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The King's Secret Bride: A Royal Wedding Novella (Royal Weddings Book 3)

Page 14

by Alexis Angel

  See? All I needed to do was smile, use my accent, my reputation, and my body to get her to fucking take off her clothes.

  But even if that didn't work - there was always the secret weapon.

  My monster fucking cock.

  I reach into my jeans on the floor and grab a condom. Never fucking leave home without them. I waste no time in slipping the rubber on my shaft. This is no time to being coy and sexy. We probably have at most fifteen minutes.

  "Prince...uhmm, Derrick, we shouldn't be doing this," Mindy protests.

  Bingo. They always protest. The wife of the mayor protested once just as I was about to enter into her. So I pulled back. She realized what was happening and wrapped her legs around me. We fucked for hours on his bed.

  "Have it your way, love," I say, slapping her ass and pulling back.

  That's too much for her. She reaches over and grabs me by the hand. I come willingly. She places my hand on her breast, the warmness of it spreading to my skin. I squeeze it, grabbing at its firmness with an eagerness I can’t even fucking control.

  "Don't go," she whimpers.

  That's all the invitation I need and, thrusting at her, I push my cock deep into her cunt. She's not tight. I can tell she's a slut. But I'm not a choosy man this morning. Who the fuck cares if she’s not a virgin? I didn’t roll out of bed looking for one anyway.

  "Oh, fuck!" she moans lewdly as my balls start slapping against her ass, my cock making a lewd suction sound as it goes in and out of her.

  She's moaning loudly. Maybe too loudly. As the sound of her moans hit my ears, her whole body starts to tremble - she's cumming, and she’s cumming hard. To be honest, I don't really care. Good for her, I guess. I reach over and squeeze her tits again. I look over. Her face is too contorted by lust to care about anything else.

  This is going to have to be quick. I speed up my thrusts, my thighs slapping against her ass harder. Is she going to cum again? It’s an idle thought. It makes no difference to me.

  I hear a beeping and I look around. Not sure what's going on.

  The camera is blinking red. What the fuck does that mean?

  "Derrick," Mindy's moaning. "Harder."

  I thrust harder, an undeniable tension filling all of my muscles. I'm not going to last much longer.

  "Fuck!" Mindy's moaning.

  I can hear commotion outside. I need to finish. I can feel the electric tingling in my balls. I'm about to cum.

  Three more thrusts.



  I grunt savagely as I cum into the condom, a shiver going up my spine as pleasure hits me like a fucking brick. Mindy's panting. Her eyes are closed and she's cum at least two times. My body's shivering slightly and I feel my cock convulse as it keeps spurting cum.

  I usually cum in quarts - but I don't get a chance to look at the Magnum because the door bursts open.

  "What the hell is going on here?!" an elder man shouts loudly. He's wearing a suit. Must be a network executive. Two other suits are following him. Most likely his flunkies.

  I pull out of Mindy who's still splayed on the chair. She briefly registers that someone is yelling something.

  The network executive is gesticulating.

  "Turn off the fucking camera!" he's yelling at the cameraman who isn't there. "We're live!"

  I turn around to face him. "Cameraman's gone," I smirk. My cock's hanging out.

  "Do you know what's going on?" the man yells out. "We're live in front of America!!"

  Holy fuck.

  I grin and turn to the camera, and nod. "Hello, ladies of America," I say out loud. Fuck it. If I'm in this deep anyways, might as well go all the way.

  "Jason, call the control room. Shut this down!" the network executive is yelling. His face is red and he's sweating. All of a sudden I worry that he's going to have a heart attack.

  "Calm down there, mate," I tell him, concern on my face. I don't want to be the cause of this guy kicking the bucket.

  "Calm down?" he asks me incredulous. He lunges towards me and I take a step back. Too quick for him and he misses me as he reaches out. His hands move past my chest grazing my skin. And somehow they land on my giant cock. I swear that thing has its own fucking gravitational pull.

  We both pull back at the same time, but the condom sticks to him and it comes off with him.

