Book Read Free

Fake It

Page 20

by Mia Ford

  “Thanks,” I told her as I walked inside the small living room and looked around.

  “I started eating out of the cartons, so you can start with the ones I set aside.” She gave me a rueful smile as she walked towards the table to sit down. She was nervous, and I watched her stir something in a white box before looking at me. “I don’t know how to act. It’s been a long time for me.”

  “How long?” I asked as I realized she was wearing the same clothes, just barefoot now. I walked towards the table and took the fork that she gestured to. There were some sodas on the table and I reached for one as she smiled.

  “I haven’t… dated since Kendra was born. I was so busy going to school and just keeping ahead of that and dealing with the fact that her dad wasn’t around.” She frowned as I watched her, clearly upset.

  “He didn’t want her?” I asked as Isabelle shrugged.

  “He didn’t want me. I never even told him about her because he was off to college. It was easier that way and my family saved me.” She finally took a bite, and I nodded as I reached for one of the containers closest to me. I opened it to find my favorite kind of noodles and offered her some as she shook her head. “Please enjoy it. This was so sweet of you.”

  “It’s nothing. I want to do as much as I can for you,” I assured her as Isabelle smiled at me. “I don’t expect anything in return.”

  “Look at you. Of course, you do. You can probably get anything that you want from a woman, Mason. I am not that experienced and I have no idea what to do, apart from save my job. It is a big help for us.” She spoke slowly, and I caught the urgency in her voice.

  “I haven’t dated anyone too seriously in a few years myself, Isabelle. I’ve been focused on work so much and meeting you was like a shock to me. I know there are rules at work but we can keep this to ourselves and deal with it if this lasts, like I think it might.” She gave me a scared look, and I held up my hand.

  “No pressure. Just relax. Eat. Talk to me. Let yourself just be in the moment.” I knew what she was experiencing, and we ate together, slowly starting to talk about our interests.

  We finished eating, and I helped her put the food in the fridge, listening for her phone the entire time. We made our way to the couch and sat down as she turned on the TV, clearing her throat nervously. I watched her shifting in her seat, taking in the curve of her neck and the way her breasts pressed against her shirt. I loved her curves, and she looked at me with a small smile as she leaned closer to me. “I want to kiss you again.” I let her take the initiative this time and felt her press her lips lightly to my mouth. Isabelle groaned at the heat between us and I let her guide things, not sure what she wanted from this.

  The moment that her lips parted for me, I kissed her harder. I couldn’t help myself and pulled her closer to me as our tongues danced together. It was rough and needy and I slipped my hand down to her hip as she moaned against me. I moved my lips down her jaw and neck, smelling a sweet cherry scent that I breathed in. “Your scent is the best thing I have ever smelled. What is it?”

  “Just a cheap scent made from oils that I got addicted to back home. This one is cherry blossom” Isabelle told me as I drew her skin between my teeth. “No marks, okay?” I realized that her daughter would be old enough to ask questions, and I let her skin go and kept kissing her skin.

  I looked down at the button to her blouse, longing to open it and free her nipples. I wanted to taste her entire body and kissed her neck again as I forced myself to calm down. Isabelle pulled away and looked at me with hungry eyes before she kissed me again. Her mouth nipped at mine as I held her, wanting more as I felt her hand sliding up my chest. She worked a button loose, and I groaned as her hand touched the skin of my neck. “Isabelle,” I choked out as she pulled away and kept unbuttoning the shirt.

  “I want to touch you. I haven’t touched anyone for so long,” she told me, sliding both hands up my bare chest as I sucked in my breath. “Why do you even want me? Why are you risking your job for me?”

  “I have no idea. I felt something the moment that I met you. I’ll sort the job thing out and you won’t lose your income. I can see that you try hard to make this a home for Kendra.” I glanced around, seeing photos on the wall and placed on shelves. The little girl had dark hair, and she was beautiful. She looked happy. “I promise that nothing will happen. I’ll line up another job for you if need be.”

