The Baby Shower
Page 48
I go to stroke his hair but he moves my hands back to my sides, kicks back his chair and kneels in front of me. Pushing my legs open even wider his tongue burrows itself into my entrance, twirls there a moment as I squirm and finds its way to my clit.
Now I have lost control. I arch. I stretch my legs further apart so the muscles in my thighs tighten. I feel the tension and release of his tongue on my clit and I’m burning up. I rock to and fro on my seat, gripping the edges and convulsing towards an orgasm. It is deep and about to erupt. Just before I come, he puts two fingers inside me, I’m up on my toes, panting.
I writhe with the rapture of the deepest orgasm I have felt in a very long time. It takes over my body and my mouth is dry from the gasping and deep inhales. I moan and want more of him inside me. This orgasm has set me alight and I claw my fingers through his hair.
When my jolting hips finally come to rest he looks up at me.
“Don’t tell me that shouldn’t have happened.”
Then he pulls me up off the chair, throws off the robe, and pulls me onto him as he sits back down. My knees are on either side of him and his cock is entering me, inch by glorious inch, as I lower myself onto him. When my clit touches his lower abdomen, he is fully inside me and I light up again. This time I’m riding him, pressing my feet into the floor and working up a rhythm that goes from deep and intense to fast and circular.
My clit bounces off him and my nipples are by his lips. He bites on one and I squeeze his shoulders. He’s coming. He grabs each of my buttocks and bounces me harder, faster. The chair might not hold. But he bucks up into me with a force I’m loving. I don’t want an end to this, but I feel him come, his teeth deeper into my nipple his hands almost pulling me apart. He calls my name as the convulsing of his climax fades.
I lean against him, his head on my chest and we breathe together. Our breathing slows down and Adam looks up at me. We both smile and I rise from his lap, cum dripping from me and his cock is gleaming wet in a semi erection. I take his hand and we walk to the bed. We need no words to express how much we wanted that and how amazing it was.
Lying on the bed, Adam smiles down at me and strokes my face. We kiss, softly at first and then with a passion. His tongue ramming further and further into my mouth. I feel his erection rise against my thigh and he jams his body between my legs. We don’t stop kissing but I bend my knees to let him back inside me and then wrap my legs around his waist.
We seem to be a perfect fit. His body is completely right for me to get friction in all the right places. His love making is amazing and I wish, as I’ve done many times in secret, that I could have met him before either of us were married.
But we’re here now. We have this night and I squeeze my eyes shut to block out any faces that shouldn’t be there. His cock is hot and hard in me and I can feel the heavenly beginnings of another orgasm. I take my time, I want it to last. We are slow and intense as we grind deep and hard together.
Adam links his fingers into mine, raises my hands above my head. He nestles his face into my neck and sucks and bites me. The feeling drives me crazy and I can’t help but move my hips fast again. I’m pulsing so hard my hips lift from the bed as his hardness drives me back into the soft covers. Back and forth, hot and deep, and then I orgasm. I cry out like I’m in pain but this is total pleasure. Total and complete, my pussy is wet and I grip my inner muscles around his cock as I come with a loud cry of relief.
Adam is loud too, his orgasm causes him to lurch deeper inside me for a full few seconds and then collapse into a well of pleasure. We are both hot, perspiring, but all we can do is lie with our wet bodies fused together. I don’t want him to come out. I don’t want to go home. Ever.
In the early hours of the morning, Adam and I are in the bath. My back is against his chest and his fingers trail up and down my arms.
“What happens now?” he asks.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you’re going to leave your husband right?”
I don’t answer.
“Right?” he says again.
“Adam it’s complicated. I’ve been with Drew for so long, he...”
“He needs me.”
“He needs you? Macey, you think I didn’t see that bruise on your back?”
“It was an accident, I stumbled backwards.”
“Macey, please. I’m not an idiot. Whatever happened with him and you, I know it wasn’t good. A man like that is not for you. You deserve more. How could you even think of staying with him?”
