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Merry Me

Page 5

by Amanda Siegrist

  "Where were you going in this weather?" She pressed the tissues to her head, wincing in pain as the tissues soaked rather quickly.

  Offering another sweet smile, he said, "Would you believe me if I said I wanted another cup of that delicious coffee? Theresa's just didn't hit the spot."

  She chuckled. "I don't know. I don't think our coffee is that delicious."

  "Trust me, it is." He paused, then stole another sly glance before focusing his attention to the road. "I was worried about you. I wanted to make sure you got home okay."

  "And how were you going to manage to do that? You don't know where I live."

  "I wasn't really sure. Call it an impulse when you left so quickly. You forgot your tip as well. I wanted to give that back."

  Focusing on the road was the top priority, but he couldn't help risking another glance at her when she remained silent. Her lips were pressed tightly together with her eyes straight ahead.

  "Everyone deserves a decent tip once in a while. You gave the entire thing back. Now it's like I gave you nothing. At least let me give you something. And I wanted to pay for your coffee at the diner."

  She sighed heavily. "You said earlier you had a crazy afternoon. What happened?"

  "Wow, dodging me again. You seem to be really good at that." Chuckling, he decided to let her have her way. For the moment, anyway.

  "There was an incident at the local bar, one of my buddies, Fred, was getting into it with another customer. The bartender, another good friend of mine, he called me. He didn’t want Fred to get arrested, but he needed him to calm down and get him out of the bar. He's been having a tough time and getting arrested wouldn't help him any."

  "I thought I heard that officer call you chief."

  "I'm the chief of police. I get calls all the time to deal with a lot of small stuff. But really, if I can solve an issue without making an arrest, I call that a good thing."

  "You sound like you love your job."

  "I do, most days. Do you enjoy your job?"

  She shrugged, dropping her hand as the tissues started to become too saturated to hold against her forehead any longer.

  "Here. You have to keep pressure on that wound. Just throw those on the floor," he said, holding out the remaining tissues to her. "Honestly, Lynn, just toss those on the floor. It's not a big deal. We'll be there soon."

  She smiled weakly, following his instructions. "Why is your friend having a hard time?"

  "He's going through a nasty divorce, custody battle, the whole nine yards. I tried to tell him getting drunk and getting into a fight wasn't going to help him. He left the bar peacefully, but I'm not really sure he heard my words."

  "It was nice of you to help the way you did. I'm sure he would've gotten arrested anywhere else acting like that."

  He shook his head. "You're probably right. He just wants to see his kids and she won't let him. He needs to start keeping it at home because there might come a time when I won't be there to save him."

  "I can't imagine never seeing Laura. That's just sad to think about."

  Elliot didn't doubt that. Her eyes immediately shined with love whenever she spoke about her daughter. Just one more thing to like about her. The list kept getting longer and longer, except that damn tip wedging its way between them.

  "Did you call her? Or your husband, or boyfriend, that you had an accident?"

  What a dumb question. Did he even want to hear the answer to his last question? Easiest way to put that lock firmly back in place if she would say, "Yes, I called my wonderful husband. He's so worried about me."

  "You'll probably think me silly, and ridiculously outdated, but I don't own a cell phone. I'm not really sure I want to call her yet. She'll just worry."

  A groan wanted to escape. Well, that didn't answer both of his questions. Did that mean she had a man waiting at home for her? Maybe that's why she fled so fast from the diner. He felt like a teenager back in high school, worrying tirelessly that his crush liked someone else.

  "So, no one else but your daughter that you would need to call?"

  She turned her head slightly, looking at him with a delightful smile. "No, nobody else. A good friend of mine is watching her for me. Her father died a long time ago, in a car crash, actually. Another reason I don't care to tell her what happened. Anybody waiting at home for you?"

  Slowing the car down to give her a good long look and not run off the road, he turned toward her. "No, nobody. Unless you count my dad."

  "He could be worried. A parent never stops worrying no matter how old you get."

  "True enough. When you want to use my phone and call your daughter, you're more than welcome to."

  "Thank you, Elliot. That's very kind of you."

