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Dream Warriors 2: Ryder

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by Cyndi Friberg

  Sheri sighed. It felt good. Hell, it felt wonderful. Parting her lips, she offered her mouth, and he eased his tongue inside. Once there, he stroked, delved, explored so thoroughly, she couldn’t suppress a moan. Her heart leapt and pulsing need erupted between her thighs. She’d never been this turned on by a dream!

  His fingers splayed against her cheek, while his other hand wandered along her throat, across her shoulder, and down her arm. Would he untie her? An odd pang ricocheted through her stomach. She refused to consider that the sensation was disappointment. Not even in dreams was she so brazen.

  His fingers glided along her inner arm and onto the upper curve of her breasts. Had her skin always been this sensitive? Her core throbbed painfully, her breath coming in short, shallow pants.

  He deepened the kiss, thrusting into her mouth with a distinct rhythm. She angled her head, accepting the penetration, craving the act he mimicked. She arched into his warm body and felt an unmistakable bulge against her belly. Standing naked as he bathed, he’d been impressive. His arousal had lengthened and thickened his shaft until a powerful shiver passed through her body.

  A rumbling chuckle escaped his throat. His hands settled on her hips, and he rubbed himself against her. “Feel what you do to me, how badly I need to be inside you.”

  “It’s a little hard to miss.” Leaning against the pole, she closed her eyes.

  Cool air wafted across her skin, and her eyes flew open. Why was he moving away? She wasn’t ready for the dream to end. He returned with a wicked-looking dagger -- no jewels, just a very sharp blade.

  “What are you --” He sliced the straps of her gown, and it drooped to her waist. Her mouth formed an O, but her voice failed to produce the word. He threw the dagger with deadly accuracy. It lodged in a tent pole across from them as he cupped her breasts in his hands.

  “I had to see you.” He sighed, his eyes closing for a moment as if he savored the feel of her breasts in his hands. “I’ve waited so long to touch you.”

  Before she could argue that they’d just met, his mouth claimed hers again. His hands caressed, thumbs rubbing her nipples. She arched into his touch, yet she needed so much more. He couldn’t take her like this; he could only tease. She wanted his body covering hers, pressing her into the furs. Imagining that long, thick shaft sinking into her core, she shivered and moaned into his mouth.

  “What do you want, little love? Speak the words and I’m yours.”

  “I don’t even know your name,” she murmured.

  One of his hands slipped under her skirt and stroked her thigh. He took his time, memorizing the texture of her skin. His fingers eased inward, beginning a slow ascent. She dragged her mouth away and closed her eyes, unable to bear the intensity of his touch and kiss.

  Tension bordered on pain. Her abdomen pulsed with need. Still, he tormented her with feather-light caresses. She trembled. He cupped her mound, but made no move to touch her more intimately.

  “Tell me your name.” She’d never made love to a stranger, even in her dreams.

  “I thought it was Achilles.”

  She looked into his eyes, her gaze uncertain. “I don’t want to do this if you won’t even tell me your name.”

  “Ryder.” His gaze remained locked with hers as his fingers dipped and parted. “Now I want to hear you say it as I give you release.”

  Unnerved by the demand in his tone, she tried to turn her face away. His hand caught the back of her neck, preventing her retreat. He slid his middle finger back and forth. Not up into her core, not against her sensitive nub, he just teased her tender folds.

  “How’s that feel?”

  “More.” She gasped. “I need more.”

  “Like this?” He pushed two fingers into her, and Sheri’s inner muscles contracted, welcoming the penetration. “Or like this?” With his fingers still inside her, his thumb found her clit and circled.

  “Yes! Oh, yes.”

  He thrust in and out, speeding her arousal with his thumb. His mouth hovered over hers, while his fingers filled her again and again. She canted her hips, surrendering to the sensations. Deep, rhythmic pulses gripped her core. She cried out his name. He captured the sound with his mouth, his kiss skillful and passionate. His fingers continued their sensual dance until the last tingle receded.

  She’d never felt anything so wonderful, and he’d only used his hand. How would she survive the main event? How had her imagination created ...

