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Page 14

by Becca Van

  When she sank down and took the tip of his cock into her hot, tight, wet body, he held his breath and clutched his fists into the sheets. He was about a hairsbreadth from flipping her over and pounding into her hard, fast and deep.

  “Oh,” she moaned and lifted up slightly before sinking back down and taking him in deeper.

  His breath sawed in and out of his lungs and sweat began to roll down his temples. Pain and pleasure mingled together until he couldn’t tell which way was up. Each and every muscle in his body tensed in preparation to move, to arch up into her until he was balls deep. The only reason he kept his tenuous control on a tether was because of the fear of hurting her.

  She was new to love making and he didn’t want to scare her with his hungry intensity, but he was strung so taut he felt as if he was about to snap.

  He didn’t realize how tightly he was holding the sheets until he heard them rip. He tried to think of something mundane to keep his animalistic instincts at bay, but his mind couldn’t or wouldn’t settle on any one thing. When the soft, silky skin of her thighs brushed against the top of his, and her pussy pressed against his pubis as she leaned forward, he broke.

  Ace wrapped his arms around her waist, pulled her down on top of him and rolled until she was under him. She blinked at him with surprise and he was about to apologize, but when she smiled at him, he knew everything was all right. Would always be all right. How could it not when the love of his life was smiling up at him, desire glazing her eyes over, and there was so much emotion in those jade-green orbs, she took his breath away.

  He braced his weight on his elbows and cupped her breasts, kneading the baby soft flesh before flicking her nipples with his thumbs. She moaned and arched up into him. He bent down, opened his mouth over hers and kissed her wildly, passionately, carnally. Their tongues danced and dueled, teeth nipped and tongues licked. When she wrapped her legs around his waist and dug her heels into her ass, he couldn’t hold still any more.

  Ace drew back until the head of his cock was just resting inside her entrance, and then he slowly surged forward again. Delta tilted her head back after releasing his lips and whimpered.

  He watched every expression, heard and savored every moan and relished all of her tight, wet flesh enveloping his cock as he stroked into her over and over.

  He licked and sucked on her neck, as he pumped his hips in and out of her hot, wet cunt. He knew the moment his cock brushed over her G-spot because her internal muscles clamped down on him and then rippled along his length. He groaned as she bathed his hard dick in her sweet, musky cream and shifted slightly higher onto his knees so that he would rub over that hot-spot every time he drove back into her.

  Ace was set on having her screaming his name as she climaxed.

  * * * *

  Delta couldn’t believe how emotionally connected she felt to Ace. She couldn’t believe she’d been so bold as to make the first move, but she had newfound confidence and there was no way she was going to go back to that reserved, scared, little mouse.

  Although she’d loved being in control for a while, she also liked that she’d made Ace lose his. It hadn’t taken her long before he’d flipped her over to take hold of the reins.

  Each time his cock drove deep inside of her, the exquisite pleasurable friction grew hotter and hotter. The coils in the gathering storm grew tauter and the pressure grew to enormous proportions.

  Her muscles were so tense, too tense, and she felt as if she was about to break apart.

  Ace pumped into her harder, faster and deeper, flaming the heat until she felt as if the blaze was consuming her.

  The ache in her womb and pussy intensified and the internal walls grew closer and closer together. She panted heavily, trying to fill her burning lungs with air, but it was a useless endeavor.

  He shoved back in deep, the head rubbing over a very sensitive spot inside of her, and when he twisted his hips, she cried out. Her body began to quake, her limbs trembling as the spiral twisted tighter and tighter.

  And then she was hanging on the precipice.

  Ace thrust into her twice more and she screamed. “Ace!”

  Delta splintered apart into so many tiny fragments she wasn’t sure she’d ever be whole again. Her whole body convulsed, quivering and quaking with a euphoric climax that stole her breath, her mind and her heart. She felt as if her very soul separated from her body and floated toward the heavens.

  Juices dripped from her pussy and her mouth gaped as she screamed again.