  "And while you're at it, add your number in my contacts before you hand my phone back."

  There. He finally said it. The words were lame even to his own ears. What a lousy pickup line!

  She laughed a gentle, wonderful sound that briefly made his nerves start to relax. "Very smooth, Elliot. Are you asking me out?"

  "Well, considering I wanted to ask you for your number before you rushed out on me, then yes, I am." He grinned, enjoying another velvety laugh that left her lips.

  "Well, if I use your phone, I'll be sure to add it."

  He flickered another look, his heart filling with pleasure as a shy, flirty smile graced her beautiful face. Just as swiftly, concern swooped in by the look of how blood-soaked the tissues were still getting. "Then I'll make sure you definitely use it before the night's over."

  The rest of the ride continued with small talk, her voice getting tired by the minute. Fifteen minutes later, he pulled into the emergency room parking lot.

  With frenzied movements, he hopped out. The drive had taken longer than he liked. Lynn's coloring concerned him. He rounded the front of the truck and nearly slipped on the snow-covered ground. The passenger's door started to open. "Wait for me to help you, Lynn. It's slippery out here."

  Before she could respond, her feet slipped on the soft ground, propelling her downward. Elliot barely reached her time and scooped her up into his warm embrace. When her eyes refused to open after repeated attempts of calling her name, the worry he had from the beginning turned into a full-blown meltdown.

  Chapter 5

  Elliot's panic spiraled as Lynn refused to open her beautiful eyes. What other injuries had she sustained? He stood frozen, everything paralyzing him. He never panicked in such a manner, and yet, here he stood panicking like a deer in headlights.

  Her soft moan finally snapped him out of his trance. "I got you, Lynn. Everything's going to be okay."

  Walking toward the emergency room doors with quick, yet careful steps, he knew he said those words more for his benefit than hers. Everything had to be okay. She needed to walk out of this hospital on her own two feet, not with him carrying her out in his arms or wheeled in a chair, or worse yet, not even walking out of the hospital at all.

  Stop! Thinking those kinds of thoughts didn't help. But every time he passed the hospital, his heart always paused a beat or two. He spent too many days in this hospital watching his mother slowly wither away as the cancer took her from him. Of course, this wasn't the first time he had been back to the hospital. Nope. He had to venture back when his dad had his heart attack.

  Definitely not a happy place for him. Being here was the last thing he wanted, but he wouldn't leave Lynn's side until she left the hospital. And she would leave. It was just a small gash.

  "Chief Duncan, who do you have there?" Erin, one of the nicest nurses he knew in the hospital, said from behind the front counter.

  She circled the counter as he responded, "Lynn Carpenter from Mason. Car accident. She has a nasty gash on her forehead and she slipped getting out of the truck. I managed to catch her before she hit the ground, but she hasn't opened her eyes since, just moans here and there."

  Erin could obviously hear the alarm in his voice because she placed a calming hand on his shoulder. "Sh
e's in good hands here. Let's get her to exam room 5. Dr. Pearson is working tonight. She might have a concussion."

  Elliot followed Erin and gently placed Lynn on the bed as Erin dashed to get Dr. Pearson. Before she came back with the doctor, Lynn finally opened her eyes, confusion marring her features. "What happened? Where am I?"

  "You blacked out on me. Fell out of the truck. Next time wait for me. You have this thing about wanting to do everything yourself."

  "Do I? I hadn't noticed." A weak smile emerged at the same time her eyes fluttered closed.

  Elliot brushed a hand over her soft cheek as he used his other hand to grasp her hand in a tight grip. "The doctor will be right in."

  "You've been so kind tonight."

  "Ah, yes, Elliot is the supreme gentleman. It's still a wonder why he's single. Try not to let anyone else know you're here. I'll have all the available women, nurses and patients included, flocking to your side," Dr. Pearson said, curling his lip into a devilish grin.

  "Oh, come on, Doc, we all know they would secretly be flocking to you, pretending they're here for me." Elliot chuckled. The man knew Elliot well, especially with the many visits to his mother. He knew the anxiety Elliot was probably experiencing, yet trying to hide it, and hiding it well, as Lynn hadn't commented on the tapping of his agitated foot or the slight tremor in his hand that held hers.

