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The Billionaire's Paradise (Sexy Billionaires)

Page 5

by Victoria Davies

  His eyes flicked to her lips. “There are worse ways to spend one’s time than attempting to seduce a devastatingly beautiful woman in paradise.”

  She laughed. “Devastatingly beautiful woman, huh? I wonder how many others you’ve said those words to.”

  “Too many to count,” he replied smoothly. “But I never meant them until you.”

  Dammit. The man was too suave for his own good.

  “Save your lines for someone they’ll work on,” she said. “I’ve resisted men like you before.”

  “Love, you’ve never met a man like me before.”

  For better or worse, till death do we part. I do.

  Pain shot through her chest before she forced the old memories back. Pushing from her chair, she rose to her feet. “Thank you for dinner. It really was lovely, but I have some work to get back to.”

  He followed suit. “Working well into the evening? How unfair. You should complain to your boss.”

  “I’m sure he’s pleased. He has rather high standards, after all.”

  “The highest,” he agreed, his hand finding its place at the small of her back. Trying to ignore the touch, she walked from the restaurant and headed toward the main lobby.

  The cool night air ruffled her curls, surrounding them in a perfumed breeze of night-blooming jasmine that seemed unique to this island.

  Silence stretched as they walked back. She thought about trying to fill the quiet, but allowed the urge to subside. Instead she tried to focus on not enjoying the presence of the man beside her.

  When they drew closer to the entranceway that would lead them into the brightly lit lobby, Hayden touched her arm, drawing her to a stop next to the hotel.

  “What?” she asked, gazing up at him.

  “I think I’ve made a mistake.”

  Wanting me? The bottom of her stomach dropped with a disappointment she had no business feeling. She swallowed hard before replying. “I’ve been saying that for weeks. Told you I was always right.”

  A slow smile curved his lips. “Not in pursuing you. That might be the smartest thing I’ve done in years. No, I think I’ve been going about this all wrong. Dinners, drinks, taking things slow, appealing to your sense of reason—it was the wrong move.”

  She arched a brow. “And what was the right move?”

  His mouth claimed hers in response.

  His kiss was so unexpected, for a moment she froze, unsure of how to respond. It was all the opportunity Hayden needed.

  He wrapped his arms around her as he pushed her against the wall behind them. One leg pressed between her thighs as his lips slanted across hers.

  What are you doing? Hayden Wexton is kissing you. Where the hell is your willpower?

  Currently, it was draining away. He traced the seam of her lips with his tongue, demanding an entry she was helpless to refuse.

  Twisting his fingers in her hair, he pulled her head to the side as he plundered her mouth, kissing her with a desperation she hadn’t felt since the gala. Under his touch, all her reason and logic burned away. All she wanted was what she’d tasted once before—the expert touch of a man used to making a woman’s body sing. Hayden could silence all the voices in her head until all she thought about was him. He could give her what she’d been craving alone in her bed every night for weeks.

  All she had to do was give in.

  Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer for just a moment. She’d missed how perfectly she fit into his arms.

  Only a few more seconds. Let me have that, at least.

  The rough stucco wall pressed into her back, but she ignored it, trying to revel in this one moment. A moment she needed to end.

  Even if every cell in her body disagreed.

  But it wasn’t she who drew away.

  She blinked up at Hayden to see him smiling down at her. Leaning in, he ran his lips over her cheek before whispering in her ear, “I tried logic and got nowhere. Lust is far more my style.”

  “Going to turn my head with desire?” She tried to taunt him, but the words came out breathy and vulnerable.

  “Every chance I get,” he vowed, his hot breath tickling her skin. With a last quick kiss to her lips, he stepped away. “Sleep well, Avery, and dream of me.”

  With a flash of his bright smile, he strode into the hotel without a backward glance.

  She pressed her hand to her mouth, her body pounding with need, just as he’d no doubt intended. Hayden was nothing if not a keen strategist, and it looked like he’d deemed it time to switch up his approach.

