Home (Book of the Guardian 1)
Page 3
The computer had him follow the trail up to the northern edge of the preserve, then turn east, away from the lake. He would skirt the inside of the northern edge of the boundary until he crossed Threshold Road, the area's main road.
To the east and south of Johnstown, a huge pasture was fenced off for the only type of bovine that had accepted the climate of the planet. He was to follow along the outside of the fence until it eventually returned to the main road at a small community, erroneously called Midway, John would cross the road and follow a section road for five and a half kilometers. There he once again would find the trail he originally started on, and could follow it north to his home.
All told, it was a relatively short route, and John wondered why it had settled on this course. The answer presented itself in the instructions. Several ravines were missing the bridges that had once spanned them, The Preserve had a nine foot fence he was to treat as electrified. (It wasn't actually, but by adding the fact that John shouldn't touch it, made the route more challenging.)
He was not allowed to actually touch a public road, except for the section trails. When he got to the pasture fences he had to jump them back and forth every other fencepost. Lastly, the last part, when he turned north finally, he was to sprint the remaining distance.
John approved the route, but insisted on taking a special issue combat survival knife with him. The computer agreed, and with the knife strapped to his thigh, John headed off in search of the trail his computer said was there.
Chapter 03
When he got to the edge of the preserve, John was greeted with the sight of the fence following along the very top of the far side of a ravine. Jumping it was possible, but he couldn't be sure to clear the fence.
He made a shorter jump and landed about half-way up the far slope. He scaled the steep slope, jumped up a tree, and grabbed it. Taking advantage of the momentum given by the jump, he swung his legs out and up, throwing himself over the fence. The course was tougher than the computer had led on!
Shortly after crossing into the preserve, John had just finished jumping over a rather wide ravine when he was suddenly rushed by a Dominion Lizard! The Lizard had a long, wicked-looking knife drawn, and was almost on top of John before he could draw his own knife.
Modeled after an old Earth blade called a Bowie, John's blade was less than half the length of the lizard's. Yet, even as pitifully small as his knife was in comparison, it was stronger than the lizard's. John took the first swing on the tang of his blade as he kicked the bigger creature in the abdomen, knocking it back several feet, and causing it to drop its blade.
Not waiting for the Lizard to rise, John jumped on top of him to finish him off. But the lizard grabbed the wrist holding the knife. Before John could grab the Lizards other wrist, it raked his chest with its poisonous claws, forcing John to back away while his enhancement dealt with the poison that would've killed a normal human in seconds.
When John didn't die, the lizard hesitated to attack. “SSSoldier no be here!” It hissed. “Mussssst report!”
“You better fucking kill me first, slime-sucker, or you'll never make it back to your base!” John replied and sprang to the attack again. If the Lizard were smart (an animal not known for their intelligence.) and were he to run, John might lose him. That would rate very high on the fuck-up meter.
John was a 'grizzled' veteran of more campaigns than he could count, but the Lizard was either not Warrior Caste, or was very inexperienced. Because there was very little left of the fight. John jumped just as the Lizard, angered by the insult, charged again. John caught the lizard by the left wrist and spun it. When the back was exposed, he rammed the knife up through right side, under the side cartilage, and into the vital organs.
The large reptile dropped to the ground, dead. John went down with the creature, and stayed in a crouch while he carefully surveyed the area, listening for any other creatures. When he heard none, he relaxed slightly, and wiped off his blade on the plastic-like fabric the Lizard had been wearing.
John concentrated and sent a note to Mark.
There was an immediate connection. “Are you hurt, John?”
“Not really, got poisoned of course, but the slashes should be gone by morning. I'm less than a kilometer from the cliff that was closest to their old base. However, this guy wasn't wet. So the question then becomes how did he get here?” John replied.
“We must have missed a tunnel or something when we raided that base. One that ended in that area, maybe?” Mark said.
“Well, I need to figure out what to do with this body before they come looking for it. They'd know we're on to them if they found it. I doubt many on the planet could even scratch a Lizard before the poison killed them,” John said.
“Body? John, what's your SitRep?” Mark asked. (SitRep is short for Situation Report)
John told him everything that happened since leaving his house. Then triggered an upload, for the after-action report.
“Fuck! I didn't know you were still sitting there! Let us get a satellite over you, and at least give you that much cover!” Mark replied. “While we wait for that,” (A graphic was displayed for John) “This is a scan from the day before yesterday. One click to your east, there is a pile of deadfall at the edge of a clearing. Toss that slimy bastard in the pile and fire it. Maybe we'll get lucky and the burn will expose the hidden tunnel,” Mark replied, muttering the last part.
John saved the graphic to memory, lifted the lizard's torso so he could hook the arms over his shoulders, and took off, dragging the body to the pile Mark had told him about.
When he got there, the pile Mark told him of was huge! It was already covered in dry leaves, and it was simply waiting for a spark. John was slightly worried about the town and the surrounding fields. But knew it didn't really matter. He had his orders.
He did ask for confirmation after he'd reported the condition of the 'pile'.