  An image pushed through her sated musings. She saw him sitting in a car, laughing with Justin Garret. She twisted away from his kiss.

  “I know you.” She gasped, her gaze searched his face. “I’ve seen you before.”

  His eyes narrowed. He looked rather dubious. Even as he forced a smile, he moved his hand to her hip. “My image had to come from somewhere. How else would you summon me to your dreams?”

  “Dreams!” She tugged against the ropes. “It all began in dreams. Meagan was having terrible dreams. She claimed some creature was attacking her.”

  Jumbled memories, fragmented conversations, swirled together in Sheri’s mind. Incubus. Meagan had called it an incubus.

  “Let me go.” She tugged harder.

  Ryder framed her face between his palms and waited until she looked into his eyes. “I would never hurt you. There’s no reason for your fear.”

  “Untie me now! This isn’t amusing anymore.”

  His broad chest rubbed against her breasts as he untied her hands. She held her breath, afraid to move until her hands were free. Covering her breasts with the severed gown, she averted her gaze while he wrapped a length of cloth around his hips.

  “Where am I?” What would she find beyond the tent? He stood between her and the opening.

  “You’re asleep in your bed. This is the Dream Realm, but you shouldn’t remember me.”

  “You were talking to Justin in his car.” She scrambled to her feet as gracefully as she could while covering her nudity. “Why shouldn’t I remember you?”

  “I took the memory from you.” He frowned, his gaze resigned. “I’ll have to do so again.”

  He reached for her, but she ducked under his arm and dashed through the tent’s opening. She stepped out into nothingness and screamed.

  Chapter Two

  “I woke up screaming and never went back to sleep.” Sheri sat across a small round table from Meagan in the Carroll Foundation’s coffee shop. In very general terms, Sheri had relayed the previous night’s events. “Is Ryder the incubus you told me about?”

  Meagan set her mug aside and shook her head. “Ryder is definitely not the incubus. He’s like Gareth, a Dream Warrior.”

  Unable to decide if stress or sleep deprivation had triggered her headache, Sheri rubbed her temples. “Gareth, the entity now inhabiting Justin’s body.”

  “You make it sound sinister, but yes. Gareth drove away the incubus, and Ryder was assigned to protect you.”

  Sheri fought back a smile. What had transpired in her dream didn’t fit anyone’s definition of protection. “Why was the incubus after you?”

  “They can only guess at its motivation, but its purpose was to keep me away from my research.”

  Sheri paused for a sip of coffee. It was midmorning. They’d missed the arrival crowd, and the lunch rush had yet to begin, which was why Sheri had waited until now to ask Meagan to sneak away for a few minutes. The fewer people available to overhear their bizarre conversation, the better.

  “How many of these spirits are running around out there?” Sheri hadn’t meant the question to sound quite so sarcastic.

  Meagan smiled. “It all sounds fantastic when you say it out loud. I understand. I’ve been there, but I’ve also seen Ryder. Would you like me to describe him?”

  “You don’t have to convince me it’s real.” She scooted closer to the table, glancing around warily. “The attacks on you have stopped, haven’t they?”

  “Yes. Justin guards me during the day, and Gareth is there as soon as I fall asl

  “Two for the price of one.” Sheri glanced down into her coffee mug. “Lucky you.”

  Meagan reached across the table and touched her hand. “Was Ryder cruel to you? If he frightened you or harmed you, Gareth can report his behavior to --”

  “It’s just upsetting to realize there are beings who can manipulate your mind.” Sheri looked at her friend and tried to smile. “He made me forget everything that happened to you. If he wanted to, I suspect, he could wipe my mind clean.”

  “You don’t have to be afraid of him.” Meagan gave her hand a squeeze before settling back in her chair. “He’s one of the good guys.”

  “Somehow that’s not very comforting right now.”

  They sat for a few minutes in silence. Sheri tried to objectively analyze why her interaction with Ryder upset her so badly. He’d given her the most intense orgasm of her life, but it left her feeling empty and used.

