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The Billionaire's Paradise (Sexy Billionaires)

Page 17

by Victoria Davies

  “Can I come in?”

  “I don’t think that’s a great idea.”


  She arched a brow.

  “Five minutes is all I need, and then I’ll go. I promise.”

  “Three minutes.”


  She hesitated a moment before stepping aside to hold the door open. Three minutes was nothing. She could get through this. He’d come in, offer some lame excuse, and then he’d leave. All she had to do was keep breathing, and this would soon be over.


  He crossed the threshold, stepping into an apartment that was almost the size of the suite in his hotel.

  Seeing him in her space made it even clearer she’d been living in a fantasy. How many times had Jon told her he was the best thing that had ever happened to her? Reaching higher only led to pain. She and Hayden came from different worlds, and without the island magic wrapping around them, she saw those differences with fresh eyes. They’d been doomed before they even started.

  She swallowed hard, pulling her professional facade around her like armor. “I trust you received our report.”

  “Wyatt is already coordinating to find a new GM and introduce a new training initiative. Your work was excellent as always.”

  “Good. I’m sure you understand why it will be my last contract with you.”

  He leaned back against her kitchen island, watching her with his sapphire gaze. “I wish you’d reconsider.”

  She glanced away. “I’m not experienced enough to work with a man who hurt me the way you did, and just pretend it never happened. There are other excellent consultants out there. I’ll give Wyatt a list of who to call.”

  “You ran again,” he said, ignoring her words. “Didn’t even give me a chance to talk to you.”

  “I knew what you’d say.”


  She tossed out her hands. “That you’d thought about it and decided you couldn’t do long term. That I wasn’t worth giving up your other women for. That you’d gotten exactly what you wanted from me and it was time to part ways.”

  That I’d never be good enough for someone like you. She paced the length of her open-concept living room.

  “It’s all bullshit, of course,” she said, rounding on him. “I was the best thing that ever happened to you, and if you can’t see it, then you don’t deserve me.”

  Her bravado felt good. A show of strength was better than crying at his feet. She would not be forced down when she’d finally learned for to stand again. Her heart might be nothing but ribbons in her chest, but it didn’t mean he could walk all over her.

  But instead of arguing, his next words stopped the tirade on her tongue.

  “I agree.”

  Avery blinked. “What?”

  “Of course you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I’d have to be mad to sabotage what we have.”

  “Had,” she corrected.

  He shook his head. “I didn’t sleep with Lea. I haven’t slept with anyone but you since our night at the gala.”

  The air rushed from her lungs. “What?”

  “That night when you came to my room, things weren’t as they seemed. Lea was trying to get me to start something with her, and you know what I realized?” He stepped closer.

  She shook her head.

  “That I couldn’t imagine ever wanting anyone but you.”

  “That can’t be true,” she said, even though the desperate desire to believe him threatened to overwhelm all reason. She retreated a step, knowing if he touched her she’d be lost.

  “I’ve never lied to you,” he said. “Even when it would have been in my best interests to do so.”

  He had a point. But she’d seen the triumph in Lea’s eyes. She certainly hadn’t walked all the way to Hayden’s room wearing nothing but a sheer tank top and bra that left nothing to the imagination. She’d undressed once she got there.

  Sometimes there was no avoiding some facts, and this was one of those times. No matter what he said, she knew what she’d seen.

  Don’t weaken. Don’t believe the story and fall back into his arms.

  Because if she did, she’d always be waiting for the axe to drop. She’d always wonder if another woman had crept into his bed when she was away traveling. Or if his business trips were just excuses to play behind her back.

  No. Broken trust couldn’t be fixed.

  “I can’t,” she said, shaking her head. “I’ve been here before.”

  “I know.” He took another step, stalking toward her until her back hit the wall. “I would never hurt you like he did.”

  “He said all the same things,” she whispered. “I didn’t touch her, baby. I only want you. I promise there will never be another.” She shook her head. “He loved me enough to marry me, and even that wasn’t enough to stop him from straying. How could I ever believe I was enough for you?”

  He stopped directly before her. “Because you’d have to trust me,” he said. “Trust me when I say I never laid a hand on Lea. Why would I, Avery? I knew you were coming.”

  She blinked. Yes, he had. “I was early.”

  “You’re always early. Even if you weren’t, it would still have been a dumb thing to do. Do I strike you as a man who would make such a mistake?”

  No. If he were going to cheat on her, he would have put more thought into his plan.

  Unless he didn’t care whether I found out or not.

  “Was it your way of ending us?” she asked, pain infusing her words even though she tried to stay strong. “Did you do the only thing you knew would drive me away?”

  He raised a hand to touch her before seeming to think twice about it. “I’m not an idiot.”

  “Why are you here, Hayden?” Her heart ached at being so near him. His three minutes were up. She needed him to leave.

  “I needed to set the record straight. Do you believe me?”

  She closed her eyes, unsure of what to do. It’s true he was smarter than Jon, and her ex had managed to hide his cheating for years. Then again, everyone made mistakes in the heat of the moment.

