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Caged: Book 2 Of the King's Hand Series

Page 23

by B. A. Monaghan

  This trip was taking a long time. At least this trip seemed to be taking longer than last time. It was hard to get used to traveling at night and sleeping during the day again. The best part of traveling at night for Roland was watching the phases of the moons. He wasn’t sure why, but it just made keeping time easier. By tracking the moon phases and the movement of the constellations, he always knew exactly how much time they had before they needed to find shelter for the incredibly hot days.

  They were getting close to the ocean. The mountains were slowly getting smaller, and they could definitely see the end of the mountain chain. They were getting very close when a breeze containing a hint of moisture swept by them. The faint hint of salt could be detected. There was a bit more scrub brush growing in this area. As they crept closer to the water, there were substantially more plants as well, including a large number of cacti and short tough looking grass.

  As they drew closer to the shore, they could hear the ocean waves crashing against the beach. It was still half way through the night and there was plenty of time to search the shore for the pirate bastion before they needed to seek shelter. They headed west. The east was nothing but rolling desert sand, so if they didn’t find anything to the west they could always head back this direction.

  The terrain heading west looked brutal. Even though the mountains eventually grew shorter, the amount of huge rock formations along this area of the coast was immense. They traversed the rocks back and forth in order to find passable areas. They had been making good progress for the last several miles when the sun finally began to rise. Shadow wasn’t able to find water this morning, but there were plenty of places to find shade around the rock formation and crevices. They stopped and waited for another night.

  Roland was awakened by a peculiar smell. It was now late in the afternoon and the wind had picked up. He smelled smoke. He looked at Shadow laying down with his head on the sand, but his eyes were open watching Roland. You smell the smoke too, don’t you?

  Shadow nodded. The smell has been getting stronger ever since the wind changed direction and became stronger. You were sleeping so well I didn’t want to wake you.

  Roland chuckled. Thank you for being so considerate. I probably needed the sleep, since we will be searching for the source of the smoke when it gets dark. Have you smelled any humans, or other signs of men?

  Shadow just shrugged a negative response.

  Once the sun had gone completely down, they began the careful trek through the rock formations. The rocks seemed to reach out into the ocean in this area. The smell of smoke was getting stronger now, and they heard what sounded like a bell in the distance. As they continued on, they picked out the smell of humans who obviously had no idea what hygiene was. Roland had to wonder how people could live in such a vile place, and he hadn’t even seen it yet.

  They came around a crack in the rock wall they had been following, and behold there was the source of the smell. A pirate ship in a small sheltered area. The rock wall reached out into the ocean and curved back to the west. On the far side of the pirate hide-out was another rock wall which curved back toward the east. The opening between the rock walls was just big enough to get a ship through. It would be very difficult to spot this place even if a ship passed very close by.

  On the shore were a whole parcel of shanty houses. The east side of the shore housed two large buildings. One looked like a small warehouse, and the other looked to be a very busy place, like one of the many taverns he had seen in Port Orchard. Men were coming and going constantly. In the harbor was anchored the same ship that Roland had seen in the battle at Port Orchard. It was the ship of pirate Captain Baal. He was still using the same arm and sword flag. It contained an arm holding a sword in white on a black background.

  To the north of the pirate stronghold were the mountains. Coming out of the mountains was a steam of water. It came down and stopped short of the beach, forming a small pond of water. The water seemed to not have the ability to push the sand aside and pour out into the ocean. As Roland looked at the unnatural looking pool of water, which was definitely higher than the ocean he realized, the water drained down through the sand. On the beach, just before it met the ocean, he could see water coming up out of the sand. It was almost as if the stream of water didn’t like the sandy beach so it went down underneath the sand to meet the ocean. One doesn’t see that every day.

  On the west side of the pirate stronghold were what looked to be cages for animals. He couldn’t see any goats or pigs, but there was something in the cages. Then he realized the cages weren’t for animals, they were for men. He saw that two of the cages contained men, and the men appeared to be lying face down. They might be dead bodies for all Roland and Shadow could tell from this distance.

  They found a place to hide and watch from the west side of the stream. There were foot prints all over the sand, so it appeared that the pirates at some time had searched the area well. There was a well-worn path to the pond which was probably their only water supply. Over the next several hours, men came up to the pond to get buckets of water. They seemed to hate walking up the hill. Roland cast navigation so that he would have the specific location of the pirate hideout. They could leave once it turned dark.

  Roland was dozing, waiting for darkness when he heard that familiar brass bell ring again. Men could be heard yelling, and it sounded like something was happening, but he couldn’t tell what. A second ship was entering through the gap in the rock wall. It was a smaller ship also flying the arm and sword flag. Captain Baal must have picked up another ship since he lost his other two at Port Orchard.

  Men ran out from all the different shanties and even more came out of the big building, which looked to be a communal building. One of the last men out of the building was Captain Baal. He was easy to identify because he wore clothes that were much nicer than the rest of the men. There was a large feather sticking out the back of his tricorn hat. Roland wasn’t sure if it was his imagination or not, but he thought he could even see the captain’s two gold teeth.

