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Divine Mage

Page 28

by L Travern

  After all, there was a chance that he might have a use for the family in the future. He didn't want it to weaken before then.

  The man yelled furiously. "You dare insult me again, kid?!" His horned black dog stepped ahead and seemed restless. "You dare say that to my face?!"

  "Are you still not kneeling in front of the First Champion, traitor?" Matthew crossed his arms. "This is your last chance to beg for forgiveness before I get tired of your insolence, officially declare you a traitor, and enact your punishment right here, right now."

  Normally, only an Eminence could punish a Colonel for treason like that, but as a First Champion, it was Matthew's prerogative, too.

  There was a long silence before the man raised his hand and snapped his fingers. Three extra mounted Champions, almost a hundred new mages, and countless new warriors appeared from the nearby houses.

  Matthew raised an eyebrow. "Are you opening rebelling, then?"

  Deadfire sneered. "A kid with the power of a Champion, a child speaking like a man. As an honorary agent of the Immortal Crusade, I declare you a demon!" He said confidently. "To be purged immediately!"

  Before he could do anything else, a snort was heard coming from everywhere, and Shadow One stepped to the side of Matthew. "I accuse you of using the Crusade to further your personal goals," a genderless voice said, filling the ambient. Matthew guessed it came from Shadow One. "Do you plead guilty?"

  Deadfire turned his face slightly to look at her. "Who in the Depths are you?"

  "I'm Shadow One, an Extended Agent under an Overlord whose name you're not worthy enough to know," she said, and in the even longer silence that followed, even Matthew got worried for his future.

  In his questionings about the Crusade in Lamia, he had learned a lot about it. Overlords ruled the Crusade in the absence of the Emperor Saint. These Overlords ever so rarely sent Extended Agents to act on their behalf, who had the same rights and duties as the Overlords themselves.

  At first, Matthew thought Shadow One was just a common Crusader, but now, she had declared herself to be much more. When he killed her, the Crusade wouldn't just show some weak anger at losing such a precious treasure like her, but an actual leader would get downright pissed at Matthew for killing their Extended Agent!

  He suppressed a sigh. She had to go, for she hadn't cared for his safety when reading his memories and would've killed him if his soul resistance was slightly worse. For him, that was as good as attempt murder, and he wouldn't just forgive her for it. Fortunately, now that he knew what to expect after he was done with her, he decided to use the most decisive of the escape plans he had drawn.

  "Speak, Honorary Agent Eminence Deadfire!" Shadow One said, still using the genderless voice that came from everywhere. "Do you plead guilty?"

  "I..." Deadfire was lost on how to act. "Senior Agent, he is a demon!" He pointed at Matthew. "Help me get rid of him!"

  "Not only you use the Crusade to further your personal goals, you even dare to try to beguile an Extended Agent!" The voice said, filled with fury, then emotionlessly proclaimed: "Die."

  And die Deadfire did. His body suddenly fell from his mount, hitting the floor like a potato sack. There was no mana disruption that Matthew could feel, so it should be some remotely controlled spell or item placed on Agents' souls to guarantee their obedience.

  "This fort is now under lockdown by the Immortal Crusade," the genderless voice said, and the gates suddenly closed with a loud boom. "Everyone inside will be investigated and properly judged. Until then, the people outside might either go back or accompany me as we cross the Wyvern Pass."

  It wasn't a surprise to Matthew that she could easily control a place created by the Emperor Saint, who obviously wouldn't want something he created being used against his group.

  It also wasn't a surprise that Shadow One prevented Matthew from taking control of the fort and the people inside. She didn't want him using them against her. As for the merchants and mercenaries, they didn't matter; they were just weaklings that could be used as cannon fodder as they traveled the Wyvern Pass.

  Most of them weren't suicidal though, and only a single man decided to follow the group through the mountains. He was a short thin young fella with a messy beard and worn out leather clothes. It was the first time Matthew saw someone wearing glasses in this world, which together with the very subtle mana disruption he felt from it, made him immediately want to identify it.

  Check Item, he thought.

  Item Check

  Name: Double Spectacles

  Grade: Lower Artifact

  The name of the item said nothing about what it was used for, but the fact that an Inept was wearing a Lower Artifact — something around the level of a Champion —, told tales of either a powerful background or overwhelming amounts of money. Or both.

  He was carrying a backpack filled to the brim and had two spatial rings, something way beyond the means of any common Inept. More importantly, to guarantee his life despite showing such wealth, he should also have many live saving treasures with him.

  The youngster had a tired expression, and despite being an Inept, he didn't seem to fear even the lightning that was still falling everywhere from time to time.

  Matthew distrusted him greatly.

  "I'm Lo," he said as he joined the group. "Nice to meet you," he continued, still without feeling any awe when facing the First Champion of the Kingdom, or even an Extended Agent of the Immortal Crusade!

  "Matthew Valdian," Matthew presented himself and everyone did likewise, except for Shadow One.

  Matthew felt a bit frustrated for not entering the fort. His original plan required him to use a formation, and he had wanted to take the time in the fort to inscribe a formation plate, a disk of metal especially made for being scribed.

