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Hostile Work Environment: A Dirty Billionaire Boss Romance

Page 96

by Dark Angel

  I have power, and I'm going to use it. I'm not going to take ‘no’ for an answer.

  I can do this.

  It doesn’t feel so bad to be not as in control. There’s a thrill in me now. Somehow I’m taking the biggest gamble I've ever made in my life, and instead of being sick to my stomach, I’m exhilarated.

  But when I'm close enough to smell the fresh, masculine scent of him, I’m downright terrified.

  Oh, God, can I actually do this?


  The lights and sounds of the Wicked Paradise Casino are the sort of dull roar that doesn’t even penetrate my senses. I shove my fingertips against the green velvet of the game board. Finger the ridges of a chip. Clench my fists so hard. Hold my cold glass, my skin drinking in the condensation. The voices of the people around the table fade away, everything does.

  Then one voice cuts through everything and it's like I’m feeling things for the first time.

  "I'm Lucy, and I want to make a deal." A feminine voice cuts through the crowd inside my casino and directly into my ears.

  I hear the sound of another person wanting something from me.

  Another person propositioning me. I get women all the time who think they can get money from me, get something shiny from me, all because I have this reputation. One that I don’t do anything to discredit, but that doesn’t serve me shit because I haven’t been with a woman in a very long time. I choose not to be. I have absolutely zero fucking interest in anything that flits in my direction.

  So why does something tug at me in this Lucy’s voice? Why does her request make me interested, when it should do the exact opposite?

  The air is thicker with the tension rolling off her, the shake in her voice so minor that a lesser man wouldn’t notice.

  But I’m no lesser man. I’m as skilled as they come in the arts of reading people, manipulating people, and getting what I want. My skills help me hear the conflict permeating her voice. The air seems thick with it.

  Lucy’s hate toward me emanates like dark curls of smoke…and I'm not interested in that. I don’t need more people around me who want something from me and openly despise me.

  “If you have just a moment for me,” Lucy says in a voice that is firm, but has the faintest tremble. Why does that bring life to my dead senses?

  I also hear the desperation in her voice and wonder what more there is to her story. That’s the part that interests me, and I don’t know why.

  The only needs I serve are my own. I learned a long time ago that the only way to keep myself strong and safe is to ruthlessly look out for only me. That’s served me pretty damn well — I own this casino, the Wicked Paradise, and near countless other holdings in my empire that I let my accountant worry about. I spend most of my days in this casino because it's the perfect coffin for me while I drink through every rotten day and everything seems to pass me by.

  It's been a long time since I cared about anything more than my empire, which I only treat as my distraction. It satisfies my urge to own things, control them, and build more power.

  So why the hell do I care about some honey-voiced girl who walks up to me and tells me she wants something?

  Desperation is everywhere, and normally I pay no attention to it unless I’m actively seeking to take advantage of it. But now? Now I find myself wanting to know why she’s desperate, and I have this creeping suspicion that I actually care beyond my own purposes.



  I thought those parts of me died when I decided to care about nothing but my businesses. The last thing I cared about tried to destroy me. A wife, a woman, something so far in the past for me that I can’t be bothered to even think about them now. But I can’t help but see how I built everything I have by losing something I never had … and now this girl makes me start to want things that the last woman made me give up on.

  I turn to look at her. I have to see what face, what body the enchantress’s voice belongs to. Thoughts I may have had about ignoring her are deleted from my mind. She's fucking gorgeous. The most beautiful legs, luxurious dark hair, and the saddest eyes I've ever seen. Her hazel eyes want to be happy, but her body is tired. The soul behind her skin is aching. I go from not giving a fuck about her plight to feeling an intense ache to touch her. I haven't had a woman in years. I told myself that after my wife, that was a gamble I'd rather not make again. Women throw their pussies at me all the time, but I have no interest in some random fuck.

  Now I wonder what the hell long-legged Lucy wants. I can't breathe for a second when she steps closer to me, and then I catch the scent of her like winter and cherries. Fuck, I want to taste her.

