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Free For All (Red Light, Book Four)

Page 5

by Jayne Rylon

  He downshifts. I peek over his shoulder. Ahead, absolute blackness denotes the space where the river cuts through the unassuming countryside sprinkled with the glow of distant residential areas. A few more curves reveal a beacon, drawing us closer like moths to a flame. White lights drape from the decks of a mammoth ferry boat. I squint at the sudden brightness.

  The bursts grow bigger in the night, reminding me of fallen stars. What other cosmic signs do I require to supplement my hopefulness? None.

  Rick glides into a vacant space near a covered walkway. Silence in the wake of the roar of the engine is deafening. I peel myself from his back and wait for him to join me on the boardwalk leading to the docked vessel. He does, his stare locking on my flushed cheeks a moment before studying my studded leather jacket and skintight pants. It took both of us to pour me into them earlier. The effort was well worth it.

  “You know, we don’t have to—”

  “Yes. We do.” I nibble on his lower lip. “Let me give you what you need.”

  “I need you.”

  “You have me.” I rest my head on his shoulder.

  “Will I after tonight?” The graze of his fingerless leather touring glove on my cheek grants me visions of all sorts of naughty role-playing possibilities. I file them away for another time.


  “How can you be sure?” I swear I can hear his heart pounding beneath my cheek. “This isn’t worth the risk. Let’s go home, Sarah.”

  “We’re going inside.” I wrap my fingers around his belt buckle where it peeks from between the unzipped flaps of his jacket. Without another pointless argument, I pivot and angle toward the entrance. He seems like he might object again but the door swinging open interrupts his futile attempt to change my mind.

  “Rick. Good to see you.” An enormous bouncer with a bald head greets us. The thick chains between his septum and bridge nose piercings fascinate me. He slaps a meaty hand on Rick’s shoulder. The impact rattles our bones where we’re still joined together. “Thanks for covering last time. My youngest daughter had the flu and Jillian was out of town visiting her sister.”

  “No problem.” Rick beams. “How is the munchkin? Still have you wrapped around her little finger?”

  “A man in a house full of girls is doomed.” His growl doesn’t match his adorable grin. “They run wild and there’s nothing I can do.”

  I’m sorry for my irrepressible giggle when his attention swings toward me, breaking the moment.

  “Ludger, this is my girlfriend. Sarah.”

  “Nice to meet you, but I thought your name was Star.” He’s gentle when he envelops my fingers in a delicate shake.

  “You know him?” Rick cocks his head at me before catching himself. “Sorry, what happens through your window…”

  “He’s not one of my clients.” I would remember. A man his size would hardly fit in my tiny Red Light loft.

  “Whoa.” Ludger stacks his hands in front of his chest and wiggles his thumbs. “Awkward turtle!”

  “What the hell is that?” Rick tilts his head, asking exactly what I’m wondering.

  “I dunno. My kids do it. Seemed appropriate for implying… I mean, I didn’t know she worked the district. You know that’s not my thing.”

  Rick grimaces. “It’d be okay if you had. If not, how do you know her?”

  “Who do you think covered for you while you were busy onstage in Tommy’s Kinkmas pageant?” Ludger laughs, a boom that might scare me if he weren’t so damn huggable. “I suppose it wasn’t an act after all, though. No wonder the show was so hot. I had to stop at least half a dozen assholes from storming the stage for an up-close-and-personal look.”

  “Was everyone in the EU there?” Rick’s cheeks glow a little.

  “You should be proud of what you can do together.” Ludger smiles, revealing a silver skull and crossbones on his front tooth. “Jillian’s the best thing that ever happened to me. If you find someone who can love you for who you really are, you’re set for life.”

  I stare up at Rick, waiting for his friend’s advice to sink in.

  “Shit. You’re right. Okay, Sarah. Let’s do this.” He holds out his hand to me.

  I squeeze his fingers with one of my hands then kiss the palm of my other and reach up on tiptoes to pat Ludger’s cheek. “Thank you.”