  And as much as she’d like to deny it, he’d certainly left her wanting more.

  Chapter Five

  Waves lapped through her hair as she floated in the ocean, staring up at the cloudless blue sky. It was the first time in the last few days that she’d had a chance to carve out a break for herself. The hotel had been quiet when she’d wandered down to the beach intent on a dip before she had to get ready for her day. She’d meant to be fast. Just a quick in and out. But when the warm water hit her skin, she decided she’d be rushing to make her morning meeting.

  Closing her eyes, she let the waves rock her body. Perhaps her new goal in life should be to live by the sea. This temporary lifestyle certainly came with perks.

  Like Hayden.

  Her eyes snapped open, banishing the languid relaxation from her limbs. Hayden wasn’t a perk, he was a problem. Every day this week he’d found a way to pop up at her side. The damn man had probably never been turned down. That’s all his attention was. She was a novelty in his whirlwind life, and when she lost her shine, he’d be on to the next woman. She knew exactly how this game would play out.

  Which didn’t explain why her heart rate increased every time he flashed those baby blues at her.

  The memory of their kiss swept through her mind, distracting her as a wave splashed over her face.

  Sputtering, she pumped her arms to right herself. It seemed even nature agreed. Getting distracted by Hayden would pull her back underwater when she’d spent the last two years struggling to reach shore.

  Swimming closer to land, her questing toes finally touched sand. Standing, she ran her hands through her sea-tangled curls. There went the lovely morning she’d been having. Just the thought of Hayden was enough to shatter her serenity.

  As if conjured by her thoughts, a man jogging along the beach snagged her attention.

  It couldn’t be him. She chided herself even as she walked closer to shore. There must be any number of men who chose to run the beach in the morning. Hell, she’d seen plenty of them since starting her swim.

  But this man sported familiar, tousled blond hair.

  And abs she’d run her lips over.

  Of course he’d be shirtless. Hayden loved to show off. And with a body like his, she couldn’t blame him.

  She crouched lower in the water until the waves lapped against her lips and the briny taste of the ocean slipped into her mouth. He’d never notice her, she reasoned. There were others in the sea, and from the looks of things, he was intent on his run, white earphones pressed into each ear.

  Safe, she allowed herself to watch him. He moved with a grace she wouldn’t have associated with a man his size. Without his shirt, she was treated to a front-row view of how his honed muscles worked in concert. A man who lived his life in search of the next debauched adventure shouldn’t be so perfect, she mused. This was a classic case of a higher power giving with both hands.

  And choosing a most undeserving subject.

  Heads turned as he jogged by, many of them female ones. Apparently she wasn’t the only one who’d decided to enjoy the show.

  Hayden reached the end of the beach and turned around to retrace his steps.

  Watching him move with such effortless surety drew her mind back to the night of the gala. With the taste of champagne in her mouth, she’d slipped her hand into his when he asked her to dance. It’d been the first time he’d ever touched her in anything other than a professional
setting. Though other couples crowded the dance floor, she’d had eyes only for him. When his hand slid across her lower back, she couldn’t help the goose bumps that rose at his touch.

  And he’d noticed.

  With Christmas cheer in the air and his hands on her body, she’d wondered, just for a moment, what it would be like to throw caution to the wind. Everyone else seemed to have no problem taking what they wanted.

  Why should she be any different?

  Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t duck lower in the waves when Hayden’s head turned.

  Blue eyes clashed with hers in instant recognition.

  Torn between racing for her towel and swimming farther out to sea, she waited indecisively as he slowed to a stop on the sand before her.

  “Best run ever,” he said, scanning her wet body.

  Avery automatically bent her knees to ensure the waves covered her shoulders. “Shouldn’t your billionaire MO be to sleep till noon?”

  “Absolutely,” he replied. “Don’t tell anyone, or you’ll ruin my reputation.” His grin widened. “Planning on coming out any time soon?”