  "My brother owes your casino a lot of money. I'm offering you me in exchange for you erasing his debts. One night, and you cross out everything he owes, and I'll be keeping him from coming back." Her voice—she's trying so hard to be strong. But there's a pain that brings a waver. She's not asking for enough, and she's afraid I'll say no.

  But this woman is offering me the very thing I have to have from her the instant I laid eyes on her. Lucy doesn’t have to know that she turned my normally rational thoughts to cinders, and all I want is to fuck her. I mean, after all, she came here to offer me the one thing she thinks I care about more than anything. She’s telling me what matters to her more than anything.

  Of course I’m going to give it to her. She doesn’t have to know what an easy mark I was though … I want to play with her. Knowing I'm going to help her, I want to see her struggle just a little bit more. It'll make it taste even sweeter when I erase everything that troubles her.

  "What makes you think I'll just want to fuck you? I can fuck any woman I want, and I want my money." I don't know who her brother is, but if he owes me enough that Lucy is offering me her pussy, I doubt it's a small amount.

  "I'm a virgin," Lucy says with a poison in her voice. Clearly a cover for the insecurity she faces at being a virgin — and because of that, I know she isn’t lying. That and the fear coming off her in waves. Fear that she's going to get turned down for what I know has to be her last resort offer.

  She's wearing what she probably thinks is the outfit to catch the kind of man whore she thinks I am. But there's far too much class in her simple outfit to just be slutty. A pencil skirt that hugs her so tightly it makes me want to tear it off. But if she's going for slut, it should be so much shorter. I find it delicious that she doesn’t know any better. Same with that little peek of flesh at the top of her silky blouse. This is how an attractive woman dresses, but the kind of trashy outfit you wear to get a man to forgive a huge debt is supposed to be much more sinful. It sells me even further on her purity. Either she’s the world’s best actress, or she’s desperate and unsure of what to do. My money’s on what I read, because I haven’t read someone wrong since the last woman I cared about.

  So Lucy put on this outfit and drug herself to me, to beg. She's trying to get my interest, and she's managed to succeed because if I don't get Lucy out of those clothes and into my bed, I'm going to fucking lose my mind.

  I take a deep breath and feign consideration, lifting my glass to my mouth and drinking down the rum. It should burn going down. It's one of many I've had tonight. But maybe it can be my last when I close this deal. I can't come off like the eager hound I am right now. I'll maintain my own affected smoothness and accept this deal without letting her know just how much I’m on her hook already.

  Fuck, what in the hell did I do to deserve such a goddamn angel on long porcelain legs?

  Of course. Her brother. He clearly has a problem. So it's Lucy’s pain for her brother that 'earned' me her offer.

  I make plenty of money on pain. It's the driver, the currency, and the blood in the veins of my empire.

  Lucy steps closer and I see the tops of her thigh-high stockings peeking from under her skirt. It's a tight pencil skirt—sexy as hell on her and the thigh highs are a very nice choice, but it already shows she has far more taste than any of the countles
s women who throw themselves at me all the time.

  The sight of her sexy, wrapped legs is when I know she's walked into my lion’s den and I'm going to devour her. Lucy knows she came to be my prey, but I know she has no idea what's in store for her.

  Her hand closes over mine as I let go of my glass. Her eyes capture mine; her head following me down and then up. She's got me, sure, but she has no idea how trapped she is. Her skin on mine makes electricity surge through every part of me that died when I gave up on love. Gave up on sex. But fuck if Lucy doesn't revive me and revive every urge that I’ve had dead for so long. My cock is steel in my suit trousers, but erections were never the problem.

  She's the first woman to make me give a single goddamn fuck about anything other than money. The sadness and pain in her calls me to her; her sorrow mirrors my own. I know that I’m only going to bring her more sorrow. She doesn’t want this. I’ve accepted the monster that I am, and I accept it again now. If the price for having Lucy is destroying her, I’ll accept myself for the monster I am again. I get what I want at any cost.

