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Free For All (Red Light, Book Four)

Page 3

by Jayne Rylon

  “Ask me—?” When I see what’s caught Rick’s attention, I freeze in my tracks. “What’s all this?”

  “I wanted today to be special.” The wistful note in his answer has me spinning from the gorgeous layout in front of me to observe him instead. “I counted on Adelbert to help me. But this…”

  “It’s amazing.” I brace my palms on Rick’s chest as I peek over my shoulder, afraid the vision might have disappeared like a mirage on a sweltering day. This rustic oasis is a fairy tale come to life. “Thank you.”

  A fresh clearing hosts a square canvas tent. Rusty buckets brimming with river rocks and gnarled branches that didn’t survive the winter make impromptu sculptures, anchoring the structure against the occasional gust of wind. Flaps tied wide open with fraying rope allow me to spy netting that cascades inside over a shape I can hardly discern. “Is that…?”

  “An old flat-bottom boat.” Rick chuckles. “Sure is. Looks like Adie improvised to keep the mattress inside it dry. Probably easier to drag out here that way too. That wily old bastard. I just asked him to pitch a tent for us and leave a solar heater in case it was chillier than expected this afternoon. Didn’t envision five-star accommodations.”

  “You planned to seduce me?” I plant a fist on my hip and stand akimbo.

  “Well, sort of.”

  “Why not definitely?” My pout doesn’t last more than a moment. It morphs into a delighted smile when he scoops me into his arms and charges toward the gauzy material.

  “See what you made me do.” He burrows through the gossamer layers of our fortress until he can plop me onto the mattress. The time it takes him to strip off his backpack and set it aside is long enough to have him pinching the bridge of his nose. “I intended to be gentle. Take my time.”

  “The painfully slow approach is overrated.” I lunge for his jacket and manage to peel it halfway down his arms before he balks.

  “Not today.” He shakes his head as he retreats.

  I notice a slight chill for the first time without him sharing my personal space.

  “We’re going to do this right.” He’s adorable when his serious side kicks in. The concentration with which he unlaces his boots and sets them aside in a perfectly aligned pair makes me want to ruffle his hair, or fall to my knees at his feet, I can’t decide which. Maybe both.

  I settle into the horseshoe of pillows mounded at one end of our boat bed and drink in the sight of my lover wandering around the tent, hopping from braided rug to braided rug in his socked feet. It’s odd to lie back and let someone else set the scene for our erotic interlude. He frees the material entranceway then lets it drape closed, making sure the panels overlap.

  Cut off from everything surrounding us, my world narrows to him and me. Exactly how I prefer it.

  I kick off my shoes then tunnel beneath the snuggly-soft quilts covering the plush mattress. Extra care was taken to fill the gaps between the hull and the padding, leaving no shin-busting edges exposed. I could hibernate here and still be comfortable four months later.

  One by one, Rick activates half a dozen battery-powered lanterns. I catalog the grace of his movements as he roams from beacon to beacon. The glow he gives birth to draws intricate designs on the roof of our cozy paradise. I study the interplay of shadows and light while he fiddles with the heater. I’m not sure if his success with the gadget or the presentation of his fine ass in those jeans as he bends over is responsible for the blast of toasty warmth that seeps straight through my pores to the marrow of my bones.

  I can’t help myself. Without conscious thought, I cup my breasts to soothe the ache he’s inspired with his careful preparations and the only possible outcome of his efforts. His shoulders rise and fall beneath the force of his deep inhalation and slow release. A laser-beam stare singes me when he finally faces forward, witnessing my involuntary writhing and the naughty activity of my fingers.

  “You’re so gorgeous, Sarah.”

  “I could say the same of you.” My gaze cruises from his prominent jaw to his thick chest, narrow waist and the displacement of his jeans, which appear to strangle the erection distorting the fabric in the neighborhood of his crotch.

  “All your clients must tell you that, but it’s true.”

  “Only most.” I’m vain enough to enjoy hearing it. I won’t remind him the rest of the guys say something more along the lines of, “That was the best blowjob I’ve ever had.”