  Now, he would have to do things the hard way. He hoped enough beasts attacked his group, so he could gather enough of their blood for his purposes!

  "Leave the horses," he said as he stopped his Lightning Storm, taking mana coins to fill his mana pool as they stepped towards the Wyvern Pass.

  * * *

  Mark didn't know why the One-Who-Serves had joined the group.

  Although the mages knew almost everything the warriors did in the shadows, there were some shadows that only select warriors were privy about, like the man wearing double spectacles!

  Chapter 34 - The Wyvern Pass

  Chapter 34 - The Wyvern Pass

  Mark himself, even when he was a Four Stars Warrior, wouldn't be qualified to know the man if he wasn't the strongest warrior in the Valdian Kingdom. It had been the One-Who-Serves that had ordered Mark to hide his strength from the family, for unknown reasons. At first, Mark hadn't been keen on doing that, but after he understood who exactly the One-Who-Serves was, all his hesitations left him.

  Seeing the man, Mark's heart was in disarray.

  What if the One-Who-Serves went into odds with the Herald of Change? What if one of them ordered him to attack the other?

  He would obey any order from any of them, as long as it wasn't aimed at hurting the other! But if he refused any such order, it would be the same as picking a side and falling out with the other party.

  He only hoped this day never came.

  * * *

  The Wyvern Pass was a narrow passage on the rocky Death's Shadow Mountains. It went up and down a few mountains until it reached the top of the tallest peak around, then it went directly downwards.

  Going over the peak was a gamble. A mighty Ascender beast lived there, but it sometimes let people pass. No one knew why, as there had been no survivors, but people speculated that it was due to its irregular hibernation periods that it didn't kill just everyone who went through there.

  It said a lot about the Death's Shadow Mountains where a place where certain death might come depending on the erratic sleep patterns of an unknown beast was part of a relatively safe path.

  "I'll go first," Matthew said when they reached the narrow path. "Mark comes after
me, then Sara, and finally, Helina."

  That was the best arrangement possible. Mark, the weakest one, would be the one with the best protection, followed by Sara. Helina, whom Matthew considered kind of a part of the group, but not entirely, was the strongest of them and would obviously be responsible for protecting their back.

  He didn't consider the Crusader's position because he couldn't boss her around and she would just do whatever she wanted. As for Lo, Matthew didn't trust the man, who wasn't his guest anyway. As long as the two of them didn't try to get between Matthew's own group, or backstabbed him, he wouldn't care about them.

  They started going up the first mountain at around midday. It was a steep path that usually required them to actually climb, always with stone walls to both sides that provided protection from the beasts in the mountain.

  It was a hard climb, and about five hours later, Mark was panting, barely able to continue forward.

  "Let's eat," Matthew ordered as soon as they reached a flat area where two people could sit side by side.

  Sara took out cooking utensils, but Helina intervened. "Cooking will attract beasts," she said.

  "No problem," Matthew said. "I can protect Mark, and you two need the practice if you want to be any use to me."

  Helina's face twisted. "I'm not your underlying."

  "But you want to protect me, don't you?" Matthew said. "After everything you saw me do, can you honestly say I need your protection?"

  Her face got even angrier, but she said nothing. Matthew smiled and turned to Sara. "I want something tasty."

  "Yes, young master," she replied submissively.

  He then turned to Mark and sighed. "I wanted to take a few days in the city for you to become a One-Star Warrior. I'm sorry we couldn't."

  Although frustrated, Matthew didn't blame Shadow One for doing her best to isolate him. After all, they were bound to enmity, and she was doing what her position required of her. He wouldn't blame the lion for eating the gazelle, or the gazelle for trying to avoid her fate. To him, the Crusader was nothing more than a gazelle whose future had already been decided for her, and she was simply struggling as best as she could.

  "Young master, it is no issue at all!" Mark said quickly. "It's my honor to be able to serve you even if I'm as weak as an inept. I'm sorry for slowing you all down though."

  Matthew waved the butler's concern away with his hand. "Nonsense. As much as I say you should become stronger to better serve me, it's also a master's obligation to care about his subordinates. You're doing your best, and that's all that matters."

  His words won him looks of admiration from Mark and Sara, and of deep thought from Helina. Only Shadow One and Lo, who were walking behind the group, seemed to not care about it.

  "Young master, may I ask a question?" Mark asked a few moments later.

  "Sure," Matthew replied.

  "Why are we going through the Wyvern Pass? With the power of all mages in the group, you could surely create a much safer underground tunnel."

  Matthew nodded. "Good thinking, but the true danger in the Death's Shadow Mountains lays in the underground. Long ago, a dwarven city was located down there. The dwarves abandoned it for an unknown reason, and they were in such a hurry that they left many natural resources behind, the kind that can attract even Ascending beasts for their strengthening properties. For yet another unknown reason, the city was occupied by beasts before we humans were even aware of the dwarves emigration. After many failed expeditions, mages understood that only Overlords have any hope from returning alive from down there."

  Mark paled at that. "I... I...."

