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Hostile Work Environment: A Dirty Billionaire Boss Romance

Page 72

by Dark Angel

  I feel myself harden inside her, and her hum as I kiss her lets me know she feels it too. Being around her like this gives me a weird feeling deep in my gut, but I like it. I may have fucked a bunch of women, but I’ve never experienced intimacy like this in my life. It feels good.

  Walking to her bed, I notice the blood stain on her sheet for the first time, the evidence of her virginity. She really is mine, and I know I don’t want to fuck this up. She’s special and I have to protect this feeling.

  "You can have whatever you want, Nicole," I finally answer her, and she smirks before responding.

  "Even you?" she chirps.

  "I already told you, you have me, baby," I remind me.

  "All day?" She asks with perked eyebrows.

  "All day," I smile.

  "Really?" she shrieks excitedly.

  "Really," I repeat her again.

  Pulling herself up again, she tilts her head and kisses me softly, gratefully. I know she’s thanking me for giving her what she wants, and I know I want more and more of this. She’s making me so hard. I can’t believe I have anything left after those two climaxes, but Nicole seems to unlock a new level in my sexual appetite.

  "Do you have an extra set of sheets?" I ask before kissing her cheek.

  "Yeah, she asks, twisting her body and then gasping loudly when she sees the blood. I can feel her body tense as her hand flies to her mouth.

  "Stop," I say on her cheek, knowing she’s embarrassed. "Nicole, I don’t care, baby. I’ll lay right down right now. I just thought you would want to change them," I assure her. And it’s the truth. I’m actually happy to see the stain. Honestly, I might not have ever been able to fully believe she was a virgin if I hadn’t seen it. She was just too good.

  It’s like a badge of honor for me. This is my woman, and I’m the only person she’s been with. She’s got the best pussy in the world and it curves to my cock.

  "I’ll go get them," she tries to squirm out of my grasp, but I refuse to let her be embarrassed about anything in front of me.

  "Baby, stop." I repeat, biting her lips, and then tugging her bottom one between my front teeth.

  "It’s gross," she mutters.

  "I needed the evidence. It was too difficult to believe the best sex of my life was with a virgin," I can’t believe the words fall out of my mouth, but when she blushes and grins, before burying her face in my neck, I know it was worth it.

  "Take me to the bathroom. There’s a linen closet there," she whispers, and I carry her through her small apartment.

  Nicole got just what she wanted. I spend the entire day with her, pleasing her in every way I can. Before the sun goes down we share another handful of orgasms between us, and its still not enough for it to feel like reality. Everything with her is a dream.


  Lisa’s apartment is a couple of blocks from mine. She’s finished college and is already working. Lisa decided against getting a master’s degree, so she was done way before I am.

  I sit on her couch with my fingers wrapped around a cup of coffee.

  Everything is different. I sit opposite her and today, for the first time, we're equals. I feel like a different person. I've taken the leap and I've become a woman. The metamorphosis had been no big deal before I’d had sex, but now everything is changed.

  I've joined the group of young people in New York City who are sexually active.

  Of course, the label isn't completely accurate just yet. I don't think an evening and morning count, but I feel like someone else.

  "Are you doing okay?" Lisa asks.

  "Great," I say, smiling. "More than great."

  She narrows her eyes at me. She sits in the arm chair, her feet tucked underneath her. She's wearing leggings and a baggy t-shirt over it. Her legs show how much weight she’s lost since Graham. My stomach twists into a knot. Now that I've slept with Thomas, I feel the emotional connection with him that much more. Sex is incredibly personal. I can't imagine the pain that'll come with someone leaving you when you are so involved.

  It's like Thomas telling me now that everything we have, has never been real.

  "What’s up with you, though?" she asks.

  I shrug. "Nothing."

  She shakes her head. "No, you look different," she says. "What’s going on with you?"

  I shrug again. I don't want to come right out and say it. A part of me wants to brag about the change in my life. I've lost my virginity. It's complicated with Lisa, though. I don't want to brag when she's obviously still not doing okay.

