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by Deeanne Gist


  Books by

  Deeanne Gist

  A Bride Most Begrudging

  The Measure of a Lady

  Courting Trouble

  Deep in the Heart of Trouble

  A Bride in the Bargain






  Copyright © 2010

  Deeanne Gist and J. Mark Bertrand

  Cover design by Andrea Gjeldum

  “I Have Confidence” by Richard Rodgers

  Copyright © 1964, 1965 by Richard Rodgers

  Copyright Renewed

  WILLIAMSON MUSIC owner of publication and allied rights throughout the World International Copyright Secured. All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

  Published by Bethany House Publishers

  11400 Hampshire Avenue South

  Bloomington, Minnesota 55438

  Bethany House Publishers is a division of

  Baker Publishing Group, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

  Printed in the United States of America

  * * *

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Gist, Deeanne.

  Beguiled / Deeanne Gist and J. Mark Bertrand.

  p. cm.

  ISBN 978-0-7642-0628-3 (pbk.)

  1. Charleston (S.C.)—Fiction. 2. Dog walking—Fiction. 3. Robbery investigation— Fiction. 4. Journalists—Fiction. 5. City and town life—South Carolina— Charleston—Fiction. I. Bertrand, J. Mark, 1970– II Title.

  PS3607.I55B44 2010



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  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Authors’ Note


  It was Mark’s idea to set this book in the historic district of Charleston. Deeanne had never been there, but its rich history appealed to her very much. When she made a trip to check Charleston out for herself, she fell in love with it.

  We’d like to thank those who welcomed us with open arms and who gave up their valuable time by answering our many, many questions. In particular, we’d like to acknowledge Willie Morris of InterCoast Properties, Jane Barrett Dowd of Disher, Hamrick & Myers, and Kimberly Farfone of Bishop Gadsden. These three people selflessly gave up a great deal of time, educating us on Charleston’s culture and landmarks.

  Charles and Sallie Duell, Abigail Martin and the folks from the Inn at Middleton Place were fabulous. (If you go to Charleston, make sure you visit their b&b historic home!) Deeanne imposed on Tom Hatley and Lynn Shaddrix of James Island Charter High School and Gayle Evers without any prior warning or appointments. They were all extremely gracious and giving of their time.

  Authors always owe their editors a debt of thanks, even if it typically goes without saying. In this case, we simply must acknowledge the support of David Long, who championed the project from the beginning, served as a sounding board for ideas, and gave suggestions that made the book far better than it otherwise would have been.

  DEEANNE GIST has a background in education and journalism. Her credits include People, Parents, Parenting, Family Fun and the Houston Chronicle. She has a line of parenting products called I Did It® Productions and a degree from Texas A&M. She and her husband have four grown children. They live in Houston, Texas, and Deeanne loves to hear from her readers at her website,

  J. MARK BERTRAND is the author of Rethinking Worldview: Learning to Think, Live, and Speak in This World and has an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Houston. His crime novel Back on Murder, the first in a series featuring Houston homicide detective Roland March, will be published in summer 2010 by Bethany House. He grew up in Louisiana, spent fifteen years in Houston, and now lives with his wife in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Find out more at

  Chapter One

  Something wasn’t right. Rylee Monroe unclipped the leash from Romeo’s collar, then stood still in the quiet kitchen, all senses alert.

  The toy schnauzer clicked across the wooden floor and lapped up water from his bowl, sloshing it over the sides in his enthusiasm. Not a speck of dust touched the slick black granite countertops. An assortment of spoons, ladles, and spatulas hung above the chromeplated gas stove. Above that, a row of dinner, salad, and dessert plates rested between vertical dowels.

  From the kitchen, she could see the sunken sitting room and the archway opening into the dining room. White sheers hung in front of two bay windows, foiling the sun’s effort to fade the richly upholstered furniture. No cushion had been disturbed. Nothing was out of place.

  She slowly closed the back door, turning the knob to reduce any noise she might make. Romeo looked up from his bowl, water dripping off his wet cheeks. Squatting down, she quietly patted her thigh.

  He trotted over, tail wagging a mile a minute.

  “Listen,” she whispered, wiping his chin and picking him up. “You hear anything?”

  Outside, a tour bus struggled to accelerate. Distant sounds of electric saws, chisels, and hammers kept up a continual din. All normal sounds for the historic district of Charleston.

  The floorboards above her squeaked under the weight of a footstep.

  She stiffened. Had Karl come back to get something? She checked her watch. Ten o’clock. Too late to return for a forgotten item. Too early to quit for the day.

  Romeo began to squirm. She tiptoed to the laundry room and set him behind the doggie gate. He immediately began to whine.

  “Shhhh.” She gently held his mouth closed. “I’ll be right back.”

