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Final Ride: Hellions Motorcycle Club (Hellions Ride Book 9)

Page 11

by Chelsea Camaron

  “I told myself I wouldn’t stay. I told myself I would get a plan and head out. If I can’t keep my word to myself, then who can I?”

  “While I admire that, you do know people change their minds as the course of time passes on.”

  She studies me as the pump clicks off.

  “Can you give us more of a chance?” I ask.

  “I can’t live there. I can’t be in your space, pretend like we all somehow fit together, and forget where I came from. It doesn’t feel right.”

  The rumble of two bikes approaches, and I watch my daughter tense.

  Looking to my right, I see Tank and Bosco approach. I raise my hand for them to keep their distance.

  “I can’t live with another club. I dread the sounds, I despise the violence, and I cannot live knowing my mother died from a war between two clubs and I took some side in something I never understood,” Shannon gives me honestly while twisting her hands nervously.

  “Then we start over. Me, you, and Amy. I’ll make the arrangements. If you come home with me now, I give you my word that I’ll lay it all down. We’ll start over.”

  There is a hope in her eyes that I find refreshing to my old soul.

  “I need something from you in return.”

  She bites her lip and nods.

  “Gotta have your word that you don’t take off again. We talk. Gotta know you’re gonna give this an honest to God shot. I’m walking away from the only family I’ve ever known to have a family with you and the woman I love. I gotta have your word we are gonna do this right. Respect is both given and earned. Trust is never broken if we keep it on the up and up, right?”

  “You would give it all up because I can’t live like this?” There is that hope in her eyes.

  “I made a mistake once that set wheels in motion with your mother.”

  She raises an eyebrow at me.

  “Don’t get me wrong, Shannon. Your mom and I … It was never meant to be. I see that now, and I think she knew it, too. The first time she asked me to choose the club, I should have let her go. I never should have pushed and pulled, and set the line in the sand between us. A house divided cannot stand; I know this. I lived it, and I won’t do it again … not to me, not to you, and not to what I’ve built with Amy.”

  “I like her,” Shannon says, calming down. “I respect her.”


  “You should tell her, ya know.” My daughter smiles at me, and the air seems to change between us. “You should tell her you love her.”

  “Don’t I show it?” I grab my chest, wondering if Amy knows how I feel.

  “Yeah, but Frisco, women like to hear it.”

  I take in her words as I study the young lady in front of me. The young woman who I can see my eyes, my features, and her mother’s heart is in front of me, and I feel it. I feel it deeply.

  “Shannon, you gotta know, I love you. I may not be the best at saying it, but I promise you, with my every breath, my every word, and my every thought and action, I will show it. You are my daughter, my flesh and blood, and my legacy. You are every wrong I ever made right.”

  Tears fill her eyes. “Is this what a real family is? I’ve never had someone believe in me just because I am me. It’s not about being Vic’s namesake, it’s not about Fury, it’s not about my mom, but it’s me?”

  Reaching out, I pull her to me. “It is you. The love I have for you knows no bounds and never will. I gotta know, my daughter, you gonna come home with your pops so we can pack up and let Amy know we got a new plan, or is this where the road is going to divide us and we will be on two separate paths that never bring us back together?”

  She wraps her arms around me in a hug, but doesn’t speak.

  “Trust has to start somewhere. We have to start somewhere. I’m giving you all I have. You gonna take it?”

  I feel her nod against me as my T-shirt soaks up her tears.

  This morning, I was shaken to the core. This afternoon, I have a hope for the future I never imagined for myself, but it somehow feels right.

  Yes, this is family. I squeeze my daughter tighter. This is my family.

  “Hello?” Mary Alice answers on the first ring.

  “Hey, it’s Tripp. Have you heard from Danza or Roundman today?”

  She hesitates.

  “Mary Alice, I know you’re loyal to your man. Frisco has a situation. I handled it, but I think he could use his brothers when he rides back in, and I can’t find our prez or VP. If you can’t tell me where they are, can you at least tell them to call?”

