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Stealing Harper

Page 24

by Molly McAdams

Page 24

  Author: Molly McAdams

  My heart skipped a beat, and I was out of the chair and racing after him, with Brad right behind me before I fully registered what he had said. When I got to the kitchen, my princess, my entire world, was lying on the ground covered in sweat. Her eyes were wide open and bouncing between Bree, Brandon, Brad, and me.

  Brandon went down on his knees next to her, and I gripped the island next to me. I wanted to be the one to make sure she was okay. “She’s awake?” he asked Bree.

  “She’s okay, Chase,” Brad said low enough so only I could hear, and clapped my shoulder once. “She’s fine, calm down. ”

  There was a loud thud, followed by a moan from Harper. “Ow. ”

  I gripped the counter harder when Brandon reached for her, and her eyes locked on him. “Brad, get the couch ready for her. ”

  He walked away from me, and I worked on controlling my breathing as I watched my best friend take care of her. I wanted to hate him, but I couldn’t. Harper asked if she’d fallen asleep in the kitchen, and for the first time since Brandon had rushed into the bedroom, I felt like laughing.

  Bree laughed, but it sounded shaky. “Not quite. You passed out. ”

  “I did?” Harper’s already-wide eyes got even wider, and she looked scared.

  “Yeah, Harper,” Bree responded. “Scared the crap out of us, too. ”

  Brad came back into the kitchen. “Couch is ready, so get her over there. ”

  Brandon went from his knees to a crouch and looked up at both Brad and me, but we were already stepping toward her. We’d all seen Brandon carry Harper more than enough times, and Lord knew I could carry that girl; but I hadn’t seen her go down, and none of us knew what was wrong with her. So with me at her head and shoulders, Brad holding her legs and Brandon carrying her body, we walked her over to the couch.

  “I’m fine,” Harper groaned, and tried to sit up once we had her on the couch. “You’re all being ridiculous. ”

  Brandon looked at her like she was crazy and pushed her gently back down. “Sweetheart, you were out for—”

  “I get that, but I’m fine now. ” She sighed and rolled her eyes at the same time her stomach growled loudly. She smiled and pointed at her stomach. “See, I’m fine. ”

  It felt like I couldn’t breathe. Something as ridiculous as her stomach growling, and all of a sudden all I could see was us in my bedroom, her naked body on top of mine as she arched against me. That had been the best morning of my life, and I would give anything to go back and replay it over and over.

  “Uh, Brad?” Harper’s voice snapped me back to the present, and I saw her wince as she looked at Brad holding a small towel to her leg. “Could you ease up? You’re hurting me. ” Her face fell when she saw him stand up with the bloody cloth. “What the—”

  “You dropped your mug, and a big chunk sliced your leg pretty good,” Brandon hurried to tell her what happened, and his head dipped in to kiss her neck. Harper’s eyelids fluttered shut, and she inhaled deeply.

  The pain in my chest intensified, and once I knew she was all right, I couldn’t stand to be in the room with them anymore. I hung my head and stepped away from all of them, wishing for the thousandth time I could go back in time to when I first met that gray-eyed girl and do everything differently.

  I walked back into Brad’s room to grab my keys, and when I turned to leave, he was standing in the doorway. “You leaving again?” When I just nodded, he asked, “For how long this time?”

  “I don’t know, man, I’ll probably keep staying at my parents. Watching her go in and out of his room would kill me. But I’ll be around. ” He pointedly looked at the keys in my hand, and I raked my free hand over my face. “Have to get to class, then to the shop. You guys surfing at our spot tomorrow?”

  “Always. ”

  “All right, I’ll be there. ”

  Brad grinned, and I made my way past him and to the hall. Brandon was making breakfast in the kitchen when I went past him, and I tried not to grit my teeth when he spoke.

  “Where’ve you been, bro? I haven’t seen you for more than ten seconds since I got back. ”

  “Just been busy with the shop. ” I shrugged. “Mom and Dad’s house is closer to work. It’s easier just going back there. ” I heard Bree and Harper talking down the hall toward Brandon’s room, and looked up at him. “She okay?”

  “Harper? She’ll be fine. Bree said she hasn’t eaten since yesterday morning; I’m guessing that’s it. ”

  I looked back at the breakfast he was making her and thought about the only time I’d ever cooked for her and how my life had turned to shit while I was doing it. “Well, take care of her. ”

  Brandon’s eyes widened before narrowing as his brow bunched together, but before he could say anything else, I took off for the front door and left for school.

