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Lilly Blossoms (Lessons in Submission Book 3)

Page 15

by Maggie Ryan

  “I need you to lay her down as carefully as you can,” Thomas instructed when he returned to the room. When Phillip hesitated, he added, “I promise I’ll be gentle but I can’t examine her properly with her in your arms.”

  It took a moment, but Phillip finally nodded and eased himself off the bed before turning to lay Lilly gently on top of the quilt. He was about to climb back up to lie beside her when Eleanor gently pulled him away.

  “Let Dr. Gibbons do his job. Why don’t you go and get a cup…”

  “I’m not leaving,” Phillip said.

  “Are you her papa?” Thomas asked.

  Without a pause, Phillip answered. “I will be. I asked her to marry me just a short while ago.”

  “Will be?”

  Feeling his face flush and his hands curl into fists in an effort not to swing at the man, Phillip practically growled, “I assure you that I love her and she admitted she loved me too. I don’t need to hear a yes, and I don’t appreciate—”

  “Phillip, please,” Eleanor said, again laying a hand on his arm.

  “I apologize,” Thomas said, “I didn’t mean to insinuate anything, Lord Carrington, but my first concern is for my patient.”

  Phillip felt a bit foolish but nodded. “Of course, as it should be. Please, go ahead.”

  Eleanor turned to Phillip. “I’m sorry, but you’ll need to leave.”

  “What? I’m not…”

  “Until I hear from Miss Lancaster that she has accepted your proposal, then I must insist.” When he opened his mouth, she shook her head. “This isn’t about you, Lord Carrington, this is about Lilly. Please, I’ll call you back as soon as I can.”

  It took everything he had to nod and turn away. “I’ll be right outside the door.”

  “Thank you,” she said softly. He didn’t want to be thanked, he wanted Lilly to come back to him.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Inside the room, the exam continued as the doctor turned to his patient.

  “Lilly,” he said softly. “My name is Dr. Gibbons. Your papa said you took a nasty fall. Can you tell me where it hurts?” Lilly gave a soft moan and a small shake of her head. “It’s all right, little one. You are going to be just fine.” He turned to Eleanor. “She can move her neck so that’s a very good sign,” he said before turning back to the bed. Thomas began at the top of her head and ran his fingers down her cheeks, gently felt her neck and then ran his hands over her collarbones and then down each of her arms, rotating her wrists and moving each small finger. None of his attentions caused her to cry out in pain. “You are doing fine, Lilly,” he said, his tone soft.

  “Eleanor, please help me undress her. We need to try not to jostle her.”

  Between the two of them, they gently moved her just enough so that buttons could be unfastened and her dress carefully pulled over her head. As Dr. Gibbons carefully palpated Lilly’s chest and abdomen, Eleanor worked to remove his patient’s boots. Lilly moaned and her legs shuffled on the bed, almost as if she were attempting to run. Eleanor quickly finished and moved to the head of the bed.

  “Shh, it’s all right, sweetie,” she said, reaching out to stroke her cheek. “The doctor is going to check to make sure your legs are all right.”

  “Hurt…” she mumbled, drawing Thomas’s attention from where he was pressing against her stomach.

  “Where, sweetie? Here?” he asked, pressing again.

  “Nooo… le… legs…” she stammered, her feet moving against the counterpane.

  “Your legs hurt?”

  She moaned and her legs thrashed a bit harder. “Burn… hurt…”

  “Shh, I promise I’ll be gentle. I just need to make sure you haven’t broken any bones.” While he untied her drawers and began to ease them down, Eleanor continued to make soothing sounds, taking one of Lilly’s hands in hers. Once the thin bloomers were at her knees, Lilly began to make mewing sounds and her grip on Eleanor’s hand tightened.

  “No… please… not… not all the way…”

  Thomas looked at Eleanor but she could only shake her head and say, “It’s all right, Lilly. You are safe. No one is going to hurt you. Shhh.”

  It wasn’t until he had them off and had one stocking pulled to her ankle that he looked up again. Eleanor instantly understood. Lilly wasn’t speaking of the hurt of a broken bone. Evidently, she was lost in the memory of the story she’d related to Phillip.

