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Littlefield: Two Supernatural Thrillers

Page 59

by Scott Nicholson

  Then the cool, comforting embrace of the shadows took him, and he marched backward into the Jangling Hole, home at last, free to be, belonging.

  Drumming his heart out, the sticks dancing in his hands like old friends and lovers, the troops rallying around him.

  Dad was mouthing insults that were drowned by the bulldozer. His last glimpse of daylight was the sheriff yanking Bobby away, and Vernon Ray wished he could say good-bye and tell him of a love lost, or maybe a love never known, but in the end Bobby belonged to that other world.

  The last thing he saw was Bobby struggling against the sheriff’s grip, reaching toward Vernon Ray and the Hole.

  Then the bulldozer blade smashed into the granite boulders framing the cave, a cruel cannonade into the gates of Kirk’s stronghold. Stones loosened, soil spilled down, the phantom soldiers let loose a desperate moan as they prepared to die all over again.

  As the earth showered down around him, Vernon Ray played on.


  Halloween had passed, but its shadow clung to the mountain where two boys walked the ridge.

  Dex kicked in the dirt, looking for souvenirs. Dex would love to have a bone, a junky piece of rusted metal, maybe even Vernon Ray’s little Rebel cap, anything to prove he’d trespassed and defied yellow tape that blared “Police Line–Do Not Cross.”

  Bobby wished Dex would find something, because they all wanted proof that the Battle of Mulatto Mountain had actually happened.

  Well, not everybody. The sheriff seemed perfectly happy to make it all disappear, but the reporter made sure it didn’t get buried along with Vernon Ray. Her digital photographs had all been blurred and smoky, and Hardy Eggers, after making bail on a vandalism charge, had invoked his right to remain silent and was likely to keep it for the rest of his life.

  Jeff Davis was the picture of the bereaved parent, so shaken that he’d cancelled the Stoneman’s Raid re-enactment, though he’d been spending most of his time locked away in the room that housed his Civil War memorabilia.

  Bobby had gone over to the Davis trailer once, when his mom had sent him with a bean casserole, that staple of southern comfort in a time of sorrow. Bobby heard Jeff talking to himself behind the door but hustled out before things could get weird. Dad was acting like Dad again, so Bobby saw no need to go questioning lineage and patriarchy. He had enough on his mind.

  Like the pile of rubble around them and whatever path Earley Eggers had walked as he made his way home.

  “So what really happened, man?” Dex said.

  “I done told you,” Bobby said. Dex was getting on his nerves. Life without a best friend was hard on a guy. Dex just didn’t understand the real stuff, and talking to him about emotions was like talking to a chicken about the price of eggs.

  “Yeah, sure, a bunch of baloney about ghosts,” Dex said. “I know you’re just making it up to get in Karen Greene’s panties.”

  In truth, he couldn’t meet Karen’s eyes in the hall between classes. Whenever he did, he thought of Vernon Ray trying to kiss him.

  “I’d rather have V-Ray back,” he said, studying the mounds of heaped dirt, stumps, and rocks. The heavy equipment brought in to search for Vernon Ray–or his body–was still parked around the clearing, though it had been three weeks since the runaway bulldozer had closed the Jangling Hole for good.

  “I got to admit, it’s kind of creepy that they didn’t find him,” Dex said. “I mean, you saw the Hole. It couldn’t have been more than 10 feet deep. Where could he have gone?”

  Bobby had wondered the same thing, but he didn’t know how to explain that maybe some people just weren’t made for this world. They came into it fresh and whole and good, but the world wasn’t ready for them.

  Or maybe Vernon Ray was right: if you were different, you didn’t belong.

  Bobby gazed across the ridges that stretched in the distance like brown waves of a dirty sea. Autumn was giving way to winter, and soon even the brown would be a memory as all turned to gray.

  “I guess he went everywhere,” Bobby said. And I hope you fit in there.

  He picked up a rock and tossed it toward the closest gash in the soil. It bounced off an upturned tree root and settled on the black skin of Mulatto Mountain.

  “You read too many comic books, dude.” Dex dug in his jacket pocket and pulled out a cigarette pack. “Want a smoke?”