  "How’s Thomas?" she asks.

  I smile. I can't help it. A grin splits my face from ear to ear. "Yeah, he’s good," I say. "We’re seeing each other quite often, actually."

  Lisa raises her eyebrows. "That’s good, right? I mean, you’re okay being involved with this guy?"

  I nod. "Yeah, it’s no big deal."

  I look down at my coffee. It's milky and sweet, the way Lisa always makes it, even when no one else drinks it the way she makes it.

  "You slept with him, didn’t you?" she asks.

  I snap my eyes up to her. I shake my head, but I'm smiling.

  "You did! You sly dog, you slept with him!" She shifts in her seat, changing her position a little. "You have to tell me everything. Oh, my God, Nicole lost her V-card."

  I shake my head, feeling silly now that she's making such a scene about it. At the same time, it makes me happy that she does. No matter how much I want to pretend it wasn’t important to me, it totally is.

  "It’s no big deal, right?" I say. "You told me that."

  Lisa gives me a look that suggests I should cut the bullshit. I laugh.

  "Okay," I say. "It's a big deal to me. And it was fantastic."

  Lisa smiles, looking satisfied with herself, like the idea that I had a good time in bed with a man was because of her, personally.

  "I knew you would say that," she says. "I’m so glad you took that leap. What was it like?"

  I shake my head, reeling a little. "I don’t know. A little sore. I guess that’s normal, right? He was nice about it, though. Gentle and all that. He makes me feel like I’m the only woman he’s ever been with."

  "You’re not though, right?" Lisa asks.

  I shake my head. "Doubt it, with a man as confident as he is. Besides, he knew what he was doing. I think he’s been with someone before."

  Lisa nods. "Well, you did it. I’m so proud. You look different, too. I knew something was up. Are you going to keep doing it now that you’re over on the other side?"

  I laugh, feeling embarrassed. "What kind of question is that?"

  Lisa shrugs. "I’m just asking. The more you do it, the better it gets. The very first time is always the worst because it hurts, and you don’t know what the hell you’re doing. Once you have a couple of guys under your belt, it’s so much better."

  I chuckle. "I don’t know. One time, or maybe two, at a time, okay? I can’t even think about my future sexual exploits. It literally just happened."

  "Yeah, okay." She drinks some more of her coffee. "What is he like? I know you can’t compare him to anyone, but is he big? Was he good in bed? Did he do a lot of foreplay, or did he go right in for the kill?"

  I roll my eyes, laughing. "Is this what I’ve been missing out on? Detailed discussions about men’s anatomy and their style of lovemaking?"

  Lisa shrugs. "It’s how it works. Women are more disgusting than men when it comes to dirty talk. You should know that."

  I don't have a lot of friends to compare my life with. Lisa has been my contact to the outside world when it comes to men and sex.

  "I’ll see," I say finally. "About doing it again, I mean. I’m sure Thomas would want to. He’s been wanting to do it from the start."

  "You’re going to keep going back to him?"

  I shrug. Of course, I'm going to keep going back to him. "I like him," I say.

  Lisa shakes her head. "Just because he took your virginity doesn’t mean he has to have a hold on
you. You’re more than within your rights to say thank you and goodbye."

  I shake my head. "You’re really a piece of work, you know that?" It seems to me that Lisa thinks like a guy more than anything else. "I want to go back to Thomas. I like him."

  Lisa blinks at me. "So, when you say you like him, you don’t mean the way he is in bed. You mean as a person."

  I nod.

  "I thought you were going to go out there and lose your virginity so you could have fun. Wasn’t that what you said last time?"

  "It’s what you said last time," I say. "I said I would think about it. And I did. But you know how I felt about it, Lisa. It’s not like I can just change my programming. It was important to me that I’m in love when I did it."

  "So, you’re in love, now?"

  I nod. "I think I am, yeah."

  Lisa shakes her head and leans forward to put her empty cup on the coffee table. "That’s not possible," she says. "You barely know the guy. It hasn’t even been a month."

