Dusty & Daddy
Page 9
Dan, my closest friend, wasn't instrumental in getting me kicked out, but Michael Brattly, well, I was surprised that he took the idea of ousting me to the board and pushed it through, mostly with his own determination. People change over the years. Especially where money and power are concerned, friendship gets easily mislaid.
As I ride up the elevator to the forty ninth floor (we selected that number in honor of our Alma Mater home town team) a sense of trepidation falls on me. Are my previous employees going to give me the look? Will it be the ex-con walk of shame across the wide reception?
I fucking hate this but I man-up and grit my jaw down, ready to face what comes. It all seems way easier knowing I have Dusty Rose waiting for me. Her arms will take me back to her, no matter what shit goes down in this fake corporate environment.
“Morning, Sir.” The receptionist gives me a huge smile. But then that's what she's paid to do.
As I stride through to my old office in the back corner, people greet me and I respond without checking the surreptitious flickers across their faces. I don't care.
My office suite is pretty much the same. Minus the personal effects of course.
First I put in a call to a personal shopper I know and tell her to head out immediately. I know Dusty Rose loves a store called Free People, so I tell her to go there, pick up a bunch of stuff and bring it out to the hotel.
“The airport?” she whines, like it's Tim-buc-fucking-tu.
“Just send me the bill, Charlene.”
“Good morning, Mr Jones. It's so good to see you.” My secretary, Julia, comes in with my coffee. Perfect, as she knows I like it.
“Mr Jones, Julia? When did we get so formal?”
“Sorry, Killian. It's great to have you back, Sir.”
“I'm not back,” I tell her. “Just come in for the assist.”
She grins, knowing I prefer hockey over football. Julia was always on my team. Always stood by me, the only one that did. She actually cried when they took me away. As they shame-walked me out of the office that day after assuring me I wouldn’t be arrested. Right in the fucking office.
My high priced attorney told me I’d never see a cell. Because rich guys with big-mouth lawyers don’t do time. My mistake for using the company attorney instead of a personal criminal guy.
Criminal. The word makes me fucking cringe.
“Mr Bates is here for you, Sir.”
I don't do the 'show him in' shit, but head straight to the door and clap the guy on the back with a stiff handshake. Jeremy Bates is a super cool dude. His clipped English accent distracts dealers from the fact that he's a ravenous fucking bulldog that will rip you apart at any sign of weakness. We get along great.
“Good to see you, dude,” he says. The Americanism sounding strange on him.
“Yeah you too, man. Let's get a beer.”
We head out for lunch and by the time we're into the steak and a second bottle of Chateauneuf, the deal is pretty much hammered out.
“I wouldn’t have come in if you weren't on this,” he tells me in a confidential tone. “I do not trust that little shit, Brattly.”
Yeah, that makes two of us.
I stride back through the office like I own the fucking world. I forgot how much I enjoy the thrill of making money. Just some paperwork to take care of in my office then I can get back to Dusty Rose. She's going to love what I have to tell her.
“Um, excuse me, Sir,” Julia's unusually nervous voice comes on the intercom.
The door is thrown open and before she can add, “Your step-daughter's here to see you,” Dusty Rose blasts into my office.
Dusty Rose
“Baby, what the fuck are you doing here?”
Killian jumps up from his seat to shut the door behind me. I can see by his face he can't decide whether to be angry or adoring. But when his gaze takes in my new mini dress, with flared skirt and lacing up the front, like a corset bodice, he loses the use of his lips.
His eyes travel across my bare thighs down to the over-the-knee lace-up suede boots. Then back up my thighs to where the dress barely covers my panties.
“I wanted to see you,” I moan.
“Baby, you're killing me here,” he groans.
“This is your company.”
I can't resist a pout although it's starting to feel like a really childish response to the man who's now my lover. I just hate that our feelings for each other have to be inhibited by outside pressure.
“No one's going to question what you do.”