  “NO FUCKING WONDER your parents kicked you out of their house. ”

  My eyes widened, and I looked over at Brian and another artist, Jeff.

  “If this is how you looked all the time, I’d kick your ass out, too,” Brian finished as he moved aside some papers and hopped onto my counter at the shop. The door opened, and Jeff and I looked over to it, but Brian just sat there with a shit-eating grin. “Oh, by the way, Riss is coming to tell you off. ”

  “You’re serious, Brian? You called your wife to come yell at me?”

  “Chachi!” Marissa snapped, and I groaned. “It has been a month. A month! You have two choices: grow a pair and ask her if she’s made up her mind yet or get over the bitch. ”

  “Marissa,” I growled in warning.

  She smiled impishly. “That’s what I thought. So go ask her. ”

  “I can’t!” I flung my sketchbook onto the counter and crossed my arms over my chest. “She’s made up her mind. That’s it. ”

  “No, she told you to give her some time, and you have. You’re still freakin’ miserable, you’re only moving back into your house because your parents kicked you out of theirs, and she can’t get out of what she did like this. ”

  “Like what?”

  “She can’t tell you she needs time to decide just for you to ignore the issue completely. That’s letting her get off easy. She cheats on her boyfriend and goes back to him without consequences? Fuck that, Chach. Your girl needs to face the shit hole she’s made, and she’s never going to if you just sit here wanting her from a distance. Otherwise, she’s just going to keep doing it, whether it’s with you again or someone—”

  “I’m the one who pushed her into all this! I pushed her away, pushed her right into his arms. She didn’t do anything, I’m the one who created this mess. So stop talking about her like she’s a whore!”

  “Well, if it talks like a whore, spreads its legs like a—”

  “Marissa!” I uncrossed my arms and stepped right up to her. “Swear to God, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll shut the fuck up. Now. I don’t give a shit that you’re Brian’s wife or that you’re a woman. You don’t fucking talk about my girl like that again. No matter who she chooses tonight. You got me?”

  She smiled wide and bounced up and down on her toes a couple times before throwing her arms around my neck. “You’re going to talk to her tonight? Chachi, I’m proud of you, and we’re here for you no matter what happens!”

  “What the hell? Just—what?” Brian and Jeff laughed at me as I stood there with my arms hanging limply at my sides, “Bri, your wife’s bipolar!”

  Marissa leaned back slightly but kept her arms around my neck. “I’ve heard all your stories about her, I don’t think she’s a whore. I just think she’s confused and in love with two guys. But you needed to go talk to her. ” She hugged me tight again, and I chuckled softly as I hugged her back.

  “So all that bullshit was to get me to go talk to her?” I let go and stepped away from her, watching as she went to Brian’s arms.

  “Well, it worked, didn’t
it?” she asked smugly. “You said tonight. ”

  “Yeah . . . thanks, Riss. Next time try a different approach though, yeah?” I kissed her forehead, smacked Brian across the head, and clapped Jeff’s shoulder before grabbing my keys and phone. “I don’t have any appointments tonight. See you guys tomorrow. ”

  “Good luck, Chach!”

  Marissa’s words had me remembering what I was about to do, and I took a deep breath in. I had a feeling I’d need a lot of luck to get through the night.

  I called Brad, and he said the girls still weren’t back from family day, so I drove to my parents’ house and had to take another deep breath in and out when I saw Bree’s car sitting in the driveway. The ache in my chest was already making itself known, and I hoped this wouldn’t end in a way that ruined me forever.

  Bree’s laughter came from the kitchen, and I drifted in that direction to find her at the kitchen table, Harper standing right behind her with a bag of chips in her hand, both staring at Bree’s laptop. Bree noticed me first, paused whatever they were watching, and folded her arms across her chest as she sent an impressive glare my way. Princess still had her eyes glued to the screen.

  “Well, look who decided to join the party. Mom and Dad are already asleep. ”

  I kept my eyes on Harper as she slowly looked over to my sister, then up to me. Her gray eyes widened, and the bag of chips slipped from her grasp.

  “I was busy. ” It’s not like Mom and Dad didn’t know why I’d been avoiding today. “Harper, can I talk to you?”

  “Uh, yeah. Yeah I guess. ” She started walking toward me and her face paled drastically, her arm shooting out to grip the counter. “Whoa. ”

  “Are you okay?” Bree was out of her chair, and I was rushing toward Harper when she held up a hand to stop us.

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