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Con Man

Page 48

by Amy Brent

  My jaw dropped when I saw the sheer girth of his cock and something in my stomach lurched as I watched the condensation drip off the tip of it. Holy fuck, this man’s body was chiseled like an Olympian god’s, and every single part of me wanted to reach out and touch him. I wanted to flutter my fingertips over his eight-pack abs and lick the sweat right off his beautiful thighs. I wanted to kiss his tattoo up close and get my plump lips around that obvious monstrosity he called a cock.

  But then, a voice I recognized hit my ears and my gaze whipped up to the same blue eyes I’d been daydreaming about earlier.

  “Holy shit, I’m sorry,” L said.

  However, the gaze he held me with was anything but, and I found myself speechless as I gazed into the eyes of my naked boss.

  Chapter 5


  I opened my eyes and sighed with relief. The steam dancing around my body felt so nice, and I was thankful I was alone. Being in a steam sauna with a towel on was like having sex with a condom, which is why I never slept with any chick that wasn’t on the pill. It was pointless and most certainly didn’t feel as good, and it made you sweat in all the wrong ways. The microfiber clung to the body like wet plastic does to skin, and peeling that shit off my body left behind fuzzy bullshit I then had to wash off in the shower.

  And no one wanted to fucking take a shower after being in a relaxing hot sauna.

  I stretched my legs out and let the towel unfold, exposing myself to the steam of the room. My dick had been cooped up in those jeans for way too long, and he deserved the space to grow or sleep as he pleased. My jeans had taken away his ability to spread his wings and it felt so good to air him out, alone in the relaxing sauna.

  When a small gasp from across the small room caught my attention, and I whipped my gaze over before I realized who was sitting at the other end of the sauna.

  “Holy shit, I’m sorry,” I said. I cleared my throat and tried to shift my body, hoping Charlie would avert her gaze, but the only thing she did was continue to stare. Her eyes fluttered up to mine before raking back down my body, and the hungry stare I’d seen in her eye made my blood boil in anticipation. She liked what she saw, just like I did when my eyes had gazed upon her body. At that moment, I felt my dick spring to life in the middle of the sauna.

  Grabbing my towel, I threw it back over my growing cock before I got to my feet, and I could feel Charlie’s eyes on me as I passed by her and left the sauna room.

  Arriving at the dressing room, I peeled the towel from my skin. Little microfiber fuzz was everywhere on my body, and I sighed in frustration at the idea of having to take a shower. Why hotels didn’t invest in decent towels, I’d never understand, and I made a mental note to put better towels in my luxury hotel in order to really elevate the experience.

  I started a shower and climbed into it, turning it up as hot as it would go. The steam filled the shower, seeping out into the dressing room while the fuzz was washed away from my body, but the only thing I could think about was Charlie. The way those green eyes had flashed with that spark of wanton lust was enough to let me know that she was struggling just as I was, and the idea that she would be sitting in the meeting tomorrow with thoughts of riding my cock made my pelvis ache.

  My dick surged to life, bobbing up and down on my body, and I leaned my arm onto the shower wall before I placed my forehead on it.

  Somehow, I had to get her out of my mind. If I thought of her in every disgusting way possible and shot off a load real quick in the shower, I’d wash her from my mind forever. After all, no woman was ever better than the ways I imagined her in my mind, and with that I began to pump my thick dick while I thought of her lips wrapped around my cock.

  I thought about the gagging sound she would make as I pressed myself deep down her throat. How her beautiful lips would leave red trails of lipstick behind while she gobbled down my cock. I envisioned how soft her hair would feel wrapped up in my hand while I thrusted into her mouth, pumping her throat full of my cum while she moaned and begged for more.

  Pinning her tits to the wall, I pounded her ass, thinking no one had ever taken that puckered little hole of hers, and I thought about watching those ass cheeks gobble my dick down while she cried out my name. I thought about wrapping my hand around and diving in between her pussy lips, her fluids dripping onto my hand while I circled her swollen clit.

  Then, in a flash, I was between her legs. I was licking her sweet honey while she bucked against my face, her pussy swallowing my fingers while her tits bounced on her body. I pumped my cock faster and faster, losing strength in my legs as I dropped to my knees and splashed in the water gathering at the bottom of the tub.

  “Holy shit, Charlie. Oh, fuck yes.”

  I bucked hard into my hand as I thought about her thick thighs bouncing on my hips. How her pussy would swallow my cock perfectly, and her soft, silky walls would massage it while pouring her milky juices down to my balls. I thought about licking all of it off before I filled her to the brim, digging my fingertips into her luscious thighs while she called out my name to the room.

  “Yes. Yes. Oh, Charlie. Holy fuck. Your tits are perfect. Mmm, let me taste them.”

  I saw myself wrapping my lips around her large nipples, biting and pulling at them while she writhed underneath me. I thought about sinking my dick deep into her while my teeth tugged at her tits, marking her as my own while she bucked her hips wildly into my body.

  “Fuck! Yes! Oh… shit!”