  Ace shoved a hand under her, gripped her ass and drove into her once, twice more and then stilled. He ground his pelvis into hers and groaned, the vibrations reverberating in his chest to hers as he orgasmed, spuming his cum deep into her pussy and uterus.

  She didn’t remember wrapping her arms around his neck and only became aware of the fact she had when she combed her fingers into the hair at the back of his neck.

  Aftershocks wracked her body, causing her to moan and sigh as she tried to regain her breath. Ace’s breathing was just as fast and shallow as hers. She could feel the warm moist air emitting from his mouth against her ear since he’d buried his head against her neck, and his chest rose and fell rapidly.

  He nuzzled her skin with his nose, lifted his head to meet her gaze, and smiled at her. There was so much emotion in his gray eyes her breath hitched in her throat. He kissed her lightly on the lips before rolling them both to their sides. “You’re amazing, darlin’.”

  Delta didn’t think she was anything special but was glad he and his brothers seemed to think she was. They were the special ones, and even though she still had a diner to run, she was going to spend as much free time with her men as she could.

  She’d already faced down death and knew life was short. Too short to work and hide away rather than living and loving.

  She’d had no idea when she’d moved to Slick Rock that she would find liberation, and now that she had, she would never be imprisoned by the societal and self-imposed shackles again.

  “I love you, Ace,” Delta signed. She realized he didn’t know what she just told him when he frowned, but it didn’t bother her. He and Rocco had already learned to sign a lot, and she didn’t doubt that they would be as proficient at it as she was in no time at all.

  She just hoped that Major, Rocco, and Ace came to love her as much as she loved them.

  Her eyelids grew heavy and drifted closed. She had no idea what time it was but didn’t really care. She didn’t need to go into the diner since it had been wrecked and when she woke, she would have to contact her insurance company and get an assessor out.

  A whimper escaped her lips as Ace’s softening cock slipped from her body, rubbing along overly sensitive tissue, and while she wanted to go to the bathroom to clean up, she just didn’t have the energy. Exhaustion was pulling at her and she did nothing to stop it as she drifted into sleep.

  * * * *

  “She asleep?” Major asked as he and Rocco entered the room.

  “Yeah,” Ace answered as he stared at Delta. He couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of her. He felt as if she’d reached right into his chest and was holding his heart in her delicate little hands.

  “She’s exhausted and no wonder.” Rocco sighed as he glanced the digital clock on the bedside table. “It’s after five in the morning.”

  “Can one of you get a cloth so I can clean her up.”

  “I’ll get it.” Rocco hurried into the bathroom.

  Major had brought the clothes Delta had dropped in the living room and he put them away.

  Rocco entered the room with the requested cloth in hand and he kneeled on the bed behind Delta, lifted her leg and gently wiped her clean.

  “What time do you think Luke and Damon will get here?” Ace asked.

  “Hopefully not before nine. She needs as much sleep as she can get.” Major rubbed at the back of his neck. “We should have waited until tomorrow to make love with her.”

  “Why?” Rocco began stripping an
d then climbed in beside Delta, tugging the covers up over them.

  “I feel as if we took advantage of her. She was in shock.”

  “She made an informed decision, bro,” Ace said. “We laid everything out on the table so she wasn’t going in blind.”

  “I know.”

  “Then why the guilt trip?” Rocco asked.

  “I’m worried.”

  “That much is obvious. Spill.” Ace shifted more onto his back and smiled when Delta scooted closer, snuggling into his side with her head resting on his shoulder and her leg slung over his hips. As soon as she settled, her breathing deepened and evened out again.

  “I’m worried over the break in at the diner. Whoever trashed the place has it in for our woman. They knifed the booth seats and did as much damage as they could. This asshole has a vendetta and he’s gunning for Delta.”

  “Then we don’t let her out of our sight,” Ace stated calmly.

  “That’s a given, but how the hell are we going to find this fucker if we don’t know who we’re looking for?” Major asked.

