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Finding Cyn: Devil's Knights Series

Page 2

by Winter Travers

  I opened my eyes and groaned as the room tilted. I slammed my eyes shut, trying to will my rolling stomach to cease, and groaned. Ugh, fuck me. This was horrible.

  “You awake, beautiful?”

  My eyes snapped open, and I whipped my head to the right at the sound of Rigid’s voice. I instantly regretted it when another wave of nausea hit me. I closed my eyes, willing myself not to throw up.

  I heard a chair scrape across the floor, slamming against the wall, and Rigid was next to me instantly. “Talk to me, Cyn, what’s wrong?” He asked, concern laced in his gravelly voice from just waking up.

  I still felt like I was going to throw up and couldn’t speak. Rigid’s hand brushed my hair out of my face, caressing my cheek. “Say something please, Cyn,” he pleaded.

  Weird, Rigid not his usual cocky self. The last time I had talked to him, he had demanded I come over to a bon fire Meg was having. After Nick’s bullshit, I really didn’t deal well with demands. “Why are you here?” I croaked out. I barely recognized my own voice. It sounded like I had been gargling gravel.

  “I needed to know if you were ok.”

  “I’m fine. You can go,” I whimpered as another wave of nausea hit me. I groaned, knowing it was only a matter of time before I lost my dinner.

  “I’m not leaving. Someone needs to take care of you, protect you.”

  “I’m pretty sure I’m in a hospital and I am going to have a huge ass bill telling me someone was taking care of me. You can go. Please.” He had to leave, I was losing the battle of keeping my stomach from doing somersaults.

  “I’m not leaving. Bitch all you want, I-”

  But I didn’t hear what the rest of what he said, because that’s when I lost the battle of my rolling stomach all over Rigid’s boots, then proceeded to pass out.


  Chapter 3


  “I can see if I can get you some pants, maybe find some boots in the lost and found.” A nurse fluttered around Cyn, trying to get me to talk to her while she barely looked at Cyn.

  Bitch was fucking insane if she thought she had a chance in hell with me. It was pretty fucking obvious I was with Cyn, well as much as Cyn would let me be with her, but the nurse kept fluttering her eyes at me and shaking her ass as she walked around, trying to get my attention.

  “It’s really not a big deal. I’m sure I can-.”

  “Leave. Now.” Rude, I know, but effective. The nurse huffed at me and stormed out of the room. I seriously didn’t know what was wrong with some bitches these days.

  “Now you can leave too.” Cyn rasped, eyes still shut, not moving.

  The nurse had told me before she started flirting with me and ignoring Cyn, that Cyn had a nasty concussion which was most likely causing the nausea and the reason she had decided to leave her dinner on my boots.

  “Is that how you talk to the guy you threw up on?’ I asked, smirking as she groaned, rolling her head in my direction. ‘Take it easy, Cyn, no quick movements,” I warned.

  “Ugh, I kind of figured that out after puking all over you.” Her face was pointed at me but her eyes were still closed. She had a bad cut above her left eye, close to swelling shut and the right side of her face was already turning purple and puffy.

  “You need anything?” I asked as I dragged the chair closer to the side of the bed and eased into it. I bumped the bed with my knee and Cyn groaned. Fuck.

  “I need for you to never do that again,” she whined.

  “Sorry, beautiful.” I gently brushed her hair to the side and felt my stomach clench seeing her battered face up close. The mother fucker who had done this to her was going to die.

  We had swung by his house but he was nowhere to be found. Gambler, Demon, and Troy were doing everything to find the fucker, but they still hadn’t found a trace of him. It was like the fucker just up and disappeared.

  “Liar.” She gulped.

  “What? I promise I won’t bump the bed again, I’m sorry.” Geeze she was really bad off.

  “No, I mean you lied when you called me beautiful. I don’t need a mirror to tell me what I look like. I can feel it. I feel like shit, so I know I’m not beautiful, I’m shit.” She wheezed and coughed.