  “We’re closer to a breakthrough with Bental-2 than ever before.” Meagan’s calm, even tone interrupted her reflection. “I think the incubus has given up on disrupting this timeline.”

  “Why would an incubus care about viral research? Spirits aren’t affected by disease.”

  “There’s only so much Gareth is allowed to explain.” Meagan shrugged. “If Bental-2 lives up to our expectations, it could be the biggest medical development since antibiotics. The incubus, or more specifically whoever is controlling it, doesn’t want that to happen.”

  “I understand that. The question is why?” Bental-2 itself was harmless, but Meagan believed the virus could be programmed to transport biological or chemical treatments for diseases like leukemia, cancer, and AIDS.

  Meagan shook her head. “I don’t know, and Gareth either doesn’t know or can’t say. I’m just glad it’s over.”

  “I’m not under attack, so why did Ryder ... What did he think ...”

  A smile curved the corners of Meagan’s lips. “From what little you’ve told me, it sounds like he was invited.”

  “Invited?” Sheri took a quick sip of coffee, hiding her expression with the mug.

  “You did say you wanted Achilles to give you a massage.”

  He’d certainly massaged her! Sheri felt heat climb her neck as she remembered -- You’ll remember. Long after you awaken, you’ll tingle as you think of the pleasure we’ll share.

  Forcing her thoughts away from the erotic dream, Sheri met her friend’s gaze. “If these beings only exist in dreams, how did he know what I said to you?”

  “Ryder is different than the others. He was the original Dream Warrior. Gareth said it was just Morpheus and Ryder for a very long time, then --”


  Meagan picked up her mug with a soft chuckle. “You better brush up on mythology.”

  * * * * *

  “Why did you allow her to retain the memory?” Gareth asked.

  Shortly after the women left for the coffee shop, Ryder appeared in the laboratory where Gareth was working. “That wasn’t my intention, but she ran past me. I hadn’t constructed an illusion beyond the tent, so the shock of the void awakened her.”

  Gareth leaned against the counter, his expression thoughtful. “Why didn’t you follow her into the Waking Realm or command her back to sleep? You allowed her to retain the memories. Why?”

  Ryder turned from Gareth’s assessing stare. This was likely a rehearsal for his conversation with Morpheus. He better figure out his answers now. “I ... I don’t know.”

  Gareth grinned. “Sure you do. Now that she knows who and what you are, there’s no reason to hide. You want to interact with this woman.”

  Frowning, Ryder considered the possibility. Had he intentionally allowed her to retain the memory?

  “Morpheus isn’t going to like this.”

  Ryder raked his fingers through his hair. He knew Gareth was right, but he’d no idea how to justify his actions. A shocked gasp drew his attention to the doorway. Sheri stood there, mouth gaping, eyes wide, Meagan a step behind her.

  “Well, hell, that has to be the shortest coffee break in the history of womanhood.” Ryder shook his head.

  “Why can they see you?” Gareth asked. “You didn’t shield your image?”

  “I’m exhausted. You don’t realize how complicated it is to create an image only visible to one individual.”

  Meagan stepped past Sheri and entered the laboratory. “Sheri had some questions I couldn’t answer. I suggested she talk to Gareth, but you’ll do even better.”

  “How is he ... You said they only exist in dreams.”

  “They interact with humans through dreams. Obviously, Ryder is able to appear in the Waking Realm.”

  Sheri remained in the doorway, her wary gaze fixed on Ryder. He took a step toward her. She backed away.

  “He’s only visible in this realm.” Meagan added, obviously trying to soothe her friend. “He can’t touch you.”

  Ryder didn’t correct her. He could solidify for short periods of time, but it drastically drained his energy. Sheri’s fear frustrated him. The last thing he wanted was to frighten her.

  “Will you give me the chance to explain?” Ryder asked.

  “Meagan already told me all I need to know.” Her voice was as stiff as her posture.

  “You have a terrible headache.” Meagan grinned. “I’ll let Saul know you went home.”

  Anger burned though Sheri’s fear, and Ryder relaxed. Indignation he could deal with, but how did he comfort a terrified female when he was the cause of her fear?

