Book Read Free

Catching Ivy

Page 12

by Eliza Tilton

  I want to kiss her.

  She yawns and I grab a nearby blanket and toss it across us. She takes one corner and pulls it up to her chin, snuggling against my side, smelling of roses and heaven.

  The laughs subside, slowly replaced by deep, even breaths. She’s asleep on me, radiating beauty like a damn angel. I glance at the large windows, watching the sky turn pink, and wonder when this brief, idyllic state of contentment will shatter. If we survive BORAS, what then?

  I don’t want her to go.

  How do I convince her to stay with me?

  The movie ends. I push buttons on the remote and start to channel-cruise through the local TV stations, stopping on a news channel. The lead news story curdles my insides, and without thinking, I shout, “No!” at the screen.

  Ivy jumps in my arms, startled awake.

  “Sorry.” I pat her side, trying to comfort.

  “What’s wrong?” She wipes her eyes groggily.

  “That,” I answer shortly, pointing to the screen where a reporter discusses BORAS’s latest visor, LUCID, which launched today. I listen as the reporter details the mass pandemonium, the long lines already snaking around stores, exclaiming that people are leaving work to wait for other shipments to arrive.

  Ivy’s face crumples, and she flings the blanket to the floor and stands in a rush. “We’re too late! I failed. We didn’t stop it!” Tears cascade down her face and she sobs into her hands.

  “We didn’t fail,” I try to defuse, going to her and wrapping my arms around her shaking body. She lets me, leaving wet tracks on my shirt.

  “All of this, for nothing,” she wails.

  Turning my head to watch the rest of the news report, I pat her back distractedly.

  “Due to the insatiably high demand, the famous tech company, BORAS, surprised the world today by releasing their latest Virtual Reality Read Device early.”

  The blood drains from my face as realization dawns. “They know we’re coming.”

  “What? What are you talking about?” Ivy sniffs and wipes her face.

  “I knew it was too early. I’ve had my vid on order for months. LUCID isn’t supposed to ship until next month.” I almost hate admitting I bought in to the hype, but it doesn’t matter at this point. “That’s it. We can’t wait any longer. What do you know about why you’re here? Why Eric sent you out?”

  “I don’t know,” she admits. “He wouldn’t give me details, only that there was a new program, and I needed to leave for my safety. That I’d be safe with his brother.”

  I think back to the tech we uncovered in her brain.

  “Maybe you're connected to LUCID,” I propose. “If that’s true, you have to stay here when we go to BORAS headquarters.”

  “No! I’m not going to sit here. This is my fight,” she insists vehemently. “You need me in there. I’m your map. You’ll never make it on your own.”

  She has a point.

  Just then, a crash sounds from the side of the house.

  Frightened eyes meet mine and I hiss, “Stay here.”



  I race into the kitchen and grab a knife from the drawer. Hearing another sound from the other side of the back door in the kitchen, I glance back at Ivy and hold up a finger. She nods.

  I fling open the door to reveal a startled Jims.

  “Hey!” He cowers and jerks his hands in front of his face.

  “What are you doing out here?” I explode, grabbing his jacket and hauling him inside.

  Once the surprise fades away, he winks and smirks, “I was trying to give you guys some privacy.”

  When Ivy’s brow furrows in confusion, I say a quick prayer that from this distance, she can’t hear our conversation.

  “Hi, Ivy!” Jims chirps, craning his head around and leering over my shoulder. “I brought food and clothes.” Jims drops several bags and a large duffle bag on the counter, quickly diffusing any questions.

  Ivy tightens the robe she’s wearing and plasters a fake smile on her face. “I’ll go get changed. Be right back.” She digs through one of the bags, finds a change of clothes, and disappears upstairs.

  Jims’ eyes widen as he watches her walk up the stairs. I punch him in the arm.

  “Ow! That hurt.”

  “Stop being a douche. What did you really get?” I ask, jerking my chin at the duffle bag.