  “Phillip told me that her parents perished when their house caught fire. Lilly went back inside and…”

  “And is very lucky to be alive,” Thomas completed her sentence.

  Eleanor knew Lilly was indeed lucky and yet now understood her hysteria. The poor girl didn’t think she was either beautiful or perfect. Phillip obviously couldn’t have known how she’d react to his words as Lilly had just now told him about the fire. But the scars on her calves told of the nightmare the Lilly had endured. Once both legs were completely bared, Thomas made sure no bones were broken and then began massaging her left calf. Lilly moaned but when her grip loosened, Eleanor gave him a smile and nod. “That seems to help.”

  Dr. Gibbons continued, massaging both legs, rotating her ankles and stretching her feet until they both heard Lilly sigh and saw her body relax.

  “I didn’t see anything to indicate that she hurt herself in the fall. I believe that after a good long soak in a hot bath and a few hours of rest she’ll feel much better.”

  “Thank you, Thomas,” Eleanor said.

  He bent close to Lilly’s ear and said, “You are going to be just fine, little one. You did beautifully. Let Miss Summers and your papa take care of you, little Lilly. Just rest.”

  He closed his bag and walked to the door, opening it before turning back. “Shall I send her papa in?”

  “No, not yet,” Eleanor said. “I don’t believe he knows about the—”

  “About what? God, I never should have carried her,” Phillip asked as he pushed inside the room. “How badly did I hurt her?”

  “You didn’t hurt her. She’s going to be perfectly fine,” Thomas assured him but Phillip had already walked to the bed.

  “Lilly, my love, please open your eyes,” Phillip cried as he knelt beside the bed and took her hand. “I need to see your eyes. I need to know you are all right.”

  “Phillip…” Eleanor said, but stopped speaking when Lilly’s eyes opened and she smiled.

  “I’m all right,” she said, softly.

  “Oh, thank God!” He brought their hands to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “You’re not fibbing to your papa, are you?” Phillip asked, the slightly shaky tenor of his tone showing how terrified he’d been and how relieved he now was.

  “No, only naughty girls fib,” Lilly said, giving a smile that had all three relaxing.

  “May I hold her now?” Phillip asked.

  “Yes, and if you know what’s good for you, you won’t let her go,” Dr. Gibbons said with his own grin.

  “Never,” Phillip said, standing only long enough to scoop her into his arms before he was once again on the bed with her cradled in his lap. “This little blossom planted herself in my heart and I’ll spend the rest of my life making sure she is nurtured and her roots are strong.”

  Thomas and Eleanor watched as Lilly snuggled closer into his chest. It was more than enough to let them know that the patient was in good hands.

  “I’ll give you a few minutes, but then I’ll be back.”

  She was pretty sure neither of them heard her as they were kissing. She smiled and escorted Thomas to the kitchen for a cup of tea and one of Belinda’s famous oatmeal and raisin biscuits.

  While Thomas and Belinda chatted, Eleanor was smiling, lost in her thoughts. She’d not had time to tuck Lilly beneath the covers to conceal the damaged skin of her legs. Yet Phillip had never batted an eye as he scooped her into his arms, placing her legs over his before gently smoothing her thin shift down. Love truly was blind.

  A long hot soak wasn’t the only thing Lilly needed but E
leanor was positive that Phillip’s love would help her begin to heal.


  “I’m sorry,” Lilly said, when his lips left hers.

  “You have nothing to be sorry about, Lilly. Absolutely nothing.”

  “I do. You were trying to help me and I-I panicked. I shouldn’t have run…”

  His arms tightened but he was smiling as he looked down at her. “That I do agree with, but I understand. You lived through a tragic event. You lost both of your parents as well as your home. You were only a little girl and yet had to face the pain of your own burns. Face the long process of healing, of surviving. So, my love, again, you have absolutely nothing to apologize for.”