  She looked up at the man of her dreams. “Does it matter?” she asked wearily. “We’re back in the real world. Things are different now.”

  “It matters.”

  A long sigh escaped her. Logic had never failed her. It was her comfort blanket, her superpower she used to handle all her puzzles. She’d avoided thinking about Lea but maybe now was the time to start. If he’d slept with Lea it would mean what they’d had was never important. And if that were true, he wouldn’t be here now.

  I must have meant something.

  And if she had, he would have thought about the timing. A man didn’t plan a sexual encounter fifteen minutes before his girlfriend was due to show up. At least, a smart man didn’t, and for all his faults, Hayden was no fool.

  Maybe he’s telling the truth.

  The thought burned in her chest. Had he stayed faithful? Had she seen a skewed version of the truth?

  But as quickly as the spark of joy ignited, it died. Did it change anything? They weren’t on their island anymore, and their differences were starker than ever.

  She drew in a shaky breath, preparing herself for what was to come. Maybe he didn’t love her, but at least they could part on more amicable terms.

  “You didn’t sleep with her?” she couldn’t help but ask, her voice a whisper.

  He shook his head slowly. “No. You are the only one I can think about.”

  Some of her hurt receded. It might not be the ending she’d wanted for them, but at least he hadn’t chosen the lovely receptionist over her. A few pieces of her broken heart knit back together at the thought. She hadn’t chosen wrong twice. Hayden really was the better man.

  He just wasn’t her man.

  “I believe you,” she said, watching the tension clear from his face. “You’ve never lied to me. You fought to win my trust. If you say you didn’t touch her…” She dr
ew in a shallow breath. “Then I believe you.”

  The words lightened something inside her. The dark, painful knot in her chest started to unwind as he smiled down at her.

  “That’s my girl.”

  The compliment was bittersweet. She’d once been his girl. But now they were back in reality, far away from their island bubble.

  “I still think it’s a bad idea if I work for you again,” she said. “I’m glad we can part under better terms, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m going to need some time to lick my wounds.”

  His hand cupped her cheek, one thumb brushing against her skin. She leaned into the touch in spite of herself. “You’re going to leave me.”

  A sad smile twisted her lips before she said the three little words she’d wanted to say on the island. Three little words that would stop his protests and send him running from her apartment.

  Staring up, she tried to memorize her last sight of him. After this, they would part ways. Their paths wouldn’t cross again, she’d make sure of it.

  “I love you,” she said, seeing his eyes widen at the confession. “It hurts not to have that feeling returned.” Unable to stop herself, she mirrored his caress, cupping his face in one hand. “Someday you’ll find the woman who completes you,” she told him. “When you do, please don’t push her away.”

  He swallowed twice before saying, “I promise.”

  Pain slashed through her chest as she let her hand drop to her side. “Then this is good-bye.”

  A slow smile curved his lips. “I don’t think so.”


  He silenced her with a kiss. Avery groaned, knowing she should push him away but wanting a last taste. Every time he touched her, the logic, the puzzles, the riddles in her brain quieted until all she could think about was him. Her arms rose to hold him closer, wanting everything he had to offer.

  This is it. Everything is ending. What am I doing?

  But she wanted one more moment. One more memory.

  And it seemed that Hayden was more than willing to give her.

  Just take it. Turn a painful good-bye into a sweet one. Make a last memory to replace Lea.

  Then maybe someday it would help her frozen heart to try again. It wasn’t his fault he couldn’t love her, any more than it was hers that she’d fallen for him. They’d started with sex. It seemed only fitting they end with it, too.

  Decision made, she gripped his lapels and reversed their positions, pushing him back against the wall as she pressed against his chest. She couldn’t keep him. Even if he hadn’t cheated, that was only one problem down. And after her confession, he wouldn’t be sticking around for long.

  Tomorrow she’d start moving forward with a life that didn’t include him in it. She’d wanted to find inside her the fearless woman that took what she wanted, and this was her chance.

  Her fingers delved into his hair, messing up his slick coiffure. He made no protest as he grasped her hips and pulled her against his erection. There was no doubting he wanted her. But their physical relationship had never been the issue.

  “Avery, I’m not sure this is the best idea.”

  “Did the world just turn upside down? Hayden Wexton is refusing sex?”

  He gave her a lopsided smile. “Refusing is such a strong word. Mildly apprehensive would be more accurate.”

  “Well, I’m mildly sure I want you naked.” Her hands slid down his chest to tug on his belt loops. “And growing increasingly more certain with every passing second.”

  He wavered for a moment before caving to her demand. Twirling her back against the wall, he hiked one leg over his hip and held her steady. “Why is it we only ever communicate properly when we’re having sex?”

  “We’re complicated.”

  “Yes,” he agreed between kisses. “We certainly are.” His mouth trailed down her throat as she arched her head back to give him better access. Closing her eyes, she tried to pretend this wasn’t the end. That she’d feel this all-consuming fire again in her life. Maybe someday she would. But thinking of anyone topping Hayden just seemed…


  “You know what’s not complicated?” he asked, tugging his shirt out of his pants.