“My sweet little Baby. It doesn't work like that.”
“I just wanted to see you,” I mewl. Worried now that I've really ruined everything. Again.
Why am I like this? Impulsive, not thinking stuff through to the end, any further than to get what I want. He looks so freaking handsome in a suit and tie, the ripped muscle flexing under the fine fabrics.
I reach up and stroke my fingers along his clean shaven jaw, wondering how it would feel rubbing against my pussy in comparison to the stubble he usually rocks.
“I'm sorry. I shouldn't have.”
“No, Baby, it's okay. It'll be okay.”
He takes me in his arms and I wrap mine around his neck. Arching my back to press my tits into his solid chest and tip my face up. Before he can pull back, I drag his mouth down onto mine. He tries to resist but his lips need connection to me.
He kisses me with the same hungry intensity as always, his tongue moving firmly around mine, and me responding eagerly. My back is against the door with his chest pinning me immovable. I press my tits harder against him. When Killian finally breaks the kiss, we're both panting for breath.
“Fuck,” he moans.
“Yes,” I whimper, pulling him back to me. “Fuck me.”
“No,” he snaps, then more softly, “Not here.”
Juices have already soaked through my panties and my clit is throbbing out a demand. I reach for his cock, thrusting against the fitted pants. He's a metallic massive bolt and hotter than a fired rocket.
“I'm dripping wet,” I whisper. “I've always had dreams of you fucking me in your office.”
“Jeezus fuck,” he groans, his breath rasping and catching as he pulls my panties to the side and thrusts two fingers inside my tight hole.
My muscles instantly tug at his fingers and he rubs against a spot inside my pussy making me shiver and my vision go blurry. I'm panting, delirious with need for him.
“Fuck me, please. I need to feel you inside me.”
He spins me around and my palms slam against the door as he bends me over. The short little dress rides up over my butt and Killian yanks my panties down my thighs. I'm not expecting the delicious hard slap that comes down on my bare ass. I let out a squeal but the sting only intensifies the ache in my clit and I moan for more.
I hear the sound of his zipper and bite my lip with anticipation. The luscious feeling of being filled almost euphoric as he shoves all the way inside me.
“I love your cock,” I moan out loud.
His hand clasps over my mouth. I'm facing the door after all and I'm a screamer every time Killian makes me come, hard enough to detonate. He thrusts into my pussy, the angle I'm bending at means his dick finds a deeper point in my core, like he's going to come all the way inside my womb. I push back against the door, forcing his head further, harder into me.
It takes no time at all before I feel the lust pool in my clit then fountain in a shower of white sparks all the way to the edges of my body. My head spins with lights and explosions of pleasure. And I grind down on his dick as Killian represses a groan and releases inside me.
He slips out of me and drops to his knees. He laps my juices from my shimmering clit while I clench to hold his tight inside my center. Then he carefully hikes my panties back up my thighs and into place, which isn’t easy considering they're dripping wet. He rises up my body and takes me in his arms, still huffing for breath against his chest.
p; “Shit, I can't believe we did that,” he moans into my hair, stroking my back tenderly.
“It was amazing,” I murmur. “You shouldn't have left me this morning without coming inside me.”
“I'm sorry, my princess. It won't happen again.”
A little thrill goes through me.
“Does that mean you'll sleep with me every night?” I ask, breathless with hope.
“I don't know why I didn't think of it before. We did the hotel thing during the day, why not all night? I must have been fucking brain dead from being incarcerated.”
“Or perhaps you secretly liked fucking me in the strip club room,” I say with a naughty grin.
I definitely found it fucking hotter than a burning firepit to climb on his thick thighs and strip off for him. The power that roared me through was intoxicating, seeing his eyes hood with lust for my body and helpless to resist me. My pussy starts to twitch all over again just thinking about it.
“I can't get enough of you,” he growls. “I love you so much, Dusty Rose. You're an addiction, my only passion.”