  I shot my load against the shower wall of the men’s dressing room without a second thought as to who might hear me. I panted hard, placing my head against the wall before I slid down and sat my ass down on the floor of the shower. For the first time since I’d seen her that morning at the airport kiosk, my mind was completely free and clear of her, and I shook with the aftershocks of my orgasm as I gathered myself up off the floor.

  The next day was filled with several back-to-back meetings. Charlie was fielding the new investors, while I sat down to drinks investing in closer relationships with those who would continue. Every time I saw her she had a massive smile on her face. I couldn’t stop thinking about her and how confident she looked, walking from meeting to meeting, but every single time she nodded my way the only thing I could imagine was her head bobbing around my dick.

  The look in her eye when she saw my dick in that sauna had plagued my dreams the night before, and I’d woken up to get ready for these meetings with one of the most painful erections I’d ever had. I had to rub one out this morning before my first meeting just to screw my head on straight, and I was still fighting to keep my libido at bay as we traveled through these meetings.

  Never in my life had a woman invaded my thoughts like Charlie had, and it was beginning to piss me off.

  I wanted to stop thinking about her that way. This was the most important week of the year for my company, and here I was literally being brought to my knees by some nothing woman with her nothing stare and her nothing clothes. For the love of fuck, she didn’t even know how to dress for Finland!

  But, she was witty and charismatic. She was sarcastic with just a touch of dirty talk in her. She was ambitious and hardworking, and every single time we talked about work, I caught a glimpse of just how smart she actually was.

  She was a deadly combination of dedication and passion, and it pulled at my dick even as I sat with my old investors and listened to them asking me asinine questions about our new project.

  I walked out of the meeting and was immediately hit by her perfume. She had been waiting for me, and I realized she was wearing a completely different outfit. The sweater she wore hugged every inch of her torso and left nothing to the imagination, particularly how massive her tits were beneath the fabric, and I smiled when she grabbed my arm.

  “The potential investors want to take you out for dinner to celebrate,” she said.

  “What is it we’re celebrating?” I asked.

  “How good I am at my job,” she said, winking.

  Dear fucking hell, just her wink sent a fiery cascade down my spine.

  “I take it the negotiations and the meetings went well?” I asked.

  “Walk with me,” she said.

  “That’s usually what I ask people to do with me,” I said.

  “Well, first time for everything,” she said. “Anyway, there’s a restaurant a couple blocks up from here that I’ve reserved for the business-solidifying toast. Apparently, that’s what they do here to solidify deals. Then they drink until they can’t see straight.”

  “They do. I don’t,” I said.

  “The top floor of the bar is reserved for the partaking of libations, and—spoiler alert—they’ll all be there.”

  “Wait a second, all of them. As in, all nine new investors?” I asked.

  “All nine,” she said, smiling.

  “You must have been on fire,” I said.

  “You say that sounding shocked. I’m hurt,” she said.

  “Will you be coming to the ‘partaking of libations,’ as you so eloquently put it?” I asked.

  “It would be rude of the negotiator not to show up, I would assume,” she said.

  And show up she did. The customary drink to toast business to in Finland was a drink called ‘lakka.’ It’s made from cloudberries and a great deal of alcohol, which meant I was only going to sip on one, while the rest of the investors got plastered. And she was right, all nine of them showed up to demonstrate their support for the paperwork that was being drawn up to be signed tomorrow, and all eleven of us toasted our new business endeavor, like one big happy family.

  Between the new investors and the older ones I’d met with today, we’d not only meet our financial mark for base production for the year, but we would fully fund the building of the luxury hotel and resort in the Bahamas. Granted, the final paperwork had to be signed tomorrow for my sake, but in Finland, a toast like this was as good as a man’s word.

  However, as Charlie went to reach for her second drink I could tell she wasn’t used to consuming this much alcohol. A drink like this was sweet and hid the presence of the alcohol very well, but it was a very strong drink, nonetheless. Charlie went from being polite and slightly flushed in the cheeks, to her forehead being prickled with sweat and her ankles rolling slightly in her heels.

  I needed to get her out of here before that second drink hit her system, otherwise she’d make an ass out of herself.

  “Having fun?” I asked.

  “Wow, these drinks are a little strong, huh?” she asked.

  “A bit,” I said, chuckling. “Why don’t I walk you back to your suite? You’ve done quite enough for this company today, and I’d hate for you to break your ankle in those heels of yours.”

  “I’m quite graceful, thank you,” she said.

  Just then, she took a step forward and rolled her ankle. I caught her, and took the drink from her hand, and luckily everyone else was too wrapped up in their own conversations to notice. I stood her back up on her feet while her cheeks tinted with embarrassment. That’s was when I saw her nod her head and sigh.

  “I think going back to my room might be a good idea,” she said.

  “Here, let me walk you back. These guys won’t even notice I’m gone,” I said.

  After a few beats of a pause, she nodded her head in agreement, feeling the effects of the drinks now.

  “Lead the way, Mr. James,” she said.

