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Page 7

by Becca Van

  “Oh God,” Cindy said loudly.

  Ace didn’t hesitate to race toward the kitchen. His heart stopped beating in his chest when he saw Enya and Lilac kneeling on the floor next to a prone Delta.

  “What the hell?” Major asked as he and Rocco entered the kitchen.

  Ace knelt on the floor next to Delta and checked her pulse. It was strong and steady, but her face was way too pale and her skin had a light sheen of perspiration.

  “One minute she was fine, talking and smiling and the next she got real pale. After taking a couple of breaths the color started coming back into her cheeks, but then she all of a sudden collapsed,” Cindy explained.

  “I don’t think she’s eaten anything today,” Enya said as she met Ace’s gaze before gazing back at Delta. “I only saw her drinking coffee and water.”

  “Do you want me to call the doctor?” Cindy asked.

  Rocco helped Enya and Lilac to their feet. Both women hurried over to the other side of the room as if they couldn’t stand being near them. Ace frowned over that but he was too worried about Delta to give it much thought.

  “I think we should wait a few minutes,” Major stated as he crouched on the other side of their woman next to Rocco.

  Ace lifted Delta into his arms and rose. “Is there a sofa in the office?”

  “Yes.” Cindy nodded before leading the way out of the kitchen and down the hallway. She shoved the door open and stepped aside.

  Ace moved over to sit on the sofa against the far wall and cradled Delta in his arms. Major and Rocco followed him into the room but stopped a few feet from the furniture. They stood with their arms crossed over their chests and worried frowns on their faces.

  Ace didn’t like how little she weighed and wondered if she had been skipping too many meals. Or maybe she was one of those women who was always watching her weight. He fucking hoped not. She had no need to worry about something like that. He would be attracted to her even if she was on the heavy side of the scales. The goodness inside of her shone out through her eyes. He didn’t have to spend time with her to see that. Her gorgeous green eyes were so expressive, and while she was wary around him and his brothers, he’d caught the flash of desire in those beautiful orbs the previous night when she’d been staring at them.

  He pushed his thoughts aside when she sighed and blinked her eyes open. She was so fucking beautiful she took his breath away.

  “Are you okay?” Ace asked.

  Delta nodded, glanced about the room and then blushed. She tried to sit up but Ace pressed a hand against her shoulder. “Stay where you are, darlin’. I don’t want you passing out again.”

  Delta frowned and then started signing. “What happened?”

  “You fainted,” Cindy answered after she moved closer. “Did you eat anything today?”

  “Um.” Delta huffed out a breath and when her cheeks flushed a brighter pink, Ace knew she hadn’t.

  “Cindy, can you, Enya, and Lilac get Delta something to eat, please?” Major asked, before turning his stern gaze back to their woman.

  “Sure,” Cindy said before leaving the room.

  “Are you trying to make yourself ill?” Major asked.

  “No.” Delta signed quickly as if she was angry. “I didn’t even think about food. It was real busy today. I didn’t even realize I hadn’t eaten this morning until—”

  Ace hated it when Delta sat up and shifted away from him. He wanted to pull her back into his arms and breath in her delectable feminine scent.

  “Until what?” Major asked as he squatted down in front of her.

  “Until just before I got light headed.” Delta sighed with exasperation.

  “When was the last time you ate?” Rocco asked.

  “Delta?” Major signed.


  “Rocco asked you a question?”

  “Oh. Sorry. Can you repeat that please?” Delta gazed at Rocco’s lips

  “When was the last time you ate something?” Rocco asked again.

  Ace bit his lip when Delta crossed her arms beneath her breasts and glared at Rocco instead of answering. She was so damn sexy when she was being belligerent. Her jade green eyes had lightened in hue, but they were shooting fire at his brother.

  “Well?” Rocco breached the gap between them and squatted down in front of Delta, resting his hands on her knees.