  “But I’m not…”

  “Let me clarify my statement,” he said. “If you are about to say you aren’t beautiful or that you aren’t perfect, then, my darling girl, I’m going to have to flip you over and impress upon your perfect and beautiful little bottom that you are very much mistaken.” He watched her eyes and when doubt still clouded them, he added, “Everyone has scars, Lilly. Some are only on the outside, some are only on the inside. You have both, and for that I’m sorry.” When she tensed, he shook his head. “No, don’t. I don’t care about the scars on your legs. I’m talking about the fact that you experienced such loss and pain. God, don’t you know how remarkable you are? Lilly, you are probably the strongest woman I have ever known. Despite what had to be incredibly hard, especially at such a young age, you not only pulled through, you found a way to survive and to share beauty with others with your flowers and your very soul.” He bent to kiss her and when he had to wipe tears from her cheeks, he knew these weren’t ones of panic or despair.

  “I… I love you,” she whispered. “I-I love that you love me… all of me.”

  “Lilly, I will love you for the rest of my life and one day soon, I’ll show you just how much I love every single inch of you.”

  She smiled and squirmed a bit on his lap. “When?”

  “When you become my wife. Marry me, Lilly.”

  “Yes, sir,” she said and then pulled his head down, sealing her answer with a kiss that had his cock throbbing. He hoped she didn’t want a long engagement because if he had his way, they’d marry tomorrow.

  Both were flushed when a knock came a mere moment before Eleanor entered. “I can’t tell you how happy I am to see you both smiling.”

  “Eleanor, may I introduce my fiancée, Miss Lillian Lancaster.”

  “Congratulations. I wish you a lifetime of happiness.”

  “Thank you… for everything, Miss Summers,” Lilly said. “If you hadn’t…”

  “Meddled that day,” Eleanor offered with a smile. “You don’t have to thank me, Lilly. But, young lady, you do have to get into the bathtub.”


  “Yes. Dr. Gibbons wants you get into a hot bath and have a good long soak.”

  “I-I don’t have a tub…”

  “You don’t need one,” Phillip said, maneuvering from the bed with her still in his arms. “Wait until you see this.” He pushed through the door to the water closet where a white, cast iron tub took up half the room. He set her on her feet so he could lean over and place the stopper in the drain before turning on the taps.

  “Oh…” she said, her eyes wide. “I’ve heard of this but… I haven’t seen a tub that didn’t have to be filled by hand.”

  “We began renovating as soon as we could,” Eleanor said from the doorway. “You can imagine how much easier it is to bathe a household of little ones if you don’t have to constantly be running up and down the stairs to fill tubs.”

  Lilly nodded and reached bent down to dip her fingers into the water. “It’s not cold!”

  “Isn’t it amazing?” Eleanor said and when Lilly turned and nodded, she continued. “Phillip, why don’t you go and have that cup of tea?” When he opened his mouth, she pretended he hadn’t. “You can come back and tuck Lilly in for her nap.”

  “Nap? I’m not tired,” Lilly said, looking between the two.

  “Dr. Gibbons wants you to rest for a bit after your bath,” Eleanor said. “And, Lilly, little ones in this house take naps.”

  Phillip didn’t want to leave and yet he understood what Eleanor was doing. He squatted down and took Lilly’s hands. “It will be fine, sweetheart. I’ll be back after your bath and I’ll not only tuck you in, I’ll tell you a story.”

  Her teeth worried her bottom lip but she finally nodded.

  “That’s my good girl.” Bending, he kissed her gently, stroking his hand down her back before rising and, with a final look back at the woman who had given him her heart, he smiled and left the two women alone.


  “Do you need to potty before your bath?” Eleanor asked as she walked to the tub in order to pour a generous amount of Epsom salts from the box she’d taken from a small cabinet under the sink.

  Lilly felt her face flush but also felt her bladder clench. “Um, yes.”

  “The potty is right behind you,” Eleanor said, motioning to the other side of the room. Lilly turned and saw yet another vast improvement that had thus far only been words in the occasional paper she read.

  “Thank you, I-I’ll hurry and bathe…”

  “No, little one, you won’t. You will soak in this tub for at least half an hour and let the hot water and salts ease your aches. Now, go potty so we can get started.”

  When it became evident the woman had no intention of leaving, Lilly forced herself to remember Miss Summers ran a very special school. She used the potty as the headmistress laid some towels on the top of the washstand and pulled a stool to the tub.

