Lawfully Devoted
Page 3
No one else spoke for several moments while Erica busied herself taking ice from the freezer and putting it in the bowl. Behind her, she heard Natalie ask, “Can I use the restroom?”
“Sure, I’ll show you where it is,” she heard Lindsay offer.
A few moments later, Zach came around to stand in Erica’s view. He broke the awkward silence between them by saying, “You’re looking especially good tonight in that pink dress. Did you get all fancied up for me?”
Slamming her hand down on the counter, she jerked her head up and glared at him. “You need to give it a rest, Zach, and stop trying to antagonize me. Every time I’m around you, I regret having to spend another minute with you.”
“I don’t think that’s really true. I think you’re just upset from the other day when I accidentally pulled you over.”
“If it was an accident,” she accused bitterly. “And even if that was, what you did at the baby shower was definitely done on purpose. I really had a chance of making it work with that guy, and you ruined it.”
Erica’s mind drifted back to when Zach showed up at Lindsay’s and Aiden’s co-ed baby shower.
“Hey everyone, we can really start this party now that I’m here,” Zach hollered out as he entered the house.
“You do realize it’s not that type of party,” Aiden corrected, shaking his head. “This is about getting Lindsay ready for the baby’s arrival.”
“And for you too, Aiden. We both will be using all this stuff,” Lindsay said, gesturing around the room at the gifts they already opened.
“Right, right, I get it,” Zach said, taking an empty seat on the couch.
“Yeah, I don’t think you get it at all, Zach. If you did, you would have shown up on time. Not an hour and a half late without even bringing a gift,” Erica corrected from her seat across from him. She placed her pen and paper down on the table next to her as she added, “Maybe you should just go since you obviously don’t understand or care what this is really about. You’re literally the worst best friend a guy could have.”
“You don’t know anything about my friendship with Aiden, or with anyone else for that matter,” Zach snapped back. His easy-going demeanor disappearing as he leaned forward and glared at her. “Maybe you should mind your own business since this isn’t your shower anyway, though I’m sure you’re trying to change that fact as quickly as possible. I mean, look at the guy next to you; it’s obvious you picked him because he looks like a guy you can push into a quick marriage and a baby all in one year.”
The thin, blond man sitting next to Erica seemed to stiffen under the scrutiny and the comment. His brown eyes grew wide with shock. He looked like he wanted to say something, but instead he pressed his lips together and remained quiet.
“See, he can’t even stand up for himself, so he’s exactly what you’re looking for Erica. You’ll run him really good. You’ll run him right into a wedding and baby he doesn’t want.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Erica defended. “I’m not pushing Rick into anything.”
“Does he know you already have your wedding planned? I mean, you told everyone at Aiden’s and Lindsay’s wedding you’ve been planning your own since you were a little girl. You should probably let him know, so he’s aware of the next level type of horror you plan to unleash on his life.”
“That’s enough,” Aiden shouted, coming to Erica’s aid. “I think you and I need to step outside while you get some air, Zach.”
Erica seethed with anger as she watched Zach leave, but as she turned her attention to Rick, she knew the damage was already done. He had the look like he couldn’t get away from her fast enough.
That was the last time she saw Rick. Later that night, when she called him to check in on how he was doing after the fiasco, he told her he thought it best if they ended things. Her anger towards Zach only intensified, not just because he wouldn’t stop chasing her, but because he managed to ruin the first relationship that had made it past three months for her in over two years.
“Look, you need to stop settling for guys that aren’t right for you. You need a guy who can challenge you,” Zach stated, bringing her back to the present.
“Oh, do you mean a guy like you?” she cooed with fake interest. “Do I need a man that looks at me like a conquest rather than a partner? A man that has the emotional IQ of a turnip? A man who is so selfish he can’t break old habits of bringing a date everywhere he goes even when he professes he’s interested in someone else?”
“What can I say, I like female company,” Zach said, crossing his arms over his chest defensively. “As for your other objections about me, how do you know any of that is true? You’ve never even given me a chance.”
“I don’t need to. You’ve made who you are quite clear over the time I’ve known you,” Erica spat back. “And it’s obvious you’re not very choosy about who you decide to spend your time with.”
“What did you just say about me?” Natalie asked as she came back into the kitchen. She placed her hands on her hips and scowled at Erica. “It didn’t sound very nice.”
Erica felt herself blush with embarrassment, immediately regretting her harsh words. She turned to the other woman and apologized. “I’m sorry. This has nothing to do with you.”
“You’re right,” Natalie said through gritted teeth. “I don’t know what this,” she said gesturing between Erica and Zach, “is…but I don’t want any part of it. I’m leaving.”
Zach reached out to stop her, but she shook him off. “Don’t bother, Zach, we both know this wasn’t going anywhere anyway. Do me a favor, lose my number.”
Natalie took off, leaving Zach and Erica alone again.
Zach’s eyebrows shot up in surprise as he said, “I guess this makes us even for the baby shower, doesn’t it? Was that your plan? Or did you do that because you were jealous?”