  “He’ll slip up eventually,” Rocco began, “and when he does we’ll be waiting to take him down.”

  “Are you going to sleep in here, too?” Ace asked.

  Major shook his head. “No. I’ll have my turn tomorrow night.”

  “He’s worried,” Ace murmured.

  “And you’re not?” Rocco asked.

  “Yes, but Delta’s not stupid. She texted me as soon as she realized someone had broken in.”

  “Thank fuck.” Rocco brushed a strand of hair from Delta’s cheek. “But what if she doesn’t realize she’s in trouble until it’s too late?”

  “That’s why we can’t let her out of our sight.” Ace flicked the lamp off and held onto Delta. He as just as concerned as his brothers, but he’d been trying to lighten the tension thickening the air.

  Major and Rocco were more serious and domineering than Ace, and while he could be just like his brothers, he tried to keep an optimistic outlook so they wouldn’t go all He-Man on Delta. If they began giving her orders regarding the diner, he knew she was going to be pissed. Nonetheless, one them was going to be with her at all times, or as much as they could. He knew sometimes circumstances changed, especially if there was an emergency of some sort.

  He and his brothers were volunteer fire fighters, and since it had been a long, hot, dry summer, the conditions were prime for a bush fire. A shiver of trepidation raced up his spine.

  Ace had wished and prayed for a good downpour or two just like everyone else in the county, but his prayers hadn’t been answered. It was so dry they’d had to start carting water in just like all the other farmers in the community.

  He pushed his disconcerting thoughts aside and breathed in Delta’s scent.

  He and his brothers had finally found their woman. He should be thinking happy thoughts and not letting his brothers’ pessimism get to him.

  Chapter Fourteen

  As soon as she surfaced from sleep, Delta knew she wasn’t alone. She was surrounded in heat and sandwiched between two large, muscular, manly bodies. She forced her eyes open and blinked to clear the sleep haze from her vision and stretched. Her stiff muscles and sore pussy reminded her of the amazing night she’d had making love with Major, Rocco, and Ace, but that also had her remembering that her dream business was on hold.

  She sat up with a gasp when she realized she hadn’t notified any of her staff not to bother coming to work, and while she didn’t have much money, she was going to pay them what they’d normally earn whilst working for her. She just hoped that her insurance company would cover all the costs, including her staff’s wages, but if they didn’t, she would continue to pay them out of her own pocket.

  When she caught movement on both sides of her she glanced at Rocco and then Ace. They sat up beside her and were frowning in concern.

  “What’s wrong, honey?” Rocco asked.

  She glanced toward the doorway when Major entered the room and met his gaze so he could explain her concerns to the other men. “I haven’t texted Cindy and the other women.”

  Delta scrambled to her hands and knees and crawled down toward the end of the bed. Once she gained her feet she glanced around for her cell phone, not remembering where she’d left it.

  Major came closer and wrapped his arms around her waist. He kissed her lightly on the lips and then drew back so he could sign to her. “It’s still early yet, baby. You have time to notify your staff. If you want, I can do it for you using your cell phone, while you take a shower. The sheriffs are coming over to take your statement this morning.”

  “What time is it?” she asked.

  “It’s just before seven. What time do the other women turn up?”

  “Seven-thirty, but Enya was going to make some muffins, cakes, and pies. She’s probably already been up for hours to make all those things.”

  “The food won’t go to waste, Delta.” Major guided her toward the bathroom. “The men working to fix up the diner will no doubt devour everything in sight.”

  “But I need…what men?”

  “Get cleaned up. When you come out to the kitchen we’ll explain everything.”

  She gnawed on her lip and nodded. Usually she needed at least one cup of coffee in her to kick start her brain, but two cups were preferable. Delta frowned as she entered the bathroom, a little worried that the men were trying to take her over. If that was the case she was going to have to put her foot down. Just because she was hearing impaired didn’t mean she didn’t have a brain and couldn’t do things for herself.