  “I’m short but I don’t have to climb in,” Lilly said with a smile.

  “That’s fine,” Eleanor said, not moving the stool but moving to her. “Arms up, please.”

  Lilly’s arms automatically lifted and her shift was pulled over her head before she realized what was happening. Her hands moved, not towards her bare breasts or her sex but she bent down as if her small palms could cover her scars.

  Eleanor didn’t say a word, simply held out a hand. “Into the tub, please.”

  Lilly hesitated but finally allowed Eleanor to help her into the tub. From the moment she sank into its warmth, she felt as if she were in heaven. Though she bathed often, a quick wash or even a more thorough sponge bath could not possibly compare to the sensation of the hot water she was immersed in.

  “This is wonderful,” she said, laying her head back against the edge of the tub. “Thank you.”

  “Let’s get you bathed and then you can relax and soak a bit.”

  Giving a soft moan, Lilly sat up and opened her eyes. Again, before she was aware of what was happening, Eleanor had a soapy cloth at her face.

  “Close your eyes, sweetie.”

  “I-I can bathe myself,” Lilly said, reaching for the cloth.

  “Little ones don’t bathe themselves,” Eleanor said matter-of-factly. “They are bathed either by their nannies or their papas. Eyes closed, please.”

  Lilly snapped her eyes closed, not because of her request, but because of the picture that had instantly appeared before them at the thought of Phillip sitting on a stool and… and bathing her. She felt her nipples tighten and the tingle that thoughts of him always evoked beginning. Her face was flushed and she knew it wasn’t because of the steam coming off the water. The cloth was removed from her face only to return a moment later to rinse away the soap.

  “You may open your eyes now,” Eleanor said, lifting one of her arms to begin washing it. It took a few minutes and both arms being washed before Lilly opened her eyes.

  “May I ask you something?” Lilly asked softly, watching as Eleanor re-soaped the cloth.

  “Yes, you may ask me anything you wish,” Eleanor replied, “but first, kneel up so I can wash your tummy and your back.”

  Lilly did so, and tried to ignore the feel of the washcloth as it ran over her breasts, telling herself that this woman had proba
bly seen dozen of her pupils naked as the day they were born.

  “You said nannies… I haven’t seen any babies or real children. Sarah said Kathryn likes to be in the nursery. Does she have a baby? Do the nannies take care of the babies all the time or can their mums help?”

  “There are no babies or actual children here, Lilly. The nannies I’m referring to are the women on my staff. I believe you’ve seen a few?”

  “Do they wear long grey skirts and aprons?”

  “Yes. Go ahead and bend forward so I can get your back.”

  Lilly did so and felt the weight of her hair being moved to bare her back. “I remember Lord Carri… I mean Phillip, talking with a Nanny Margaret.”

  “Yes, Nanny Margaret is but one. Every little one has their own nanny assigned to them during their stay. They are responsible for helping to guide the girls in their lessons and to teach them that bad choices lead to a sore bottom.” As Lilly pondered what that meant, she felt the cloth rubbing over her bottom. “All right, stand up now.” She was about to repeat the fact that she really could bathe herself when the headmistress’ next words had her closing her mouth.

  “The girls learn that a spanking might hurt but it is only for a short time. It is far better to have a tender bum than it is to have a heavy heart and guilty soul.” Reluctant to leave the warmth of the water, Lilly moved to stand. “Good girl, now spread your legs apart a bit further.”

  Lilly did so automatically and then squealed and attempted to slide her legs back together when the cloth ran over her sex, splashing a bit as her foot slipped. “Careful, I don’t want to have to call Dr. Gibbons back and tell him you broke your leg in the bathtub,” Eleanor said, steadying her by placing a hand at her waist. When Lilly didn’t move a muscle, the headmistress said, “And little ones who misbehave in their baths discover that spankings on a wet bottom hurt more than spankings on a dry one.”

  Heeding the thinly veiled promise and not wanting to test the theory, Lilly again spread her legs apart. After she was given a rather thorough scrubbing between her thighs, Eleanor asked, “Would you rather sit and lift your legs to be washed? I don’t want to strain your muscles if standing is causing you pain.”


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