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Suddenly a St. Clair (The St. Clairs Book 5)

Page 17

by Alexa Aston

  Closing his eyes, he hoped to get more than his usual three or four hours of sleep. Old habits died hard, though. In his days before he became recognized as a St. Clair, he had worked up to twenty hours. Little time had been devoted to sleep. He supposed his body had gotten used to it. At least since he slept so little, he usually accomplished much more than others since he was up by four and had put in a full day by noon. He felt himself drifting off, Mia’s image in his mind.

  Hudson awoke first to the scent of rosemary. Then he realized a warm body nestled against his.

  Mia . . .

  Had she grown fearful being in a new place? It didn’t seem like her. She had an adventurous spirit and curious nature.

  Then why had she come to his bed?

  His body reacted to her presence, something he couldn’t contain. His arm was about her. Her cheek rested against his heart, one palm flat against his bare chest. His heart began beating faster and faster. He feared its pounding would wake her. She stirred and he knew she no longer slept. He remained still, wondering if she would slip from his bed and return to her own.

  “Hudson?” she asked softly.


  She sighed. “I suppose you are wondering why I am here.”

  “Mia, I told you that you weren’t required to come to my bed.”

  “I wanted to. I wanted you.”

  He couldn’t move. Her words paralyzed him. She wanted him. She wanted him!

  “I thought we had agreed—”

  “We did. I’ve changed my mind.”

  “You said you would find a husband—children—a distraction from your work.”

  Her thumb began rubbing back and forth across his chest slowly. He swallowed.

  “I don’t think so anymore. I believe I’ve devoted too much of my time to my work. I feel I will be better at it if I find more balance in my life and not be so single-minded.”

  He chuckled. “And I am to be your balance?”

  “Well, in part. That is, if you want a different kind of marriage than what we agreed upon.”

  His hand began moving up and down her back, sliding slowly to cup her bottom.

  “I am open to negotiation.”

  She laughed. “That’s what makes you such an excellent businessman, Mr. St. Clair.”

  “I’ve desired you from the moment I saw you, Mia,” he admitted. “You bent over in those amazingly tight trousers.” He squeezed her derriere. “And this plump, rounded bottom called out to me. In fact, whatever happened to those trousers?”

  “I still have them. Aunt Fanny would be horrified to know that. They are in a trunk of my belongings that was moved to your rooms.”

  He continued caressing her bottom. “I need to see you in them again. In fact, you probably need several pairs.”

  “Why?” she asked, a glint of mischief in her eyes. “Because you’ll enjoy ripping them off me?”

  Hudson’s blood heated at the thought but he said, “I’m sure working in them is more comfortable and gives you greater ease of movement.” He paused and decided to share something he’d been considering with her before he lost all train of thought. “I think we need to purchase a house in London. Nothing fancy. We could then turn the rooms I’ve occupied into your laboratory. You could store your items and conduct your experiments on the premises. That way, work and home could be separate.”

  She tugged on the hair at the nape of his neck. “What if I have an experiment I need to conduct now?”

  His heart began beating in double-time.

  “Am I to be your test subject?” he teased.

  “We did talk once about experiments in kissing.”

  “We did,” he agreed. “Of course, sometimes kissing can lead to other things.”

  “As it did in the carriage the night you offered for me?”

  “Yes.” He kissed her hair. “Would you require that the parameters of this experiment remain fixed? Or are you open to expanding your observations?”

  Her hand stilled from where it toyed with the hair on his chest. “As a scientist, I am open to expanding my horizons.”

  Hudson kissed her brow. “We can go as far as you wish, Mia. Stop at any time you wish. Do you . . . know anything about lovemaking?”

  “I know when Rachel gave me this night rail, she said it would drive you wild. And I should let it. She told me the first time I joined with you would hurt but that everything that followed would make me forget it.” Mia sighed. “And Laurel gave me . . . a book.”

  “A book?”