  I pull up my shoulders. "We’ve been seeing each other a lot."

  "And you think that’s the equivalent to knowing each other enough to be in love?"

  I'm not going to argue with her. My definitions of love, sex, and life are different than hers. I don't argue with her because she sees things differently than I do. I don't have to defend myself, either.

  "Look," I say. "He’s a nice guy. We get along well. What is time, anyway? Don’t you believe in soul mates and true love and all that?"

  "I believe in a guy taking what he wants and then leaving," she says. "That’s the way they usually play it. You better be careful. What if he ditches you?"

  I shake my head. "He doesn’t seem like the type, to be honest. He’s been good to me about everything. He didn’t pressure me into anything. He let me take my time. I think he’s like, an honest to goodness gentleman."

  Lisa snorts. "They don’t exist. Trust me. It’s a mask. Sooner or later, they all show their true colors, and trust me, it’s never pretty."

  I'm getting angry. "I know you’ve had a bad run, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t hope for the rest of us. Just because your love life didn’t work out, that doesn’t mean mine is doomed."

  I’ve hit a nerve, and I know it. But she isn't being fair. This isn't her life. It's mine. And Thomas is the guy I want to be with. If I’d been nervous about it before, I'm sure of it now. We’d slept together. He was the one I’d given myself to. That means something to me.

  "How can you know that he’s the one for you?" Lisa asks. "You don’t know him. You can’t know him. Not this quickly anyway."

  "I do know him. We know each other quite well. We’ve spent a lot of time together."

  Lisa shakes her head. "You’ve got it all backwards. That feeling that you’re talking about, knowing it’s your true love or love at first sight, that’s sexual chemistry. That’s lust. That’s infatuation. It isn’t the same as love."

  "But we didn’t sleep together until now."

  "Three weeks after you met him? Honey, don’t kid yourself thinking you held out for something. Three weeks is nothing."

  I'm furious. "Don’t tell me that it meant nothing. I know what it means to me. I know what I did, and I don’t regret it."

  And I don't. I don't regret what I did because it felt right. My gut and my head and my body had all been on the same page, and that was all I’d needed. It had been the right time for me, and Thomas was the right man to do it with.

  "You’re right," Lisa says. "I’m sorry. I just don’t want you to get hurt. Sometimes, you think you know a guy. I was with Graham for almost a year. I thought I knew everything there was to know about him. And where am I now? I don’t want that for you, and three weeks is so little in comparison."

  I calm down now that she isn't attacking me. "I get that," I say. "I know you’re just trying to look out for me. But what am I supposed to do? Never give any guy a chance? If I assume every man is an asshole who’ll betray me, how will I ever have a decent relationship? How will I ever fall in love?"

  Lisa looks up at me. I'm expecting her to tell me that I can't know what I'm doing. I've never dated before. I haven't had sex before. I don't have anything to compare this to. What do I have by way of experience? But she's wrong. I don't need experience. I have my heart, and it's happy. That's all that matters.

  "I know what you’re saying," Lisa says. "And I know how that young-and-in-love naiveté feels. But I’m just saying, three weeks? You can’t know him that well."

  "I do," I say.

  "Really? What does he do?"

  I shrug. "He just finished an MBA. He said he was going to work for his parents."

  "Doing what?"

  I open my mouth to answer and realize I don't know. I don't know anything about his life back in Elanda. I know nothing about the future he’s mapped out for himself. I don't even know where he lives. Is Lisa right?

  A sinking feeling happens somewhere between my ribs and my gut. I push it away. I'm not going to let her sow doubt. I know what I'm doing. I'm happy. Just because she isn't doesn't mean I don't have a chance at happiness.

  I can always ask Thomas, and he'll tell me. We just haven't talked about it yet. He’d never asked what I was going to do with my future. He knew, of course, because I told him. But he’d never asked. He just wasn’t as talkative. He wouldn’t volunteer information unless I asked.

  All I have to do is ask.

