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Three More Wishes

Page 1

by Sean Michael

  Table of Contents

  Book Description


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen



  More books

  About the Author

  Books by Sean Michael


  Opening Moves

  Middle Game

  En Prise


  End Game

  The Piercer’s Game


  Beer and Clay







  Rainbow Island

  Three Wishes

  Three More Wishes

  Sexy Snax

  True as an Arrow

  The Biker’s Pup

  What’s His Passion?

  Love Matters

  Size Matters


  Stand to Attention

  His Rules

  Single Titles



  The Butcher and The Beast

  The Biker’s Dom

  Three of a Kind

  Time Out

  Three More Wishes

  ISBN # 978-1-78651-452-3

  ©Copyright Sean Michael 2016

  Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright 2016

  Interior text design by Claire Siemaszkiewicz

  Pride Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Pride Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Pride Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2016 by Pride Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN, United Kingdom.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the authors’ rights. Purchase only authorised copies.

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  Book Description

  Come to Rainbow Island, where all your sexual fantasies will come true.

  James, Guard and Damien are back, still running their resort, where every fantasy, no matter how perverse, may come true. The three men continue working out the bumps in their threesome, but when it comes to their clients, they’re a well-oiled machine. Which works perfectly for the three new couples arriving in paradise.

  Cameron is losing his sight, and he knows that he’ll be useless once it goes completely. He’s cashed in everything to leave his life behind for one last fling. Xander is on the island for a fantasy, too. He’s looking for someone to love on, someone to care for and Cameron seems to be the perfect match, but can they make it work?

  As a writer, Ben always writes the script, which is why his fantasy is to give up control. He’s told his fantasy can’t be fulfilled, so he settles in for a relaxing vacation on an island paradise instead. Is he really as safe as he thinks he is?

  Finally, Leo is a consummate top, always wanting to better his technique. He wants to know what it’s like to be a sub, but it won’t be easy for a Dominant to bottom for five days. Leo will do his dead-level best to measure up—his only worry is who the boys choose to be his fantasy top…

  Don’t miss out on these fantasies come true.

  Rainbow Island

  Three More Wishes


  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Valium: Pfizer Inc.

  Jacuzzi: Jacuzzi Hot Tubs, Inc.

  Pop-Tarts: Kellogg Company

  Don’t Worry, Be Happy: Bobby McFerrin

  Coke: The Coca-Cola Company


  “I’m going to fuck you until you can’t breathe.”

  The words slithered at him in the darkness and he sat up, trying to figure out where he was, why he was wet and cold. James shook his head, scrambled to try and get up, get away, but he couldn’t. Something was in his back. Something was stopping him. Something was inside him.

  “I’m going to ruin you and leave you bleeding.”

  “Leave me alone.”


  He sobbed, sweated, twisted as he tried to run.

  He heard his name, someone shouting for him, and a loud banging. “James! James!”

  “Leave me alone. Please. Help me! Somebody! He’s got me down here!” And he didn’t know where ‘down here’ was.

  The banging continued, got louder, as did the shouting. Then it all went quiet, and he was shaking, something was shaking him.

  “Don’t. Don’t. Please. Guard! Damien…”

  The dream exploded in a pop, and his eyes flew open. “Oh, my God.”

  Guard was right there, hands hard around his arms, shaking him. “James!”

  “I. Sorry. Bad dream. Sorry. What are you doing here?” Oh, God.

  “Are you kidding me? You’ve been screaming for the last fifteen minutes.” Guard pulled him close, wrapping strong arms around him.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Guard. His Guard.

  “It’s okay. It’s okay, babe.” Guard kissed the top of his head. “You’re safe, you’re all right.”

  “I didn’t mean to.” He shouldn’t have gone to sleep.

  “Shh. Shh. I have you.” Guard was warm, his chest bare, some crazy-colored flannel jammy pants soft against him.

  “You can’t stay here.” But the touches were easing him, gentling him, and he was fading away.

  “Shh…” Guard laid him back down, still holding him, touching him like he was the most precious thing.

  “I’m sorry.” His cheek landed on Guard’s shoulder.

  “It’s okay, Jamie, I’ve got you. You’re safe now.”

  “Never going to be safe again.”

  “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” Guard could growl when he wanted to.