“I love you too, Killian. I've always loved you.”
“I loved you from the moment I set eyes on you. It never went away, you know that, right? It only changed as time passed.”
I don't tell him my love has never changed. I wanted to kiss him from the day I met him and as I grew up, that intensified into desperately wanting his cock and imagining him inside me, as I played with my little pussy.
“Can we go home now?” I ask, thinking I'm going to drag him back into the big hotel bed as soon as we arrive.
“Yes, but not together.”
I'm ready to object but startle when I hear another woman's voice in the room. Then I realize it's only Killian's secretary on the intercom thingy.
“Killian, er, your, Mrs Jones is here to see you.”
“What the fuck?” I snarl. “What's my mother doing here?”
Killian places a finger on my lips, warning me to be quiet. I see him run through the options, trying to decide whether to move to his desk to tell the secretary to kick the bitch's ass to the street. But then that would leave the door undefended. Before he decides, it's pushed open and I only just have time to step behind it and out of sight.
Killian uses his powerful chest wall as a shield to block Mommie Dearest's entrance and I'm congratulating myself on my swift action, defeating her from discovering us together when the stupid secretary's voice pipes up.
“Now all the family's together here. I'm so happy to see you all again, Sir.”
Julia is glowing with happiness on my account so I can't be mad at her screw up.
“Really?” Monique jumps all over it with her usual intense suspicion. “What family?”
She makes the simple calculation rapidly. “You've seen Dusty Rose? She's been here?”
Julia's face now collapses in horror as she realizes her mistake has dropped me deep into the shit.
“It's okay, Julia,” I tell her and she backs away with apologies all over her face.
I can't close the door because Dusty Rose is standing right behind it. And there's no fucking way we'll be able to act like there's nothing going on. I don't even want to. I've had it up to here with sneaking around and denying my feelings.
Monique is already sniffing at the air. The sensual sweet aroma of intimacy is discernible in the large room. She looks at me and a vicious grin curls at her spiteful mouth.
“She's here, isn't she,” she snipes. “You're dead.”
“Shut your fucking mouth, you evil bitch.” Dusty Rose steps out from her hiding place, rage flaring in her beautiful eyes.
I get a vivid picture of the pain she's harboring from her mother's treatment of her only child throughout her entire life. Something I always had the feeling I needed to shield Dusty Rose from. If this is my last day of freedom, at least I can carry the fulfillment of our love back inside with me.
“Don't you fucking threaten me,” Dusty Rose shouts at something her mother said. Something I missed while distracted by the betrayal in Dusty Rose's stare. “I'm not a child now and I'm not afraid of you abandoning me or trying to steal every bit of happiness I find.”
“You're one to talk about stealing,” my ex says, the consummate victim, trying to make out she ever gave a damn.
I step between the two women, making sure that Monique's anger doesn't get out of control and turn physical.
“You are done, you little slut,” she snarls.
“Watch your mouth, Monique.” I put my arm around Dusty Rose, protecting her. “What are you doing here? And how did you know I was in my office today?”
“And you.” She stops glaring daggers at her daughter to round on me. “You know where you're heading straight back to? Hell!”
I move to shut the door before the entire office hears her threats and accusations. I don't want Dusty Rose to face looks of censure when she leaves here, just in case I'm not there to deflect them from her.
“Everything okay here, Killian?” Mike Brattly, my co-director shoves his head around the door before I close it.
“We're fine, Michael. Just a private matter.” I emphasize the word private, hoping he'll get the hint.
He doesn't. He pushes inside and looks at Monique strangely.
“How did it go with Bates?” he inquires.
“Just fine, thanks for asking. The deal's done and he -” I don't get the chance to share my news.
“Sweet,” Brattly interrupts. “That's at least five mill on the bottom line this quarter.”
“I know you,” Dusty Rose says, coming closer to my side and staring at Mike, her eyes on fire.