  She placed her fists on her hips and glared at Meagan. “I’m not going anywhere with him, but thanks for offering me to the wolf.”

  “Meagan said you had questions.” Gareth neatly insinuated himself into the conversation.

  “How long has he been spying on me?” Sheri moved into the laboratory, lowering her voice as she neared.

  “I was assigned to protect you in case the incubus changed tactics and came after you.”

  She glanced at him, but again she spoke to Gareth. “When was he assigned to me? How long has he been creeping around my house like a ghost?”

  “Shortly after I drove off the incubus, Ryder was dispatched to you.”

  “He’s been guarding me for a month? Can he ... when he’s invisible, can he see me?”

  Ryder tried not to let her tactic annoy him, but damn it, he was visible. “How can I ensure your safety if I can’t see you?”

  Her gaze snapped to his. “If you can’t touch me when I’m awake, how did you expect to keep me safe?” Crossing her arms over her chest, she looked away.

  “The primary threat is from the incubus, and he appears in the Dream Realm.” He tried to move into her line of vision, but she stubbornly turned her head. “If something were to endanger you in the Waking Realm, I could summon a corporeal being. Not everyone in my acquaintance is a Dream Warrior.”

  “Where do Dream Warriors come from? What gives you the right to interfere in the lives of humans?”

  Gareth smiled patiently and motioned toward Ryder. “He really is the best person to answer these questions, and explaining the details here is unwise. Perhaps Meagan’s suggestion isn’t such a bad idea.”

  Sheri took a deep breath and met Ryder’s gaze directly. “Meet me at my house. I need a few minutes alone to get my thoughts together.”

  Ryder inclined his head and blinked out of sight.

  * * * * *

  It took twenty minutes to get from the Carroll Foundation to her house. Sheri did her best to organize her thoughts and prioritize the questions she would ask her resident specter, but her mind kept returning to the dream.

  No one had ever touched her with such a potent combination of command and tenderness. Had her orgasm spontaneously restored her memory, or had Ryder done something to return the images to her mind?

  He wasn’t in sight when she entered the house. She hung up her coat and walked into the kitchen. The dank March wind left her chilled and uncomfortable.
Her frazzled nerves didn’t need more caffeine, but a mug of herbal tea sounded perfect.

  “The simplest solution is for me to take the memory of the dream from you, as well as ‑‑”

  Gasping, Sheri spun so fast water from her mug splashed her sweater. “Can you knock or something?” She pulled the damp material away from her body before it soaked the tee shirt beneath. “You scared me to death.”

  “I apologize.” He stood just inside the archway separating the kitchen from the family room, laughter sparkling in his dark eyes. “It was never my intention to frighten you.”

  He put particular emphasis on the word never. She turned toward the sink to hide her smile and the distinct peaks her nipples created through the bulky sweater. She’d been anything but frightened in the dream, and the same curling heat assailed her now.

  Holding the sweater with one hand, she refilled the mug with the other and set it in the microwave. She took a deep, fortifying breath and turned to face Ryder while the water heated.

  “What was supposed to happen last night? Why did you infiltrate my dream?” He started to answer, but she stopped him. “No, go back farther. Why did you take the memory of the incubus from me in the first place?”

  “We are guardians. We assist and protect, but humans are not meant to know of our existence.”

  “My sweater is wet. Don’t get the wrong idea, but I need to take it off. Can you control yourself?”

  He sauntered toward her. “It wouldn’t matter if I couldn’t. As Meagan said ...” He reached for her, and his hands passed right through her body. She gasped and leapt back. He smiled. “I can’t touch you while you’re awake.”

  Her torso tingled; her nipples tightened further. Apparently, he didn’t need to touch her to stimulate her hormones. His arresting features and sexy smile were more than enough to set her pulse racing. A violent shiver shook her, and she wiggled out of the damp sweater. The black tee shirt beneath was tucked into her jeans; still, his gaze focused with obvious interest on her breasts. Stubbornness alone kept her from folding her arms over her chest like the proverbial virgin.


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