  James’ eyes closed. �
�I’m tired.”

  “Then sleep. Let me guard your dreams, okay?”

  “Okay. Just tonight.”

  Just one night.

  Chapter One

  Guard was dreaming. He had to be. It was only in his dreams that he woke up curled around James’ body, their shared heat filling the air with the scent of them. He moaned happily, rubbing his cock against James’ ass. God, this dream felt so good, so real.

  “You two look cozy. And I was thinking you missed me…”


  Guard was going to kill the fucker.

  Especially now he knew he wasn’t dreaming. He popped his head up over James’ shoulder and glared. “Anyone ever tell you that you have lousy timing?”

  “All the time. Talked to Rosa. He had a bad night. Did you give him a Valium?”

  “No, actually, I didn’t.” No, instead a bit of a miracle had happened—James had let Guard soothe and ease him, had fallen asleep in Guard’s arms.

  James shifted, frowned, starting to wake up. Guard held on, kissed James’ head. God damn Damien for coming and waking him up anyway.

  “I… What’s going on? Why are you in here?”

  Guard ignored Damien for now and gave James his full attention. “You had a nightmare.”

  “I… I. You should go. Did I wake you? How did I wake you?”

  “Don’t you remember?” He’d just stay where he was for now, thank you. His cock had flagged a little, but it was still snug up against James’ body.

  “I remember you coming. I told you to go, but you’re warm.”

  “You were screaming like someone was killing you.” He wasn’t going to leave James like that.

  “I… I’m sorry. It’s been…” Four years. Four years since the incident. Four years since he’d been confined to the chair.

  Guard knew. They all knew. “I know, James. I know. I’m here, though. I’m not going anywhere, I promise.”

  “Sweet.” Damien’s voice was dry as dust.

  “Dame?” James’ head whipped around. “You’re on the island?”

  “Apparently.” Guard glared. Damien knew it was a delicate balance to get James to stop pushing them away.

  “Come on, Wheels. You think I’d miss this anniversary?”

  James winced, and Guard could see the devastation, the guilt in Damien’s eyes.

  “All right. Let’s get some breakfast in us, huh?” Guard said.

  If James and Damien could just let the past be the past, they could start looking forward. Together.

  “You two go. Ask Carmen for something. I have to get up.”

  “We can help you, James.” He was tired of James running him off, pushing him and Damien away.

  “No.” The word came out cold, without any embellishment. James had never let him in, let him touch.

  “We’re here now. It’ll be easier.” Come on. Come on.

  “No. There’s work to do, isn’t there?”

  “Of course there is. But we can take five minutes to take care of each other.”

  James stared at him, breath coming quick. There was a major panic attack, right there at the surface.

  Guard stroked James’ head. “Come on, J. Just breathe. We can do this. All together. Come on.”

  “Go away. Go away.”

  Damien stepped forward, eyes shimmering.

  Guard nodded and held his hand out to Damien. “Help me.”

  “Go away…”

  Damien came closer. “Jamie…”

  “We just want to help, Jamie. Don’t keep pushing us away.”

  “I’m not him anymore. I never will be. Ever. I’m broken.”

  “Stop that. Stop saying that. I don’t believe it, Damien doesn’t believe it, and somewhere deep inside you don’t believe it, either.”

  “It’s true. It’s all true.” James sat up, scooted to the edge of the bed. “Go. Make sure there’s juice. I’ll be out in a little while.”

  Guard sighed, torn between pushing it and letting James have a few minutes to pull himself together, to put up his walls. He finally decided on going because James had let him stay in the aftermath of the nightmare. He was taking that as a win and leaving now to ensure James made the same choice next time. If there was a next time.

  He kissed James’ shoulder and slid out of bed, grabbing Damien’s hand and throwing a “We’ll be at your breakfast table” over his shoulder.

  As soon as the bedroom door closed behind them, he turned to Damien. The man was always away, on the road looking for clients, arranging for tops and other specialists to make the fantasies come true. It wasn’t often that James didn’t know he was coming home—James usually cut the man’s credit cards off when they needed Damien here.

  “Perfect timing, as always,” Guard noted.

  Damien shrugged, pinked. “It’s the anniversary. I came.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I know.” Then he hugged Damien. “He’s never let me in his bed before. We’re wearing him down.”