  Isabelle answered me with another kiss and I returned her passion as she traced my skin with her fingers. I moved mine down her neck, moving slowly towards her shirt as I waited for a signal of what to do next. Isabelle reached down and loosened her first button, telling me to get it off. We worked together, and she shrugged it off as she shifted on the couch in her tight skirt. “I won’t do anything if you take that off. You look uncomfortable,” I whispered before kissing under her ear and feeling her moving underneath me.

  Isabelle was down to her bra and underwear and I looked her over in the light from the kitchen. She was curvy and gorgeous and I leaned in to kiss her mouth again. My hands wandered over her skin, unhooking the bra and letting her spill into my hands. I stroked her pert nipples as she shuddered under me, making my cock harder as I kissed her deeply.

  Before too long, I was bent over Isabelle and sucking on one nipple while I played with the other with my hand. I wanted her so badly and judging from the noises that she made, Isabelle felt the same way. I stopped holding back and pressed against her, her legs spread before me as she cried out. We moved together, my body ready for her as I bit down on her nipple and smiled when she cried out my name. I looked up at her as I moved further down her body, kissing her stomach and inhaling the musky scent of her desire. I slowed down, knowing that it had been a while for her as I slipped my hand over her cotton panties. Isabelle stilled as I pressed gently against her, feeling the intensity of the moment as she closed her eyes.

  I stroked her after she seemed to relax, over the soaking cloth. I could feel her clit and centered my fingers over that as I watched her face. Isabelle’s breathing became labored as her legs dropped apart for me and I watched her trembling as she let out a soft moan, coming for me. I reached under the material as she dropped back, feeling her warmth as I circled her clit again.



  The feeling was explosive as I peaked, crashing over the edge. I had never come like that before and felt like I never would again as his hand slipped over my bare folds and stroked me. It had been since before Kendra was born that I was with anybody and I breathed in deeply as he teased me. I wanted to give myself to him but I tried to remember that this was my boss. He had exact control of my future at this time and I knew that I should stop this. It felt too good to stop.

  I felt something tingling as he circled my clit again and bit my lips as warmth surged through my body again. I gasped as I opened my eyes and looked into his face, tense with need as he pulled his hand away and resting beside me. “Was that the first time in a while?” Mason asked me as I smiled weakly.

  “Yes. It felt amazing,” I replied as he traced his hand over my stomach. “Are you okay?”

  “I didn’t mean for it to go this far, Isabelle. I’m fine,” he said as he rested his head against the cushion. I relaxed, knowing that there was something to this. I felt happy inside and not at all ashamed to be nearly naked beside him. I didn’t know what Monday was going to be like but I could deal with that later.

  I felt alive again.

  We stayed there for a while before Mason asked me if I wanted him to tuck me in bed. I assumed that Kendra was still sleeping and nodded as he went to get my phone before helping me up. I walked with him as he asked if he could lock my door before leaving. A part of me didn’t want him to leave since this was such a rare opportunity. It was also the first time we’d been together outside of work and I needed to slow down. “Yes. You can lock the knob and pull it closed. It’s a secure door.”

  He got me under the covers of my queen be
d and tucked me in before giving me a soft kiss. I watched as he made sure I was okay before telling me that he’d contact me tomorrow and left the apartment.

  I knew that he might never call me again or be over here. It was so rare that I got the apartment to myself, much less any time to go out. How could I be anything to Mason?

  I turned and pulled the covers over myself after checking to see if my phone was fully charged. I saw that it was going to die at some point during the night and reached for the cord to plug it in. I closed my eyes, thinking about the night as I hoped that there might be another. If not, I had to be an adult and move past it. This might just be a great night and nothing more.

  I slept hard and woke up early the next morning, listening for Kendra. I remembered that she was sleeping next door and guilt washed over me as I thought back to what I’d done last night.