  The men on the shore were shouting to the men on the ship. Something made everyone excited. Captain Baal stepped through the crowd and everyone made a way for him. If they hadn’t, he would have rapped them with the hilt of his sword, knocking men out and then walking over them. The man ruled by brute force. It was probably the only way to rule over these men.

  On the ship, the captain was yelling to those on shore. Whatever he had said enticed the men to begin yelling and cheering. They moved a small boat to the edge of the ship and lowered it down. Then a woman was brought out from the quarterdeck. She was obviously privileged. She had on the most exquisite dress Roland had ever seen. She looked to be haggard. Her hair was a mess and the man dragging her to the edge of the ship wasn’t being kind about it. She herself was kicking and hitting all the way. The man dragging the woman picked her up and dropped her into the boat.

  Captain Baal yelled for order. Everyone on the beach went silent. Roland was able to hear what the captain was saying now without all the other men shouting. “Now listen to me you misbegotten sons of apes! That woman will not be touched by any one of you. If she is nobility and her family is willing to pay a ransom, no one will touch her. If they refuse to pay a ransom then we can reconsider things. But as of this moment if anyone touches her I will personally kill him and I promise it will be a slow painful death. Does anyone doubt my word or question what I command? If you do, step forward now and challenge me.”

  The crowd wasn’t happy, but no one stepped forward to challenge him. He motioned for the boat to be brought to shore. He grabbed the woman and drug her to the cages. He unlocked the cage that was secure with a chain and padlock. He flung the woman into the cage and then promptly locked the cage behind her.

  The ship was unloaded, two row boats taking turns running back and forth with what had to be booty from some poor vessel. Barrel after barrel was taken off the ship, which Roland assumed must have been some form of alcohol. By
the time the sun went down the whole pirate stronghold was in complete revelry mode.

  A guard was placed at the cage where the woman had been retained. Men would take turns walking by, talking to the guard, and looking at their prize. They would make comments to her and laugh and then eventually walk away.

  Roland hid his pack and told Shadow to stay put. He couldn’t let a woman stay in the hands of pirates if he could help it. He could get close to her by using his illusions, but a dog in this place would just draw a lot of attention, mainly because none were in the stronghold. Shadow wasn’t happy with this decision, but at least he would be nearby if help was needed.

  As Roland was getting ready, a pirate appeared on the path with a bucket to collect water from the pond. This might be his best chance. He cast the invisible illusion and came right up behind the man, hitting him on the head with the butt of his knife. The pirate went down instantly. Roland drug him to his hiding place and tied him up. He took a good look at the man and cast illusion on himself, taking the image of the man for himself. If he didn’t stop to speak to anyone, he should be able to get down to where the cages were located.

  He picked up the bucket and headed down the slope. He was about to walk straight to the cages when a man on the porch of the main building called to the man he was imitating. “Sawyer, get your lazy back side over here. We need the water now, not when you think we need it.” Roland hoped he wouldn’t have to speak. At this point, the best he could do was wing it.

  When he entered the building, a group of men were surrounding an old codger who was passed out on the floor. Obviously, this water was for waking the man up. The pirate who had yelled at him took the bucket from Roland and dumped the water on the old man. He immediately began spitting and sputtering and then finally sitting up.

  Captain Baal himself walked up to the man and grabbed him by the collar. “Listen Heals, I need you to sober up. I have men who were injured in the last fight. I allow you to live here and drink as long as you heal my men.” The old man was looking at the captain, but it was obvious he was too far into his cups. The captain growled grabbed the old man by the collar and handed him to the pirate next to him. “Take him to the pens. Don’t give him anymore liquor until he sobers up and heals our men.”

  When he turned the old man over, he glanced back at his men and the captain’s eyes fell on Roland, or Sawyer depending on how you thought about it. The captain yelled, “Sawyer get over here!” Roland quickly obeyed. The captain pulled out his sword and placed it on Roland’s neck. Then the captain did something strange. He reached up with his free hand and touched his earring.

  The earring was impressive. It was a red ruby in the shape of an eye. Gold veins wrapped around the ruby and made the ruby look like an eye. The gold formed the iris, and veins of gold shot outward to the edge. What would have been blood shot eyes were actually gold shot eyes. It was a truly beautiful piece of jewelry.

  When the captain grabbed the earring, Roland could tell he had put mana into it. That was when things went horribly wrong. Somehow part of his illusion collapsed. The main illusion making him look like Sawyer disappeared, but the illusion hiding his necklace and ring were still in place.

  The captain was looking proud of himself. He was still holding the sword to Roland’s neck. “Don’t think about casting invisible or I’ll cut your neck off from your head. Someone take his gear and any weapons he has on him.”

  They began taking his armor and knives from him. Thankfully for Roland, they left his pants and shirt on not knowing that they were good armor as well. When the knives started to hit the table, everyone in the room was amazed at the number of weapons he carried. When his Elven blade hit the table the captain’s eyes grew wide. “Who are you? I want to know right now.”

  Roland thought about keeping quiet but giving a bogus name wouldn’t hurt. “My name is Damari.” It was the first name to come to mind. He hoped Damari wouldn’t mind.