  "You bashful man, I already saw Erin's red cheeks as I walked away." Dr. Pearson winked, walking to the other side of Lynn. "What happened here, my dear?"

  "I hit my head on the steering wheel crashing my car in the ditch," Lynn mumbled between biting slashes of pain as Dr. Pearson examined her head.

  "She blacked out outside as well," Elliot added.

  Dr. Pearson looked over at Elliot, the concern clear in his eyes. Could he hear the fear in his voice as Erin had? Quashing that fear seemed impossible. At least, not until they both walked out of the hospital.

  "Perhaps you should wait out in the waiting room, Elliot."

  What if something happened if he left the room? "Well, I—"

  "I'd like him to stay, please," Lynn interrupted.

  Dr. Pearson nodded at Lynn, then glanced at Elliot with a look that conveyed he calm down.

  Elliot tried to obey as he held Lynn's hand while Dr. Pearson stitched the nasty gash on her head, but the shaking in his hand and the tapping of his foot didn't seize even for a moment.


  Ten stitches later, no more blood trickled down her face. Not a feeling she wanted to experience again anytime soon. While Dr. Pearson conducted several more tests, asking questions, and examining the rest of her body to make sure she suffered no other injuries, she clung to Elliot's hand. She had a small bruise forming from her seatbelt, but nothing to worry about, according to Dr. Pearson.

  So, she wouldn't worry about it. It was easy to do that while Elliot held her hand. He offered comfort. Acted as her protector. Made her completely forget why she shouldn't worry.

  Such a strange feeling she hadn't felt in a long time. There were moments when Dr. Pearson had asked her a question and she couldn't formulate any words as Elliot's soft hands gripped her with such fierceness. She could now confirm they were soft. His hands were warm and soothing. Her head almost didn't hurt when he touched her.

  Didn't she tell herself no more touching?

  Well, she was completely wrong. His touch did wonders.

  Was her touch doing something to him as well?

  She swore she heard panic in his voice on the ride to the hospital. And the concern. So dominant it had shocked her. He had been truly concerned. More than she ever thought possible. They barely knew each other.

  She didn't doubt it anymore because, even as he tried to hide it, she could feel the small vibrations from his hand. His nerves were shining clear as day. Yet, there was a tenderness that made her heart melt inside.

  Where was a freezer when she needed it to cool down from his heated touch? If that would even help. Not even the cold snow blowing outside could probably cool her down.

  "You have several symptoms of a concussion. You can't be alone for the next twenty-four hours nor do I want you sleeping more than two hours at a time. I can admit you overnight for—"

  "Oh, no, Doctor, I can't do that. I feel fine, really," Lynn exclaimed, cutting off the doctor without caring how rude it sounded.

  Absolutely not. Staying overnight was the last thing she could do. Laura needed her. Debbie was probably wondering why she hadn't returned home yet. She needed to call her.

  "Maybe you feel fine, but that doesn't mean you are. I don't like that you blacked out in the parking lot. You can't take a concussion lightly, Ms. Carpenter," Dr. Pearson said with sympathy, but also with firmness.

  "I have a daughter. I just can't stay here, the mon—I can't stay here." Shivers rushed through as the predicament before her loomed with despair. She honestly felt fine. Well, besides the raging headache, the slight dizziness, and a little bit nauseated, she felt absolutely fine.

  "Do you have someone to stay with you, Lynn, wake you up every couple of hours just to make sure you're alright? I'm sure it's okay to go home if that's the case, right, Doc?" Elliot asked.

  Another good reason to have him by her side. He could do all the thinking of great ideas for her.

  "That would be fine, but it's imperative that someone watches you. If any of your symptoms get worse, you need to come back immediately. Who will stay with you?"

  Lynn stared at Dr. Pearson. By the powerful look in his eyes, he wouldn't just accept any old answer. He would smell a lie a mile away. Who would watch over her?