  She glanced at the set of kitchen knives resting in a wooden block. The temptation to grab one was strong, but what if it was Karl? What would he think if he caught his new dogwalker creeping up the stairs with a butcher knife in her hand?

  She kept to the edge of each step, where the wood had less give.

  Sweat beaded her hands, playing havoc with her grip on the railing. At the halfway landing, she paused, her own breathing loud in her ears.

  The hum from outside no longer reached her.

  A creak from behind.

  She spun around. A bust of Henry Timrod, the Poet Laureate of the Confederacy, stared back at her. She glanced down the stairs.

  The massive front door with beveled-glass sidelights remained bolted and chained.

  Taking a deep breath, she continued up, finally stepping onto the oriental rug gracing the second-story landing. The door to her right stood open.
The foot of the four-poster bed and carved hope chest were visible and undisturbed.

  The door to her left was closed. She frowned, wondering if it was always closed. She’d never had reason to go upstairs. In spite of how long she’d known the family, the Sebastians were new clients, and it was too soon for her to know what was normal and what wasn’t.

  A shadow passed below the door.

  Her heart tripped.

  Then she forced herself to calm. She was going to feel awfully silly when that door opened and it was Karl.

  The floor creaked again.

  “Hello?” she said.

  The shadow stilled, stopping in the center of the doorway.


  A scrambling from inside.

  She touched her throat. What if he had a woman in there? Karl was unmarried. In his early thirties. And gq-gorgeous.

  Heat crept up her neck. “Karl? It’s me, Rylee. I don’t mean to be a bother. I just thought I heard something and wanted to be sure everything’s okay. Is everything okay in there?”

  A whoosh. A clatter. A grunt.

  Her pulse picked up again. He should have answered by now.

  “Karl? I’m coming in.” She placed her hand on the knob, the brass cool to her sweaty palm. Slowly, slowly she turned the handle and peeked inside.

  The bedroom stood immaculate. Another four-poster bed. A kentia palm tree. A mahogany chest of drawers. A tall urn.

  She pushed the door the rest of the way open. Nothing.

  With a crash, one end of the window’s curtain rod swung down.

  She whirled around, her heart slamming in her chest. A man’s leg, tangled in gold brocade curtain, protruded from the window. He yanked the limb free, pulling the rod the rest of the way down.

  Screaming, she bolted, banging the doorframe on her way out.

  The noise set Romeo off. His loud, incessant yipping echoed through the kitchen like a homing beacon.

  She scrambled down the stairs, swung around the landing, and rushed to the kitchen phone. Jumping over the dog fence and into the laundry room with Romeo, she slammed the door shut, then punched 9-1-1.

  “Please! There’s a burglar! He’s outside on the second-story balcony. Hurry!”

  The operator verified her location and kept Rylee on the line and talking.

  Romeo stood with ears and tail up, barking so loudly she couldn’t hear a thing.

  The shakes took hold. Her legs quaked. Her arms trembled.

  The phone slipped from her hands twice.

  She slid down the door and onto the floor. “Yes, yes. I’m fine.

  Just hurry.”

  The questions and reassurances continued for a few minutes until a deep male voice rang out from the kitchen. “Miss Monroe?”

  “Yes! In here.” She cracked the door open.

  The uniformed man looked to be in his fifties but plenty robust.

  “You say you saw a prowler, ma’am?”

  She nodded. “Upstairs. First door to the left. He was crawling out the window.”

  He pushed a button on the walkie-talkie strapped to his shoulder, dropped his voice an octave, and mumbled something indecipherable into it.

  He looked at her. “Close that door and don’t come out until I return for you.”

  Swallowing, she did as instructed. The shakes were worse now. Had the robber managed to get untangled and off the balcony? What if he was still there? What if he was younger and stronger than the officer? What if he had a gun and got the first shot off?

  She’d be a sitting duck.

  Romeo crawled into her lap, sensing her distress. She cuddled him close, drawing comfort from him. Most schnauzers had bobbed tails and ears and shaved bodies. Not Romeo. For whatever reason, he’d never been clipped. His ears and tail, along with the rest of his coat, were long, shaggy, and adorable. She’d fallen in love with him on sight.

  She gave his head a kiss. Maybe that’s why they named him Romeo.

  Picking up the phone she’d had earlier, she speed dialed Karl at the law offices of Sebastian, Lynch & Orton. “Rylee Monroe calling. Would you tell Karl it’s an emergency, please?”

  Innocuous elevator music filled her ear before Karl picked up.

  “Rylee? What’s happened?”

  “There’s been an intruder.”

  “At the house?” he exclaimed. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. The police are here now.”

  Someone knocked on the laundry room door. “Officer Quince here. You can come out now.”

  She scrambled to her feet. “I’ll call you back, Karl.”

  “No need,” he said. “I’m on my way.”

  Cracking the door, she peered around it. “Did you catch him?”

  “He’s long gone, ma’am.”