  “I’ve got time,” she called back.

  He checked his iPod. “The perpetually prompt Ms. Clarke is going to lounge in the water when there’s work to be done?”

  “Head back to the hotel and I’ll follow shortly,” she said.

  He crossed his arms. “And miss what I’m sure will be the best part of my day?”

  “Hayden,” she hissed.

  “Avery,” he replied mildly.

  She crouched lower in the water, debating her options. He was right about the time. If she wanted dry hair by her first meeting, she needed to get out soon. Worse, she’d been playing in the waves long enough for her body to grow cold.

  But the thought of walking out of the surf with his hot gaze on her in nothing but her red bikini had her heart leaping in her chest.

  “I could always come in,” he said. “Take a quick dip to cool off.”

  If he entered the water with her, she very much doubted the resulting effect would cool anything off.

  “Fine,” she said, pointing toward shore. “Please grab my towel for me.”

  When he bent to follow her command, she raced as fast as she could from the water.

  Of course, it wasn’t near fast enough.

  She’d reached calf-depth when he straightened toward her, towel in his grasp. The amusement drained from his eyes as he saw her, a hot hunger taking its place.

  She told herself the extra roll to her hips was merely because of the uneven sand beneath her feet, but even so, she had a hard time catching her breath when he looked at her like he was now.

  No one had stared at her that way in years. Even when she’d worn a wedding ring, she hadn’t been treated to an expression of such blind lust.

  Though a blush rose to her cheeks, a curious feeling of power filled her. Hayden spent his days with the most beautiful women the world had to offer.

  Yet here he was, watching her with a need he couldn’t hide.

  The water lapped at her ankles as she took her last steps from the ocean.

  “Towel,” she said, stopping before him.

  His gaze was a physical weight as it trailed up her body oh so slowly. Only once he reached her face did he step forward.

  Instead of handing her the towel, he wrapped it around her, encasing her in his arms.

  Avery tried not to think of his naked chest pressing against her. So little clothing separated them it was impossible not to picture all the things they could do without the flimsy barrier of her towel. If they were alone, she could let it drop to their feet before turning fully into his arms. She’d run her hands over the hard planes of his chest before following the path with her lips. Lapping her tongue over that bronzed flesh would ignite her own pulsing need. She’d want to play, to touch and taste.

  “Stop it,” he murmured.

  “Stop what?” she replied. Was that her voice, so soft and breathy?

  “Stop thinking of what you’re thinking of.” He leaned down till his mouth was a tantalizing breath from hers. “You have sex in your eyes.”

  Instead of withdrawing, she said, “So do you.”

  The tip of his nose brushed against her cheekbone before his lips grazed her temple. “Always, when it comes to you.”

  “You should let me go,” she breathed.

  “What a terrible idea.”

  “I don’t generally start my days trying to scandalize children,” she said. “We’re in public.”

  “I know how to fix that problem.”

  A smile touched her lips. “I bet you do. Let go of my towel.”

  He did, but not before dipping his head to brush his lips along her jaw.

  Wrapping the towel more firmly around herself, she stooped to grab her sandals and turned toward the hotel.

  Hayden fell into step by her side.

  “Are morning swims in the ocean going to become a staple in your schedule?” he asked. “Because if so, I’ll need to start running in my swim trunks.”

  She shook her head. “I think I’ll stick to morning showers from now on.”

  “Shame,” he said. “Unless, of course, I’m invited.”

  “Sure. In other news, I heard hell just got a snowstorm.”

  “Are you this cruel to all your clients?”

  “I’d say you’re a special level of annoying, but knowing you, you’d take it as a compliment.”

  “I’ve always been one of a kind. Better snap me up while you’ve got the chance.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I need to learn more languages to say no in. Maybe one of them will stick.”

  “Admit it,” he said, his fingertips grazing down her arm. “You’d miss me if I were gone.”