  I hear the phone shuffling.

  Her voice is weak when she comes back on the line. “Where is Doll?” she asks, and my pulse automatically quickens, sweat covers my skin, and my mind races.

  “In the house. I’m in the garage,” I tell her, feeling the dread wash over me. There is only one reason she would want to know where my woman is when I can’t reach her father.

  “Take BW to Sass. Bring Doll with you to her daddy’s house. You will have your answers when I see you there,” she gives me cryptically before she ends the call.

  Shooting a text to Sass, I have her on her way to our house with Red to watch BW without getting Doll on alert.

  Again, I dial Roundman.

  No answer.

  There is only one reason my father-in-law, my club prez, and the one man who would never fail me wouldn’t answer. And there is only one way to find out for sure, and there is only one way I can get my wife through the worst to come. I feel it before I even know it to be true. Something is wrong. Something is very wrong.

  As soon as I see Sass pull up, I fight down the nerves building as I stroll inside the house where my beautiful wife looks up at me. Her blue eyes dance in desire, and it kills me as the fear kicks me in the gut.

  “Hey, lover,” she greets me with a smile. “Sass came over for the boys to play.”

  I nod at her redheaded, spitfire of a best friend.

  “Ride with me, baby?”

  “Always,” she gives me with no hesitation as she looks at Sass, who simply watches me like she knows something is going on but won’t question it. Smart woman. I have never asked her to come watch my boy to take my wife off for a ride without explaining. Today, I did, but Sass knows how this life works. If she has questions, right now she won’t give them to me. Later, she will talk to Doll and it will be on my wife what she tells her best friend.

  Reaching out, I pull Doll to me, tipping her chin. I look her in the eye and say, “We’re gonna do this, and we’re gonna do it together. Ride forever.”

  When she nods at me, I crash my lips against hers, knowing the connection we share is strong enough to overcome anything … I just hope she’s strong enough to handle what is to come.

  Climbing on my bike, I twist the throttle, remembering back to when I first started riding and Roundman challenged me to the Dragon’s Tail. He laughed as I got my first taste of road rash, slapped me on the back as he helped me pick up the steel machine, and said, “It’ll make a man outta ya to slow down and think shit through. Life will give you every curve and every bump when you least expect it. Hold tight to what you know.”

  Doll’s small arms wrap around my waist.

  Family, love, loyalty—I know them all.

  With a squeeze to her left thigh, I roll forward as we hit the road toward her dad’s house. We are one as the lines pass by and she relaxes into me.

  The house, the one he built with Dia to raise Doll in, is a modest home. Dia never wanted anything elaborate, and from what Doll has shared, she was always about a house being a home.

  The garage door is closed and parked in front of it is Danza’s bike with two helmets tossed on the ground. As I pull in and look at the door, I see Mary Alice waiting on the steps for us.

  Doll and I get off. Just as I pull her helmet off, she looks over my shoulder to see Danza approaching.

  “No!” she screams, and I drop the helmet with a loud clank to the concrete below as she falls aga
inst me.

  I turn to see Danza’s face is as white as a ghost. His eyes are puffy, red, and he doesn’t hide the tears that have obviously been falling for a while. Mary Alice is at his side, her hair falling out of its braid and her face covered in red splotches as she reaches out to touch Doll’s shoulder.

  “He called us to the coast because he knew,” I say low to Danza, to which I simply get a nod. “How long have you known?”

  He doesn’t answer.

  I feel my knees weaken, but I know I must stay strong as Doll buries her face against my chest.

  “We have to make the call, Doll. We tried to reach him all morning,” Mary Alice explains. “When he didn’t answer, we came straight here. It hasn’t been long.”

  “No!” she cries out through her sobs. “Dear God in Heaven, no! Not my dad. Not my daddy. You have my momma; don’t take my daddy, too.”

  I squeeze her tightly as my heart breaks for the woman who has loved me against all odds.