  “She said it has been passed around the family for years. That we could . . . learn from it. I opened it once and . . . well, I didn’t read or look at much because I didn’t know if we would ever do anything like what was pictured in the illustrations.”

  “Hmm.” He kissed her cheek. “This book sounds interesting. Did you bring it with you?”

  “I did. It’s in my reticule. I didn’t want someone like Mrs. Little to unpack for me and find it in my belongings.”

  “This sounds like a very interesting book.” He nuzzled her throat and she sighed.

  “I’m going to kiss you now, Mia. Quite a bit. More than you’ve ever been kissed in your life and in places no man’s lips have ever touched.”

  She shivered in his arms.

  “Are you cold?”

  “No. You are like a furnace, Hudson, full of immense heat. Heat equals energy, you know. I’m assuming you have lots of energy in which to conduct this experiment.”

  “Don’t forget stamina,” he boasted. “I have that, as well, my lovely bride.”

  “Then we should commence our experiment.”

  He kissed her softly and then said, “We must talk about one thing before we continue. I know now you are open to having a husband. A true husband. What about children? If you don’t want them, there are ways to prevent that.”

  Her hands cupped his face. “I want them. Because they will be a part of you. Of us. Do you want them?”

  He’d never really thought of it. He enjoyed playing with his numerous nieces and nephews but marriage and children had never been part of his plan. Suddenly, Hudson realized he wanted them very much. Because of this woman.

  “I do. I want them to all have your intelligence and goodness. Your curiosity and sweet spirit. I want the girls to be as bold in their choices as our boys.” He kissed her. “I want you now, Mia.”

  “I am yours, Hudson. Take all of me.”

  He rose from the bed. “Before we start, I want to see you.”

  He busied himself, lighting a few candles, and heard her squeak.

  “Is something wrong?”

  Her eyes were as round as saucers. “No. Only . . . well, you aren’t wearing any clothes.”

  He’d forgotten. “Does that bother you?”

  She shook her head. “Not one bit. You are an incredible specimen.”

  “Hmm. Sounds as if you’ll need to study this specimen closely.”

  Hudson returned to the bed and took her hand. “Come and let me see this amazing night rail.”

  He helped her from the bed. She stood close and he put a little distance between them so he could admire her.

  “Yes, it’s quite enticing.” He slid his hands up and down her arms. “You’re most alluring in it.”

  He saw the blush stain her cheeks. “Don’t be embarrassed. This is a part of marriage. I will compliment you frequently.”

  He untied the ribbons on each shoulder and folded the gown to her waist. Her breasts were nicely rounded. He cupped them, gliding his thumbs across her nipples, seeing them pebble in need. He kissed her as he continued to fondle them, brushing his lips softly against hers. Her hands moved to his waist and she steadied herself.

  He took the night rail and pushed it down the generous curves of her hips, letting it cascade to the floor. Hudson stepped back and admired her. Mia was tall for a woman and slender, with curves in all the right places.

  “Let’s return to our bed.”

sp; She stepped from the gown and he led her to the bed, having her sit first.

  “Prepare to be worshipped,” he warned. “Kissed in every place possible.”

  Hudson took his time. He spent long minutes kissing her mouth, running his fingers through the strands of her hair, fine and silky and so very, very long. He kissed her eyelids and her cheeks. Along her jaw. Up and down the slender column of her neck, nibbling as he went. His hands moved along her satin skin as he did so. She didn’t touch him for a while and then finally did, her fingers stroking his biceps and rubbing up and down his back. She murmured sweet noises that let him know she appreciated what he did.

  He leaned her back, placing a pillow under her head, because he wanted better access. He leaned over her and took one breast into his mouth, sucking and tonguing it as he caressed the other one. Her noises grew in volume, sometimes whimpers, sometimes moans. He paid equal attention to her other breast, feasting upon it. Her fingers moved to his hair and ran through it, holding him close.