  “Not sure what that was for, but you’re very welcome.” He nods. “I heard you’re a first-timer. I’ll let Rick show you around. Think you should know the basic rules though. We have an undress code. Through this door is a changing room. Lingerie only on the other side. Besides that, it’s nothing you wouldn’t guess. Respect the wishes of the people around you. No cameras or cell phones either. What happens here, stays here. And most important, have fun.”

  “I don’t think that’s going to be a problem.” I smile at the two guys then head toward the pink door Ludger had gestured toward. Rick aims for a similar blue portal on the other side of the lobby. “See you in a minute.”

  “Miss you,” he calls softly.

  “Oh please.” Ludger mimes sticking his finger down his throat.

  All hint of nerves obliterated, I grin as I rush into the undressing room. The plush, inviting space hardly registers as I whip off my top and jacket and jam them in the nearest locker. My pants take a few seconds more to wriggle out of. A quick flick of my fingers through my unbraided hair, and I’m ready to inspect myself in the enormous mirror.

  Lavender lace-top thigh-highs encase my legs. A matching bra with an attached sheer baby doll allows the slender panel of my panties to show through. The thong highlighting the taut globes of my ass dispels the illusion of innocence created by the ensemble. Cute yet naughty.

  Satisfied, I nod at my reflection then follow the rope lights in the floor, which lead to the main club.

  Rick is waiting in front of the door. A pair of boxer briefs hug his hips and the bulge that grows when he sees me emerge. Form-fitting underwear never looked so appealing. His deep inhalation does amazing things for his physique. The tattoo encircling his biceps adds a hint of badass. I wipe my mouth to ensure no drool has escaped.

  “So…what now?” I clear my throat when my question sounds like a mouse squeak.

  “First stop is usually the bar. The top level of the club isn’t much different from a regular hangout. Drinking, dancing and meeting new people are on the agenda.” He puts his arm around my shoulder and leads me toward a long, polished wood bar.

  “Except everyone’s nearly naked.” I admire the crowd comprised mostly of thirty-somethings in decent shape though the crowd runs the gamut. Nothing I haven’t seen before. Still, open acceptance is refreshing.

  “Yeah, there is that.” He kisses my shoulder. “I hardly noticed with you here. Where do you hide these outfits?”

  “I’ll put on a fashion show for you sometime,” I promise.

  I smile when Rick wraps his hands around my waist then boosts me onto a stool at the bar. A gorgeous woman with killer black hair, funky owl jewelry and a no-nonsense attitude directs an assessing scan in my direction. “What can I get you?”

  I study the twinkle in her striking blue eyes and the assortment of tattoos visible on her forearms, wondering what the story is behind the red book with Literate 4 Life encapsulated in scrollwork beneath it. Instant attraction has me grinning. “How about a shot of Patron silver?”

  “Now you’re talking.” She sloshes a measure of alcohol into a shot glass then adds a second. “Here. Have two.”

  “Thanks. I might need those.” I feel naked more from being out of my window than because of my scrappy clothing. The authority of my position is stripped away. Here I’m just like every other woman.

  “You wouldn’t believe the things I’ve seen working here.” She rolls her eyes. Without asking, she pours a draft for Rick and adds it to the spot in front of us.

  “I might.” I smile—a little shy. That never happens to me. What is it with this place, this woman, tonight? Off balance, I reach
for Rick’s thigh to steady myself. “I’m sort of a sex worker.”

  “Sort of, huh?” Her grin turns wry. “Then you understand. Some people are real freaks.”

  “And you love every one of them.” Rick leans in close. “Don’t be fooled by her tough-girl act, Kelli is a marshmallow inside.”

  “I have a major sweet tooth.” I don’t take my eyes off her as I respond to him.

  “Thanks, honey. But I’m happily married. And we don’t play the swinging game. I have a hell of a lot of appreciation for women like you. One man is more than enough for me.” She tosses me a wink, sets down my drinks and wanders off toward the slew of customers vying for her attention. At the last second she says over her shoulder, “I approve of you for our Rick. I was worried he’d fallen for some bimbo again. This one’s cool, dude.”

  “Thanks, Kel. I already figured that out on my own. I don’t always have my head up my ass.”

  “Could have fooled me.” Her smile takes all the sting from her rebuke.

  Rick flashes his middle finger at her.