  Jims grins and starts to crack his knuckles. “Buzz sent a guy to meet me. I have our virus in here,” he pats his jacket pocket. “He’ll call us tomorrow with the details.”

  Jims opens the large black duffel bag and pulls out a square shaped piece of metal with a trigger on one side. “These tasers launch darts that will keep a guy down for hours.”

  My stomach growls. “What did you get to eat?”

  “This far out, there’s not much out there. Some Quick Stop sandwiches. We should be able to heat them in the microwave. I’m sure there’s one here somewhere.”

  Jims searches the kitchen while I take out three heroes from one of the bags, all wrapped in tight plastic. No idea what’s in them, but anything will do at this point.

  “Here.” Jims holds out his hand for one of the sandwiches. He’s standing by the microwave. Everything in the kitchen is sleek and modern: metal appliances and black granite countertops splashed with silver flecks.

  I toss him one of the heroes and he pops open the microwave. “What’s the plan?” I finally ask.

  “Buzz was able to get in touch with his brother through whatever chip he pulled out of Ivy, and Eric gave us a location and time. Eric said he’ll man the security room and get us through the maintenance entrance, and then create a diversion so we’ll have a straight shot to the floor where the main computer is.”

  I shake my head and sigh. “They know something’s up. They released the new visor today, a month ahead of schedule.”

  Jims shrugs and punches in the timer for the microwave. “Not much we can do about that now. This is our one chance. Look, I’m fine with laying low and forgetting this whole crazy thing, but your girl won’t.”

  I rub my forehead. “I don’t want her to come with us.”

  “And let me guess–she said she is, right?” Jims interprets with a wry smile. “Well, Buzz said to keep her here. He’ll even send someone to protect her while we’re gone.”

  Her soft voice interrupts, “You’re not leaving me.” I turn around slowly, seeing Ivy standing in the doorway of the kitchen. Her hair is pulled back into a ponytail, and she’s dressed in tight navy pants and a matching shirt that sticks to her skin. “I have more to lose than anyone. I risked my life to come here.”

  “We know,” I admit, leaning against the island that separates us and meeting her hardened gaze. “As long as you know that if we go in, there’s a chance we won’t make it out.”

  “I’m prepared for that.”

  “But I’m not.” The words leave in a whisper and suddenly, the room feels devoid of air. I walk out the back door into the night.

  It’s wrong for me to think I can order her around or tell her what to do, but when I think of her and how close she’s already come to death’s door, and what could still happen, Gia’s face flashes in my mind. The memory of her flying into the street, the impact, how her body twisted . . . all because I didn’t protect her. If I’d only stood up for her and made my feelings clear to Astrid and my friends, she would still be here.

  Tiny glittering stars pinprick the night. In the city, the smog is so dense, it blocks out the night sky. Truthfully, I can’t remember the last time I saw real stars. A cool breeze ruffles my hair. I inhale the fresh scent of unpolluted air.

  My sister had the right idea of leaving the city.


  Tentative footsteps sound in the doorway and Ivy stands next to me. She hugs her arms
around her chest as if to shield the warring emotions playing out on her face.

  I know I’m a fool for feeling so protective. I barely know her. I shouldn’t care. But those are nothing but empty words. Because even as I think them, I know they mean nothing. She’s not just a girl. Not to me.

  We stand in awkward silence, me wondering if I should talk or wait for her to speak her mind. Why did she come out here?

  “Food’s ready, guys,” Jims yells from the kitchen.

  Without a word, Ivy turns around and walks back inside, taking my breath with her. I glance at her retreating back, watching the way her hips move with each step.

  I can’t let her go tomorrow. It’s too dangerous.

  She turns to look at me over her shoulder, almost as if she heard my thoughts.

  Her honey eyes darken, and I realize, no matter what I say or want, Ivy’s going.

  Moreover, if I want us to succeed, I need to trust her.

  I give her a slight nod and smile.

  She smiles back.

  I won’t let them hurt you.



  Loud rings vibrate through my brain. I wake up, holding my head as pain shoots all the way from the back to the front of my skull. My mouth is suddenly flooded with saliva, and my stomach rolls with nausea.