“I don’t have time for this,” Erica stated dismissively, not wanting to answer the questions, knowing there was a hint of truth in both of them. “I’ve got to go outside and help Lindsay get Mandy ready for cake and present time.”
“Of course you do, because it’s easier to run away and distract yourself by keeping busy than actually think about what you really want.”
As Erica left the kitchen and made her way out back, she tried to push Zach out of her mind. The problem was, that was easier said than done. Though she thought she despised him most of the time, something about him got under her skin. It was in a way that made her unable to ever completely shake him from her mind even with her best effort to do so.
“Hi, Auntie Erica, is it time for cake?” Mandy asked, a giant smile on her face.
That’s what she needed. One smile from her niece, and Erica felt heaps better. She spent the next hour doting on Mandy and the other children, making sure it was the best party ever.
By the time Erica left the O’Connells’ house, she was content because the afternoon had been such fun. She pushed back a yawn as she debated about skipping her speed dating event; however, she decided she needed to push through and just go. If she was ever going to find Mr. Right, she needed to keep trying.
Erica drove over to Sushi Mon at the Clear Mountain Riverwalk and made her way inside, grateful she was a bit early. She pulled out the flyer and read through it one more time.
What is speed dating?
Speed dating will save you time and money. Don’t waste your time on unsuccessful dates that could take hours. During one speed dating event, you’ll meet 15 other singles. Nowhere else can you meet that many potential matches for just $25.
No awkward moments at speed dating. You don’t have to invent excuses to get out of an unpleasant date. The five minutes you’ll spend with each participant can be easily survived even if they aren’t a good fit.
We guarantee our events. If you don’t find anyone, you can try again for free at another event. We want to help you find your soulmate.
Is Speed Dating for me?
p; Do you want to meet someone, but haven’t had success at the normal places like bars, churches, or work?
Check, Erica thought to herself. Done all of those without any success.
Have you tried online dating, but have found out that the majority of the people on there aren’t looking for the same thing, misrepresent themselves, or stand you up?
I’ve had that happen more times than I can count, Erica admitted.
Do you want to meet the right someone, but you don’t know how and where?
Absolutely, I want to have that special someone in my life.
Have you been set up by friends only to find out the reality of the date turned out to be far away from the impression they gave you about the person?
Yep, I know they have the best of intentions, but it never works.
If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, then speed dating could be the right answer for you on your journey to meeting the person of your dreams.
How about if you answer ‘yes’ to all the questions? Erica thought wryly to herself. Do I get bonus points?
Erica tucked the flyer back in her purse, before climbing out of her car. She looked forward to the potential of the stream-lined process. She would get to meet 15 men, with only five minutes with each potential candidate, she wouldn’t have to commit to spending hours with someone who was rude, annoying, or weird. She had plenty of other nights filled with all three, so having the ding of the bell signal it was time to move on appealed to Erica.
Once inside, she sat down at an empty seat at one of the booths waiting for the host to stand up and start the event.
“Good evening, everyone,” a tall woman with long auburn hair said with a smile. “I know some of you heard about my club by word of mouth while others received one of the flyers. Let me introduce myself. I’m Holly Burgandy, and I created the social club, Clear Mountain Connect, five years ago. I wanted a way for people to get to know each other in town. We started out hosting events such as paint night, book clubs, and Monday night football hangouts. Over the past year, we decided that people wanted to connect beyond just friendship. There was a serious need to help people in the dating world. We branched into creating dating opportunities such as wine-tasting, dance nights, and group dinners. Tonight, we are hosting our first speed dating event, which brings me to the rules of the night. Each of you will have a name tag with a nickname of your choosing and a scoreboard. We will pair everyone up and their first date begins. After five minutes of conversation, a bell rings, the men proceed to the next lady, and another five-minute session begins. The ladies always remain at their own tables. After each speed date, participants mark on their card whether they have interest in going on a full-length date with the other person. If a mutual interest is noted, we’ll provide each party with the other’s contact information.”
This sounds rather painless, Erica consoled herself. I’m glad I came.
Holly and her assistant went around the room, pairing up the men with the different women at each table. Before they got to Erica, the door opened from behind her. The muffled voices of a few people could be heard discussing whether the late-comer should be admitted.
A woman with black hair and matching skin from the booth next to Erica leaned over and whispered, “I’m surprised their letting anyone else join, considering how late they are.”
“They probably need whoever it is so the numbers even out,” Erica explained, though she didn’t like the idea that someone was there who didn’t take the process seriously enough to show up on time.
“Good luck,” the woman whispered leaning back into her own booth just as Holly came around to assign someone to her.
Next, Holly’s assistant placed a man with long brown hair, dark olive skin, and a thick build directly in front of Erica. He was wearing pants she would have sworn were for working out along with a tight t-shirt. His nickname read, “Football Legend.” Oh, barf, think much of yourself, do you? Even though she was immediately turned off by the nickname, she tried to keep an open mind until he leered at her chest far longer than he needed to read her nickname. Erica glanced away, uncomfortable under the man’s scrutiny.