  “I wish I could make you understand. You’re everything I was afraid to hope for.” He sinks onto the foot of the mattress then crawls toward me like a lion on the prowl. Confident, deliberate, unstoppable.

  When will he pounce? Soon, I hope.

  “You’re the same for me.” I don’t resist when he comes over me, pressing me flat to the bed as he advances. It’s a delicacy to surrender control. Through my window I’m always the one with the power, no matter what privileges I grant a customer. It’s always on my terms. This is like walking a tightrope strung between two skyscrapers with no net to break my fall if things should go to shit. With Rick, I’m never afraid of the heights he lifts me to.

  “I need to be closer to you.” He kisses me long and slow as he descends, allowing me to bear his full weight. His hand rubs the bare patch of skin between the top of my jeans and the hem of my sweater, which he’s nudged a few centimeters higher.

  I spread my legs, welcoming him into the cradle of my thighs.

  “Yes.” He nips my bottom lip then sucks the sting into oblivion. Time slips away as we devour each other in an unending exchange of pleasure.

  Suddenly, too much fabric creates an intolerable barrier between us. Perspiration breaks out on my back, reminding me of the rising temperature.

  Rick grunts when I press on his shoulder, as if he’s reluctant to surrender his position.

  “Roll over,” I whisper between mini-kisses. “I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”

  He complies, his heavy-lidded eyes only adding to the swelter of our retreat. His sexy sprawl takes up most of the bed. I slip from beneath the unneeded covers and blanket him instead.

  Strong arms band easily around my waist. The thick length of his cock creates the perfect hump to rub my pussy on while I taste him one more time. Only now, I don’t stop with a nibble on his parted mouth or a swirl of my tongue over his. Instead, I skim along his jaw to his chin then lower down his neck.

  His moan vibrates my lips. I pause to torture him. When he shivers beneath me, I smile against the curve of his shoulder.

  “Screw slow and gentle.” He tugs at his shirt. I refuse to budge and allow him room to disrobe.

  “No, you had it right the first time.” I toy with the skin just above his collar for a moment before flicking open the top button of his shirt. “Let me unwrap my present.”

  “Verdomme.” He chokes a little when I lap at the sexy dip in the base of his throat.

  “Feels more like heaven to me.” I thread the next button through its hole with trembling fingers. I can hardly believe I’m lucky enough to have this man all to myself. For now. A flash of him in the swingers’ club we discussed earlier zips through my mind. Would it fill me with pride to watch him thrill someone else? Or would jealousy overcome my appreciation for his dissolute talents?

  “Yes.” He buries his fingers in my hair, massaging my scalp. All thoughts but here and now fade from my mind with the sure press of his hands.

  I graze my teeth across the freshly exposed landscape of his firm pecs while I torture him with the unfastening of another few inches of his shirt. I worship the series of small hills that stand witness to the eons he spends training at the gym. I study him as though he’s a statue come to life. Only the finest artist could have devised a form so spectacular. It’s hard to pinpoint when my ideal for all things masculine became embodied by him. Any flaws I used to notice have long since faded into comfortable familiarity.

  “Don’t stop.” He caresses my check. “Unless you’ll let me return the favor.”
/>   “I’m not finished playing yet.” I nip his belly, savoring his grunt and the involuntary thrust of his hips. The motion presses his abdomen to my face. “You can take a turn in a while.”

  “I hope my heart doesn’t blow a gasket before then.” He flings his arm over his eyes as though he can’t bear to watch without wresting the lead from me.

  “You’d never leave me hanging like that.” I draw a heart around his belly button with the tip of my manicured index finger.

  “You’re making it hard.” He groans.

  “That’s sort of the point.” I cup him through his jeans, squeezing the length of his denim-clad cock while I lick a line just above his waistband.

  “Sarah.” His moan doesn’t sound like a plea. He won’t tell me what to do. The freedom to explore and touch as I see fit is a luxury I’m not often able to indulge. Satisfying other people’s urges, fulfilling their wishes, is what I love to do. But here, with him, sex isn’t a job. It’s what I need.