  She gasped and though she stared down at Rocco’s hands for a few seconds, she didn’t try to push him away. Ace eyed her body up and down, glad that Enya and Lilac had untied and removed the full apron which she wore to cover her clothes. Sometimes he suspected she used the kitchen and apron as a shield. However, right now there was nothing to hide the way her body was reacting to him and his brothers. Because her arms were crossed beneath her breasts, her white shirt was pulled tight over her chest. The thin material and her bra did nothing to hide the fact that her nipples were hard, and from the way her breathing was escalating she was just as hungry for them as they were for her.

  Delta glanced toward him and then shifted her gaze to Major’s and back to Rocco’s.

  Rocco cupped her cheek so she couldn’t look away from him again. “Did you have breakfast, honey?”

  Ace wanted to shove his brother away from Delta but not because he was jealous. He wanted to lift her back into his arms and lap, but he pushed his impatience aside. If Rocco or Major could get her talking to them, maybe they would be able to get her to agree to spend some time with them.

  Delta gnawed on her lip and shook her head. Rocco pulled her lip away from her teeth using his thumb and then brushed it over the lush bow. When Delta shivered, Ace knew then beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she was indeed attracted to him and his brothers. He just hoped that they didn’t take too long to make a move on her. If one of the other single men in town snared her up, he didn’t think he’d ever be able to forgive his brothers.

  “You have to eat regularly, honey. You can’t afford to get sick. Okay?” Rocco asked.

  Delta nodded and then Ace held his breath. Rocco slowly moved in closer to her with the intent to kiss her. Ace watched her intently hoping like hell she didn’t pull away or shove Rocco back. She did neither. She actually surprised him when she placed her hands over his brothers and leaned closer.

  The breath exploded from Ace’s lungs when Rocco pressed his lips against hers. She made a breathy moaning sound and then she lifted her arms and wrapped them around Rocco’s neck.

  Rocco hooked his arm around her waist and tugged her ass to the edge of the cushion, situating himself in between her thighs as he shifted from his haunches to his knees. And then he devoured her. Ace was envious of the passionate kisses they shared. He could see Rocco’s tongue licking into Delta’s mouth and he salivated as he wondered if she tasted as good as she smelled. Even though food aromas clung to her clothes and skin after spending all day long cooking in the diner kitchen, the scents didn’t drown out the natural fragrance of her warm, womanly perfume. Delta felt and smelled right to him, and hopefully now that both of his older brothers had made a move on their woman, his turn would be next. However, he didn’t want to kiss her in her place of work. He wanted to be able to touch that fire simmering beneath the surface she tried to keep hidden in his own home. He didn’t want to chance being interrupted while he was kissing and hopefully, pleasuring his woman. Nonetheless, if he got a chance to taste those lush, full lips, that sexy mouth, he didn’t care where he was or who was around. Anything beyond that was for him and his brothers alone. No one was going to see Delta when she was in the throes of a climax, and while they had a long way to go into gentling her to be with them, he wasn’t giving up until she was where she was meant to be.

  In their house, their beds, and their arms.

  * * * *

  Rocco couldn’t believe he was kissing his woman. He’d dreamed of this since the first time he’d seen her alone in the diner while she’d been mopping the floors, but reality was way fucking better than imagining. She tasted so
fucking sweet, he wanted to inhale her, consume her until they were infused into each other’s hearts and souls.

  He groaned as his tongue slid along and then twirled around hers before sweeping around in her mouth and exploring every inch of her moist cavern. She tasted so good. Like coffee and cookies, ice-cream and apple pie. His hand was so big, or maybe it was because she was so slim, but his large paw spanned nearly her whole lower back. He imagined he’d be able to span her waist with both of his hands without having any problems getting his thumbs to meet.

  Delta made a small whimpering sound, and at first, he thought she was about to pull away, but then her arms tightened around his neck and her fingers threaded into his hair. He moaned into her mouth, curled his tongue around hers and drew it into his mouth so he could suckle on it. He lifted his lids to watch her face and was pleased that her eyes were closed and her cheeks were flushed with desire. When she shifted closer he nearly did the unthinkable. How was a man supposed to resist such temptation when all his heart’s desires were here, in his arms? She’d widened her legs even more and it took all of his control not to press her back into the sofa and cover her slight body with his larger one. He wanted to shove his hard, aching cock into her wet pussy, but he didn’t want to startle her.

