacked me!” she snapped. “Now’s not the time to worry about my ascension!”

  Drake’s expression darkened. “Your heart stopped, we need to focus on the ascension. We’ll worry about Goodridge later.”

  Charlie rose, eyes flashing amber. “I feel fine.”

  Drake sent his senses out, scanning her body with his mind. Her aura hummed with energy, but nothing like the chaotic energy that came from an ascension. He breathed a sigh of relief. “Gods, woman, you’re taking centuries off me. Why did you even come here?”

  She snorted. “Oh please, you’d be bored without me.”

  Despite the terror he felt, he laughed. “Indeed I would, little witch.”

  She explained why she’d come there and what she’d seen including the conversation with Seth.

  “Do you think we can trust Seth?” she asked, brushing her hair back.

  “I think so. I already had my suspicions about Daron but I can handle him,” Drake said. “As for Goodridge, I have no idea how he could enter the spirit realm. Demons can’t control spirits.”

  “I don’t think he’s a demon. I can’t sense what he is.” Charlie bit her lip. “What if he’s like me?”

  Drake’s brow creased. “What do you mean?”

  “He has powers like me. Maybe he’s the same type of demon as I am.”

  “I’m starting to wonder if you’re a demon,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

  Charlie winced. “What am I then?” She touched the small seven-pointed pendant at her throat, which showed the symbol of the Denai.

  “I don’t know. Your powers are unlike any demon’s I’ve known. Plus, I can control demons – even half breeds, but my powers don’t work on you.”

  She smirked. “You could never control me, Vlad.”

  “Nor do want to. I love how I never know what to expect with you.”

  Her smile fell. “If I’m not a demon, what am I?”

  The woman I love, he thought, but he couldn’t say the words. Not yet. He didn’t want to blow it because he’d almost lost her. Again. “We’ll figure it out.”

  Charlie sighed, resting her head against his chest. “I thought I’d find that spirit again. I need to know who I’m supposed to save.”

  “Come, let’s get out of here.” He took her hand. “I need to find out if the mist walkers are planning an attack. There’s only one place I can do that.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “How? I thought they were invisible?”

  “I’ve learnt a thing or two in my years as a spy. I have intel that says they have an encampment on Mount Marlowe. We can shimmer to the base but we’ll have to climb the rest of the way up. It’s too dangerous to shimmer to the top.”

  Charlie brightened. “Brilliant, I love rock climbing.”

  Drake tried not to shudder as he looked up at the massive mountain covered in a blanket of white with dark patches showing trees. Charlie seemed thrilled by the idea. “Maybe we should have asked the others to come with us,” he mused.

  “They’re keeping an eye on things in Kyral,” Charlie replied. “Besides it will be nice have some time alone together. Mountains are romantic.”

  “I wouldn’t call it that,” he muttered.

  “I forgot you
’re scared of heights,” Charlie remarked. “Don’t worry, I’ll hold your hand.”

  He scowled at her. “I’m not afraid of heights. I just don’t like them.”

  “Right, that’s why you never go out on the balcony at home.”

  Drake shook his head. “I prefer my feet on the ground.” He paused. She’d said “home”, meaning his house back in Setara. “You stayed at the house while I was gone.”

  Charlie bit her lip. “You never said I had to leave during that bullshit speech when you said I should be with Scott,” she said. “Did you want me to move out?”

  He chuckled. “No, little witch. I want to be with you always.” He gave her a quick kiss. “Anything of mine is yours now, including my homes.”

  “Homes?” She frowned. “How many homes do you have?”

  “I have ten houses, a couple of estates and one or two castles.” He laughed at her open-mouthed expression. “They’re only places I use when travelling. I can’t say any place was like a true home – except when I’m with you. You’re my home.”

  “Good, because you’re stuck with me. If you leave again I’ll just follow you everywhere.” She wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Likewise, little witch. I’ll never let you go.” He kissed her again, then led the way up the steep incline, still clutching her hand.

  “What happens after our mission in Kyral?” she asked.

  Drake shrugged. “It depends. I don’t know how long we’ll have to stay here.”

  “I miss Setara,” Charlie admitted. “But if we have to stay here, I would, as long as we’re together. I moved around so much after I left the academy it’d be nice if I could put down roots somewhere and have a real home together.”

  “I’d like that too.”

  “I’m glad you became my partner – I can’t imagine working with anyone else now. When this mission is over, I want us to seal our bond too.”

  Drake hesitated. He’d wanted all of that ever since he’d first met her. Part of him had always wanted to settle down, have a family and home with his life mate but he felt things would change now he was back in Kyral. Perhaps not for the better.


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