I’m quiet a long time. “You don’t know what we’ve been through. He does—he does need me.”
“I need you.” He stops stroking my skin. “I’m serious, Macey. You think I would cheat on my wife if I didn’t think we had a future?”
“I never promised you anything, Adam.”
The truth is I can’t tell him I’m scared. I’m afraid to tell Drew that I want to leave him. I know what he’ll do. He’ll carry out his threat to become physical with me and I don’t know where it will end. But I can’t summon the courage to tell Adam the truth. Instead I lie and make out I’m more together than I appear.
“Look, Adam. You say you want to leave your wife but a lot of men say that.”
“I would never lie to you, Macey. You must know that about me.”
“You say that and here you are cheating on your wife.”
“That’s unfair. We couldn’t stop that happening even if we tried and you and I both know there was more to this than a one night stand, a temporary dalliance from our partners. Can you honestly tell me that you are the sort of girl who would sleep with another man so casually? Because I don’t think that for one moment you are. I know there is something very wrong with your marriage and if you can’t admit it to yourself then you and I don’t have a future.”
Adam climbs out of the bath. The flurry of his movements causes water to splash onto the floor. He stands and dries himself with vigor and I think he will rub off his own skin. He catches me looking at him via the mirrored wall beside him. I turn my eyes away and stare down at the fading bubbles.
“Adam. I will leave him. Just give me time. Just a little and I’ll do it.”
He exhales loudly and comes to kneel beside the bath.
“Macey I hope you’re serious. As serious about this as I am.” Eventually he smiles and I do too. “You wait and see, Macey. I’ll make you happy. I swear.”
He kisses me and helps me out of the bath. I don’t doubt him for a moment. I only doubt that I can escape Drew.
Chapter Four
I’m late for work the next morning. Adam ordered a dress for me at a nearby boutique, along with some shoes and underwear. I do the best I can do with my hair and face and leave the Waldorf about two hours after Adam went to work.
I pop my head around my office door like a naughty teenager who has missed curfew and, of course, Amy is there, busily working away. I say nothing and creep to my desk.
She doesn’t look up but says, “Good afternoon, young miss.”
“It’s not so late,” I say switching on my computer and taking the lid off the coffee Amy has left on my desk for me.
Amy sits back in her chair. “New outfit?”
I look down at the deep red dress. “Um, yeah. I’ve had it a while but never got round to wearing it until today.”
“Special occasion?”
“What?” I splutter and dribble my coffee. “No, nothing special. Nothing’s happened.”
“You sure? Because somehow you look different to me.”
“Don’t be silly, Amy. It’s a new dress. Big deal. You’ve seen me in dresses before.”
“Sure but weren’t you the one who told me you couldn’t afford new clothes? Saving up for a new apartment?”
“I did, but I treated myself. Did I miss anything?”
“No. Nothing. I heard Adam Wainwright is going away.”
I jerk my head upwards but count
to five before I ask, “Where?”
“South America. Business.”
“Where do you get all your information?” I say as casually as I can.
“I have my ways,” she smiles and begins to work on something on her computer.
I begin to wonder if she knows where I was last night. Surely not. How could she? Then the door taps twice and in walks Adam.
“Morning ladies!”
For some reason, Amy looks at me and doesn’t answer Adam. As usual he’s looking at me only.
“Hi Adam,” I say with a “friends only” type of smile. “You need anything?” He smiles before answering.
“Just popping in to say thank you for yesterday. You know, going over that stuff for the meeting tomorrow. I wondered if you wanted to sit in?”
“Why not? You never know, you might be heading up your own sales team one day,” he says.
Amy clears her throat. “And you never know, Macey, Adam might ask you along to the South America trip.”
“I can’t go,” I say quickly.
“Why not?” Adam is leaning his knuckles on my desk. I know the cologne he’s wearing. I smoothed it onto his skin as he held my naked body against him. His cock was hard and he’d picked me up, sat me on the bathroom counter and pushed it into me. I moisten at the thought.