  It's simple. Everything is fine. Thomas is a great guy, and Lisa is just hurting, which is why she's so negative about the whole thing. My life is headed right where I need it to.


  Nicole's become much more comfortable around me. We’ve slipped into a groove.

  Everything between us is like we’ve known each other for years. Since we’ve slept together, Nicole is comfortable in her own skin like I’ve never seen her before. She's confident, and that only makes her sexier. It's as if she’s come into her own.

  As she's now more comfortable; I'm getting nervous. She’s been asking me questions the whole night. It's as if she's suddenly decided to get to know who I really am. I haven't told her much. Aside from everything to do with Elanda and my destiny, I don't have that much to tell her.

  My royal lineage is a secret I intend to keep. There's no coming back from that. No way to put the genie back in the bottle once it's out. It would change things between us, and I don't want that to happen. I like the way things are going with us. Why ruin it now?

  She asks me if I can take her to my apartment.

  "I don’t even know where you live," she says.

  I resist at first. I rarely ever bring women back to my place. I’d done that with Jessica, and that had turned into a goddamn nightmare. Still, Nicole is nothing like Jessica. I can't think of a good reason to tell her no.

  We drive in my car, and I weave through the streets of the Upper East Side. It doesn't take long before I pull into the parking garage beneath my building.

  "This is it?" Nicole asks.

  I nod. "Yeah, this is it."

  She looks around at the other parking spots. "There are a lot of expensive cars down here," she says.

  I glance at the cars. My neighbors are all wealthy. They all have expensive cars, just like I do.

  "I guess so," I say.

  We take the elevator, and I press the button for the penthouse.

  "Fancy," she says. I nod. The elevator doors ping and slide open in the lobby. Someone else calls for it. When the doors open, Nicole gasps and steps out of the elevator.

  "This is just the lobby," I say.

  "I know," she says, turning around. "Look at this place!"

  I look at it the way a stranger might see it. The floor is marble, and the front desk is a colossal structure with a marble top. Large, real plants decorate the corners, bursting with colorful flowers. Security stands in front of the doors. It isn't exactly the kind of thing Nicole is used to.

  This is why I don't want to bring wome
n home with me. I've done it before, and the reaction is always the same. They're intimidated by my wealth. Either that, or like Jessica when she’d found out my status by accident, they stop seeing me as just a man. They’re more interested in my money and what I can offer them as a crown prince. I don't think Nicole would ever be like that, but I don't want to risk it. I have no more than eleven days left before going back home. There's no reason to ruin it all now. We have such a good thing going.

  "This is amazing," Nicole says to me. "I can’t believe you’re so modest about it all. This is like walking into a palace."

  I shrug. "Come on," I say. "I’ll show you my place before I take you home."

  Nicole nods and walks back to the elevator. I press the button. The doors slide open almost immediately, and we step in. I press the button for the penthouse again. When the doors slide closed, we're in the elevator alone.

  "What is it your parents do again?" she asks me. "I mean, you mentioned taking over the family business, but I never asked what that was."

  I shrug. "It’s sort of a management thing, you could say. It’s not really for me, though. I don’t want to go into it."

  "You’re not going to break away and do your own thing?" she asks.

  I shake my head. If only. "My parents are a little overbearing. As their only son, I’m afraid I don’t have much of a choice."

  "That’s a pity," Nicole says. "But the money in this business has to be worth it. I mean, I know that’s not what it’s about, but if you’re just out of school and already living in a place like this?" She looks at me. Her eyes are serious. "It just looks like a nice life."

  I take a deep breath. "It’s complicated," I say. "I don’t really want to talk about it." She nods. I look at her. Nicole and I are enclosed in a small space, and I can smell her perfume. I breathe it in, and it awakens the primal side in me.

  Over these last few weeks, I’ve been keeping my ravenous appetites in check. I don't want to scare Nicole away. But now that she has opened up to me, I can't hold back any more.

  I pull her closer to me.

  "I want you," I say. "Now."


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