  “She’s safe,” I told myself as I looked at the clock to see that it was seven in the morning. Nan was usually up early and I sent her a text asking how everything was. I meant to do the same last night but fell asleep too quickly. Nan responded to tell me that Kendra was up and hungry, so she was making breakfast for her if I’d like to come over. I told her that I was going to wash my face and would be right over, smiling as I took a deep breath.

  I washed my face and brushed my teeth before pulling on leggings and a sweatshirt. I checked my neck and sighed with relief when I saw that there were no marks before pulling my hair into a messy bun. I grabbed my keys and walked over to Nan’s, giving Kendra a hug when she answered the door. She led me in and I looked her over, seeing that she looked perky again. “Glad to see that you’re okay, bug. I hope you didn’t mind sleeping here. You looked so comfortable.” I smiled gratefully at Nan as her blue eyes twinkled.

  “I didn’t, Mommy. Nan took good care of me yesterday.” Kendra told me as I took into account how lucky I was to have people like her in my life.

  “She sure did.” I went over to hug the woman when Kendra went to watch TV, thanking her for being such an angel.

  “You deserve a break. You worked all week, and she was fine here. I locked up tight and left my door open so I would hear her.” Nan smiled. “Once a mother, you always have that instinct.” Her kids were grown and had children of their own. I’d met them before.

  “That’s so true. Can I help?” I asked her, glancing back at my daughter before going into the small kitchen with her. We made up some bacon and eggs together and Nan looked over at me as she plated the eggs. “Who was the man that came over last night? I couldn’t help but to notice the footsteps.”

  “Oh, God.” I shook my head. “It was a friend from work. I invited him over for dinner.” I looked at her with an apologetic smile. “It was nothing.”

  “He was mighty handsome,” she told me as I laughed out loud. I pressed a paper towel over the bacon and made some toast as she told Kendra that the food was ready. We sat down at her table and ate as I asked Kendra how her day was before she got sick and she told me all about her first two classes and what she did with her friends before the virus hit her.

  We made plans to take it easy for the most part today. I told her that I’d watch movies with her and we’d just eat in, since there were so many leftovers. She might like some of it. I helped Nan clean up and left to go back home with Kendra, letting her in first. She hurried to her room, and I watched with a smile as I locked the door and looked around. I felt so awake today, and I heard my phone in my bedroom. Mason had sent a text while I was gone asking how I was and I responded by telling him I was great. I wanted to thank him for contacting me but that was immature, so I left it alone. We sent a few messages back and forth before I joined Kendra on the couch to watch some of her favorite movies.

  Memories of last night kept playing through my mind as I snuggled beside her. I called my mom to tell her that Kendra got her first sickness of the year, and we talked for a little while before I handed the phone to my daughter. I watched as she talked to her grandparents, feeling sleepy as I dropped my head back against the cushion.

  I dozed when she was finished talking and she snuggled against me and closed her eyes. We were close due to the situation and during moments where I woke up, I wondered how a man would fit into this. How would Mason fit in? I had no plans on introducing her to anybody until it was serious enough to do so. I thought that I would know, and this was still new. I didn’t even tell my mom about the night before. Well, that and the fact that Kendra was sitting beside me.

  We relaxed all day and did a little shopping the following afternoon together, getting home and preparing for the week. I made lunches the night before every night and she took a bath before bed. I read her a book that she picked at school before shutting the light off and walked to the living room, dropping to the couch and breathing in deeply. I reached for my phone and considered sending a message to Mason but I decided to wait until the following day to see what happened at work.

  I woke up early the next morning before my alarm. I took a slow shower and made some coffee while I got ready, paying special attention to my makeup and hair. I was nervous but forced myself to accept whatever happened today. I wanted to think that this was more to Mason than just getting me off at my house. If not, then I was strong enough to deal with that. If anything, it opened up the fact that I might be ready to date again.