  Hudson moved back to her throat, nipping at it lightly, and then dragged his tongue downward, between her breasts and lower, circling her belly button. Mia began giggling and he lifted his head.

  “You think this is funny?” he teased.

  “No. Never,” she said, laughing.

  He wanted this first time together to be special. It was impossible to keep from hurting her but he could make her as ready as possible. He ran his tongue lower.

  “Hudson,” she said, alarm in her voice. “What are you doing?”

  “Experimenting,” he replied. “Seeing what you like.”

  Her head rose. “I’m not sure I’m going to like this.”

  He sensed her legs pressing together.

  “Oh, I think you will.”

  Her legs still dangled off the bed so he decided to start from her toes up. He kissed her big toe and then slipped his mouth around it. A startled cry came—but she didn’t stop him. He moved up her foot, kissing his way along her trim ankles and the curve of her calf as his hands massaged her legs. He kissed her knees and even behind them, causing another giggle to erupt. He would have to remember the places she was ticklish. His fingers clasped her thighs, parting them slightly, and she tensed.

  Raising his head, he said, “Do you trust me?”

  “I wouldn’t have married you if I didn’t.”

  “Remember how good you felt in the carriage that night?”

  Her face softened. “Yes.”

  “This will be even better,” he promised.


  She did her best, trying to relax, and he worked his way up to her core with his hands, stroking her thighs, urging her to open more.

  “This . . . is . . .”

  “Different,” he finished. “I know.”

  He slipped a finger inside her and caressed her. She sighed contentedly. He continued until she was writhing on the bed, whimpering his name.

  “You know what to do,” he said. “Let go. Enjoy.”

  A violent shudder seized her and she cried out, riding the wave of pleasure, her face flushed. When she stilled, he knew he should act quickly or she would protest what he did next. He kept his light grasp on her thighs and bent between them, thrusting his tongue inside her.

  “Hudson!” she cried and began wriggling.

  He grasped her more firmly to keep her from closing and began loving her, with teeth, tongue, and mouth. He felt her climax coming again, hard and fast, and continued to pleasure her. Her hips bucked and she cried out loudly. He couldn’t help but feel pleased at making her happy.

  As she calmed again and lay limp, he entwined his fingers with hers and raised her hands above her head. He kissed her and as he did, pushed inside her. She gasped.

  “It’s all right. I know it hurts. Just get used to me.”

  He kissed her cheek. Her ear. Along her jaw.


  “I feel very full.”

  “I’m going to move now. Tell me to stop if it hurts again.”

  He kissed her and pulled out and then thrust into her again. A little noise came from her but she didn’t say anything. He repeated the movement. Her fingers tightened on his.

  “Do it again,” she whispered. “I think I like it.”

  He did.

  Mia smiled. “Oh, I do like it. Very much.”

  Hudson kissed her neck as he began moving. “Wrap your legs around me,” he said.

  When she did, he was able to go deeper. She sighed. As he moved, she began to move with him in the ancient dance known to lovers. He reached his climax and let out a long groan as she called his name. He fell on top of her, burying his face in her abundant hair, inhaling the rosemary scent of it. Her legs fell away and he rolled from her, going to the basin and pouring water from the jug into it. Taking a handkerchief, he cleaned her.

  “This is very intimate,” she managed to say.

  “A good husband takes care of his wife.”

  He took the basin and cloth away and returned. By now, she had scooted up to where her head rested on a pillow. Hudson climbed in beside her and brought the covers up over them. Mia snuggled against him as he enveloped her in his arms.



  “It was better.”

  He grinned.

  “It was like jumping off a cliff and flying,” she said.

  “That’s your official observation?”

  “It was also a little bit like riding.”

  “There’s a way to make love that’s very similar to that,” he told her.

  “Can we try it now?”

  He laughed. “No. You are far too sore and it takes a man time to recover.”

  “Tomorrow then?” she asked eagerly.

  “Tomorrow,” he agreed. “Now, go to sleep.”

