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The Price_Greyson and Sasha's Story

Page 11

by Ruby Rowe

  “I brought you shortbread cookies, but there’s also saltines here if you’d prefer them.”

  “Thank you, Irene.”

  “How about some soup? Could I make you a bowl?”

  “You can tell Ellis that I don’t want any damn soup.” As soon as the words leave my lips, I realize how rude they were. I begin to weep, and instead of being upset with me, Irene touches my shoulder.

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Rose. Mr. Burke told me the news, and I’ll help you any way I can.”

  I lift my head to look at her. “He told you?”

  “Yes, but only because he’s so worried about you.” After blowing my nose again, I drop my arms to the bed.

  “He’s outside the door, isn’t he?”

  “Yes,” Ellis says, “and Irene is correct. I’m worried about you. Please, can we talk?”

  “I think you’ve done enough,” I snap. He groans and sticks his head inside.

  “You act like I had control over this.” My eyes widen, the fury racing through my veins. I grab two cookies off the tray and throw them at his head.

  “You had everything to do with this, you overbearing ass. You’re the one who interfered with my efforts to get birth control, and you refused to wear condoms. That was all on you, buddy.”

  “Camilla, Irene doesn’t need to hear this.”

  “Oh, but it’s OK to tell her you knocked me up with triplets before we even tell our family!” I look for more cookies to grab, but Ellis is in front of me fast and clasping my wrists.

  “We have to talk about this. It affects me, too. I’m–I’m freaking out.”

  I stare up at his eyes, and I see the fear. He’s like a lost child.

  A child.

  One isn’t easy, and two was going to be a handful, but four children?

  Three infants and a four-year-old...

  We have a staring showdown until Irene clears her throat.

  I flit my gaze to her. “Thank you for the tea. I’ll let you know if I need anything else.”

  “Of course, Ms. Rose.” Hearing her say my last name causes a stinging pain in my chest. No woman should be unwed when she discovers she’s having triplets. No woman should be having her fourth baby with a man she isn’t married to.

  Bursting into tears, I sob again. I lie down on the bed and bury my face against the duvet.

  “Fuck, Camilla. I’m sorry. I know I said I wanted a bunch of kids, but I didn’t mean for it to happen this way.”

  “We’re not even married. I’m not even Camilla Burke, and Liam still needs all our attention.” I turn my head and stare up at Ellis. “He’s just getting to know you. This will rob him of that.”

  Sighing, Ellis forces a spot next to me on the edge of the bed, and he seems so out of place for the world that’s swallowing us whole. His white shirt is crisp and tucked neatly in a pair of brown slacks.

  He’s still wearing his shiny dress shoes, and the gold watch on his wrist cost an easy ten grand.

  Moving wet hair from my face, he stares into my eyes with a hope I’m sure he’s struggling to show.

  “If anyone can make this work, Camilla, it’s us. You’re the toughest, bravest woman I know. You’re an incredible mother, but we also have plenty of money to hire any help we need to tackle this.”

  “What about the wedding? You heard the doctor. With my blood sugar already out of whack, I can’t fly to Italy next month. I can’t visit with my grandmother.”

  Unable to get it together, I bury my face again. It’s too soon. The news we heard only hours ago is shocking.

  Thinking about my schooling and volunteer work, I sit up in bed and glare at Ellis. “I guess you got your wish when it comes to my career. Like there’s any way I could be a social worker now.”

  “Look, I know I can be selfish at times, but I’d never intentionally steal something away from you that makes you happy. You can take your anger out on me today. I admit you have a right to.”

  He grabs my hand and pulls it into his lap. “I only fought the birth control because I was terrified of losing you and Liam after I’d been so cruel by making you move in here and for threatening to take our son away.”

  Ellis’s vivid blue eyes bask with tears. “I’ll never forgive myself for what I put you through. You somehow saw the goodness behind my anger and pain and gave me a chance anyway.

  “I’m sorry. I am, and I’ll pay for four nannies, one for each of our children, if that’s what it takes for you to have your career.”