“Well, it’s the first I’ve heard about the trip and surely it’s about the sales team,” I say.
“We could all do with some administrative support, though, Macey.” Adam is smiling and my lips are twitching to reciprocate. Amy coughs again.
“If Macey can’t go, I’m game,” she says.
“Right,” says Adam without looking at her. He leans up off my desk and leaves the room. I stare at the door. I become aware of Amy’s eyes on me.
“Oh my God,” she says.
“What?” I get up and go to a filing cabinet for no good reason but to have my back to Amy.
“You’ve slept with him haven’t you?” she says.
“That’s ridiculous.” I go back to my desk after having pushed a few files back and forth in the filing cabinet.
“You went up to his office yesterday, you got up to something, he took you home and then he had to buy you a new outfit to wear today so you didn’t come in in the same as yesterday. What did you tell your husband? Did he buy it?”
“Amy, please! I went home to my husband last night after leaving the office. Okay?”
“Why do I get the feeling you’re trying to shut me up?”
“Because I am.”
“Because you slept with him.”
I move my mouth but nothing comes out. I’m a dreadful liar. Always have been.
“Don’t worry,” Amy says. “Your secret is safe with me.”
“Amy it’s not what you think. It’s a lot more complicated than that. No one, I mean, no one can know.”
Amy makes a locking sign over her lips and throws over her shoulder an imaginary key. She winks and gets back to work.
The last thing I wanted was for anyone to find out. I have enough to think about going home and facing Drew later.
For the rest of the morning, I keep my head down and work, barely looking at Amy and then my cell starts to ring. I jump about a foot and stare at my purse.
“You gonna get that?” Amy asks.
I get out my cell. It’s Drew. I give a quick look at Amy, turn my chair away and answer.
“Baby, I so so sorry,” he says. I haven’t uttered a word. “I don’t know what came over me. Maybe I had too much to drink. I can’t even remember what I said. I woke up and you weren’t there. I wondered what I’d done. I know I must have been a bastard and I’m sorry. You have every right to hate me right now.”
“Drew, I-I can’t talk at the moment.” I take a quick look at Amy but her head is down. “I’ll speak to you later.”
“Listen, May. I got a job interview today. Something’s come up at Hardy’s. You know the mechanic? Well I got to go see him later. It’s a formality, I know, I got this. We can go celebrate tonight. What d’you say?”
“Well, let’s talk later.”
“I love you, Macey. This is going to be a new start for us. I swear. I’ve been an idiot. I know I have to shape up. I don’t wanna lose you May. I don’t know what I’d do without you. You’re my world, you know that?”
“I know, Drew. Like I said, I gotta go. I’m at work. Good luck with the job.”
“Don’t need luck, baby. I’ll have the champagne on ice. Love you.”
I hang up the phone and close my eyes.
“Was that Drew?”
I nod.
“Wondering why you didn’t come home?”
“I went home, Amy, for the last time. I wish for once you’d mind your own damn business.”
“I’m sorry, Macey.”
I want to apologize too but I’m afraid, confused and angry all at the same time. Drew is on his way to getting a job. In a week everything could be right between us and I went and slept with another man. How can I look Drew in the eye when I get home? How can I tell Adam that it was all a mistake and that I can’t leave my husband?
Now Amy is upset with me. I feel alone but also like I’m having an outer body experience. Who am I now? What have I become?
Chapter Five
I leave for home and I’m dreading it with every fiber of my being. About a hundred yards from the apartment building, I begin smiling. I’m trying to make my face less tense so that I can be happy when I see Drew and he tells me about his new job. I have to also come up with a reason I have a new dress and think up some place I could have been all night. He’s bound to ask.
I fiddle with my key at the door and turn it in the lock, slowly. It seems quiet in the apartment and I wonder if Drew is out. Maybe the people at Hardy’s asked him to start right away. Maybe he’s out getting that champagne.