  Matthew smiled. The butler had just suggested his master do something that would undoubtedly lead to his master's death, and right after his master showed care, too. Something like that would be considered treason and be punishable by death even when dealing with the kindest employer.

  "You're ignorant," Matthew said. "Not because you want it, but because you were made like this by the mages who ruled over you. I won't punish you for being it, especially considering you intended well with your suggestion. On the other hand, I do expect you to do some research on the potential dangers of any place you suggest me to travel in the future."

  As innocent as that mistake was, it could have proven fatal. Matthew was one to forgive unintentional mistakes the first time they happened, teaching better ways as he did it. But if Mark didn't learn better, it showed he either didn't care about it, was incompetent, or had bad intentions. Therefore, from the second time onwards, punishments would have to be delivered.

  "Thank you, young master," Mark said, filled with gratitude.

  * * *

  They ate without any issue, and no beast appeared for the remaining of the day. Even as they stopped for the night, Helina hadn't detected any beasts nearing their positions.

  "Young master," Sara said after they also ate at night. "I have a few questions about the elements."

  "Ask away," Matthew said.

  "I've been thinking... Of the five elements I know, fire is the one I'm most comfortable with," she said. "But the more I think about it, the more confident I get that I wouldn't be able to create a fire hot enough to molten such a large amount of rock as your Meteor spell did. Why is that?"

  The boy nodded. "Good! Very good indeed! I'm very satisfied with this question, Sara. Why did you think of it?"

  She blushed. "You told me to focus on one element at a time, and because I hope to be able to use the Meteor spell one day, I've been focusing on earth. As I understood it better, I became aware of how powerful your flames were at that time."

  "My answer to your question has two parts. The first is that there are different levels of understanding of the elements. It might sound obvious, but when most mages know enough about an element to convert pure mana into elemental mana, and thus the element is added to the list of known elements in their Full Statuses, they cease trying to improve their understanding on it. This, of course, leads to them hitting a bottleneck when they become Eminences, preventing them from Ascending. That's when they find out how shallow their understanding was."

  Now that Matthew was aware of Firestar's ploy, he could easily identify which of the books he had read had come from his knowledge, and which had already been in there. In the old books, he had read no mention about mages trying to deepen their understanding of the elements, which was proof enough that at least most of the family was ignorant of it.

  "As for the second part, it's related to the first, but also to something new. The world works in two ways: naturally, and spiritually. By naturally, I mean a world without the influence of mana, and by spiritually, I mean when mana is involved. Without mana, the world follows certain rules of physics that makes it so that a rock is a rock, nothing less, nothing more. It has set properties that cannot change beyond the rules of physics.

  "But when dealing with mana, the more a mage understand about earth, the more he can influence it in ways that should be naturally impossible. One of such ways is to lower the temperature required for a rock to melt or increase the temperature of a flame beyond what should be naturally possible. Using either of these two ways or a little of both, I can easily create the meteors you saw."

  She looked lost at his explanation, and he didn't blame her. Separating the natural and the spiritual for him was easy, but for someone who had never experienced a world without mana, it was a difficult task indeed.

  Sara breathed deeply before her next question. "This 'natural world' is connected to that 'atomic theory' you tried to explain to me before, isn't it?"

  He nodded.

  She swallowed. "Can you... Explain it again? Please?"

  "Of course," Matthew said. "The natural world is a world without the influence of mana. Think of it like this..." He proceeded to explain to her basically how everything on Earth worked.

  It was a lengthy explanation, and although he kept it simple for the most part, he also brushed on the subject of transforming motion energy in
to electric energy so she could understand how the elements were much more natural than spiritual in nature, and how wonderful magic really was.

  By the end of his explanation, everyone had stopped to listen, even the Crusader. He then proceeded to explain the differences between natural energy and mana.

  "Natural energy is what matter is made from, and by dividing the tiniest bits of matter, called atoms, you can generate such a big amount of natural energy that you can level entire cities with it. Following such knowledge, it should be easy for a mage to do this by using magic, but that's where the Natural-Spiritual Collision comes into play."

  Chapter 35 - On Energies and the Universe

  Chapter 35 - On Energies and the Universe

  "As all mages know, there are Laws that govern the universe, two sets of them being the Material Laws and the Energetic Laws," Matthew said. "There are many rules to them, but for this lesson, what matters is that both sets of Laws limit what different kinds of energy can do, including natural energy and mana, which means both can only affect the world in certain ways. You already know that matter is natural energy, but mana has some relationship to matter too. For instance, it's possible for me to create matter using a spell, and even to disintegrate objects, but the moment I try to divide an atom, the universe itself prevents it."

  "You speak as if the universe is sentient," Mark said.

  "Of course it is," Helina intervened. "Why else would the Prophetesses adore Time itself?"

  "You're two are both right and wrong," Matthew said. "The universe can 'think' within its Laws, yes, but it isn't sentient. The universe has instincts that can be turned into Visions for the Prophetesses, yes, but it's dumber than a five-year-old. And adoring Time is stupid, but because of it, you end up with a deeper understanding of time mana, which is a plus."


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