  You’re right, I probably would.

  But she’d miss him for a few weeks. Maybe a month or two. Not a lifetime.

  And she worried if she fell into his bed he’d become a presence in her heart that she’d never be able to shake.

  “What is your schedule like today?” he asked to fill the silence she’d allowed to stretch.

  “I’ll be meeting with some former employees in forty-five minutes. The rest is open for the time being. I was going to get some research in.”

  “Come for a drive with me instead.”

  Yes. Anywhere you want.

  Mentally, she shook her head, reminding herself why she needed to avoid the temptation that walked around in a tall, blond, billionaire package.

  “I should work,” she said. “That’s why I’m here, right?”

  He shrugged. “Consider this research. I’m going to head upcountry to see the sights. A well-prepared hotel knows all the best attractions to promote to its guests. What if we’re missing something our competitors are offering? If our guests want a service we aren’t delivering, it could explain the lowering occupancy rates.”

  His logic wasn’t that far off, she had to admit. One of the goals on her to-do list was to investigate new partnership opportunities for his brand. Increasing the hotel’s tour offerings was a good starting place.

  You know you want to go, her inner voice taunted.

  “Just a drive,” she clarified.

  “Perhaps a crust of bread for lunch if you’re lucky, but that’s it.”

  “I could make the time,” she said, thinking over her plans for the day.

  They reached the steps up to the hotel, and he stopped. “I’ll meet you out front at eleven.”

  Do it. Do it. Have fun for a change.

  Before she could think better of it, she nodded.

  At her capitulation, he took her hand in his and brushed his lips over her knuckles. “Until then,” he said with a lazy grin.

  Tossing her a wink, he jogged off down the path back to the water.

  Avery shook out her hand with a sigh. She was playing with fire, spending more time with him.

  But there was no denying the temptation was starting to outweigh the fe
ar of being burned.


  Hayden slipped on a pair of designer shades as he walked out of the hotel. His watch showed it was five minutes to eleven, but he had no doubt Avery would already be waiting. Never in their professional acquaintance had she ever been anything but prompt.

  Sure enough, when he reached the driveway, his gaze zeroed in on her brown curls, pulled back in a loose clip. She stood staring at the car he’d ordered.

  “A Porsche convertible?” she demanded when he reached her side. “Do you have a subtle bone in your body?”

  “No.” Daring to move closer, he wrapped an arm around her middle as he brushed his lips over her cheek, gratified when she didn’t stiffen. Yes, his decision to stop giving her space was definitely the right way to go. “Ready for a drive?”

  “Ten bucks says some cop pulls you over on principle.”

  “I’ll take my chances,” he said, holding open the door for her.

  Shaking her head, she ducked into the vehicle, fastening her seat belt as he rounded to the driver’s side. Within minutes, they were zipping away from the hotel, the wind in their hair. Glancing at his companion, he saw not even the unflappable Avery Clarke could keep the grin off her face.

  “See?” he asked. “My way of life isn’t without its rewards.”

  She inclined her head. “All right. Fast cars might be more fun than I’d pictured.” She tipped her face up to the sun, and he had to remind himself to keep his eyes on the road.

  Hell, it was easy to spoil her. Back home he had a fleet of cars so expensive they’d make her eyes cross. A trip out in something sporty and fast was nothing new to him.

  But it was all new to her.

  Something bubbled inside him. An emotion he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Excitement? Joy? Both? It had been so long since anything in his life had surprised him. Yet Avery was a constant revelation.

  When he was with her, everything felt new, despite the fact he’d already indulged in every extravagance known to man. But seeing the world through her eyes brought back the enjoyment that he’d once chased so single-mindedly. How would she react to a private tour of the world’s most famous museums? Or traveling by corporate jet to some of the most remote, untouched islands in existence? There was no end to the adventures his money could buy, and he longed to experience them all again with Avery by his side.


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