  She hurried through her shower and once she was dressed, put her still damp hair up in a braid and brushed her teeth. After a cursory glance in the mirror at her jean shorts and sleeveless shirt, she headed out to the kitchen. Even though it was still early morning, the summer heat was already climbing the temperature scale, and while she loved the bright sunny days and the blue sky, Delta didn’t deal well with soaring temperatures. The only reason she’d been able to cope cooking in the hot kitchen of the diner was because she had air-conditioning. Last night she’d been too caught up in Major, Rocco, and Ace to notice if they had cooling in their house, but she suspected they did since she hadn’t been sweating up a storm. Well at least not while making love to them anyway.

  When she saw the two sheriffs already sitting at the dining table with mugs of coffee she paused in the doorway and took a deep breath. This was one of the times she wished she could speak and hear so she could relate what happened at the diner verbally, but she was lucky that Major and Luke were able to sign. Of course, Rocco, Ace, and even Damon were learning and that made her heart feel warm and fuzzy. No one had ever gone out of their way to learn the skill of sign language just for her. Having all of these men do something like that just so they could communicate with her was amazing.

  She glanced toward Ace when he began to walk toward her. He smiled, winked, and enfolded her hand in his before leading her to the dining table. After she was seated, he sat in the chair next to her. Major sat on her other side, placing a steaming cup of coffee in front of her. He cupped her cheek in his big, warm hand. “Are you hungry, baby?”

  Delta shook her head. “No.” She was too nervous to be hungry. Her stomach was full of nervous butterflies. She turned her gaze toward Luke when he tapped the table to get her attention.

  “Can you tell me what happened last night, Delta?” Luke asked.

  She nodded, took a sip of coffee, and then started to explain.

  When she’d finished, Luke asked, “What made you wake up?”

  Heat crept into her cheeks. She didn’t want to tell the men she had nightmares, but she wasn’t going to lie to the sheriff. “I had a bad dream.” Delta lowered her gaze when she saw sympathy in Luke’s eyes. He knew all about her being shot in her previous job. The first time he’d come to the diner he’d entered the kitchen to introduce himself. He’d virtually interrogated her until she’d spilt her guts to him. He’d
apologized for giving her the third degree, but then he’d explained it was his and his men’s job to make sure no one with bad intentions was allowed to reside in their town. He’d also been the one to tell the previous diner owner that it was okay for Delta to buy the place. At first she’d been appalled with the amount of control the law had in Slick Rock, but Luke had also gone on to explain that it was his job to keep everyone safe and he couldn’t do that if he was kept in the dark.

  Rocco leaned around Ace and asked, “Do you have nightmares often?”

  She swallowed around the lump in her throat and nodded.

  “You have nothing to be ashamed of, honey,” Rocco said. “We have PTSD, too. Working the land has helped lessen the effects fighting in wars had on us. Since we know what you’re going through we can help you.”

  Delta sighed with relief, nodded and smiled with appreciation. Major, Rocco, and Ace were so caring, it brought tears to her eyes. In fact, all the men she’d seen that were involved in the unusual relationships seemed to be the same way. She turned to meet Major’s gaze after getting her emotions back under control. “Did you contact my employees?”

  “I did.” Major nodded. “Enya is going to take all the food she’s made down for the clean-up and construction crew.”

  “Did you organize that?” She frowned.

  “No. Giles Alcott did. He and his brothers are going to cover the cost of fixing the diner up.”

  Delta shoved to her feet and started pacing. She didn’t understand why men she’d never met would do such a thing and wondered why they were. Were they doing this so she would be beholden to them? Or was it for another reason? Did they think she was incapable of contacting her insurance company? She was sick and tired of people treating her as if she was an idiot instead of being hearing impaired.

  She spun back around and gasped when she slammed up against a big, hard body. Rocco grasped her upper arms to steady her. “Calm down, honey. You’re working yourself up for no reason.”


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