  “He’ll never forgive me.” Damien would never forgive himself.

  “He already has. He thinks we only see the chair.”

  Arm around Damien’s waist, Guard led the man over to the table. There was breakfast for three, including juice, laid out. Carmen was a treasure, and he would pay her any amount of money to keep her happy.

  “Fucking wheels.”

  “Better than the alternative.”

  “Yeah. Yeah, I should’ve done better work.”

  “Would you let it go? You’re as bad as James. Christ.” He pulled out a chair and looked at Damien pointedly.

  Damien flipped him off, the motion lazy.

  “Sit your ass down, man. We’re going to have breakfast with James and then we’re going to talk about the upcoming guests and then we’re going to try to get into his pants. Again.”

  “And when that doesn’t work?” Damien sat.

  “Then we try again tomorrow and the day after that and then the day after that.” He’d been at this game for years now. He wasn’t planning on giving up any time soon.

  “Good plan.” Damien grabbed a piece of pineapple.

  “When did you get in?” Guard found the oatmeal and dished himself up a big bowlful.

  “Midnight. I wanted to be here.”

  “You should have come over. Helped me with James.”

  “I watched.”

  His head whipped around. “What?”

  “I was outside. I watched. I mean, after the storm and all. I wasn’t around for the nightmare.”

  “You should have joined us, man.” He was tired of being close to one or the other but never the two together. At least he got to make love to Damien. Fuck, he missed them.

  “I couldn’t. I don’t belong there.”

  “Of course you do. We only ever worked right when it was all three of us.”

  Damn them, they were the stubbornest assholes he’d ever met. Too bad for them he was just as stubborn and he wasn’t giving up on getting his wonderful life back.

  “I’d give anything to have it back.”

  “It’ll happen, D. I can feel it.” He believed it. With all his heart. And he should know, he was the one who stayed on the island, who was here day in and day out. Gopher, security, he did all the things James—their computer guru and, frankly, the real brains behind the operation—couldn’t. He met planes and inspected the cabins. He oversaw new construction and accepted deliveries. The guests knew Damien as their main contact off the island. Guard was the man on the island.

  “Nonsense. I’m not on the market. Is there coffee?” James wheeled in, face carefully blank.

  Guard snorted. “Of course you’re not on the market—you’re already taken. And would Carmen dare serve you a breakfast that didn’t include coffee?”

t if she wanted to keep her job.” Like James would fire her. James treated that woman like royalty. Of course, she took care of James like it was her calling in life.

  Guard met James’ eyes, really looked at the man. “How are you doing?”

  “Fine. Ready to get to work.” James poured a cup of coffee and snatched a Danish.

  Ah, work. James holed himself up in here behind his computer, using ‘work’ as his shield and hiding behind it. James was damned good at losing himself in it, too. Guard thought sometimes that James forgot that it took all three of them to run this place, to make people’s fantasies come true. No man was an island and all that crap, which was kind of funny, really, in a not very funny way.

  He stared at James for a moment and bit back his sigh before pouring himself a cup of coffee as well.

  Damien rolled his eyes. “So, we’re working. What do you need me to do?”

  “Have we got all the details on the kidnapping squared away?”

  A kidnapping. They had to be very careful with this one. He’d put them on the far end of the island—this fantasy required total privacy.

  “Ben will arrive on the island, ostensibly to have a vacation. The abduction will occur on the man’s first night here. The Dominant is perfect—a bit coarse, rough, but truly professional.” Damien sounded sure.

  James nodded. “Excellent work, by the way, in double dipping on the Swan and Bonart fantasies, Dame.”

  Damien’s grin widened. “Thanks, Wheels.”

  He nodded, smiled. Getting two men to pay for a fantasy was fabulous. “I’ve put them on the west side of the island.”

  James nodded. “Mister Leonides is going to be in the eastern cabin. You even managed to find a top for him.”

  It was a giant pain in the ass, to find a Dominant to top a top.

  “Of course I did.” Damien looked smug.

  Guard couldn’t blame him. Damien was good at his job.

  James arched an eyebrow. “Leonides is famous in certain circles, incredibly controlled.”

  That smug look got worse.


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