  With all of my man juice in it. It doesn’t stay in the condom either. It splatters. All over Mr. Network’s suit. On his clothes. On his face. Jesus, on his face. For America to see.

  Can you say mess? With all my fuck juice spraying his face?

  Yeah. Bad luck, mate.

  I look over at the camera.

  "Take a good look, everyone!” I yell, waving my crotch in a circle and holding my cock out. I've lost respect for this network - where the fuck is their security? “You want a piece of this, America? I’m right here, waiting for you!”

  I grab my cock and point its glistening head at the camera.

  “Eleven fucking inches!” I boast, as I wave my cock in circles in front of the camera.

  The network honcho's going apoplectic, trying to wipe himself off.

  Maybe time to go. Besides, I've had enough. "See you all later," I say, reaching down and grabbing my boxer briefs. I slip into them and jump into my jeans and grab my wife-beaters as I head out the door.

  I run to the elevator. People are standing up staring at the televisions all over the floor. They stare at me as I go by. Shock is on everyone's faces.

  Outside the building, there are some people who seem blissfully aware to what's just transpired.

  I run to the motorcycle, hop on, rev up the engine and peal out down the street as I hear sirens in the distance.


  The alarm clock wakes me up and I groan, trying to turn it off. I open one eyelid and look at the clock. It's only 6:30 am in the morning! I wish I could sleep more! I'm not supposed to be up till 7:30.

  But I can't sleep. I guess that's the part they forget to tell you in college. You're so excited to be getting out into the real world but they forget to tell you that it means being responsible. And being responsible means worrying about bills and that means your body waking you up at 6:30 to go to a job because it's worried about paying back student loans. So you can pay for your apartment and, well, I guess life.

  I'm not complaining. Please don't take it like that. It's just five years out of college, I'm living what many people think of as the dream. I mean, I have an apartment in New York City - in Manhattan as well, not priced out of the city into Astoria - that I share with a roommate and a cat. I also have a stable job. That’s more than a lot of people I graduated with have.

  But that's where the dream ends and it looks more like a facade. I wake up at 6:30 every morning to go to work at the News of the Times. It's the biggest tabloid newspaper in New York City. But it's not what I expected when I got my journalism degree from Yale. I was thinking The New York Times, or the Washington Post. Instead, I work on stories for the News of the Times - maybe you saw my last story that got a front page. They put a headline on it to grab as many readers as possible when I wrote the story about the Governor of New York State being caught with a hooker in a cheap New Jersey hotel room. Want to guess the headline?

  Give up?

  Well this was what was blared across the page: "Ho No!".

  Yup. My first big headline and it's titled "Ho No!". Really makes you want to frame it and send it over to Mom.

  I sigh as I get out of bed. I'm not really complaining. Please don't think that. In fact, at the end of the day - I'm doing what I love. I've always loved journalism. I get that from my mom. See, my dad died in a car accident when I was three - so I never really got to know him. And my mom went from job to job in her career in public relations. She finally moved me to St. Livy when I was 8 to take up a job as the Press Secretary for King Leopold II.

  Every day, I saw her deal with the public relations operations of the King and his kingdom. It was
a very firsthand look and one that resonated with me as I grew older. You can say I had a unique childhood growing up. I lived in the palace - the King insisted that all his staff reside in the palace - and our healthcare and schooling were taken care of by the Royal coffers. Part of being a member of the King's retinue, I guess. So whereas most kids were out playing and learning about fractions and cheese in elementary schools back in America, I was in a class with the sons and daughters of lords and ladies, learning about the geopolitical changes that were affecting the kingdom with the close of the Cold War.

  For a girl that loved learning, that should have been a very happy time of my life right?

  It wasn't. It was horrible.

  I don't know if it was me, or if it was the fact that I wasn't royalty, or that I was an American, but from the very first day I was the center of ridicule. Picked on.