  “I’m not ready for these changes, Ellis. I’ve loved being your Rose, feeling desirable and going to the playroom with you. That’s going to change and fast.”

  He shakes his head. “I’ll never see you as anything other than stunning and remarkable. All I’m asking is for you to have faith in me–in us and what we have. We can do this.”

  “I have to rest. I’m tired and overwhelmed. I need time to process this.”

  “Sure. I’ll spend the rest of the day with Liam.” Pulling my cell phone from his pocket, Ellis hands it to me. “You call or text me if you need anything at all, and I’ll check on you soon.”

  He slips a hand behind my neck and brings me in close to kiss my forehead. “I love you, and we’ve got this.”

  “I love you, too.”



  Even though I didn’t want to, I managed to get through the last several hours of work, but it’s four o’clock, and I can’t risk seeing Greyson.

  I’ll want to lose it on him for not telling me about the apartment complex, but I need answers from Ellis first. Then, I’ll make a final decision as to whether I should leave the events of the day buried or confront Greyson over them.

  I march down to his office and leave a note on his desk, informing him that I’m going to see Camilla and will be home late. I’m a wreck even walking to the car.

  I’m looking over my shoulder, to my left and to my right. I can’t lock the doors fast enough once I’m inside, and my heart feels as if it could rupture in my chest.

  “Breathe, Sasha,” I murmur. I won’t see Rusty again, and surely he was lying about going to Ellis’s home in order to scare me. I want to believe it, but I’m only feeding myself lies. I feel it in my gut.

  If Rusty hurts my family, I’ll never forgive myself. The things he did to me when I was wasted are bad enough.

  Once I pull up at Ellis and Camilla’s home, I knock on the door. Irene answers it and gives me a weak smile.

  “Ms. Rose, you look lovely today. How are you?”

  “Thank you, and I’m OK.”

  She drops her gaze before stepping aside for me to enter.

  “Your sister is resting in her room, and Mr. Burke and Liam are watching a movie in the family room.”

  “OK, thank you. I’ll head upstairs to see my sister first.” I stride toward the spiral staircase and start up the stairs. As soon as I begin walking down the long hallway toward Camilla’s bedroom, I hear her crying.

  I hurry to her door, fearing the worst. No, did she miscarry? I sling it open, and she jerks her head up to look at me.

  “Sasha, what are you doing here?”

  “I came to check on you.” My eyes well with tears as I rush to her side. I squat in front of the bed and grab her hand. “Cammy, did you … did you lose the baby?” I whisper.

  “No, I didn’t.”

  I cover my chest with my hand. “Oh, thank God. I was so worried when I heard you crying. Is something wrong with the baby? Or you?”

  “Sasha, there are three babies growing inside of me. I’m having triplets.” The last word is muffled through her cries, but I understood the word three.

  I fall back on my ass and cover my mouth. I shouldn’t smile since this news obviously upsets her, but I can’t help it. It’s totally nuts that she’s having triplets.

  “Ellis knocked you up with three freakin’ babies?”

  “I know, and I’m so pissed at him.”

  I tilt my head to
the side. “Sis, he didn’t mean to get you pregnant with multiple babies.”

  “It doesn’t matter. He still did it.”

  “I get it, but it’ll be OK. I think it’s kind of cool. Wait, shit. You’re going to need a lot of help, like from all of us.”

  “Exactly. This is going to disrupt the lives of everyone around us.”

  “Yeah, but in three magical, wonderful ways. Do you know how adorable they’ll be? You and Ellis already made a precious kid. You get to have three more. I’d feel damn lucky if I were you. Scared shitless but lucky, too.”

  Cammy laughs and sniffles, and at least she’s not crying any longer.

  “I’m being a terrible mother, but I swear I’m not wishing them away. I’m only scared like you said. It’s a major undertaking, and the doctor is already concerned that I’m developing gestational diabetes, so it’s going to be a rough road, and I’m worried something will go wrong.”

  “No, don’t think that way. You’ll rest, and unlike me, you’ll eat right, and everything will work out. I know it.”