  She could ask Debbie, knowing she wouldn't hesitate to help, but that didn't sit well with her. Debbie worked at the local grocery store, always the one who opened the bakery first thing in the morning. She had to be to work by 6 AM. That wouldn’t be a full twenty-four hours.

  The longer she delayed an answer, the more Dr. Pearson would know she's lying.

  "I think…ah, I can't stay here," Lynn said desperately.

  "Well, I'm almost not sure you can drive back to Mason in this horrible weather. The snow isn't planning to stop any time soon. You've already been injured once in this weather, I don't want to see you again for another more serious injury," Dr. Pearson said.

  "That's very true, Doc. Lynn, can your daughter stay overnight with your babysitter? My house isn't too far from the hospital. You can stay with me and I'll bring you back home tomorrow. Problem solved, all around," Elliot said with such compassion she almost blurted yes immediately.

  "I have to work tomorrow. I have to be there by eight. I need to work."

  While she wanted desperately to accept his suggestion, she couldn't miss a day of work, or leave Laura at Debbie's. Not that Laura never had a sleepover at Debbie's, because she had. Loved spending time over at Debbie's, actually. She was like an aunt to her. Debbie would say yes in a heartbeat, especially if she knew the state Lynn was in.

  Elliot squeezed her hand, his warmth and thoughtfulness slipping further into her heart. "Lynn, I get the feeling money is tight with you. But, please, think of your health. You can't work tomorrow regardless of where you go. You need at least a day of rest to make sure you have no more signs of a concussion."

  "Elliot is right, my dear," Dr. Pearson said quietly.

  "You don't understand, Elliot. I—"

  "I do. I understand." He leaned closer, delicately whispering in her ear, "I still owe you a decent tip."

  He moved away as his eyes sparkled with gentleness. "I promise you can go back the next day, and I'll be damn sure to come and order a cup of that delicious coffee."

  He smiled with charm that almost said he would leave another fifty. Not that she would accept that one, or the first one he still insisted she take back. But that smile almost managed to calm her worries.

  "I can't accept your money like that." The sweetness in this wonderful man seemed too good to be true as she grinned back. "The coffee isn't that delicious."r />
  "I don't know why you don't believe me." His smile beamed a little brighter, hitting a spot in her heart that she thought she'd never open again for a man.

  "You're making me a believer. Where do I get a cup of this delicious coffee?" Dr. Pearson asked with a grin.

  "Diana's Diner in Mason. I highly recommend it," Elliot replied.

  "Oh, stop, you two." Lynn laughed, despite the extreme worry plaguing her. "The snow is pretty bad, isn't it?"

  "Yes, it is. I'll bring you home if you really want me to, but I wouldn't enjoy coming all the way back to Mulberry in it. Everything will be fine. I promise," Elliot said.

  Biting her lip, the pain didn't register as she mulled it over. "Okay. I don't want to see you get hurt either, Elliot, because of my silly worries."

  "They aren't silly." He squeezed her hand again in reassurance. God, she needed that.

  "Great decision. I'll get your discharge papers ready and be right back." Dr. Pearson left the room, but not before offering a ridiculous smirk.

  Ignoring the smirk and the implications behind it, Lynn took that opportunity to borrow Elliot's phone and call her daughter. Lynn downplayed her injury to dispel the concern she heard in Laura's voice, making it more about the snow than anything else, which helped to reduce the alarm. Once Laura realized Lynn was going to be okay and she would be staying at Debbie's, her excitement increased.

  Lynn also spoke to Debbie, who started to fret over her like a mother hen. She assured her that Laura would be fine and to be careful when she did venture back to Mason. She eased all of Lynn's worries that Laura would make it to school on time, or if school happened to close, then she would watch Laura herself. Lynn tried to argue the point, especially concerning Debbie's job, but Debbie refused to listen, telling her not to worry about a thing. Lynn tried not to.

  Not once through the entire conversation did Debbie ask what sort of errands she had finished before getting in a wreck or who Elliot was. Of course, she'd just hassle Lynn tomorrow face-to-face. And how would she describe Elliot to her? A new friend or something closer to the heart?


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