  It didn't help that I was a good girl. That my mother always doted on me in every aspect. That she protected me from the "ways of the royals" as she put it. I always studied. Always did my homework. Always got the best grades. And sure I had friends, but I never felt completely accepted. When I finally came back to America to go to college at Yale I finally got a chance to get out and on my own two feet.

  And it felt wonderful. I started dating boys - something I didn't do all during high school. I was surprised that they were into me. I still don't know why, to be honest. Don't get the wrong idea though - I'm still a virgin. And no, I'm not waiting till marriage or anything.

  It's just that I haven't met the right guy yet.

  Is Jake the right guy? He's my current boyfriend - and my first real potential person I would have sex with that I've had since I started living on my own two years ago. We've dated for like five months and we've fooled around. I mean, I've gone down on him twice. It was okay, I guess. He acts sometimes like he's all that, but Jake's safe. He doesn't have like a large dick or anything - like normal, 5 inches. I'm kind of getting ready to sleep with him by inviting him over. He came over last night and we cuddled in bed as we watched a movie in my room together.

  Speaking of which...where is Jake? I've been up and sitting in bed for like ten minutes now and he can't be in the bathroom that long. Usually he wakes up and tries to stick his hands down my panties. What? It's not like I wear anything sexy to bed. Just a t-shirt and a pair of boy shorts. But I'm getting close. I even got laser hair removal the other day. You know...down there. I want the first time to be special.

  But while it's nice to not have Jake pawing at me, I'm a little curious where he went to. It's not like he's an early riser and he doesn't usually wake up to make me breakfast or anything. Although that would be absolutely lovely, it’s not in Jake's MO. Doesn't make him a man, apparently, according to him.

  I get out of bed completely now, driven by curiosity and walk to my door. It's closed, so I open it and look out the living room.

  My roommate, Jenna, and I share an apartment on the Lower East Side. It's decent. A fourth floor walkup on Essex and Rivington. We've had it for two years now and we found each other on Craigslist. She's usually gone a lot for work - she travels and buys clothes for Wal-Mart.

  Right now, I pad across the living room and see that the bathroom is dark. Is Jake even in the apartment?

  That's when I hear a faint giggling coming from Jenna's room. Jenna brings home guys pretty regularly, but she's usually really discreet about it. She respects my space and makes sure they come in and out without fuss. I generally don't mind, but somehow I have a nagging feeling about this.

  Plus, her door is slightly open. Not knowing why I do it, I walk closer and closer and peer in through the gap. She’s definitely in there with someone.

  I should probably leave them alone. I’m acting like some sort of voyeur out here. Jenna’s room is dark, and she still has some music on. I hear muffled voices.

  I’m just about to leave when something catches my eye.

  A man’s watch.

  So what, right? If Jenna has a guy over, he’s gotta have a watch, right?

  Well this is the same one I gave Jake for our 3-month anniversary. It’s a Bulova – all I could really afford. Stainless steel with a blue face.

  More suspicious now, I’m listening to the paranoid voice in my head and I think I’m walking inside.

  Oh no! What if it’s not Jake? Jenna’s going to hate me!

  Just to make it clear, I clear my throat and knock.

  “Oh, fuck!” I hear Jenna say. I look in. Something is squirming in her bed. There’s clothes all over the place.

  Then I see Jake’s tighty-whities. He insists on wearing them, saying they keep his “gigantic” balls in place. Whatever.

  A lot of guys could wear them, right?

  But wait. My boyfriend did laundry once at the laundromat. He put all his whites in with a very dark red shirt. And everything turned pink.

  And there are now pink tighty-whities on the floor.


  It can’t be. There’s no way!

  My heart racing, I walk in the door and turn on the light.

  A hand is sticking out from underneath the blankets. Is that Jenna’s hands?

  “Jenna?” I ask quietly at first. The hand is struggling. Is it trying to push off the blankets?


  It’s trying to hide.

  “Hey, Alicia,” Jenna pops her head out from the other side of the blankets that are on her bed. There’s a silence in the air. She looks at me with guilty eyes.