“Sure, Sweetie,” he says, so condescending I want to fist his face to the ground. “I'm your step-dad's partner. You met me at - er-”
He flounders then and his eyes dart to Monique again. He can't come up with where he met her daughter.
“When you came to Killian's house,” Dusty Rose prompts him, emphasizing my ownership. “Numerous times. I heard you banging my mother when you thought I was asleep.”
“When was this?” I growl.
“During your trial, all the way through,” she tells me.
I glare at Monique not because I give a fuck who she was boning, only thankful it was never me. But it's all starting to drop into place now.
“No, it was actually before then,” Dusty Rose says, wrinkling up her little nose as she recalls the timeline. “Before she turned you in, he was coming by to see her. I didn’t think anything of it, aside from she was being her usual cheap slut self. I was just glad it wasn't with you. She cheated on every guy she ever got together with.”
“Lying little bitch.”
“Shut up. Monique,” I gnarl. “You do not speak to Dusty Rose like that ever again.”
The vile odor of fear, power and manipulation has overtaken the sweet smell of sex in my office. I consider the way things went down back then and everything makes sense.
I knew that Dusty Rose, upset with me, started dating douche-ass Brandon and that she told him I'd been in bed with her. He told his mother, who in turn told Monique. It never fully occurred to me why Monique was eager to turn me in. I figured part jealousy of her daughter, part getting her filthy hands on my house and the joint account. Not that I kept much in there, knowing how she operated. That error cost Dusty Rose her college tuition though.
“He told you I was in the office today,” I say, looking at Brattly. “And you came here to put the squeeze on me for cash, knowing I was getting a huge pay day.”
“And you, I snarl aggressively at Mike. “You pushed me to use the company lawyer when she turned me in to the cops. The buddy you brought in on our business. You always wanted to oust me and with her-” I thumb disdainfully toward my ex; “You cooked up the perfect excuse.”
“I can report you right now,” Monique says, desperation in her voice. “You're in breach of your restrain
ing order.”
“You do and you'll die a lonely old hag.” Dusty Rose snaps. “You've got no one now. No family, no husband.”
I'm about to say that's gonna happen either way, except I don't wanna be the one to cut Dusty Rose off from her mother, such as she is. I for sure know the shitbag Brattly isn’t gonna stick around. Monique looks shocked by her daughter standing up to her and realizes she's lost control over her. And me. And the cash.
“What a jealous pair of fucking vipers you are,” I tell the two users standing in front of me. “You deserve each other. But realize that if you go through with your stinking threats, this deal goes away and you'll get nothing. Now get out of my office.”
They stand there gaping at us, reaching for some comeback.
“He said get out,” Dusty Rose orders like a little tiger, taking my hand in both hers.
Monique and Brattly step out, leaving the door wide open in disgust. Julia gets up from her desk and rushes up to close it.
“I'm sorry, Killian,” she says.
I wave her off, with an 'it's okay' grimace of a smile.
Once she pulls the door shut, I take Dusty Rose in my arms. She leans into me her little hand on my chest.
“Is it going to be okay?” she whimpers.
“Yeah Baby, it's gonna be fine.”
“Can we go home now?”
“Yeah. Let's go.”
“Really? You're coming to the new apartment with me?”
“For now.”
“What does that mean?” She wrinkles her nose so I lean down and kiss the tip until she smiles again.
“It means we're moving, Baby.”
“Moving house? Already? I've only been there a few days.”
“I know but something came up during my meeting,” I say, loving how she looks at me with beautiful round-eyed anticipation, I can't wait to tell her my news. “We're running away together.”
Six months later
At last I was able to give Dusty Rose everything she wanted and more. We just had to run away together, half way across the world to achieve our happy ending. She hated the city she grew up in, saying it reminded her of her unhappiness as a little girl. And she'd asked me more than once to run away with her. Start a new life somewhere else, where we could be together without people staring and judging.