  Bobby shook his head.

  Dex lit his cigarette and looked at the sky, where a dark swell of clouds were bloodied by the sundown. “Thunder?”

  Bobby nodded again, a stone in his throat. He knew the suffocated rattle of a snare drum when he heard it

  The beat goes on . . . .

  “We better get out of here before it rains,” Dex said.

  “Yeah.” Bobby turned away from the disturbed rubble of the Hole and headed down the mountain.

  Rain would be okay. It would come in silver with a liquid tatta tatta tat, beating its ancient pulse across the skin of the Earth. It would pound like a million drummer boys, so that Vernon Ray’s lonely rhythm could be lost among them. It would bathe the uncertain grave of the Jangling Hole. Rain would smooth the heaps of loose dirt, rain would sweep away the scent of decay, rain would wash the world clean.

  Most of all, rain would veil his welling tears.


  Table of Contents


  About the author:

  I have written 12 novels, including Chronic Fear, Speed Dating with the Dead, Liquid Fear, As I Die Lying, and The Skull Ring. Other electronic works include Burial to Follow, Crime Beat, Transparent Lovers, and the story collections Ashes, The First, Zombie Bits, Gateway Drug, Curtains, Head Cases, and Flowers. I live in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, where I play guitar, raise an organic garden, and work as a freelance fiction editor.

  Connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, my blog, or my website. I love talking with readers!

  Other Books By Scott Nicholson

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  When Roland Doyle wakes up with a dead woman in his motel room, the only clue is a mysterious vial of pills bearing the label “Take one every 4 hrs or else.”

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  Chronic Fear is the second installment of the chilling Fear series, which began with the harrowing Liquid Fear. The story picks up one year after the notorious Monkey House trials, from which the tiny handful of survivors have scattered in the wind. For while the unwitting human guinea pigs are still alive, the experimental drugs to which they were subjected continue to wreak havoc on their emotional stability. World-renowned neurobiologist Dr. Alexis Morgan knows first-hand the horrors of the sadistic experiment: her husband, Mark, was one its victims. As a result, he is plagued by unpredictable bouts of rage
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  Private investigator Richard Steele must solve his most difficult case ever—his own murder—while caught between women on both sides of the grave. In a race against time as his spirit slips away, Richard confronts his many, many failings and trusts in a power beyond his understanding—love. His only weapon is faith, and he's running out of bullets. It's going to be a hell of a showdown.

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  After parapsychologist Anna Galloway is diagnosed with metastatic cancer, she has a recurring dream in which she sees her own ghost. The setting of her dream is the historic Korban Manor, which is now an artist’s retreat in the remote Appalachian Mountains. Drawn both by the ghost stories surrounding the manor and her own sense of destiny, Anna signs up for the retreat.

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  In just a matter of minutes, Albert’s life turns upside down and he enters a world where magic and evil lurk beneath the fabric of Southern California. And all his choices have brewed a perfect storm of broken hearts, broken promises, shattered families, and a couple of tiny problems. Namely, killer mice and a baby.

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  By Scott Nicholson & J.R. Rain

  First in a new series featuring paranormal investigators Ellen and Monty Drew. Ellen claims to possess a sixth sense but Monty, a former P.I., only believes what he can see. She views their work as a sacred mission while Monty just wants a happy wife and a paycheck.

  Then the Drews are summoned to a Southern California bible college after workers report hearing mysterious voices at night. When they encounter the unhappy ghost of a young girl, Monty's skepticism is shaken, but he resolves to help his wife free the trapped spirit. Their search uncovers the Latin phrase "Non omnis moriar"—not all of me shall die—and they learn more about the site’s history as a Catholic school destroyed by an earthquake. But a mysterious presence has plans of its own for the young ghost, and Monty and Ellen must go head to head with a Dark Master that’s had more than a century of practice in demonic deeds.

  Learn more about Ghost College at Haunted Computer or view it for Kindle at Amazon US or Amazon UK.

  THE VAMPIRE CLUB #1: First Bite

  By J.R. Rain & Scott Nicholson


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