  My blood boiled as I heard Cyn talk. Even beaten and bruised she was still the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. All I saw when I looked at her was a strong-willed, tough as nails woman who had been through so much and was still fighting. She was beautiful. All she was seeing was the surface, there was so much more to her then what was on top.

  “Open your eyes,” I ordered.

  “Rigid, please leave. I don’t want to see anyone right now. I just want to sleep and not feel anything.’ She finally opened her eyes and looked at me. ‘Get that nurse back in here who was trying to get in your pants and sweet talk her to make her give me some pain medicine then you can go.”

  “You got some pain meds in your IV. That bitch doesn’t need to come back in here, you don’t need her for anything. You need something, I’ll get it for you.”

  “I just don’t know why you are here. No one else is, why are you?” She pleaded.

  She had no fucking clue. Half the fucking club had been camped out in the waiting room since she got here. “Get some sleep, Cyn, you’re going to need it. Doctor said you can leave tomorrow if everything checks out ok.”

  “How many days have I been here?” she asked.

  “It’s early, Monday morning. So three days. You’ve been knocked out of it,” I replied as I made my way to the door, planning on letting everyone know she was wake.

  “Wait, why did the doctor talk to you? I thought you had to be family,” she asked as she laid her head down, closing her eyes. It was only a matter of time before the meds kicked in, knocking her out again.

  “You do have to be family, I told them I was your husband.” It was the only way for the doctor to tell me anything. Meg told me Cyn’s parents were on vacation and we had no idea how to get in touch with them. Meg had said she could say she was her sister, but I knew I wouldn’t be allowed to stay in the room if she did that.

  “I must have been knocked out for a while since I missed the wedding,’ she said sarcastically. Suddenly Cyn whipped her eyes to me, opened wide. ‘Oh my god, they don’t think you did this to me, do they?”

  All I could do was shake my head. Here she was laying broken and bruised in the hospital and she was worried I was getting blamed. Crazy. “Naw, babe. If they thought I did this to you, I sure as shit wouldn’t be sitting in your room alone with you.”

  “Oh, yeah. I guess you’re right.’ She laid her head back down, sighing in relief. ‘I need to sleep.” She said, deflated.

  By the time I made it to the door and looked back at her, I knew she was already asleep. Even asleep, I could tell she was broken. So broken that I had no idea how to put her back together.



  “I want to see her! She’s my best friend!” Meg screamed at me.

  I had finally made it to the waiting room after getting my shit together after talking to Cyn. Seeing her so beaten down and hopeless had ripped my heart in two.

  “She’s sleeping. There’s nothing you can do for her right now,” I grunted out.

  “I can sit with her, hold her hand. Be there when she wakes up. Anything other than just sitting here doing nothing!” Meg was damn near hysterical. I looked at King, who looked a little freaked and not sure what to do.

  “I’m sorry Meg. She just needs to rest. Please,” I pleaded. Cyn really did just need to rest.

  “Fine! But I need something to do!” She exclaimed.

  “We need to figure out where she is going to go when she is released tomorrow. I don’t know where she is going to want to go, but I know wherever she goes she shouldn’t be alone. At least not until we catch Nick.”

  “Asshat!” Meg said venomously.

  “Babe, calm down. Rigid is just trying to help,” King tried soothing her, folding
her into his chest.

  “No, not Rigid, Nick. Cyn and I renamed him Asshat after she found out he was cheating on her. His name is Asshat. Plus I could never remember his real name,” Meg explained as she buried her head in King’s neck.

  King and I just shook our heads, silently laughing at Meg.

  Meg was like a pit bull, ready to protect Cyn. ‘So, back to what I was saying, Cyn can’t be alone until we find Asshat,” I said, using his new name Meg and Cyn had given him.

  “She can stay with me. I can ask Remy if he can stay with his dad till we figure everything out,” Meg offered.

  “Babe, no. Your house is small and you’re not home at night. She can stay at the clubhouse. There’s always at least five people there so she’ll never be alone,” King stated.

  “No fucking way! Not with all those skank whores you have wandering around. Hell to the no!” Meg protested, pushing away from King, huffing, as she propped her hands on her hips, pure pissed.