“We all agree, John. Light it. We'll send in the Fire Brigade from Threshold with the story that we had an old satellite unexpectedly fail and breakup on re-entry. It wasn't big enough to leave a crater, but the superheated slivers could have easily caused the fire. No one should get hurt, and most of the damage should stay in the Preserve,” Mark replied.
“Okay, the body's in place, and I'm lighting the fire. If it burns most of the preserve, there'll be no foliage for them to hide behind. If you could leave the spy-sat overhead, you should be able to find the tunnel either when they leave or their spy enters it,” John replied.
“The satellite has been re-tasked,” Mark replied.
“Sire, I mean no disrespect, but why are you doing the dirty work on this? Shouldn't there be some analyst somewhere taking care of this stuff for me?” John asked. “I do like talking to you, but you have to be a very busy man.”
John could hear the smile in Mark's voice when he replied. “I appointed an Administrative Regent to handle the day to day affairs while I take care of this. John, I got you into this, I'll be damned if I'm not going to be here for you,” Mark replied. “You know the hardest part of this was keeping the action team from kneeling every time I walked into the room. I swear, whoever included that in the protocols we set up should be shot. Okay, bowing I could understand. If they have to do something, then a bow would be plenty; but the whole one knee thing is embarrassing!”
“So change it!” John replied. “You are the King after all.”
“I tried! Fucking Parliament wouldn't stand for it! They felt, and I quote ‘a bow simply does not reflect the amount of respect we wish to have shown to the office of King.’ I wanted to scream!”
“Mark, let me ask you a couple questions, okay?” John asked as he ‘jogged’ along for his house.
“Okay, who has the final say in the creation or alteration of laws in the realm?” John asked, already knowing the answer.
Mark replied, quoting. “In all matters dealing with safety, the creation and alteration of Laws,
and the political structure of the Kingdom, the final authority in all things is the Duty of the Office of the King.”
“So I ask; what's the problem with getting it changed?” John asked.
Mark sighed. “It's called politics. I can't change that without offending representatives that I need to have on my side in the Parliament. So I put up with a little embarrassment in order to keep things working smoothly.”
“Well, I suppose you should stop bitching about it then. It's about as bad as me bitching about the fucking Lizards ruining my retirement!” John replied in a chuckling ‘voice’.
Mark returned the chuckle. “Yeah, I can remember the first time you told me that. I think we were on Antares Six. I was basically fresh out of enhancement, and was still hurting.”
“I still wonder if anyone ever told you the part about it hurting for the first few years. I guess I can understand people thinking we're nothing more than insane killing machines if that's all they ever saw of us,” John replied.
“Yeah, that would certainly have convinced me. I think I actually was a little insane there for a while.”
“We all were, it was part of the plan, turn a crazy, hyper-enhanced soldier loose on the enemy, and you got a lot of dead enemy. The draw back was that we only somewhat followed orders. We certainly wouldn't have attacked unarmed civilians, but I would've hated to see what would happen if one of us got mad,” John said. “Then we would have had a lot of dead civilians.”
“Very true,” Mark agreed. “John, since we're talking privately, Could I get your thoughts on something?”
“Sure Mark, I don't think I've ever been afraid to tell you something you needed to know, have I?”
Mark laughed. “No, I'm pretty sure you've always told me exactly what I needed to know, even if it was something I didn't want to hear.” He paused to gather his thoughts. “I told you earlier that I had appointed a Regent? Well, the man's far better at running the day to day affairs of the Realm than I am. I was thinking about approaching the parliament and suggesting a change.
“I've been on the throne for a tad over a thousand years. Frankly, I'm sick of this job. My talents lie here, in Intel. I was thinking of suggesting that I name my regent King and step down. I'd like to keep my hands in the Intel stuff though. Do you think they'd go for it?”
“I'm not sure they'd accept an unenhanced King, Mark. Besides, you're still well loved. You've been doing a good job, and no one wants to see you step down. However, if you really want a change, they really can't stop you,” John replied. “Personally, I don't see how you've been able to stay sane as long as you have!”
“Define 'sane’,” Mark replied. “Besides, after the centuries we've lived, and the hell we've seen, are any of us truly sane?”
John snorted. “That is a subject far too deep for casual conversation. Seriously though, I don't think they're going to let you step down unless or until you can name an enhanced successor.”
“That makes absolutely no sense at all. The public doesn't mind being ruled by one of us, as long as we don't live among them?” Mark asked rhetorically. “We're too crazy to mingle with polite society, but not for ruling them?”
“I honestly don't think that's really the way they see it. I think they see us as sort of demigods because of our abilities. While by our very nature we would have to be insane, we are sane enough for the tasks assigned to us. In your case, you are a demigod, yes, but they see you as the perfect administrator,” John explained. “Don't take this wrong, but I agree with them. You've been one hell of a King.” John stopped jogging since he was home, he began walking around his large yard as a warm down.
“I think I can see where you're coming from there. We are but men that have become Gods, and as such may no longer walk with men. Since we were mortal men, becoming gods drove us insane. So, what? Did we get better?” Mark snorted. “Well, it has been fun, but I'm getting tired of it. I really want a change. If I retire like you did, I'd never have any peace. Even if they killed me off, someone would recognize me, and that would be that.”