  “Where did you get that knife?” The captain was almost shaking he seemed so angry. Pirates began to give them space.

  Roland was honest in his answer. “My mother gave it to me.”

  The captain looked like he was about to explode. “Do you know who your mother is?”

  “Of course, I know.”

  “No, I don’t think you do. You and I are going to have a long talk tomorrow. Take this piece of hybrid trash to the pens. Put a knife to his neck. Don’t let go of him. Lock the cage and beat him within an inch of his life, but don’t kill him or you will take his place tomorrow. When he is unable to stand any longer, lock the door.”

  They drug Roland out to the pens. Four men were holding him to keep him from escaping. Invisibility was good when they didn’t have a hold of you. He did cast persuasion on them and they only beat him slightly. He was in pain, but it was better than being beaten to within an inch of his life. That earring must be some type of magical item.

  Shadow was ready to come to his rescue, but Roland forbid him. No reason to get both of them killed. He did have Shadow bring some meat to him. He was sure he could escape when he wanted to. This pirate thought he knew his mother. Roland wanted to know what the man knew, and he also wanted his possessions back.

  He was lying against the back of the cage when Shadow appeared right behind him. He reached back and pulled the meat through the cage. He had also brought a canteen. He was busy eating and drinking when he was interrupted.

  It was the lady. She just so happened to be in the cage next to him. “What kind of man commands a wolf to bring him food and water?” She had a strange accent. He had never heard that type of accent before. She also had a sense of command. She wasn’t looking well but she still managed to hold her head high.

  “I am a man who came to help you. Unfortunately, I was bushwhacked in the process. I underestimated someone. I promise you I will not do that again.”

  “Why would you help me? Do you know who I am?”

  Roland looked over to the young woman. “I have no idea who you are. In fact, if I hadn’t seen you being dragged in here I would be a day’s travel from this place. I just didn’t think it right for a lady to be in the presence of such vile men. I was in the process of discovering some information before I was subdued, and that needed more of my attention than your rescue. If you could be a bit more patient I’ll get you out of here in due time.”

  “I am Saika. I am the niece of the crown prince of Karagandy. If you can get me out of here now, I command you to do so.”

  It was at that moment that the old man started to sober up. “If anyone gets to escape this place it should be me. I can keep you healed. Get me out of here and I’ll keep you healed until we reach civilization.”

  Roland looked over at the old man. “You seem to be more of a drunk than a healer. Baal didn’t like you being drunk and I’m sure it isn’t going to go well for you until you heal his men.”

  “I’ll heal his men, then he will limit the wine and grog I get. It’s his way of punishing me. Then he will let me stay drunk until the next time he needs me to heal. Then the cycle begins again.”

  Saika interrupted. “I demand you get me out of here, and you will not bring that drunk with us. He will slow us down.”

  Roland was getting irritated now. He had two people who desperately wanted out of the pirate’s grasp. One was a drunk who couldn’t escape from a wet paper bag. The other was a royal personage who was too demanding. She was probably so soft that she could not survive the walk out of the desert. Roland responded, “I’ll do what I want to do. I’m not under your rule. We live on different continents even. If you do as I say, then I’ll get you out of here. If you command me to do it one more time I’m leaving you to the pirates.”

  Roland felt bad for sounding so rough, but he did give both of them some meat and water. Shadow left then, and Roland actually got some sleep in before sunrise.

  The pirates began to move around well past mid-morning. Roland decided thy must have consumed way too much alc
ohol last night. While he waited, he looked at the locks. They were three tumbler locks. He had his lock picks still hidden in his hair behind his head. He wasn’t worried about getting out. It would only take seconds to open the lock and escape, but he really wanted to know more about his mother. How was it that he had come to the ends of the world to find that a pirate knew about his mother? This was just too weird.

  By noon it was getting very hot. Captain Baal came strutting out of the big building dressed immaculately as a pirate captain could. He strolled to Roland’s cage. “Stand up Mongrel.” Roland stood up and walked closer to the edge of the cage. “Stop right there.” He grabbed his earring and touch the ruby again. Nothing happened. “Your problem last night was you tried to camouflage your whole body. Good illusionists like myself only use enough illusion to get by.”

  Roland was a bit surprised. He wasn’t expecting an illusionist out here, and one commanding pirates at that. He was curious. The pirate just admitted to using an illusion. He hadn’t ever tried to see through an illusion before, but he knew one was in front of him and he should try. Yep, there it was. The man standing in front of him wasn’t a man at all. He was an elf. His ears were an illusion, as were his cheeks, nose, and eyes. The rest of the elf was his own body. He must not be that good of an illusionist if he needed an earring.

  The elf began his questioning. “Where is your mother, I would like to know. When I take this knife back to your grandfather, he would appreciate an answer.”

  The questions didn’t ring true. He did want to know where his mother was, but he was sure the knife wasn’t his grandfather’s. “I have no idea where she is now. I was raised between the wester crossroads and the capitol. When I left there, she was departing, too, but she didn’t tell me where she was going.”

  “No wonder we couldn’t find her. Why she would live in a farm community without any trees is beyond me. Do you even know who your mother is?”


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