  What’s happening?

  Slowly, the ringing lessens. I blink as my eyes adjust to the darkness, sweat trickling down the back of my neck, coating the heat of my skin. My heart races. I raise a shaky hand to wipe my forehead. My throat is raspy, like I’ve been screaming for hours. Maybe I have. I rub my temples to soothe the pain.

  An animal screeches outside, not far from my window. The shrill noise sends the tiny hairs on my arm straight up. I’m all alone in this tiny, stuffy room.

  I take off the long-sleeved shirt I wore to bed and lay back down wearing my tank top, hugging the pillow in hopes it will protect me from the terrors outside.

  I wish I could talk to Eric and hear if he’s okay, find out how the other kids are doing. Fully awake now, I can’t stop my racing thoughts. I’m worried about what will happen. I don’t want anyone else to get hurt.

  I leave my room and walk down the hall to Damion’s room. The door is ajar. I peek in to see him lying on his stomach, cradling a pillow. His dark hair covers part of his face, and his mouth is slightly parted.

  Quietly, I pad across the chilly wooden floor on bare feet and sit on the bed next to him. The moment brings me back to the dream where I first saw him. If what Buzz said is true, and I have nano-tech in my brain, did Dr. Hecks finally do it? Did he discover how to connect two minds?

  Damion doesn’t know about the dreams, and he thinks I can’t understand this connection he has with me.

  But I do.

  I shouldn’t wake him. He seems peaceful.

  But I can’t sleep, and I’m so wired, I can’t relax.

  “Damion,” I whisper his name softly. If he doesn’t answer, I’ll leave.

  When he doesn’t respond, I start to stand, and he reaches out to grab my arm.

  “Stay.” His eyes are still closed.

  I lean over, trying to see if I heard him.

  Do I stay? I want to. It’s been so long since I didn’t fear to fall asleep.

  He makes me feel safe.

  I slide onto the bed next to him. When I stretch out beside him, he wraps his arm around me, tucking me to his chest. I pull the blanket around myself, and as I fall back into him, every muscle in my body relaxes. I breathe out, finally able to close my eyes.


  I could stay in this moment forever.



  Something warm leans against my chest. Half-asleep, I shift my head on the pillow and hair tickles my nose. When I open my eyes, Ivy is curled against me, even breaths moving her chest gently up and down. I pull her closer and hug her tighter, inhaling the lingering scent of roses from the bath she took earlier.

  I don’t want you to come.

  Can’t you see you’ve done enough?

  Stay here.

  She moans, and part of me wants to forget BORAS and keep her in bed all day.

  “What time is it?” She yawns, and I check my watch.

  “Too early to be up.” There’s not one part of my body that wants to move.

  “We should go talk to Jims. Find out what the plan is,” she suggests sleepily.

  I don’t want to get up, but instead I answer, “Sure.”

  She sits up and swings her legs to the floor, but keeps her head down and refuses to look up. “Sorry about last night.”

  “There’s nothing to be sorry for. Are you okay?”

  She pushes her hair behind her ear, admitting, “I woke up with this ear-splitting pain in my head. After that, I couldn’t sleep.”

  I slide over, sit next to her and put my hand on her lower back. “How’s your head now?”

  “There’s this dull pain everywhere.” She rubs the sides of her head.

  With her shoulders sagged, her long blonde hair falls forward. I brush it back off her shoulder. “Do you want to lay back down? I don’t mind staying in bed with you.”

  Her lips curve in a smile. “I’m not sure that would be safer.”

  I laugh, and she laughs with me. It’s infectious. I move my body so I’m facing her.

  “Don’t go. Stay here,” I plead. “If you get hurt or worse.”

  “Damion.” She shakes her head and squeezes her eyes shut, raking her fingers across her forehead. “This isn’t just about me. It’s about every kid they killed. Every kid they’re going to hurt. Don’t you see? I don’t matter. They do.”