  Within moments, he felt the soft, even breaths coming from her. He lay there, enjoying the feel of her naked skin against his. He kissed her hair and closed his own eyes. Never had he felt such contentment. Mia Sloane was now Mia St. Clair.

  All seemed right in his world.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Mia awoke, her husband’s arms around her. She stroked his arm as he began nibbling on her neck.

  They had returned from their honeymoon at Meadowbrook late last night. Rain had muddied the roads, making the return journey even longer. It had passed faster, though, in her mind, thanks to hours of leisurely kissing and two interesting bouts of lovemaking as the coach bounced along.

  “Are you going to the warehouse this morning?” Hudson asked.

  “No. I’m still a little tired from yesterday,” she admitted. “I also should go see Aunt Fanny and Uncle Trentham.”

  He kissed her shoulder. “She seemed to be coming around to our marriage by the wedding.”

  “All the female St. Clairs helped in that respect by including Aunt Fanny in every decision and making her opinions valued. My uncle also had something to do with it.”

  “I like Trentham. I can see why he was so good at diplomacy.”

  Turning her toward him, he kissed her soundly. “That’s all you get from me. After yesterday’s carriage ride, I’m sure you are sore.”

  She smiled. “It was another interesting experiment. Worthy of being repeated, I believe.”

  They had conducted many such experiments in the week they were at Meadowbrook. Mia had no idea some of the things they tried were even possible but she had enjoyed it all. The physical side of marriage suited her.

  “Would you have time to write a few quick notes to let the family know we are back in London?” he asked. “I have quite a bit to catch up on.”

  “I can do so—but you’ll have to pay the price,” she declared.

  Mischief twinkled in his emerald eyes. “What might that be?”

  “I’ll have to consider it. I will let you know how much you are in my debt.”

  Hudson kissed her soundly and then left their bed. “I’ll have breakfast sent up to you. I don
’t have time for it today. I’ll be sure George is waiting for you when you’re ready to go to your aunt’s.”

  Within fifteen minutes, a tray was delivered to her, complete with several letters that had come while they were gone. She went through the posts as she ate her toast and sipped on her tea. After dressing, she dashed off brief notes to everyone and then went downstairs. George awaited her outside and she handed him the letters.

  “Good morning, Mrs. St. Clair. It looks as if marriage agrees with you as much as it does Mr. St. Clair.”

  She noted how he addressed her and knew Hudson had requested the change. When she had told him she preferred using his name, he had puffed up with masculine pride, making her glad she’d decided to forego being Lady Mia.

  “I’d like to go to my aunt’s. If you could deliver these while I’m there, it shouldn’t take you long. They all live within a few blocks of each other.”

  “Happy to do so, Mrs. St. Clair. When are we getting back to our work?”

  “Have you missed it, George?”

  “I went every day to the warehouse. Everything is in order, just awaiting you. Nelson, too.”

  “We are thinking of moving everything here,” she told him.

  “Hmm. That might be a bit crowded.”

  “These rooms would strictly be for our work though Mr. St. Clair said he might keep an office here. We would live elsewhere.”

  He brightened. “That’s a splendid idea. You’d have plenty of room. Do you have a house in mind?”

  “No. Since we just returned last night, we haven’t had a chance to discuss it.”

  He handed her into the vehicle and drove her to her aunt’s townhouse. She found her aunt and uncle still at breakfast.

  “Oh, Mia, it’s so good to see you,” Aunt Fanny said, kissing both of Mia’s cheeks and taking her hands. “You are positively glowing. I assume Mr. St. Clair is treating you well.”

  “Very well, Aunt.”

  Her uncle greeted her and then said, “Come join us.”

  Mia had a second small breakfast as she told them about Meadowbrook. Uncle Trentham was particularly interested in hearing about the horses being bred on Hudson’s land.

  “We rode quite a number of times while we were there,” she said. “I tried various mounts. When we return to the country, I’ll need to decide on a permanent one to keep for my own use.”


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