When John got to his private beach in his backyard, he dove in the water, and swam out to the raft underwater. “We must have, to a point, or they wouldn't have accepted one of us as their king. Maybe they're afraid to ask you to step down, since you might rise up and call down the heavens to smite them.” John said lifting himself out of the water and onto the raft. “Besides, they won't allow us to live among them until we surrender our '‘godhood’ and once again become mortal men. Mark, they can't keep you there against your will. If you want to step down, then you will. But choose your successor wisely; otherwise we'll have to call down the heavens and smite him!”
“I'll give it some thought, John. The fire is getting pretty big, so I'm gonna go get the fire brigade called. Have a good night my friend,” Mark said.
“I can already smell the smoke. Are you sure you don't want me to call?” John replied.
“You're supposed to be a normal human, remember? You shouldn't be able to smell it yet. No, we'll handle it. Good night, John,” Mark answered.
“Good night.”
John was tempted to just sleep out there on the raft, but thought better of it. Lizards didn't normally eat humans, but that didn't mean they couldn't. He rolled off the raft and swam for the shore. It was really late when he finally lay down on his large bed. He felt the subspace data link waiting for him, and his enhancement computer put him to sleep so it could receive its updates.
Chapter 04 – New Day (Second Day)
Waking up after an upgrade is always a slow process. John’s control module was in a reboot sequence, so he lay still until it finished. While waiting, he tried to plan his day. He could still smell the fire, and he briefly wondered if it was under control yet.
About then, the controller signaled that it was finished rebooting, and John got up to make himself breakfast. He had just finished eating when he heard the slow, laborious, approach of a heavy cargo hauler. He hurriedly rinsed his dishes, and rushed outside just as the big machine settled to the ground on the path to his house.
Strapped to the large, flat, cargo platform was the new barge Mark told him he was sending. It was huge. The operators had obviously had to get several special permits from the Crown simply to get the thing this far. It was easily thirty feet wide, two stories tall, and maybe fifty or sixty feet long. The thing was a floating mansion; John half expected to see a VTOL pad on the roof.
A smiling man in a richly appointed suit came walking around the big rig. He was glowing with happiness, and John could tell he had no idea at all about the real purpose of the barge. However, he apparently had made a large commission off the sale, because he was very courteous.
“Mr. Ashland? My name is Harvey Eisel. We were asked to deliver this ‘Dreamcatcher’ luxury barge to you by the manufacturer. Since there was a substantial commission for a speedy delivery, we brought her straight here from the ship,” the excited man said as he extended his hand for John to shake.
John very gently shook the sweaty hand, but tried to keep a look of awe on his face. “Mr. Eisel, are you sure you have the right place? I mean, my uncle said he was sending me a fishing barge, but he couldn’t have meant something like this!”
The older looking man smiled and nodded as he proffered the delivery film for John to look at. “Nope, no mistake, Mr. Ashland. It says right here, John Ashland, number one-ninety-three, south Threshold Road, Johnstown.”
“Holy Shit! From the looks of that, I could go fishing and never want to come back!” John said causing the other man to chuckle. “That thing’s almost as big as my house!”
“Indeed, it is designed to be as comfortable as possible during an outing. Please, come with me, and I'll show her to you.”
While they had been talking, workmen had been removing the covering they’d placed for the ride from Threshold. They were also rechecking all the tie-downs and locks used to make sure the big barge wouldn’t come lose during the trip.r />
As they climbed aboard, the sales man continued his spiel. “As you can see, your uncle ordered extra stabilizers and a recycler for sewage and gray water. It also has a purifier on the water intakes,” Harvey was pointing things out as he went, and John was dutifully nodding his head. However, he knew that there were no extra stabilizers. The recycler and the purifier were standard, as well as the hydrogen extractor for fuel. The extra ‘stabilizers’ were actually the secret parts of the barge.
Harvey and John had made it up to the main deck, and Harvey showed him the ingenious storage places for the deck chairs and fishing gear; there was even a small cold box to keep beverages in when fishing or sunbathing.
Harvey slid open patio doors from the rear deck to show a small but comfortable dining area that could fold down into the deck, to make room for an interior entertaining area in case of foul weather.
On one of the forward bulkheads was a complete entertainment system with video phone. The multipurpose area had sliding glass doors that could be pulled forward, thus opening the whole area to the outside. Opaque curtains hung in places that could be pulled to unsure privacy.
Through a forward door (John couldn’t call it a hatch) was a hallway that had the galley on one side, the head, the pantry, and the lower bunk-room on the other. The door at the end of the hall was to the foul-weather cockpit for the barge. There was a semi-intelligent computer system that could handle most of the sailing the barge might do, but there were always manual controls in the case of an emergency.
Stepping out a side door of the lower cockpit, and out onto the lower deck again, there was a small railed area right in front of the cockpit, but it was obvious that while it had the same type of storage as the rear deck, this one was smaller and wasn’t intended to be used as often.
Near the middle of the barge, on both sides, there were steps leading up to the upper deck. There was an open deck surrounding this level as well. Walking forward found the fair-weather cock-pit at the front of the barge.