  Ace could tell she wasn’t very experienced with the opposite sex because when they’d first started kissing she’d been tentative as if unsure of what she was doing. However, once the desire took hold and she let her feelings reign, she kissed him back as passionately as he was kissing her.

  When she arched her chest into his, he almost lost it. Her hard, little nipples were stabbing into his chest. What he wouldn’t give to feel those ripe berries sliding over his naked skin.

  He nearly growled with frustration when Major squeezed his shoulder, but Rocco knew this wasn’t the most opportune place to start anything. Cindy or one of the other women could enter the office at any moment.

  “Ease up, Rocco,” Major ordered.

  With a sigh of resignation, Rocco slowed the kiss until he was sipping at Delta’s lips and then finally lifted his head. Delta removed her arms from around his neck, scooted back on the sofa cushion and then crossed her arms over her breasts.

  He wasn’t about to let her hide from him, not now that they were just starting to woo her. He clasped her chin in his hand and lifted her gaze to his. “This”—he pointed to himself and his brothers before continuing—“is just the start, honey.”

  Delta frowned and then glanced toward the door. She shook her head and scooted along the sofa away from him before rising. “I can’t do this. It’s not right.”

  Rocco surged to his feet when she turned her back to him and his brothers. Ace shoved from the sofa and came to stand beside him.

  “Shit! If you’ve fucked this up—”

  “Don’t start,” Major snarled at them. “The last thing we need is for Delta to see us fighting.”

  “We can’t let her turn away now,” Ace snarled.

  “We won’t.” Major glanced at them over his shoulder. “She’s ours.”

  “About fucking time,” Rocco muttered. “How do we—”

  “We come in for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We ask her out every time we’re here until she says yes,” Major stated emphatically.

  “And if she doesn’t say yes?” Ace asked.

  “She will.”

  “I hope you’re fucking right.” Rocco scrubbed his hand over his face and sighed.

  Delta exited the office without looking back. Major led the way down the hall. Rocco was pleased to see their woman sitting in a booth with Cindy and Enya as she ate a sandwich, and figured Lilac was in the kitchen prepping food for the next day.

  He kept his gaze on her as Major tugged the door open and stepped over the threshold. Rocco felt an itch at his nape and glanced up and down the street, but he didn’t see anything or anyone suspicious. When he gazed back over his shoulder toward Delta and she quickly ducked her head as if she hadn’t been watching them, he smiled.

  She was more interested in them than she was letting on.

  It was time to head home and make some plans.

  Rocco and his brothers were on a mission and they weren’t giving up until they had their woman right where they wanted her.

  Chapter Seven

  Delta gasped and bolted upright in bed. Every night she fell into bed exhausted and just before she sank into sleep she prayed this would be the night she didn’t have the nightmare. Sometimes it came almost as soon as she fell asleep, and other times not till she was about to wake up. She relived that horrifying moment of being shot over and over, and while sometimes she felt as if she was going crazy, she knew she wasn’t. She’d knew she had a form of PTSD, and while the panic attacks had lessened, sometimes they took hold when she least expected it.

  She glanced over at her digital bedside clock and frowned when she didn’t see the glowing red numbers illuminating in the darkness. She reached under her pillow, grabbed her cell phone and activated the screen. It was just after three in the morning. Knowing from experience she wouldn’t go back to sleep right away, she flung the covers aside and headed to the bathroom. After using the facilities, washing her hands and wiping the sweat from her face with a damp cloth, she headed toward the small kitchen. She was thirsty and needed a drink.

  She’d just opened the fridge and removed the jug of water when she felt a vibration under her feet. Frowning, she placed the full jug on the counter and headed for the stairs. She flicked the light switch at the top of the staircase and shivered when no light came on. Had there been a storm? Was the power out? How long had the power been out? It could have been minutes or hours. There was no way for her to tell.