  I smack his hand. “Hey. Be nice to Kelli.”

  “Oh yeah, you can keep her.” The bartender laughs as she’s swallowed up by the thirsty crowd.

  We chat while Rick drinks his beer. When I finish the last sip of my first shot, he asks, “Are you buying time because you’re checking out the lay of the land or because you’re nervous?”

  I whip my roaming stare to him. “Can’t fool you, huh?”

  “Which is it?” He takes another slug then motions to my full serving of Patron. “Down that then tell me.”

  I lick my hand, loving the dilation of his pupils in response. Then I tap some salt onto my skin and tease him by doing a very thorough job of sucking it off before slamming the shot. My liquor-laden exhalation is strong enough to make fire-breathing dragons envious. “I was hunting for the right couple.”

  “Don’t try so hard.” The flex of his throat mesmerizes me as he swallows the last of his microbrew. “Whatever happens, happens. If that’s nothing, it’s okay. Dance with me?”

  “Really?” I hop from the stool before he’s moved a muscle. “I didn’t know you were into that.”

  “I’m a fan of showing you off.” He smiles. “Work me like a pole.”

  “I can do that.” I link our fingers then sashay toward the crowd of people gyrating to the music. At least it’s playing at a reasonable level. They don’t risk stifling conversation between potential matches. I sway to the beat, sinking gradually into the groove.

  In less than five minutes, Rick has turned away three couples without consulting me. My answer would have been the same. Flashy and overeager, they aren’t our type.

  I spin around him, presenting my ass before dropping down. I skim the bulge in his shorts as I crawl back up his leg. From the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of a man and woman sitting on the sidelines. I could swear one of them pointed subtly in our direction as they noticed my dirty dancing.

  Rick follows when I edge closer to their perch on a vinyl couch. The woman glances away when I spin in her direction. Her husband stares openly, without guile or any hint of sophistication. I shimmy my breasts at him and smile before facing Rick again. “What are your criteria?”

  “You gravitate to the ones who need you most, don’t you?” He yanks me toward him, letting me straddle his thigh. His steely cock grinds against my hip. “It’s sexy when you show your big heart. And his wife is adorable. I’d love to make a good girl go bad.”

  I drag one finger up his torso as we sway together. When it reaches his collarbone, he dips, catching it in his mouth. He gazes in the direction of the couple as he sucks on the tip. My nipples turn rock-hard in an instant.

  “Let’s ask them to play.” Our gazes collide. He nods, dislodging my hand.

  He doesn’t pretend to be coy. Without pretense, he approaches the couple, towing me a step behind. They look like they might bolt when we stand before them. I survey the woman, petite and neat. Her basic black corset is classic yet understated, especially given the venue.

  “How’s it going?” Rick addresses the man. He’s fairly average in height and build. It’s the gentle caress he bestows on the woman’s hand that impresses me. Their wedding rings glint in the roving lights of the dance floor.

  “P-pretty good.” The guy has to try twice to speak. His wife studies their joined fingers.

  “I’m Rick. This is Sarah.” He gestures to me. “Tonight is her first time on the Love Boat.”

  I repress a snort at the ridiculous name.

  “Nice to meet you. I’m Nikolaas and my wife’s name is Lysanne. We’ve never been here before either. A friend of ours recommended us for a visitor’s pass.” The man offers his explanation as though anyone in the room would assume they were veterans.

  “In that case, would you like to join us for a tour of the areas downstairs?” Rick’s easygoing, inviting nature makes me hornier than his adept dancing. Generous and kind, he’s making a potentially nerve-racking experience effortless both for the young couple and for us. I’ve never loved him more.

  “What do you think, Lys?” Nikolaas turns to her with a soft smile, putting the ball in her court. I like them more by the moment.

  “I—” She scrunches her eyes shut then shakes her head. “I know I’m the one who talked you into this, but I’m not ready, Niko. I’m so sorry.”

  Rick holds up his hands, palms out. “No apologies necessary for us. Enjoy the rest of your night.”