  I peel the flaps of his shirt to each side, revealing the full expanse of his chest. The sight has me grinding on his thigh in a slow circle destined to expand the wet spot forming on my lacy panties.

  His nipples draw tight, tempting me beyond reason. I flick the flat of my tongue across one before consuming the other with a strong draw of my lips.

  Rick’s palm slaps on the mattress. His jaw clenches and his neck cords.

  I straddle his narrow waist to shove the shirt from his shoulders. He lifts to facilitate the process, allowing me to slide the fabric down his ripped arms and off his wrists before flinging it to the far recesses of our shelter. The incline of his torso grants me better access. I suck on him, shifting from side to side, leaving my fingers to pinch and play when my lips migrate to his other nipple.

  It’s a pleasure most men deny themselves though I’m not sure why. All I know is that Rick has no such inhibitions. Hedonism never had a better mascot than him. Or maybe me. No, both of us together. I smile as I separate our bodies only long enough to strip my sweater off.

  “Is that new?” He eyes my sheer black bra, littered with sequins and a sprinkle of pave diamonds. “I would remember if I had seen it before. You probably don’t want me to rip it off you, right?”

  “You’re learning.” I shimmy for him, loving the transfixed stare he latches on to the jiggling of my breasts. Best not to tempt him too much. I really do adore this addition to my lingerie hoard. “I think you deserve a reward.”

  I reach behind my back to unhook the garment, worth every exorbitant penny. Rick’s tongue practically lolls from his mouth as he watches the show. I have to raise an eyebrow to keep him in place when he starts to sit up. I let the straps fall from my shoulders then peel the band from my torso. I keep one of my forearms pressed to my breasts to pin the garment in place.

  He swallows hard.

  I smile then let my hand drop, taking the delicate fabric with it. I barely have to lean forward before Rick lunges up, returning the attention I paid him. He cups my ribs in his broad hands as he situates my torso in the optimal position for his assault. I clutch his hair, pinning his face tight to my chest as he demonstrates impressive flair of his own.

  “Mmph.” Despite years of practice, even I can’t decipher what he intended to say with his mouth full of my breasts. He ruins my concentration.

  We laugh together. I separate us a fraction of an inch. His breath buffets my nipple, making it harder, if such a thing is possible. “I said, ‘Please tell me that bra has matching panties.’”

  “You wouldn’t prefer me bare?”

  “Shit, are you?” His hands travel down my back to my ass, anchoring me as he grinds us together.

  “Why don’t you find out?” I brace myself on one palm behind me even as he shifts, turning the tables. He looms over me, stealing one last taste of my lips before kissing a trail down the center of my belly. “Wait!”

  He pauses when I squeak.

  “There. Right there. Do that again.” I nudge his head until his lips hover over the spot he’d inadvertently electrified. Just above my hipbone, toward my center an inch or two.

  The rumble generated by his hum of approval threatens to send me into instantaneous orgasm. I try to relax, hoping to diminish the intensity. He refuses to allow me to hide behind the tools of my trade.

  “No. Let me give you pleasure. Don’t ever deny us that.” He nuzzles my stomach, making me purr with the scrape of his slight scruff. “Please, Sarah.”

  I shudder, surrendering to the moment, when he tries again. Even if he tips me into bliss by accident, I can claw my way there again and again when he treats me like this—a treasure, a rare and priceless find.

  As if he knows exactly how much I can stand, he shifts. His hands work the button of my jeans then slide the zipper low. He buries his face in the gap left behind, licking the edge of the black lace barely shielding my smooth, waxed mound from view.

  I can’t wait to model the rest for him. Squirming, I help him peel my skinny jeans from my hips, down my thighs then lift my legs for him to slip them off my feet. I hear the dull thwap of fabric landing in a pool somewhere outside our sphere of blended lust and love.

  He massages my feet then my calves, paying homage to every square inch of me as though he’s never before seen the flesh he so recently revealed. When he gets to my thighs, his thumbs pressing a trough through the knotted muscle there, he can’t avoid peering at the pretty wrapping over the core of my body.

