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The King's Secret Bride: A Royal Wedding Novella (Royal Weddings Book 3)

Page 49

by Alexis Angel

  We’re here to talk about all the potential candidates for the upcoming position and I’m going to vouch for Marcus. My motives might seem impure, but it’s not just that. He’s smart too. I mean, everyone knows the guy’s a fucking genius. We’d be sorry not to have him, or to ever see him on opposing counsel. I’m going to dig my heels in on this one.

  Jason interviewed the other candidate, so it’s basically between us.

  "My guy’s been to Harvard, and he’s worked in corporate law also," he vies for his position.

  "Well, my guy . . . Marcus, has the most incredible track record and that’s what we need."

  We’re both trying to convince the other team members, the partners, but basically it comes down to Mike, the most senior partner, who will make the final decision.

  "I’m telling you, I vetted Marcus and he’s going to be our smoking gun."

  "Well, did your guy go to Princeton for his undergrad?" Jason is teasing me now but he’s also being serious.

  "Jason, I’m telling you, I have the one. He's got what it takes to see a case through. Let’s do this deal with him and finish it off."

  "Fine. I trust your judgment. Mike, if you want to hire Marcus, go for it. My guy travels too much anyway."

  "Fine, fine," Mike says. "Great work you two. Meeting adjourned."

  I love the quick pace of this office. This gives me enough time to head over to Marcus’s place and give him the good news myself. Jason’s following me down the hallway.

  "Going somewhere?" he asks.

  "Just taking a drive," I tell him. It’s none of Jason’s business where I go . . . or who I go to.

  "All right," he lets me off easy. "See you tomorrow."


  I have the firm’s valet bring up my Range Rover so I can head out. I can’t wait to see the look on Marcus’s face when I tell him. He was probably expecting it though. But, hey, I really went out on a limb for him. I don’t doubt he’ll succeed.

  As I meander my car through the streets to his place, I am overwhelmed by the amount of emotion I feel for this guy. He’s really genuine, and that turns me on so much. It’s not very often you meet a bad boy with heart. The combination is very sexy.

  I pull up to his building and climb out. When I ask to be buzzed in, he responds right away. I walk past the doorman and into the elevator, anticipating what will happen. I hope it’s like last time. I hope he has to have me, that he devours me.

  Before I can knock on the door he’s got it open for me. I come right in.

  "I’ve got news," I say. "You got the job!"

  A huge smile spreads across his face and I realize that we are both thinking the same thing. This means we get to work together and to be together every day! Yay!

  He pulls me in for a kiss and I let him. But then I suggest we celebrate.

  "Got any champagne?"

  "Of course," he says as walks over to his private bar. "I’ve got a very special bottle of Veuve Clicquot, just waiting for a moment like this."

  There’s an insulated wine room behind his bar that provides a gorgeous backdrop. He goes in and emerges with the bottle and two glasses.

  Yes! This is all I need after work . . . some nice champagne, and some Marcus. He’s really gaining my interest, and surprisingly, my trust. I didn't know this all could happen so fast, but I'm honestly really enjoying seeing where it leads.

  He takes me out on the balcony where he’s got lounge chairs and topiary everywhere. "It must be nice to have the penthouse," I think.

  We sit together and watch the setting sun and we cheers to his good fortune. Or, is it my good fortune?

  "You did a lot for me, you know," he whispers in my ear. "I couldn’t have got that job without you."

  "Yeah right. You know you had it in the bag! I just . . . put in a special word."

  "How special?" he asks as his fingers caress the length of my arm. He’s staring deeply at me now and I realize I might be falling for him. Something about Marcus is unique and it catches me off guard.

  I inhale deeply at the thought of him, and upon my exhale he plants a kiss on my cheek.

  "Thanks," he says. "I know it was all you."

  I blush, and we both know he’s smart enough to have gotten the deal without me, but just his thoughtful gesture of gratitude makes me weak in the knees. Yeah, Marcus is a catch. He’s exclusive and rare. This makes me hungry for him and also it makes me feel something deeper, something like love.

  "You know I get to see you tomorrow," I say.

  "Oh," he acts affected by the quick start date. "So soon?" He loves to pick on me.

  "Yes!" I say. "And don’t be late. You’ll make me look bad."

  "Okay, I promise."


  I'm sitting in Jason's office with Marcus and we're going over our latest case. His office is stunning and it reflects the fact that he's a boss. He's got Restoration Hardware furnishings and everything. Even though our office is modern Jason has perfectly combined that with a stunning sense of old world charm. There are leather couches and a bar in the corner, where he and his clients can rehash the case. In fact, this office would be the perfect place to have sex. There are many different angles to choose from.

  We're here to go over the Damian Cain case.

  "Hey Jason, you remember Marcus?"

  "Of course, of course, please come sit down."

  Marcus and I sit across from Jason's desk and the chairs are comfortable and we start to get more acquainted with each other.

  "You know, Jason's a great boss. I should now. I worked under him for years." With this statement, I look directly at Jason, knowing I've finally gotten under him too.

  "Yeah, Jacqueline and I have always had a special connection."