  Unhitching the doggie gate, she and Romeo joined him in the kitchen.

  The officer listened to her story, making occasional notes as she spoke. “So you didn’t get a good look at him?”

  “No, sir.”

  “White, black, Hispanic?”

  “I couldn’t really tell. All I saw was that leg and boot trying to kick free of the curtain.”

  “Is anything missing?”

  “I don’t know. This isn’t my house.”

  He looked up. “Not your house?”

  “No. I’m the dogwalker. The house belongs to Grant and Amelia Sebastian.”

  “Have you called them?”

  “They’re on their honeymoon. I’m walking the dog while they’re gone. But Mr. Sebastian’s son lives here, too. He’s on his way now.”

  She gave the officer the last of her personal information just as Karl pushed open the back door, a lock of sun-kissed blond hair falling over eyebrows pale to the point of translucence.

  He ran his gaze up and down her. “Are you all right? Did he hurt you?”

  She shook her head. “I’m fine.”

  “You sounded pretty shaken on the phone.” A well-tailored tan jacket nipped around his graceful frame, his white linen shirt lay open at the collar. His jeans gave the look a relaxed charm. Not exactly the attire she’d expect of a law-firm associate—she’d never seen his father in anything but suits and ties—but Karl knew how to wear his clothes.

  “I interrupted him while he was in one of the bedrooms upstairs.” He sucked in his breath. “Which bedroom?”

  “Second floor, the one on the left.”

  A pained look crossed his face. “That’s my bedroom.”

  With the officer leading the way, the three of them headed upstairs. Now that there wasn’t a burglar to distract her, Rylee got a good look at the room. Not what she would have expected from a single man in his thirties. In spite of herself, she was impressed.

  The crystal chandelier would have been better suited for a formal dining room. His bed was neatly made. Instead of clothing strewn all over the floor, a single linen jacket hung on an antique wooden valet with a pair of polished shoes underneath. A flat-screen tv atop the chest of drawers angled toward his four-poster. A dog-eared issue of the Robb Report and a dvd lay next to an urn.

  She squinted, then smiled. Season Two of Heroes. She loved that show.

  On the bedside table rested an iPod, a James Patterson paperback, and three remote controls, all neatly arranged.

  Karl scanned the room, went into the bathroom, came back out, and then disappeared inside his closet. “My jewelry casket!”

  “Jewelry casket?” The officer joined Karl. Following behind, Rylee noted the empty spot on the low shelf above his slacks.

  Karl clamped a hand over his mouth, shaking his head. “It’s nothing.”

  “You sure about that?”

  “Karl,” Rylee said. “What is it?”

  “If he took something, sir, we really need to know about it.”

  Karl looked at them both, then surrendered with a shrug. “Yeah, it’s missing. A kind of shrine-looking jewelry box.” He gestured with his hands. “It has all these hand-painted panels an
d finials that look like Roman statues. Dates to the mid-1800s. Been in our family for years.”

  “Was the jewelry inside it worth much?”

  His eyes wide with distress, he strode out of the closet. “No.”

  The officer nodded. “Then it was the actual, um, casket that was valuable?”

  He tunneled a hand through his hair. “To me, it was. But it’s not near as valuable as that amphora.” He indicated the urn Rylee had seen earlier. “Why couldn’t he have taken that?”

  “How much is this urn worth?” Quince asked.

  Karl paced. “Twenty-five thousand? Thirty? I’d have to check to be certain.”

  Rylee swung her attention back to the urn. It was about a foot-and-a-half tall, had a narrow neck and two handles. Engraved silhouettes of male and female figures decorated its bowl. She’d seen something just like it at Hobby Lobby last week.

  “And the jewelry box?” the officer asked. “What’s your best guess there?”

  Karl rubbed his forehead. “I really couldn’t say for sure. Not much, though. Somewhere in the one to two thousand dollar range?”

  Rylee frowned. Two thousand dollars? And he’d have preferred for the robber to have taken the thirty thousand dollar urn?

  She wondered if the jewelry box had a sentimental value.

  Inwardly cringing, she fingered the pearl drop hanging around her neck. It was the only memento she had of her mother’s. And no price could be put on that.

  “Well, that fits the modus operandi of our Robin Hood burglar,” the officer said.

  Karl shook his head. “It’s not him.”

  “I’d be willing to bet, sir. This will make the third time he’s hit a house south of Broad and left with only one piece—and a piece that wasn’t close to being as valuable as some of the other items in the house. We’ll know for sure when—if—the piece gets donated to some nonprofit somewhere.” He scribbled on his pad. “You sure nothing else is missing?”

  Karl blinked, as if he didn’t understand the question, his self-assurance suddenly gone.

  Rylee moved next to him, touching his sleeve. “Did the box have sentimental value?”

  His tanned skin had lost all its color. “Yes,” he said softly. “Very much so.”


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