  Chapter 6


  I leaned against L’s strong form as we stumbled to my hotel suite. His body was so warm and his muscles were thick against my cheek, and I couldn’t help but press myself into him as we rode up the elevator. His arm was strong around my waist with his fingertips playing in the dip of my body, and I drew in a deep, long breath to commit his scent to memory.

  “You alright, Charlie?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I’ll get some rest and be fine,” I said.

  The elevator doors parted and the alcohol just kept sinking in. The more we walked the hazier my mind got, and by the time we were finally standing outside my door I could hardly move my legs. I didn’t know what the fuck they’d put in those drinks, but I was glad L had suggested heading back to my hotel room.

  And that he decided to come with me.

  I turned my gaze up to his and he looked down at me with those smoky blue eyes. His hair was dark and his jawline was so chiseled, I swore to myself I could sharpen a butcher knife against his smile. The sharp shadows of the dimly lit hallway played cheekily upon his face, and before I knew it I had risen up on my tiptoes and pressed my lips against his ear.

  “I think you’re so sexy,” I said, whispering.

  I felt him tense, his grip on my waist tightening at my words, and my eyes rolled into the back of my head. My body was pressed firmly against his side and I could feel him leaning his lips into my ear, so I took a moment to let him before I nuzzled him with my nose.

  “I wouldn’t mind seeing you again like I did in that sauna,” I said, becoming more brazen and bold by the second. The way his body trembled against mine told me nasty thoughts were swirling around in his head, too. Maybe I should have given him a little peek of what I had going on underneath my towel after he had shared with me the sight of his beautiful cock. I mean, it would have only been fair in that scenario.

  I could give him a peek now, if he wanted.

  I pulled the keycard from the back of my pants and unlocked my hotel suite door. I felt his hand open the latch, the door creaking open just as his eyes turned to meet mine, and then I decided to go for it. His breath was hot on my lips and I could smell the slight hint of cloudberries, and the warmth of his body was beckoning to me in a way no other man’s ever had.

  It didn’t hurt that I knew he was packing some serious cock underneath those slacks.

  I pressed my lips against his and felt him immediately give into me. His mouth mashed into mine while his foot jutted out, keeping the door open while his hand flew to my hair. He raked his fingers in my locks, moaning at how soft my hair was, but when I swiped my tongue along his lips to beg entrance I felt him pause.

  I stumbled as he pulled away, my lips still puckered in search of him. Where there was once warmth there was now the cool sting of rejection, and for a moment I wondered if I had misread the kiss. I could have sworn he’d leaned into it. I could’ve sworn—even in my alcoholic haze—the look he was giving me was nothing short of what I wanted from him. He must have thought I was an idiot if he believed I didn’t see the way he’d been staring at my tits all day, and there was a small part of me that became angry with him.

  Angry at the fact that maybe he was pulling away because he wasn’t the one that initiated the kiss.

  Misogynistic bastard.

  “Charlie, I’m first and foremost your boss,” he began, as I fluttered my eyes open. “You are a beautiful woman, there’s no doubt about that, and sharp as a tack to boot.”

  “Why do I feel a very unattractive ‘but’ coming on?” I asked.

  “I set the policy as strict as I did in my business to make it a purely professional environment. Things get messed up and very complicated so quickly with interoffice romances, and I can’t go on an international business trip and become a hypocrite.”

  “I suppose it makes sense,” I said. All of a sudden, I felt like an idiot. I was standing in the hallway with nipples poking through my bra that I knew my boss could see and the idea began to sober me up.

  “Let me help you to your bed,” he said.

  He plucked the keycard from my fingertips and opened the door for me again. His hand hit the small of my back, teasing a touch I would never feel again as he led me to the only open door in the suite. I kicked my shoes off and didn’t bother taking off my clothes before I tumbled into bed, and that warm touch on my back was gone just as quickly as it had appeared.

  “Get some rest,” he said.

  I was disappointed, but it was short lived. I passed out cold—not even remembering him
shutting my bedroom door—and when I woke up I was nothing short of embarrassed. My actions toward my handsome boss had been nothing short of something Sheila would have probably tried to pull, and I owed him a sincere apology.

  Once I got over this crushing embarrassment.

  We had the final meeting today with all the investors officially signing their end of the paperwork, and I found I couldn’t look L in the eye. I sat at one end of the table while he sat at the head, and I didn’t look up from my black folder unless absolutely necessary. If someone asked me a question, I pretended I was searching for the answer, and all the while I could feel L’s gaze boring a hole into the top of my head.

  Then, it came time for me to give the presentation, and it meant I’d have to look over at L several times in order to ensure the investors saw we were on the same page.

  “Alright, boys. Now, I know you’re all probably wondering about our sales over the past decade, but something tells me you don’t give a shit about those.”

  The men in the room chuckled and I watched L settle back into his seat, his fingertips trying to cover the smirk that was rising on his cheeks.

  “What you’re all here for is this.”

  I pressed a button and the blueprints L had put in the file he sent to me had suddenly come to life. I saw his eyes widen slightly as those beautiful smoky blues bounced around the screen, and I pulled up the three design blueprints L was still choosing between.


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