  "Sure, I'll erase his debt,” I tell Lucy, letting my eyes cascade over her face again.

  Her hands squeeze mine, and there's a grateful look in her eyes. And fear. So much fear. Her eyelashes flutter for a second. She inhales sharply.

  "But that's a lot of money,” I say in a low voice, even though no one is listening to us right now. It wouldn’t matter if they were. I get everything I want, and right now I want Lucy more than anything I’ve ever wanted. “I’m not keeping you for the night. I'm keeping you permanently."


  That fear in her eyes fights with the hope that courses through her. How can she have so much fucking hope? I'm taking her whole life away and she's still thinking about how I'm going to help her save her brother.

  Squeezing my hand again urgently, she's trying not to sound like she's begging. Her voice is smooth. But I can smell that fear, see it with the hope in her hazel eyes. She’s fighting herself, but she’s going to win what she needs. I’m winning what I need. I try to look anywhere but at her lips when she continues. “If you're taking me that long, you're clearing all his debts, and you're getting him in rehab."

  Ballsy as fuck. I fucking love Lucy's strength now; I wonder if I say no just how hard she's going to push. But I hold back making her suffer, at least in that way, right now. I take her hand and slide it into my trouser pocket.

  No, baby girl, that cock so close you can feel the heat coming off it, is not what you're reaching for. Yet. I close her hand over my penthouse key. "This will get you in the room with the code," I tell her. I crook my finger indicating for her to lean down. When she does, that's when I stand so that she falls against me, and I pull her close. I can't help it; I need to feel her body now. Especially because I'm going to find out the deal with her brother before I take Lucy’s virginity. She’s mine now and I want her so goddamn bad, but I have to know what kind of a deal I’m making.

  Fuck, Lucy should be confirming this. She's got this big fucking plan and she's not even certain that I'm not just going to fuck her, and then not give two shits about her brother, or his debt.

  I'm not going to do that, but she doesn't know that.

  I don't think Lucy trusts me. I knew when she called me out that there was hate in her voice for me. But she has to trust me enough to believe I’m keeping my word. Well, that innocent way she hopes for the best is going to be her fucking undoing.

  For a second, that hope in her rubs off on me. I want her to enjoy me fucking her, but grandiose ideas form in my brain because a spitfire like her could be my queen.

  But that's far too much hope for a man like me to have. I can buy anything, have any woman, but when would I ever find a true partner who would trust me and matter so much more?

  I know that’s never going to happen because that's something you can't buy. And I'm buying Lucy.

  "The code is 9567," I whisper. That's the code that activates my cameras specifically for someone entering my penthouse with a given code. I'm a paranoid fuck, but this is certainly a much better use for the code than I ever thought I would need. "Wait for me, naked. I'll cancel your brother's debt to me now, and then I'll take what belongs to me."

  I bring a hand down the small of her ass. I could be so lewd, but I let it fall without touching her more. I don't want her too scared.

  I’m about to leave her, even though I don’t want to, when someone breaks through the air around us. In a room full of people, I wouldn’t notice anyone else but this person is shouting at Lucy.

  "What the hell are you doing here? With him?” an angry voice slurs, obviously drunk. I can tell by the hair, the eyes, that this is Lucy’s brother.

  “Tommy, look, you need help and I'm going to do the only thing I can do to help you get that--" Lucy says, and I know that’s the truth.

  Tommy cuts her off. "You want to put me in fucking rehab, I get it, but what's the point, Luce? I'm going to backslide right back into being a fuckin' disaster. If they think I ain't good for the money, then I'm taken care of, too. So, just let me be out of your hands, Lucy. You're wasting your whole fucking life on me--"

  "That's enough,” I interrupt this time. I won’t listen to anyone talk to Lucy this way. And I can’t take the way I see her tremble in pain at his words. “If you had any sense, Tommy, you'd listen to your sister instead of fucking, gambling, and drinking away what's good in your life. As of right now, you're a free goddamn man. Your sister can't say the same thing. She's willing to give up everything for you—and you're going to the best damn rehab there is." I put my hand on his shoulders and make him stand tall. This is fucking pathetic, how his sister will give up fucking everything and he'll just sooner wallow in nothing.