  “Is that…” I am about to finish my sentence but I don’t. It’s hard to explain the emotions going through me but the biggest one right now is fear. Fear of what I’m going to find out.

  “Fuck,” Jenna says aloud, sighing. Her eyes are big and she's looking directly at me. It’s like she’s realized that this is a losing fight.

  A bit annoyed I turn my gaze to give Jenna a moment to get up and cover herself. But turning around means looking at the hand on the other side of the blankets that's still trying to hide.

  Despite everything, I almost want to laugh. I can’t believe that was Jenna’s hand! It’s so feminine looking!

  "Jenna..." I manage to make out before I see the second head that emerges from underneath the blankets, as if giving up on hiding as well.

  It's Jake. My boyfriend.

  "Oh my God," I say, not knowing what else to say in a moment like this. I've watched plenty of movies where the wife catches the husband cheating or the girlfriend realizes that her man has been unfaithful and they always have some great witty takedowns and one-liners. All I manage to do is sit down on a chair in Jenna’s room - my heart going a mile a minute.

  "Alicia," Jake says, seeing my reaction. He whips off the blanket and I vaguely realize that he's naked.

  I'm sorry, it's still taking me a moment to put everything together and I'm having trouble processing. Why is Jake, my boyfriend, naked in Jenna’s bed? Was I snoring? Did I hog the blankets? Was he maybe sleepwalking? Did he fall in?

  "Alicia," Jake says again, picking up and putting on his tighty-whities with a snap and walking over to me. "I'm sorry you had to see that and find out this way."

  Find out? That he was sleepwalking? This is all happening too fast for me. I look up at Jake as he comes over to where I’m sitting across the room. I see Jenna clasp her bra and put on her panties before getting out of bed.

  "I'm just going to give you guys a few minutes," she says, as she climbs into a pair of yoga pants and a tank top.

  I never really thought Jenna as pretty. She ends up looking really pretty with the clothes she wears and the makeup she puts on her face, but it always looked like more work than needed to me. But who am I to judge? I just saw her in bed naked with my boyfriend.

  "Jake," I say, refusing to let tears come as I look at him. "What's going on?"

  "Alicia," he says again. "I thought you were still asleep."

  Wait, that's his excuse? That he thought I was still asleep?!

  I make a face a
t him. "So what if I was?" I ask him, a bit pissed off. "That means you have open season to screw my roommate because I’m asleep?

  Jake looks at me like I grew a second head. "Well, babe, it's just that I know you want to wait to bone or something, and I’m cool with that. I just thought..."

  I look at Jake and can't help but feel a bit angry. "What?" I ask, a bit harshly. "Just because I’m not ready yet that it's okay to start hooking up with other girls? My roommate??"

  "Well, no," he says, still in his tighty-whities. "She was just here."

  What the hell! That’s his only criteria? That they have to be there?

  "And since she’s here and I’m not putting out, you thought you could go bang her?"

  Jake sighs. "Honestly, babe, I thought you were okay with this. This has been our arrangement all six months now, hasn't it?" he asks me, looking at me a bit annoyed, as if I'm the one that should feel sorry.

  What arrangement has he been talking about? Why does he look perfectly okay? As if he’s done nothing wrong?

  Oh God. Oh, no!

  "Are you telling me..." I can't finish the sentence, the enormity of what I'm saying is just too much for me to get through my mouth.

  Jake shrugs. "You know I need to have sex on a regular basis, babe," he says, walking over to where he put his shirt. "So until you’re ready to put out, I have to find it elsewhere. I thought you said you were okay with that."

  That man never talked to me about something like this! How in the nine hells would I ever be okay with something like this. What kind of person does something like this?!

  Jake casually walks to out Jenna’s room and through the living room to my room. I follow, glancing daggers at Jenna, who’s in the kitchen. She decides it’s probably a good time to go for a run.

  Jake pulls on his polo shirt and then gets his jeans and puts them on, tucking in his shirt. I wince at myself. I've never really liked this look on him, but he doesn't listen.


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