The first date was a complete wash. The man couldn’t stop talking about his workout routine and football, in that order, the whole time. She had never been so grateful to hear the ringing of a bell as she did during their conversation.
The next man to rotate towards her was on the thin side with balding hair, but at least he seemed friendly and didn’t creep her out. He gave Erica an awkward grin as she glanced at his nickname. “Khal Drogo.” She glanced down at her own, which simply stated, “Blessed Lady,” which she picked because she was a Christian and wanted men to know she wanted to be treated as a lady. What the heck did his mean?
The bell rang, and within a minute, she knew exactly what his nickname meant. He couldn’t stop talking about the cable show, Game of Thrones. Apparently, Khal Drogo was a character from it. He wanted to be just like him—strong and dominant in all his relationships. Immediately, the idea of it turned Erica’s stomach, not to mention the man was so frail he didn’t look like he could even carry a sack of potatoes, let alone a woman to the bedroom like he claimed he wanted to do.
“I think you could be the Daenerys Targaryen to my Khal Drogo,” he whispered in awe of her.
Erica’s eyes grew wide with disbelief. He really had no idea how far off he was. Not only because she had no idea what he was talking about, but because there was no way she would ever get into any TV show that much. Luckily, before she had to tell him as much, the bell rang and the fanboy moved on.
Four more dates passed without any positive results. Some of them because there wasn’t a spark, others because their interests didn’t line up. Erica was beginning to give up hope, until a handsome man with brown hair and matching eyes sat down across from her. He was dressed well, wearing a blue sweater and khaki slacks. His nickname read, “French Chef.”
Oh, she liked that. Did that mean he cooked French food, or in fact, was from France? Or both?
The bell rang and the man spoke, confirming he was from France as his enticing French accent drifted across the table towards her. “Good evening, my lady,” he said with a magnetic smile and a nod towards her name tag. “What does the blessed part mean?”
“I’m a Christian,” she said, returning the smile.
Immediately, his playful and engaging disposition disappeared as he asked, “How religious are you? You go to church a couple of times a year or is it your second home?”
Erica was shocked at how quickly his attitude changed towards her. Defensively, she crossed her arms and said, “I don’t really like how you asked that, but I should make it clear, my faith is the most important thing in my life.”
“I don’t think this will work out then,” he said, pulling out his phone and ignoring her for the next three minutes.
Erica had to blink back the tears, not wanting to let the man see that his reaction upset her. She tried to convince herself it didn’t matter. What did she care if he didn’t like her? He was merely one man in a room filled with them. One of the guys present had to have some potential, didn’t he?
The bell rang again and the judgmental jerk moved on. Just when she thought the night couldn’t get any worse, she looked up to find the one person she wanted to see least in the world, Zach Turner. What was he doing here?
“What are you doing here?” Erica croaked out. “Are you following me?”
“What?” Zach asked in confusion. “How would that even be possible, considering I left the party before you did.”
“Then how did you end up here?” she accused with anger.
“I was hanging out over at The Lucky Penny when someone mentioned this was going on. I decided why not come and try it out.”
“Really? I thought you would have tried to patch things up with that loathsome newspaper reporter or maybe the halfwit you brought with you to the rehearsal dinner. Y
ou always seem to be surrounded by airheads or snobs.”
“As a matter-of-fact, I was working on getting Natalie to finish our date when she got called out to cover a story. There was no one else interesting at the bar, so I decided to come check this out.”
“You do know this is for people who are serious about making a connection. Not just a diversion for some guy who has nothing better to do and is only interested in landing his next booty call,” Erica chastised.
“You know, you make a lot of presumptions about me, Erica. You have a bad habit of judging a book by its cover. Natalie isn’t an airhead or a snob, and you don’t know why I came here.”
She snorted with a roll of her eyes. “Your pleas of innocence don’t work with me, Zach. I know exactly who you are.”
“Either way, you’re my next rotation and we can’t skip it or it messes it up for everyone else,” he explained, plopping down in the seat across from her. He couldn’t understand why she got under his skin so bad, or why he felt the need to prove himself to her. “And for the record, I really didn’t know you were here. You’ve made it plenty clear you have no desire to get to know me.”
For a split moment, Erica seemed to waffle as temporary remorse flooded her eyes, until she focused on his nickname.
“Ugh, seriously, Italian Stallion? You almost had me feeling guilty for a moment, but leave it to your uncanny ability to erase such unjustified feelings by your actions,” she said, gesturing with her hand towards his chest.
“Oh, this?” he said, glancing down at the name tag with a snicker. “I thought it would be funny.”
“You obviously have a poor sense of humor,” she rebuked. “That’s not funny. It’s borderline offensive.”
“Really? It got a few laughs from some of the other women. Maybe, it’s just because you’re so stuck-up.”
Erica gasped. “Seriously? You’re going to insult me now? Way to go, Zach. Bravo.” Averting her eyes, she added, “You really are the worst.”