  He's flirting with me now and I can't help but feel flutters in my stomach.

  "Yes, we've definitely worked together before, Jason and I, and I feel like we will be a strong team bringing in this case. This is also my first case as a partner, so even though we've worked together before I want this to go well. And, Jason I want you to know that I have complete faith in Marcus and I anticipate our success."

  "Yes," Marcus says. "Since it's my first case being with the firm, I have to prove myself here and I think this tough case will be the perfect way for me to represent my work and how far I can take this company."

  "That is great to hear from you both," Jason says appreciatively. "This Cain case will be hard to crack I think. I've taken the liberty of looking over it, as I'm sure we all have, and I think we have our work cut out for us."

  "Okay, yes. Marcus and I have both reviewed everything and we've been prepped and we're ready to go. Let's get started," I say. "I think we should dive right in."

  Jason begins, "We're investigating the case of one Damian Cain. He's a billionaire bad boy, I think we all know him from the press and he's basically been accused of being guilty already within the media and that is something we need to address. We need to set this thing straight. He's already fired counsel before but he's not going to fire us because we've got this thing covered. That is my attitude moving forward."

  Ahh, Jason's so hot when he's in work mode. I cross my legs enough so that he can see my garter sticking out a little. Working with Jason has just become very interesting. I don’t think I’ll have anything but a sopping wet pussy during all work hours at this rate!

  "Okay," Marcus says. "But how are we gonna overcome his bad reputation of his? That could really slay us in court."

  "Well hopefully he's easy to deal with when we meet with him and he proves to us how he's innocent," Marcus says.

  "Yes, I join in. "He's been accused of murdering a girl named Emma who he was sleeping with. She was a fling that he had and he was the last one seen with her. He doesn't have an alibi and that makes things look tough. This is why the press has condemned him. But I think we could look at other angles."

  We look at each other knowingly. Jason says what we're all thinking, "This is not goi
ng to be a swift case and it's not going to be easy, but we together as a team can do this. We just have to talk to Damian and get the full story."

  "Yeah, I mean the problem is really within the press. How are we gonna find jurors that are unbiased?" I add.

  Marcus says, "There are no other suspects and I think that's unusual. I mean, why didn't the police look at anyone else. I don't see enough evidence here on paper to convict anyone."

  "Marcus is exactly right," I say, so proud that I was the one to bring him on. I knew he would be ingenious with his ideas.

  Jason states, "This is why the press is after him, there's no other suspects and Damian, being such a high profile man has a lot at stake here."

  "Yeah," I concede. "Somehow we have to prove that he's not their guy."

  "Any ideas?" Jason asks us.

  "Well, we should look more into Emma's life and make sure that she doesn't have any other bad connections out there. There's obviously somebody else that wanted to hurt her, that is if Damian is not the culprit." Marcus has great ideas.

  "We'll know that," I say. "As soon as we talk to him. I am an excellent judge of character."

  "Yes, you are." Jason looks at me with intensity in his eyes. I can tell he wants to fuck me right here, right now. He's probably imagining it over his desk like I am. He's probably wishing Marcus wasn't here. Personally I wouldn't mind having them both. It's too hard of a decision to make. They are both so hot. I have the best job on the planet.


  I'm sitting in my office trying to go over the Damian Cain case. It's one of the toughest I've had and with a lot going against us it's going to be hard to prove. I wish I could see the damn thing from all angles, from Emma's perspective. I'm sure that Damian didn't do it but how can I prove that? He's definitely a lot to deal with as a client, but I know I can handle him.

  In my notes, I see that the prosecutor is Adam Wolff. He's really tough and a good lawyer, so I'm pleased that he's whom we'll be up against. If Wolff is in this thing then we really will have a harder time. He's ruthless and he knows how to put people behind bars. In this case, if we lose, he would be putting the wrong man behind bars and I can't let that happen. As I decide about what to do, I think I need a break.

  I grab my jacket and decide to talk a walk. Maybe some fresh air will clear my mind. I leave the beautiful building where I work and remind myself how lucky I am to work there. My job really is everything and it's a constant challenge that keeps me on my toes. I am challenged by this case and it forces me to use all my intellectual power, which feels good. I'm walking down the street breathing in the fresh air and things do start to become clearer. There's gotta be some other way to prove that Damian was with Emma, but that he obviously was not the only one who saw her that night.

  I think about all the security footage we could look at and I wonder if there was any other person who potentially saw her. There has to be some witness, somebody who will testify for the truth.

  Eventually, I walk all the way down to the courthouse and I take in its domineering force of representing the law and the beautiful architecture. It reminds me of why I started this job in the first place. I am here to represent the underrepresented. I am here to help people. And despite, Damian's bad boy attitude, I will help him too. His life hinges on that fact that I do, and so I'm thinking about this and percolating this case in my mind, sure that I can do this.

  This courthouse brings up sentimental feelings for me. It's this beautiful building and it stands for everything that shaped me into a good lawyer. As I walk in the shadows of its massive presence as a place for the law and for justice, I am reminded of my college days when I choose this as my future. I always wanted to be a lawyer, and here I am, having made partner at one of the impressive firms there is, and I have come so far. And yet, this case is such a challenge for me and I need to take my mind off of it.