  The tiny lace panel in front leads to an intricate web of satin strings. They give the impression of the traditional panty shape while leaving maximum skin bared. Each intersection of the wispy strands is embellished with a sparkling stone.

  He traces one of the geometric displays.

  “Are those real?” He tilts his head, appraising the garment like a true panty connoisseur.

  “The diamonds?” I wink. “Yep. Actually, there’s nothing fake on this body.”

  “Hard to believe nature can be this perfect.” He leans in to lick one of the glittering rocks then the skin beside it. “Or this beautiful.”

  “They’re custom made. I hoped to impress you.”

  “You always do.”

  He dusts kisses over the fabric, licking the spot directly above my clit.

  “Rick!” I shift, restless, but he knows what I need.

  “I want to eat you with these on.” He carefully nudges the lace to the side, revealing my pussy to his hungry stare. With one finger, he traces my slit.

  I whimper and buck.

  “They’re stunning when you dance.” He bares his teeth in a grin that reminds me of the big bad wolf. I always thought Red went for the wrong guy.

  The fire shining from the center of the diamonds has nothing on the inferno he stokes inside me when he dips his finger into the entrance of my pussy. He inserts the digit as he closes the gap between us. A stream of cool air escapes his lips and swirls over my clit a moment before he contrasts it with the wet heat of his lips.

  He drives me insane as he works his hand and mouth in perfect counterpoint. He manipulates me from both inside and out until a telltale tightening ripples low in my pelvis. If he doesn’t stop, I’ll come.

  I try to warn him. The only sound that emerges from my mouth is a low, throaty cry.

  “Don’t fight me.” He pauses long enough to command my release. “Come, Sarah.”

  My body obeys him. My spine arches, lifting my shoulders from the mattress as I shatter. A quick burst of pleasure bleeds some of the tension from me. It only makes me regret I couldn’t hang on longer and enjoy the act very few of my customers are likely to request.

  “So sweet.” Rick kisses my thighs as he carefully removes my expensive trappings.

  My sigh escapes before I can stop it.

  “What was that for?” He returns, kissing me softly. I can taste myself on his lips. Blended, we’re my favorite flavor. I don’t speak before he registers the longing in my eyes. “You want more of that?�

  Is it greedy to admit it? Not with Rick. “Yes.”

  He shoves to his feet and strips off his jeans in one sure movement. He kicks the pants aside, toes off his socks and lies next to me, his head angled toward my feet. “I could taste you all day.”

  I yelp when he plants open-mouthed kisses on my sensitive flesh before diving back in as though he relishes the soft, moist flesh of my pussy on his face. It only takes a few seconds before slight discomfort caused by overstimulation morphs into fresh pleasure.

  I set my sights on something else I crave. I tap his hip three times before he responds.

  He lifts his head long enough to ask, “You want my cock, baby?”

  My cheeks heat as I realize it’s true. Not because I have to please him, though I hope I can, but because I need to fill myself with him in every way. His taste, his scent, his heat. “Give it to me. Please.”

  “Here you go.” He nudges me until we lie on our sides. My head rests on his thigh. He holds my legs wide open as he returns his focus to laving every fold of my pussy with his tongue.

  I open my mouth and draw him inside. We both groan when he feeds me his cock inch by inch. As hard as he is, I feel him lengthening while I suck, employing every play in my best game-day book.

  He nudges the back of my throat, encouraging me to swallow. I massage the head of his cock with the rings of my throat muscles. He doesn’t pressure me, allowing me to go at the pace that’s best for both of us. Completely relaxed, I take him as deep as possible. The burst of pre-come that adds a hint of salt to his flavor initiates an answering clench of my pussy around his embedded fingers. He angles them until they press against my G-spot and incite another orgasm.

  Only years of practice keep me from biting him.

  I’m still recovering when he shifts, rolling me to my back then spinning so we’re eye to eye.

  “I love you, Sarah.” He licks the corner of my mouth, and then kisses me deep.

  “Love. You. Too.” I can hardly breathe through the overwhelming emotions assaulting me. Needing to show him, I reach between us and guide his cock to my saturated entrance.


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