  “Thank you. I feel better already.” She frowns. “I have bad news, though. We can’t go to Italy in August.”

  “That’s OK. It’s not important.”

  “You and Greyson should go and see our grandmother. I know Ellis is still sending Irene on her vacation.”

  “I’m not going to Italy without you. No way. So, what are you going to do about getting married?”

  “I don’t know yet. Ellis and I didn’t finish discussing it since he’s not my favorite person today.”

  “He’s worried about you. After you were home from your appointment, he called me to come over.”

  “He’s probably going to need Greyson’s support, too, through all this.”

  “And he’ll be there for him. Can I get you anything?”

  “Will you ask Irene if I can have some soup before she leaves?”

  “Of course, and once I talk to Ellis and Liam, I’ll come up to check on you again.”

  Wiping her eyes, my sister smiles, but the toll the babies are already taking on her shows. She’s weak and tired, and she seems thinner. I imagine that’ll change soon.

  Leaving her to rest, I stroll downstairs and into the family room. Liam’s attached at the hip to Ellis as they sit on the sofa.

  “Hi,” I say.

  “Auntie Sasha, hi,” Liam says. “Iwene is fixing me macawoni and cheese. Do you want some?”

  “No, I’m not hungry, and I want to make sure there’s enough for you so you can grow big and strong.” He smiles before he turns his attention right back to the Disney movie playing on the television.

  “I talked to Cammy.”

  “How is she?” Ellis asks. The worry line on his forehead is visible, and even though I probably shouldn’t feel the least bad for him after he was stupid and careless, I’m no one to judge, and I imagine he’s a wreck like my sister.

  “She’s better now. She also told me the news. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you.” He smiles and drags a hand over his face. “It’s nice to hear someone say that instead of making me feel like this is all a mistake.”

  “Three blessings. That’s what I think.”

  “I told her we can do this.”

  “You can, and you’ll have plenty of help. Also, she doesn’t think it’s a mistake. She’s scared, Ellis. She’ll love them and be thrilled to have them. She’s only worried. I mean, she’s the one who has to carry them.”

  “I know, but I’ll take care of her the best I can if she’ll let me.”

  “Tomorrow… Let her have today.”

  He sighs. “What did you want to talk about? It sounded urgent.”

  “My ex Rusty. I ran into him on my lunch break. He said he came here, and you gave him money.” Ellis’s eyes dart to the television. “Tell me it isn’t true, or at least tell me Greyson and Camilla didn’t know about it.”

  “Shit.” Ellis leans his head back against the couch and swallows. “I didn’t need this today.”

  “Yeah, well, neither did I.”

  “Rusty came here. I gave him money so he’d leave you and Camilla alone. He was threatening to go to the police about your secret, and I didn’t have that situation remedied, so I did what I thought was best to shut him up.

  “Greyson knows, but I never told Camilla. She would’ve worried, and she didn’t need the stress.” Raising his head, he gives me a pointed look. “She doesn’t need the stress now, either. I’m already walking on thin ice with her, so don’t say a word. Wait, how did you run into him? I thought he was going to prison on drug charges.”

  “He claims your money helped him get out of it.”

  “That bastard. I should’ve made sure that was settled. I’ll handle it.”

  “No, leave it alone. He has nothing on us now that Cammy and I have new identities. Maybe he’ll mind his own business until he does get sent to prison. It’s bound to happen sooner or later.”

  “All right, then let’s forget the whole thing.”

  “That’s my plan. Camilla wants a bowl of soup. I’ll get it from Irene and visit with her some more. Oh, and thank you … for Rusty. You should’ve told me about it, but thank you for protecting my sister and me.”

  “That’s what family members do. They help each other.”

  As I walk to the kitchen, I think about what he said and how it relates to Greyson and me. Maybe along with his secret about the apartment, I should let this one go, too.

  Greyson only withheld them to keep me happy. At least he loves me, unlike that asshole I used to date.

  Maybe he’s not being overprotective or controlling. Maybe this is how nice people treat each other.