  I can’t argue with such a righteous statement, but I want to. “You’re right. I just ….” I can’t say it. I can’t tell her how I feel without sounding like a damn fool. Hey, we just met, and I’m madly in love with you because I lived inside your brain for a few weeks.

  She touches my cheek with her right hand, turning toward me. “I understand. I do. And I will forever be grateful for what you’ve done for me.” She places her left hand on my other cheek and I’m lost in her grasp. “All I ask is that you believe in me the way I believe in you.”

  I want to kiss her.

  I want to kiss her so damn hard, my mouth hurts just thinking about it.

  Her lips part. Our gazes stick. Her thumb runs a circle on my cheek and my body melts for her.

  The air is hot. I’m hot. There’s an inferno running through me.

  She glances at my lips. I don’t question anything else.

  Without hesitation, I dive into her, soft and slow. I slide both hands around her waist as the feel of her drives me into another realm. Our mouths move in sync as if they’ve kissed for a thousand lifetimes. She’s better than any vid, any girl. She’s the real deal, and I don’t know how I’m going to control myself.

  I move faster, knowing I should slow down, but having such a hard time.

  She tastes so sweet.

  I want to devour her.

  I want to hold her, caress her, make her forget every horrible thought she’s ever had. I want to take her mind and body away from this place, away from BORAS.

  We kiss harder. I move my hands up her back to grip the back of her neck.

  The softest moan escapes her. It takes all my control not to toss her on her back. I move my hands in her golden hair, touch the sides of her face, anywhere I can feel her skin. She shifts her body closer and I grab her leg, heaving her onto my lap until she straddles me. I take her face between my hands, never breaking contact.

  Finally, we pull apart to breathe. Her chest heaves up and down and she places her hands on my shoulders, stopping my forward momentum.

  “That was my first kiss,” she admits in a breathy tone.
Her cheeks are rosy, accentuating her sparkling eyes.

  It’s impossible to hide my grin. “And?”

  Her gaze flicks to mine. “It was perfect.”

  I’m not sure how I’m not jumping up in the air, because I want to shout how much I love this girl. “You’re perfect,” I counter, brushing her cheek with my fingers.

  “I almost wish we didn’t have to go today. I would’ve liked one more day with you.”

  “Don’t talk like that.” I hug her, resting my head on her chest. “We’re going to take them down, and when that’s done, we’ll go anywhere you want.”

  “I hope so,” she says wistfully, and wraps her arms around my neck until we’re molded together.

  The thought of never being able to kiss her again sends a shard of fear through me. This could be our one and only moment. I caress her cheek, moving the strands of hair aside. I want to tell her how I feel.

  Instead, I bring her to my lips to show her. She tastes of heaven and sweetness. I glide my hands down her back to rest on her hips. If that was her first kiss, I know I need to be gentle and slow.

  But Ivy’s kisses aren’t slow. When I tone it down, she speeds up, tugging the collar of my shirt and making it practically impossible for me to remain a gentleman. One of us has to stop.

  “Do you want breakfast?” I pull away from her so quick, her mouth hangs open, frozen.

  “Oh, uh, sure.” Noticeably embarrassed, she jumps to her feet and turns her back to me.

  Damn it.

  I stand behind her. “Or we could stay in here.”

  She swivels to face me, but avoids my eyes by staring at the top button of my shirt. “This is all new to me and I’m afraid I’ll never have an opportunity to feel this way again.”

  “No. That’s not going to happen,” I declare. Taking her chin in my hand, I lift her gaze to mine. “I’m with you, today, and every day after.” The amber in her honey eyes lights me on fire. “I’ll do whatever you want me to.”

  Mischief sparkles in her eyes. “Kiss me.”

  There’s no holding back this time. Those two words invite me, soaking me in her essence until I’m drowning inside her. I find my way under her tank top and trail my fingers across her skin. She shudders under my touch, and I leave her lips to kiss her neck, ears, anywhere she’ll let me. I slide the neckline of her tank top aside to softly kiss her collarbone. She grips my hair, tugging me to her chest.


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