  “He didn’t suffer, Delilah,” Danza says, fighting back his own emotions. “This is what he wanted, honey. Please understand, he didn’t want to drag it out. He didn’t want to put you through more.”

  She pounds on my chest as she tries to come to terms with it all. “What am I supposed to do?” she wails. “BW isn’t gonna remember him.” She pushes off my chest and looks me in the eyes. “Our son isn’t going to know what a great man his grandfather was. He’s gone, Tripp. My daddy is gone.”

  Danza shakes his head and looks up at the sky, trying to keep himself in control.

  “How long?” I ask again.

  Still, no reply.

  I feel Doll tremble and scoop her up bridal-style to carry her into the house. When I get her inside, she jumps out of my arms and rushes to his bedroom.

  I stand in the doorway, feeling helpless, as my wife, my life, my love rushes to her father’s bedside and drops to her knees. She reaches out for his hand and pulls it toward her. I watch helplessly as my wife falls apart in front of me.

  Roundman looks peaceful. It’s as if he’s asleep. Only, he’s the man who would have been up at the slightest sound, so you just know he’s gone.

  “Daddy, you are the man I’ve held everyone up to. You were the man my momma loved with her every breath. How, Daddy? How do I go on?”

  Every word, every sob, every tear she sheds kills me a little more inside.

  She looks at the bedside table, and we both see a handwritten note addressed to her. Moving behind her, I read the script over her shoulder as I drop to my knees behind her to hold her through her father’s final words.

  My Delilah,

  If you’re reading this, the time has come for me to face my life and my death. I promised your mother I would give my all to make it through all life’s curves until you were ready to ride for yourself.

  You are strong.

  You are made for this life, this club.

  You are ready. Tripp is ready.

  Please forgive me for not telling you about the cancer. After watching your mother, I didn’t want that burden over you again, my daughter.

  I am proud of you. The woman you are today reminds me of your mother more and more with every passing day. Do not mourn me, for I have lived, I have loved, and I have known what it is to be loved.

  Have no regrets. Live your life by your own rules.

  In pain comes healing, my child. Don’t lock away your emotions. Don’t shut out your family. Let the hurt you feel now allow you to hold your son a little closer and love your man a little harder.

  I am with you always, and your mother is with you always. You are the best thing we ever did, my beautiful baby girl.

  The club is yours. They will carry you through, and they will carry your son through. I breathe easy now. Please, my little Doll, do the same.

  I love you. This is my final ride in this life, and I have treasured every single moment I’ve had with you, my daughter.

  Ride on, Doll, ride on for me, for you, and for the future that is not yet paved.

  Always with you,


  Shaken. In this moment, I am shaken to the core of the man I am.

  Moving to cradle her against me, I hold my wife as she cries, allowing the bed to hold us up as we both reel from the loss.

  With his body behind me and his daughter in front of me, I close my eyes and look up at the ceiling.

  “I vow to you, my brother, my club prez, and my father, I will protect her and provide for her. I will be her shelter from every storm. I will be her strength when she is weak. I will ride with her through life’s curves. I will love her until my dying breath.” I let a lone tear fall down my face to land on her blonde head as I whisper my last good-bye. “Rest easy, Roundman. I got your baby girl for always.”

  Know When

  “Hardest lesson I ever had to learn was knowing when to trust in my club and not question things,” Sass says somberly. There is a long pause that has me on edge. I don’t understand where she’s going with this. She called me, not the other way around.

  What do I need to trust?

  “Frisco is on his way home with Shannon. He found her safe, which relieves me. There is nothing for me to question.”

  “When Frisco gets home, he needs to turn and burn, Amy. Sermon is going to be called as soon as they pull in. I can’t tell you anything more—it’s not my place. I know Shannon scared y’all this morning, but keep the relief she’s coming back. Hold down the fort for your man. I don’t know how long he’s gonna be in the cave. As soon as Tank pulls in, I’ll send him in. Dad is already waiting there.”