“Drew?” I say quietly, but secretly I really don’t want him to be here so I can change out of the dress.
I open the living room door and I see straight away that Drew is drunk. He has a bottle of whiskey in his hand and it swings from the loose grip of his fingers at the side of the old armchair in the corner. I can smell the booze. His eyes are stony, he glares at me like he hates me and I freeze.
“You started without me?” My lips tremble as I speak. “You got the job?”
He rises slowly, dropping the whiskey bottle as he does. It falls, but only a trickle comes out. He’s drunk most of it. He slides his feet across the old carpet towards me and comes right up to my face.
“There was no job. They gave it away this morning.” He looks down at my clothes and then into my eyes. “Where’d you get the money for that?” He signals to my dress.
“Where’d you get the money for the booze, Drew?”
The back of his hand makes instant contact with my cheek and it stings like crazy. I’ve never had that happen to me before. I hold my face and go to run but he pulls me back by my hair.
“Answer the question.” His voice is unrecognizable.
“Drew what are you doing? You’re hurting me.”
“I said, where did you get that dress from? Who were you with last night?”
I manage to pry his fingers away and run. I don’t get far. His hands shove me so hard I lose balance and fall toward the living room door. My forehead makes contact with the edge and I feel the heat of blood and the throb of the impact and call out, “Drew. No!”
Lying on my side on the floor, I curl up because Drew’s foot is flying my way. He kicks the door and not me, but the door jams into the hand that shields my face. It doesn’t hurt so much, but I see blood drip onto the carpet and I feel dizzy. I look back at Drew, but he’s just swaying over me in a bearlike stance, barely able to stand up straight.
“I’m sorry, Drew.”
“Sorry for what?”
“The job,” I whisper. “I’m sorry you didn’t get the job.”
�Don’t you feel sorry for me. Get up!” He grabs for my arms and yanks me to my feet. I turn my face away, afraid of another hard slap. My ears are making a whooshing sound and I feel I could pass out. In one fell swoop, Drew rips the dress from my shoulders and the top half falls away, the seams torn and shredded.
“What do you want?” I cry out. “You sent me away last night. I had to stay with a friend. She gave me the dress. I was going to give it back to her and now I can’t.”
He looks at me for a few scary moments and sends me flying onto the sofa. Then he storms out. My tears wait until I hear the slamming of the door. Then they fall, thick and fast and I have no sound inside me to cry aloud. My shoulders shrug and I wipe away blood and tears until I find the strength to take myself to the bathroom.
The cut isn’t as deep as I first thought, but I have a lump the size of a golf ball and darkening around both eyes as if I’ve gone a few rounds in the boxing ring with Drew. I turn on the shower and close my eyes under it, looking at the ripped up dress on the floor and the scratches on my shoulders where Drew clawed it from my body.
My worst fears have finally been enacted. Drew has hit me. Badly. He has lost all respect for me and there is nothing of our marriage to want to save. But still, I’m afraid. Afraid that if I pack up my things and leave, he’ll come after me. Either he’ll come to my office and cause trouble or he’ll seek me out wherever I happen to be.
I turn off the water, wrap a towel around me, and gather my ruined dress. I throw it into the trash and make myself a coffee. I barely drink it; I’m listening for Drew to come home. It gets to three o’clock in the morning and he’s not back. I’ve already cleaned the blood off the carpet, changed my bandage twice and gotten into bed. Still no Drew.
In the state he was in, he could have ended up anywhere. But I’m tired and my eyelids are heavy.
I wake in the early hours of the morning and sit up. I think I hear someone in the kitchen, but looking around there is no sign of Drew, and on checking my cell, he hasn’t called me either. I suddenly catch sight of my face in the mirror. I look like a monster. There’s no way I can go into work. If Adam saw me, I don’t know what he’d do, and if Amy saw me she’d put two and two together.