  “Babe, those chicks aren’t there all the time, you know. Just when there’s a party going on. We do run a business Monday thru Friday,” King said, running his fingers through his hair.

  Meg had left King because of the pussy hanging around the house and they had just gotten back together less than 72 hours ago. Club pussy was really going to be an issue for them if Meg’s attitude was anything to go by. King hadn’t touched any of the pussy since he had met Meg but I think just the fact that they were around drove Meg crazy.

  “Bull shit, King!’ She sneered at him. ‘All you have to do is snap your fingers and anyone of them will suck your dick! Cyn is not going to be around that while she is recovering.”

  “The only fucking person I’m going to snap my fucking fingers at is you, Meg. Get that through your head and we’ll get along a hell of a lot better. And you know what happens when you call me King!” King thundered. There were only two people that called King by his real name; Meg and his mom. From what I had gathered, King had grown quite fond of Meg calling him Lo, and got pissed when she called him King.

  King and Meg stared each other down, neither one giving.

  “Jesus Christ! You both fucking love each other, knock it the fuck off. He isn’t going to fuck around on you, Meg, and, King, you need to fucking tell the pussy to fuck off or they’re all gone. Problem solved. Can we get back to Cyn now?’ I asked, fucking annoyed. ‘She can fucking stay at her house. It just needs to get cleaned up and then I can stay with her.’ I was fucking irritated. Cyn was lying in a fucking hospital bed and here these two were arguing about rancid pussy. ‘I’m going back to Cyn. Get her house cleaned up by this afternoon.”

  “Fine! But the only reason I’m going to put up with the club pussy is because I can’t fucking breath without you, Lo. Remember that the next time one of them tries to touch you,” Meg ranted as King reached for her.

  “Noted, babe. How about I take you home to get a couple hours of sleep and then we can head to Cyn’s to clean up?” He stroked her hair, nuzzling her neck. One minute these two were going at each other and the next they were all lovey and shit. Fucking crazy.

  “See you guys tomorrow. I’ll text when I know what time I’m springing her out of here.” I was ready to get back to Cyn, even if she was sleeping.

  “All right brother, try to get some sleep. Text if you need anything,” King ordered as he gathered Meg in his arms and steered her toward the exit. Meg threw a wave over her shoulder to me and they disappeared out the sliding doors.

  I watched King talk to the rest of the guys who had come to the hospital to make sure Cyn was ok. After King talked to them, they all got on their bikes and headed out except for Mickey, who I’m sure King had told to stay behind to be on watch at the hospital.

  I walked back into Cyn’s room, lightly closing the door behind me. I walked to her bed and just looked at her.

  Her left eye was swollen shut, the cut that went across her eye and down her cheek had taken ten stitches and would most likely leave a scar. She had a soft cast on her right arm that would be getting a hard cast tomorrow. She had the blanket drawn up to her chest, but I knew underneath the blanket, both of her knees had cuts and bruises and her stomach was black and blue from where the fucking bastard had kicked her.

  Cyn had lost her baby. The doctor had told me, thinking that she had been pregnant with my baby. I couldn’t believe someone’s reaction to learning they were going to be a dad was to beat the shit out of the mother and tell her how worthless she was. I grasped the rail of her bed, my knuckles turning white, trying to calm myself down. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the fucker who had done this to her.

  She whimpered in her sleep, her legs thrashing. “Shhh, beautiful, you’re ok,’ I caressed her cheek, careful of her stitches. She leaned into my hand, turning her body towards me. ‘I got you Cyn. Nothing bad will ever happen to you again.”

  She sighed contently, wrapping her hand around my arm and pulling it to her chest. “Don’t leave,” she whispered in her sleep.

  I pulled the chair closer to the bed, careful to not move my hand from her and sat. My arm completely stretched out, not comfortable at all, but I would sit like this forever if Cyn wanted me to.

  “I’ll never leave,” I confided to the dark room.



  Chapter 4


  “You’ll need to come back in seven days to get your stitches out and we’ll check to see how your arm is healing. After that, check up in five more weeks to get the cast off, then hopefully you should be all healed. Good as new.” The doctor recited off, not even looking at me. His eyes were glued to his clip board, furiously writing.