  I dropped Kendra off with a hug and a kiss and headed into Seattle to work, grinning like a fool as I sang along to the song on the radio.



  I dressed for work and wondered what to expect today. I hadn’t been in contact with Isabelle since the text on Saturday morning and though I was certain that I wanted to continue seeing her but had no idea how she felt. She might regret everything and I secured a tie around my neck before running a hand through my messy hair.

  I headed to the car to go into work, listening to the news on the way. I was only twenty-seven, but I grew up with a family that was always watching what was going on in the world. I suppose that it stuck with me. I pulled into the garage and looked around to see if Isabelle arrived yet, looking through the crowds of people that were walking to the building.

  I didn’t see her, and I checked the clock in my car to determine if I had time to get coffee. That was a nice move, and I darted across the street to buy us drinks, laughing when I turned with them in my hand to see Isabelle in line. She looked at me and grinned widely as I approached her, offering her a cup. We didn’t touch or kiss but I knew that something was still between us as we walked out of the shop together.

  We walked across the street and to the elevator, talking and laughing. Hannah joined us on the car and greeted us with a curious smile as Isabelle smiled widely at her. I leaned back and sipped from my cup, trying to appear casual as Isabelle turned her attention to her phone that suddenly appeared in her hand. Hannah shot one of her brows up as she gazed at me, leaving to go to her office before us as Isabelle let out a soft breath. “Don’t worry,” I told her as she followed me to the corner, setting down her stuff on the desk as I asked her to come into my office for a moment.

  Isabelle kept her purse at her side as she followed me and I closed the door and pressed her against it. She stared at me with bright eyes, wrapping her arms around me as I kissed her hungrily. I didn’t tell her that I thought about her this weekend, wondering what she was doing and how her daughter was feeling. I didn’t mention how much I wanted to call her. I pulled away for a moment and she dropped her head to my chest. “We are going to get no work done like this, Mason.”

  “I won’t keep you in here all day. Don’t worry. I just need a morning kiss, maybe lunch every day in here that we don’t have a meeting, and a good night kiss. Is that too much to ask?” I asked as she laughed and kissed me again. We parted, and she went to her desk after fixing her gloss in my mirror, settling down to finish the book she’d started two days ago.

  I ordered lunch in and asked if Isabelle wanted to join me for sushi. Sh
e did and closed the door as she looked over the generous plate of various kinds. “How is your daughter feeling?”

  “She bounced back the next day. We kept the weekend low key, but she was ready for school today.” She smiled after reaching for a piece once she checked with me to make sure that it was cooked.

  “That’s great. She stayed with the neighbor all night?” I asked as she nodded, chewing slowly. “Where does your family live?”

  “San Diego. Dad is a military man though he recently retired. I wanted to get away and be on my own without being thousands of miles away. Kendra loves them and we try to visit one another as much as possible.” Isabelle shrugged as she watched me reach for another piece. “How about you?”

  “My parents and siblings are all local, apart from a brother. We’re very close and my uncle owns this company.” She smiled and nodded as I laughed. “I worked my way up. Trust me. He’d never been easy on me.”

  “It seems to have worked out well for you.” Isabelle told me before finishing off her sushi and sipping her water. “Is this going to make people talk? Eating lunch like this?”

  “I order in sometimes when I’m busy. You’re my assistant. It’s as simple as that.” I smiled wickedly at her as she blushed and ran a hand through her hair. We finished eating and put the rest of the sushi in the break room with a note to enjoy it before Isabelle followed me back into my office. I closed the door and kissed her since the windows were already closed, dropping to the couch as I pulled her over me. Isabelle groaned softly as she straddled me, feeling my hard cock against her. I slipped my hands down her body and pulled her closer as our tongues danced together.

  I knew that this was risky but I couldn’t help myself. Isabelle was all too eager with me and I slipped a hand into her hair and held her still, kissing her harder.


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