  Camilla’s always been this way with me, and it’s all I can go off of since my parents were no better than Rusty. I need to cut Greyson some slack and show him how much I appreciate him.


  As soon as I step into the penthouse, I smell dinner, but then I remember how Sasha’s car wasn’t in the garage. I walk to the kitchen and discover Theresa standing at the stove.

  “Hi,” I say. “Did you forget what day it was?” The sudden barking sounds have me looking down at a hairy object running toward my feet.

  Why is there a damn dog in my penthouse?

  “Uh, Theresa...”

  “Oh, Mr. Burke, I’m so sorry.” Running over to me, she picks the snowball up and holds it to her chest. It’s small, and I guess it’s kind of cute. “I lost track of time. I meant to be out of here before you returned home.” She looks to the clock on the stove. “You’re early.”

  “A little, and why is there a dog in my penthouse?”

  “It’s not mine. My mother’s ill and was admitted to the hospital today. My father is with her, so I got stuck with their puppy. It’s the one they had no business getting at their age.”

  “Yeah, but you don’t even come on Mondays.”

  “I know, but I can’t be here tomorrow since I have to sit with my mother all day, and it will be the 4th of July, so I figured you’d be home and wouldn’t want me here, anyway.”

  “Theresa, you don’t work holidays, and you can take time off when you need. I hope I haven’t made you feel otherwise, but I’m guessing I have.”

  “No, it’s my issue. I have to get my work done. It would’ve driven me crazy tomorrow if I hadn’t come over here.”

  A phone rings, and she rushes over to the island to find her cell inside her purse. She’s frazzled and breathing loud as she tries to answer it with the dog in her arms.

  “Hello,” she says into the phone. “Oh, no. I’ll be right there. I’ll hurry.” Dropping her cell on the counter, she spins around. “Mr. Burke, please, is there any way you can keep their puppy for me?

  “I know it’s completely out of line and unprofessional, but my mom is doing poorly, and I have to get to the hospital right away. I promise I’ll come back first thing in the morning to get him.”

  “Uh, yeah, that’s n
ot going to wor—”

  “Right, I shouldn’t have asked. Surely, Mom will be OK while I search for someone to dog sit.”

  Shit. “OK, I’ll keep him for you.”

  “Really? Oh, thank you, Mr. Burke. I promise I’ll make it up to you, and I’ll be here first thing in the morning to get him.” She shoves the dog into my arms, and I pull back as it tries to lick my face.

  “What breed is he? And what’s his name?”

  Rushing over to the stove, she turns it off.

  “He’s a Westie Terrier, and his name is Snowflake. The stew I made is finished, so you’ll only need to turn it back on to warm it. Text me if you have any questions.

  “Snowflake does have a weak bladder since he’s a puppy and all, so you’ll need to take him out to pee often. Oh, and I have his food in my car. I’ll grab it and run it back up to you.”

  “I’ll follow you down and let him use the bathroom. I don’t need him peeing in the penthouse.”

  Stopping long enough to breathe, Theresa tears up.

  “I’m so embarrassed. I’m sorry. Maybe this is a bad idea.”

  “No, you go.” I’m not about to be responsible for Theresa not seeing her mother, especially if the old lady dies.

  I’m not having that on my conscience. Besides, I’m sure Sasha will know how to care for the white fur ball.

  I only had outside dogs as a kid. Their job was to round up cattle, and unlike this little turd, they were low-maintenance. I follow my housekeeper to her car in the lower-level garage, and she gives me the bag of food, along with a leash.

  I ride the elevator to the main level and walk out to a grassy area in front of the building. I look down at the puppy I’m holding, and he cocks his head to the side, like he’s wondering who the hell I am.

  “Snowflake, please only take a piss because I’m pretty sure I have to clean up your shit out here.” Setting him on the ground, I attach the leash to his collar.

  He does his business, and I stand their awkwardly, wondering how in the hell I got into this mess. Of course, this conveniently happened while Sasha wasn’t home.

  Fortunately, Snowflake only pees, so we make our way back upstairs. Once inside the penthouse, I set him down and unhook his leash.


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