  I look across the street from the courthouse and I spy my favorite college bar. It's a local hangout and it's where a lot of grad students blow off steam. I think it looks inviting right now and I'm in need of a drink. So, I decide to stop by. I walk into the place and it is loud and raucous as usual. I order a drink, and find a little corner of the bar to nestle myself in and to just watch people for a while.

  I've had a rough day trying to deal with Damian's case and having decided to go somewhere low key was definitely a wise call on my part. This is another of my favorite haunts because people don't usually know me here. It's not an upscale bar but it's one I used to frequent often when I was in college. I feel right at home here. And it's the perfect place to wrap my mind around a tough case, because I have done so through my studies so many times. It's not a dive bar exactly but it's somewhere that college kids can afford.

  I'm thinking about our case now and how I just have to shine because it is my first case as a partner. I know I don't have to prove myself, but I want to. If only I can get my head around who this Emma is and whom else she's hanging out with, then I'll be satisfied. Why did she have to get herself into such trouble? The thought of her demise makes me sad, but there's nothing I can do except to try to achieve justice for this one man who accidentally got wrapped up in the wrong girl.

  I've got my notes and everything spread out in front of me at my small little corner table.

  "Hi Jacqueline, I thought that was you."

  When I look up I see the last person I ever expected to see. His name is Xavier and he's gorgeous and I've known him since my college days. He's so tall and handsome. I always wanted to fuck him but we never did. We've always just had a light flirtation going on.

  In case you haven't noticed by now, even though I'm busy, I tend to surround myself by some extremely attractive men.

  Even still, the last few things I told you? Well, you realize that we're dealing with some extraordinary circumstances. If I wasn't so into being this hot and bothered all the time, I'd have to get a chastity belt or take a cold shower every couple of hours to calm myself down.

  But I think I'd rather just be naughty, horny, and all hot and bothered like I said. Because it ain't really bothering me.

  "Xavier! Oh my goodness, I never thought I'd see you here."

  "Why not? We used to hang out with her a lot, remember?"

  "Of course, I remember. It's just still such a surprise."

  "A happy one, I hope."

  "Definitely," I smile up into his charming face. My night has suddenly taken a turn for the better.


  I park my car outside "The Bar." It's a hole in the wall joint that every law student in town went to blow off steam or drown their sorrows. For some people it was the only bar they ever passed. I was finished law school and settled into my position at the prosecutor’s office, but sometimes it was nice to have a drink away from people whose only ambition was their next promotion.

  I open the door and the smell of booze and nervous law students is like home. I grab a stool at the bar. John greets me and brings me my usual. I’ve been to every high end bar in this city and John is still the best guy to ever mix a drink. He always remembers your usual and he always knows when you need to talk and when you don't. Today I don't, I just want to relax. I'm going to trying my first major case and with Adam Wolff the DA with the best record in the city. I'm going to make my career with this case.

  We're trying Damian Cain. This rich douche bag murdered his latest fling. Cain is exactly the kind of asshole I took this job to put away. My family still thinks I'm nuts for working in the district attorney’s office. I turned down half the top firms in the city to work in the prosecutor's office. Yeah it's crazy, but I'm not doing this for money. I'm doing it for justice. Besides I have all the money I could ever need, the perks of being a billionaire’s only heir.

  Tonight, though I just need to relax. I know Cain can afford the best team money can buy. Whoever they are they’re going to put up a hell of a fight. It doesn’t matter though, I'm going to nail Cain’s ass to the wall. I intend to
put him in a cage for the rest of his life.

  I sip my whiskey and savor the burn. I'm wired tonight with the anticipation of the trial. I’m going to show Damian Cain and the rest of the city that money can't buy innocence. Nobody is above the law, not matter what their net worth is. I take another sip of my whiskey. I definitely need a release. In the days before a trial I’m like a caged tiger. Tonight I’m going to let myself off the chain. All work and no play would make me a very dull boy.

  I can the bar; it’s filled with eager law students who would be happy to let me take them home. Half of them would be looking to fuck their way into an internship or my family’s connections. I don’t need the drama I automatically dismiss them as possibilities. The other half have eyes still shiny and eager still in love with the law. it's nice to be around people who aren't jaded by the system that’s why I love this place. It reminds of why I do this. There’s a cute blonde in the corner, maybe.

  I order another round and the last person I expected to see Jacqueline Dupont, walks in the door. She looks just as good as I remember her. A body that makes me want to be guilty of every crime in the book and man the mouth on that girl.

  "Hi Xavier," she smiles as she walks over and sits on the stool next to mine.

  "Jackie." Yeah I'm never going to call her Jacqueline. She's been Jackie since college and she’ll always be Jackie to me. "I heard you made partner."

  "I did," she says with a smile. The same smile she used to give me right before she suggested something crazy back in our college days.

  "Congrats you deserve it. So what’s a new partner doing down here mingling with the students and unwashed public servants, like me."

  "Says the heir to the throne." She jokes sliding closer to me, she still wears that same perfume, with the notes of black pepper. It still drives me crazy.


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