  Lucy's pain is palpable. I can't help myself, and I turn to stroke her cheek. She doesn't recoil, which after how she reacted toward me earlier, is really shocking. I can see a look of appreciation in her eyes. Fuck if I don't deserve that shit. Lucy's a goddamn angel and I'm an asshole willing to drag her down to hell.

  I look up at her from the drink I'm grabbing without thinking about it. I put it down without drinking it. I wanna be fucking better. I do. But I rarely even think about how much I drink and now suddenly I have the willpower to set down the drink and call it a night. "I'm going to make sure Tommy is well taken care of. He'll go to the best facility. Now."

  Tommy starts to open his mouth but Lucy shoots him a withering look. "What's done will not be undone," she says, and there's something faraway in her voice. The ominous way she doesn't want to tell her brother that I'm going to fuck her, well, I'll let that slide without some kind of remark on my part. Lucy is making a sacrifice and I want to honor the way she feels about her family. I may never have had anyone give a fuck about me even one iota as much as she cares about her brother, but I can recognize it when I see it. I pick up my phone and I call one of my staff members.

  And now that I’m thinking about something more than Lucy’s sweet pussy, I do know who Tommy is. When I see Tommy, I know his last name. I know who he is. I know how much he owes not just me, but I have a pretty good idea of how much he owes just about everyone you don’t want to owe in this city.

  But none of that matters because the deal is going to be done and I’m going to have Lucy.

  I'd do anything for Lucy to have one ounce of that hope she has for her brother, just one ounce to be in my direction. I'm a goddamn fool, because owning her isn't the way to earn her. But I guess I'll take what I can get.

  I'm foolish as fuck. I never settle. I always get what I want. And I've been okay with being alone.

  And now Lucy walks in and puts her hand on me, and I'm practically wrapped around her finger. Of course, wrapped around her finger or not … she still belongs to me. I’m not exactly going to lie down and give her any power. She can’t even know the power she has over me. And when I’m done with her tonight, she’ll barely remember anything before tonight.

ve been out of the game for a while, but I know how to fuck. And I know how to fuck Lucy so damn well that she forgets everything before tonight. Forgets ever being afraid, maybe.

  "You're taking Tommy to Sutherland, and you're to pay everything. When he has visiting and communicating privileges and visitation, only Lucy is permitted."

  Antonio dutifully responds and I hang up.

  I turn to Lucy. “Go up to my penthouse," I say. I let my eyes veer toward my drink. "I'll make sure everything is sorted out and I'm going to be up in a couple of hours. Make yourself comfortable." She starts to walk away and I walk toward her, deleting all the space between us a little too fast. I have to get away from my drink, and I have to tell her these words now, even if it a goddamned lie. "It's going to be okay," I say. I want to reach out and touch her face again. Fuck it. I can't resist. I do. I see that she's gritting her teeth. Lucy doesn't recoil, but she's only letting me touch her because she has no other choice. Even if she might enjoy the touch, she doesn’t want to. A decent man would leave her alone and help her out of the goodness of his heart. But I’m all out of goodness, and I have plenty of money. That’s why I have so much more money than most everyone else. I don’t do what a good man does; I do what a wealthy and powerful man does.

  Lucy’s strength only makes me respect her moxie more. Lucy is tough as nails, and she has more willpower than I'm betting myself and her brother have combined.

  It's really a damn shame I'm even in her life.

  But that's about as sorry as I'm going to feel for myself now because tonight, I'm sinking my cock in her and watching her come undone around me. How fucking much my life has changed in this one minute, no one knows. People still assume, not just Lucy, that all I do is fuck around. It doesn't matter to them that I'm married. I rarely see my wife and no one—much less her—has any expectations for me.


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