  “Is there, um, anything I should know or do about, um, you know…” I trailed off, not really wanting to ask my question since Rigid hadn’t left my side all day yesterday and today, no matter how many times I had asked him to leave. I tried to block him out as he helped me to the bathroom this morning or when he insisted he needed to help me eat, cut my food, feed me.

  I couldn’t do it anymore. He needed to leave so I could talk to the doctor. I needed to know how I was after losing the baby, if I would ever be able to get pregnant again.

  I shot a glare at Rigid, silently pleading for him to leave the room. All the fucker did was smirk at me. What a douche.

  “Can you please leave the room Rigid? I want to talk to the doctor privately,” I sneered.

  “Oh, sweetie, you know you can say anything in front of your husband,’ Rigid stated. ‘You can go ahead and ask the doctor whatever you want. We don’t have any secrets,” he said, smiling at the doctor who had finally looked up from his clipboard, now staring at Rigid. He paled as he took in Rigid’s blue Mohawk and never ending tattoos. Intimidating didn’t even scratch the surface on what Rigid was. Right now, all he was is an annoyance to me.

  “Please, dear, it’s rather personal,” I pleaded, playing along with his husband and wife charade.

  Rigid moved from the foot of the bed and I breathed a sigh of relief. Thank god.

  “So, Doctor, what I want to know is if-.” The door clicked shut and then I saw Rigid walking to the chair that was pulled up next to the bed.

  “Go ahead, beautiful, I just shut the door to give you more privacy,” Rigid mocked as he sat in the chair, cocking his long legs open and leaning back in the chair.

  “I hate you,” I whispered.

  “No, you don’t,” Rigid shot back.

  “Um, Mrs. Meyers, did you have any questions or am I ok to leave?” The doctor asked, anxious to leave.

  I looked at Rigid, hoping he would leave, but no, he just sat there, waiting right along with the doctor.

  Fuck it. “I lost my baby,” I blurted out. Rigid stiffened next to me, but I ignored him. I asked the fucker to leave so he can sit there and be uncomfortable.

  “Yes,” the Doctor replied matter of fact.

  “This was my first pregnancy. He used my stomach like a punching bag. I wanted to k
now if everything was ok, you know, on the inside?” I glanced at Rigid and he didn’t look so smug anymore about staying when I asked him to leave.

  “Well, from what we can tell, you should heal completely. Hopefully no permanent damage.”

  “What do you mean hopefully?” Rigid barked.

  That was going to be my next question, but Rigid beat me to it.

  “Well, like you said Ms. Meyers, you were severely beaten. It’s hard to tell right now what, if any, lasting damage has been done. I would recommend you check with your normal doctor in a month or two and have him do a thorough exam. He should be able to give you all the answers you need. Right now, you are ok to be discharged. Just take it easy at home and no strenuous exercise for at least three weeks.” The doctor flipped his clipboard shut and looked at me expectantly, waiting to be dismissed.

  “Um, thank you, Doctor. I guess I’ll save the rest of my questions for later then,” I mumbled, stunned by the fact that on the surface I will heal, but underneath I could be damaged forever.

  “Thanks, Doc.” Rigid got up and walked the doctor out the door. He shut the door tight and looked at me.

  “Why didn’t you leave when I asked you to? That was private.” I demanded.

  “I didn’t leave because you shouldn’t have to do this alone.”

  “Yes, I do have to do this alone. I want to be alone but you just won’t leave. Take me home and then leave,” I stood up from the bed, grabbing onto the side rail, losing my balance.

  Rigid reached out, easily steadying me, wrapping his arms around me. “Careful, beautiful, you don’t want to hurt yourself.”

  “Too late for that,” I said as I waved my cast in his face. I was very much past hurt.

  “You ready to get home? Meg and some of the guys have been over there most of the day fixing things up,” Rigid asked, helping me put my coat on and grabbing the bag that had been dropped off this morning, most likely thanks to Meg.


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