  I try not to let my disappointment show. No use in increasing the burden on Lysanne. I hear Nikolaas reassure her as we drift apart. “It’s okay. That’s why we came. To find out—”

  Knowing they’re struggling with the same issues as us only increases the budding chemistry I could swear arced between us. Sometimes attraction just isn’t enough.

  “There are other fish, baby.” Rick kisses my cheek as he leads me toward a staircase near the stern of the ship. “How about a little more personal tour?”

  “Sure.” I clasp his hand as he escorts me down the ornate flights. The gold-painted balustrade winds lower, leading the way. As soon as we reach the bottom, I can tell the difference from upstairs. The color palette changes to from calming blues and light yellows to dark red and bold earthy tones. Sensual murals cover the majority of the space, depicting the world’s largest orgy. It’s beautiful and skillfully painted. I wish I could study the brushstrokes.

  “The lower deck is divided into several distinct public areas as well as private rooms.” He cups my elbow and guides me through a door. “This one is for couples looking to explore BDSM.”

  I’m impressed with the quality and range of the equipment. Several people are gathered around a woman strapped to a table. Two men occupy stocks in the far corner while someone administers a stern spanking. Nothing here catches my eye at the moment. It’d be hard to top our Kinkmas experience and I think I’d prefer something a little less showy.

  “Not tonight.” I smile up at Rick. He nods and moves on.

  The archway we cross marks another drastic change in décor. This room is deep blue. Swirls of steam billow out of a raised area in the center of the space. The mural morphs into a riot of fornicating mermaids and sailors that could put the Sirens to shame.

  The splash of water catches me off guard. “How?”

  “They had a custom hot tub built for this space. It’s big enough to swim in if you really wanted. Some parts are shallow, so you can lie mostly submerged without worrying about drowning while you’re fooling around. But the best feature is the underwater seats with strategic jets that anyone else can control.” A woman shrieks when someone jabs a button on the control panel beside their place. Her cry quickly morphs into a moan. A man plucks his partner from the bubbles, bending her over the side of the tub. Water sloshes over the edge when he thrusts inside her and fucks vigorously. “Sometimes they have contests. First one to come is fair game for the others.”

  While the idea is
intriguing, I glance down at my lingerie.

  “We can swing back after you’ve seen the rest. That way you’re not slogging around all wet.”

  “Too late,” I mumble.

  He hears if his laughter is any indication.

  “What’s that way?” I point toward the forest-green room peeking through on the other side of the spa, now overflowing with moans.

  “Some people call this the gangbang room. But really it’s more like an open forum.” My eyes widen at the size of the enormous leopard-print mattress filling the center of the space. Couples and groups of lovers in every combination of men, women and multiples are strewn across its surface. A woman in one corner is surrounded by several men. They take turns fucking her while others delight in the stroke of her hands or the warmth of her mouth. “Only on certain days do they allow single men to visit and women who are interested can sign up for the gangbang. The rest of the time…”

  He gestures to the free-for-all before us.

  There’s something undeniably fascinating about the tangle of participants flowing from one group to another, freely sharing and seeking their next touch from whoever is available and willing. The magnetic pull of their abandon nearly has me shedding my underwear to join in. If only it were a little more personal. I’d had something else in mind for tonight’s experimentation. “Oh my.”

  Rick chokes. “You sound like Hazel. I like this room too. It’s almost my favorite.”

  My eyes are glued to the action, which inspires me to wade into the hedonistic throng.

  “Want to see the last one?” He starts to move on but I’m welded to the floor. Rapture fills the room with positive energy I can’t help but admire. “Sarah?”

  “Hmm. Yes.” I remember tonight is supposed to be for him. In reality, I’m curious about his favorite pleasures. “Show me.”

  “The last room is a sensual massage parlor.” He rubs his chest with his free hand as though he can’t bear the pressure building there. If he’s even half as turned-on as I am, that’s no surprise.

  “Really?” I blink. Silk pillows, colorful canopies and an array of crystal bottles brimming with oil make the space look as though it were stolen straight from the most sybaritic harem of a powerful sultan. Despite the packed crowds in the other rooms, this one is quiet. Mostly empty. A few couples occupy an area shielded from the rest behind sheer curtains. The shadow of their sinuous movements is alluring.


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