  “Is there anything I can do for the club?” I ask as my anxiety rises, concerned for these people I have come to care about over the years.

  “Be there for you man; that’s what you can do.” That is the last piece of advice she gives me before I hear Red making noises in the background, needing his mom.

  When the girls first had their babies—Doll and Sass were pregnant at the same time—hearing the boys or talk about them always took me back to Serenity. Now, though, I am happy for my friends, and I’m okay with the loss. She will forever be my angel baby, and I will continue to carry her in my heart, but it wasn’t her time or mine.

  I pace the house, letting my mind wander as I wait. Finally, I hear the rumble of the bike and, being too anxious to hold back, I rush outside.

  There is a relief in watching Shannon pull in behind Frisco in my car. Not because of the car—it can be replaced. I have gotten used to having Shannon here, and the thought of her being alone killed me inside.

  Rather than wait, I run to the car door and practically yank her out and into my arms, holding her close. I inhale the scent of her fruity shampoo and tears fill my eyes. I want to throw up from the smells. Yes, our girl is home.

  “Don’t leave again, Shannon,” I whisper.

  She hugs me back, surprising me. “I’m sorry I scared you. I did leave you a note.”

  I laugh. “I found it, but it was long after we already panicked, babe.”

  “Can I have a moment?” I hear Frisco’s deep baritone voice behind me. “My daughter has made it clear I have some words my woman needs to hear.”

  I look at Shannon, who smiles at me.

  “I’ll be inside.” She jogs off, leaving me to look at the man I fell more in love with than I ever thought possible.

  Stepping into his arms, I hold him close, knowing he must be tired. When he relaxes into my embrace, I hate what I got to tell him.

  “Baby, Sass called. Sermon has been called. You gotta leave, so whatever you need to say can wait, because the club needs you. I’ll get Shannon settled, and I promise not to let her out of my sight.” I know I am rushing everything, but I need him to know I can hold down the home for him so he can do what he needs to for the club.

  He leans back and tips my chin up to look at him. “This can’t wait anymore. It’s waited far too long. Amy Mitchell … I love you. I’ve been in love with you for
years, and I don’t want to waste another second not saying the words.”

  Before I can respond, his lips crash onto mine. The gruff feel of his goatee scratches the soft skin of my chin, but I don’t care. I devour him as hard as he does me. When we pull apart, we are both a bit breathless.

  “Gotta ride.” He places another kiss on my lips. “I’ll be home as soon as I can.”

  He starts to step away, but I pull him back.

  “Frisco, don’t wanna waste a second.” I smile shyly. “I love you, too.”

  He smirks. “I already know, darlin’.”

  “Cocky,” I retort.

  He grabs his crotch. “Well, I may not put a ring on it, but I’ll damn sure put my cock in it to claim it. You good with that?”

  I tap my chin as if I’m contemplating. Then I shrug and say, “I suppose.”

  Suddenly, Frisco looks at me seriously. “You want a ring, I’ll do it, Amy. Never considered giving a woman my name but one time before. Shit went bad—”

  “I was joking, Frisco,” I cut him off, grabbing his head and smashing my lips to his. “I don’t need your name. I don’t need anything but you coming home to me when you can. I love you for who you are. I fell in love with the man in the cut. I take you as I get you.”

  His features relax, and he smiles. “Love you.”

  “Love you.” I smile back. “Feels good to say it.”

  “So I’ve learned today.” He laughs.

  “Go handle your club stuff and let me have some time with our girl. We’ll be here when you get home.”

  He pulls away to get back on his bike.

  “Ride safe,” I call out as I watch him put his helmet back on and crank his bike.

  For the first time that I can remember paying attention, Frisco leaves with a smile on his face, and I know it’s because he is happy to have us to come home to.

  Sitting on the couch, I wait patiently, giving Frisco time with Amy. In all the emotions from tragedy to a new beginning, I never thought about staying. Yet, in the time I have been with them, I have done more things with Amy than I ever did with my mom.


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