  “What?” Lust and sorrow mixed inside her. She tried to force it back, concentrating only on how he made her feel and not the weeks to come.

  “Our future.”

  She snorted as she ran her hands under his jacket before pushing it down his arms. “We don’t have one,” she said, trying to rise above the stinging words.

  All they had was this moment, and she couldn’t get his damn jacket off of him.

  He released her for a minute to shrug out of the clothing, and her body clenched at the loss of his. How was she going to survive watching him walk out the door once they were done?

  “Oh, yes we do,” he said, reaching for her again. Claiming her mouth, he ripped her shirt open. The sound of buttons raining down on the hardwood floor reached her ears, but she didn’t care. There were more important matters to think about.

  Like how his hands on her breasts sent sparks of fire flaring through her body. She arched off the wall as his fingers flicked over her nipples. She hadn’t bothered with a bra, not expecting visitors, and concluded the decision had been freaking brilliant.

  “Oh?” she asked, trying to remember his words when all she wanted to do was memorize how he made her feel. “Care to share?”

  He caught one nipple in his fingers and squeezed till she moaned with need. “I’m going to give you a shattering orgasm.”

  “Okay,” she agreed, pushing his shirt down his arms to bare his bronzed chest. Reaching down, she unzipped his fly and slid her hand into his pants.

  His jagged breath burned her ear as she curled her fingers around his already hard cock.

  “And afterward…” he panted.

  “After?” she asked, stroking him. His free hand undid the clasp of her shorts before he pushed the material down. She stepped out of them, and he spun her back into her original position, stepping between her legs.

  “So wet for me,” he groaned, running a finger over her clit.

  “Hurry,” she said.

  He withdrew a condom from his pocket and unrolled it onto himself.

  “Ready?” he asked.


  He pulled her leg back over his hip and thrust deep inside her.


  Bliss pushed back the last shards of hurt. This was what she’d been dreaming about every night when she’d gone to bed alone. This was what she’d needed.

  “You didn’t tell me,” she said, trying to think straight as he thrust into her again.

  “Tell you?”

  She rose to her tiptoes, trying to find purchase as he surged into her.

  “What happens after?”

  He drew his lips along her throat, nibbling on the sensitive crook of her neck. “You’re going to pack a bag.”

  She groaned, pressure building inside her. “You’re not flying us back to that damn island just to postpone the inevitable.”

  “No airfare is required for this trip.”

  “Where are we going?” She angled her toes, curling her one leg even tighter around his waist.


  Her lips brushed against his. “I am home.”

  “Your new home.”

  She drew back so fast she hit her head on the wall.

  “Avery,” he hissed as she clamped down on him, her shock tightening her inner muscles. “Do that again.”

  “What do you mean, new home? Where’s that?”

  His gaze caught hers, even as he moved deep inside her. “With me.”

  Her arousal skyrocketed. “What?”

  “I don’t care where we live,” he said. “Here. My place. Somewhere new. You choose.” He shifted his angle, driving even deeper.

  A gasp escaped her before she said, “Is this your way of asking me to move in?”


  There was no denying the pleasure riding her body. “And this is the moment you picked to ask that question?”

  “Seemed fitting. Our sex tends to have life-altering consequences.”

  She laughed into his shoulder even as she rocked against him. Thinking clearly was a challenge, but there was no denying the joy spreading through her.

  “So, what do you think?” he asked, his fingers digging into her thighs. “Are you moving in with me?”

  Caught up in their embrace, she had only one answer.


  “You’re going to say that a lot,” he warned.

  “Am I?” Her nails bit into his shoulders. Her climax was so close she could barely think.

  “When I ask you to fall into bed with me,” he whispered in her ear. “When I ask you to help me with a troublesome hotel in Dubai. When I ask you to introduce me to your parents.”

  She smiled, already agreeing to all of it. She could barely believe the offer had left his lips. This wasn’t their end. It was merely their new beginning.

  And this time she was all in.

  “You’ll say yes so many times to me,” he said against her mouth. “Especially when I ask you to marry me.”

  Her eyes flew open as she lost her rhythm. “What?” she gasped.

  “Want to know my secret?” he whispered against her lips. “I am completely and irrevocably in love with you, Avery Clarke.”

  She broke apart in his arms, the words pushing her over the edge. Her climax thundered through her body as black spots played on the edge of her vision. Heat surged through her as Hayden found his own release, his hips pumping against hers one last time.

  Endorphins flooded her system as she dropped her leg back to the ground. She leaned against him, wondering if she’d imagined the words she’d swear she’d heard him say.

  “So what do you think of my plan?” he asked against her hair.

  She tilted her head up to him. “Tell me again.”

  “I love you,” he said, leaning down to kiss her oh so gently. “I think it’s why I chased you after the gala. Even then I knew there’d be no getting over that night. I’ve been waiting years for you. Don’t leave me now, when I’ve finally found you.”

  Tears filled her eyes, but this time, they weren’t ones of sadness. “There’s nowhere I’d rather be.”


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