  Delta gripped her cell phone so tight it bit into her fingers as she crept down the stairs to the locked door. She placed her hand on the door and held her breath. She nearly screamed with fright when something, or someone, bashed on the door. She turned and fled back up the stairs, swiping a finger over her now dark cell phone screen and brought up the number pad. She was about to call 9-1-1 but the dispatcher would likely think she was a prank call since she couldn’t speak.

  Too scared to remain alone. It took a few moments to remember that she’d saved Major’s, Rocco’s and Ace’s cell numbers into her phone. Thank God, Major had written them down and she’d had the foresight to keep them. Ace’s number was first on the list and after bringing it up she began texting, all the while hoping his phone wasn’t on do not disturb, silent, or off.

  Was there a storm? The power’s out and I think someone’s broken into the diner. Can you please call the sheriffs for me? Delta.

  She stared at the door and covered her mouth with her hand when it shook. Whoever was out there didn’t look as if they were going to give up. She was shaking so much she wasn’t sure how she was still standing, but she couldn’t give into her fear and end up hysterical. After inhaling a deep breath through her nose and exhaling in calm measured breaths, her brain started working again. Delta moved back up the stairs to her apartment backward, her gaze still locked to the door, thanking whichever god was listening that the deadbolt to the stairwell door seemed to be strong. Just as her foot connected with the top step, the door shuddered again. Her eyes widened with horror when she noticed the doorframe was beginning to splinter.

  She spun around so quickly she lost her balance and ended up landing on her hands and knees, both her shins slamming into the edge of the top step. She bit down hard on her lip so she wouldn’t cry out in pain and shoved back to her feet. When she’d fallen, her phone had skittered out of her hand and since the screen was dark, and the casing was black she couldn’t see it. When she felt a vibration under her bare feet she knew she’d run out of time. Delta raced through the living room, back into her bedroom, closing the door behind her. The lock on the bedroom door was flimsy but it might be enough to slow whoever was after her down, so she flipped it. She hurried to the adjoining bathroom, closed and locked that door,

  She switched the light on and cursed when it didn’t work, but she moved farther into the room and began to rummage around in the cupboard looking for a weapon. There was nothing. Delta didn’t even have a pair of nail scissors since she kept her nails clipped short. There was no hair spray or even a larger pair of scissors. Mentally cursing herself for not taking the time to go and shop for a first aid kit like she’d planned, she pulled the towels and face cloths out and threw them into the tub. The only thing left was some toothpaste, a new toothbrush, a small tub of vitamin E cream, and a can of deodorant.

  Grabbing the can of deodorant and hoping like hell she wouldn’t have to use it, since that would mean she would be way too close to whoever had broken in, she moved back to the door and sat with her back against it. Tears of fear and panic burned her eyes but she wasn’t about to let them fall. She needed to keep her emotions under control, keep herself together in case she had to fight. And fight she would. This time she wasn’t going to just stand there in shock and let someone shoot her again. She would fight with everything she had, even if she ended up dying.

  * * * *

  Ace felt as if he’d just fallen asleep when he heard his phone vibrate, and since he never got texts or calls in the middle of the night, he knew something was wrong. He turned his beside lamp on, grasped his phone, swiped his thumb over the screen and opened the message. His heart flipped in his chest and anger raced through his blood. He was on his feet before he even realized he’d moved.

  “Major! Rocco! Get dressed. Now!” Ace shouted.

  “What the fuck!” Rocco snarled.

  Ace ignored his brother’s surliness as he grabbed his clothes, pulling them on quickly. He texted Delta back hoping she would heed him and didn’t try and take on whoever had broken into the diner by herself. Go into your bedroom and lock the door. Don’t open it for anyone. We’ll be there as fast as we can.

  “What’s going on?” Major asked as he entered Ace’s bedroom, tugging his T-shirt over his head.


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