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Make Me Beg

Page 3

by Alice Gaines

  She took a sip of her wine. “I’ll go back to it.”

  He stretched out against the blanket with his weight supported on one elbow. “Check, Mrs. Trent.”

  “I beg your pardon.”

  “Do you play chess?”

  “I tried it once, and I was awful at it.”

  “I’ve checked your king. Or, you’ve done it for me.”

  “Don’t be silly.” She drank some more wine and looked out over the meadow.

  “A woman who values power and yet goes so far away from the source of her power. A woman who makes bets with men she’s only just met. Bets that involve surrendering her body.”

  “I don’t plan to surrender.”

  “You want to give up that power, if only for a while. You’ve dared me to take it from you, and you selected me because you know I can.”

  “You’re a little too sure of yourself, don’t you think?”

  “Not at all. I’m sure of you.”

  He looked so smug lying there with a half grin on his face, looking up at her as if he’d already won. She could change that expression in a minute once she’d explored his erect member with her lips and tongue. She would in a bit, but first, she’d let him do his best on her. When he failed to get her to beg, the victory would be all the sweeter.

  “Checked but not mated,” she said. “What’s your next move?”

  “Let’s see.” He let his gaze drift over her, from her head to where she sat and then along her legs to her feet. Her heart sped up at his frank appraisal, and when he looked up again, it skittered in her chest. His expression said he’d like to eat her, piece by piece.

  “I’d start off innocently enough,” he said. “Catch you off guard. Loosen the pins that hold your hair and bury my face in it.”

  “Hardly innocent.”

  “Compared to what I’d do later, it is.”

  “Go on.”

  “I’d kiss you until you did that cat thing with your fingers again.”

  “I didn’t do any cat thing.”

  “When I kissed you,” he said. “You weren’t aware you were doing it, but you curled your fingers into my chest and relaxed them several times.”

  “I did no such thing,” she said. But, maybe she had. Her palms still held the memory of the feel of his jacket against them.

  “While you did that, I’d work open the fasteners of your bodice. The swell of your bosom gets more visible the more excited you become. I’d want to see that naked.”

  Sure enough, her chest rose and fell as breathing became more difficult. The movement rubbed her nipples against the stiff fabric, stimulating the tender points.

  “By the time I had one breast free, you’d be quite beside yourself and would deny me nothing,” he went on.

  “Do women always swoon so quickly for you?” she asked.

  “With you, it wouldn’t be a swoon. You’d come to me eagerly, not pretending your appetites are anything other than what they are.”

  “And, that would be…?”

  “Lust. Unadulterated with cunning or pretense. Honest hunger. A need to couple for no other reason than heightened passion.”

  “You’d be excited by that point, too.”

  “I only need to touch you to become aroused, but yes. Priapus would have grown to full size and hardness. He’d crave your wetness, but he’d wait.”

  “Is he erect now?”

  “A palm at the front of my pants will answer that.”

  Now that he’d invited her touch, she placed her hand there and got the full measure of him. Not quite the behemoth of Anne’s story or her fantasy as she’d masturbated, but very large, indeed. Although the length impressed, its thickness overwhelmed that. A woman’s body would have to be well prepared to accept that marvel. If he fucked the way he talked about it, he’d make his lover more than ready for him.

  She squeezed him gently, and he sucked in a breath with a hiss.

  “You’re not as calm and cool as you’d like me to believe,” she said.

  “I never lied about the state of my cock.”

  “In my experience, when a man gets like this he can’t wait very long for relief.”

  “You haven’t experienced the right man.”

  “You’re good with words. Are you as good with this?” She applied more pressure to his shaft, even finding the head with her fingertips.

  He moved her hand away, and she allowed herself a tiny smile of victory.

  “A good lover uses his member last,” he said. “Only after he’s taken the lady to the point where she craves it.”

  She could crave his. Just imagining him entering her slowly started the delicious flame between her legs.

  “Most men think they’ll send a woman into rapture at the sight of a well-shaped rod. They neglect to stimulate all the points of pleasure on her body first.”

  “And, those would be…”

  “Every lady has a particular spot on her neck that responds especially to a caress. It’s a delight in itself to explore for that exact inch or so of flesh, but once a lover’s found it, no more than a kiss or a nibble there will start her purring.”

  What an odd idea. She raised her hand to her throat and rubbed it along the skin from under her jaw to her shoulder and then up again.

  “There,” he said. “The space just below your right ear. Your eyes went wide when you touched it.”

  “You’re being ridiculous.”

  “Not at all.” He set his wine carefully to the side of the blanket and then stretched upward. When his hand dipped under her earlobe and stroked, a tiny tremor went through her.

  “You see?” He smiled, entirely too proud of himself. “I can find similar places all over your body. Along your ribs, on your hip, between your thighs.”

  “It’s no secret that a woman’s sensitive between her thighs.”

  “But do all men know to worship every bit of flesh in that heaven?”

  “And you do?”

  His smile grew broad. “Would you care for me to demonstrate?”

  “I don’t want to get naked out here. Someone might see us.”

  “I can use my hand beneath your skirts. It won’t be as good through your small clothes, but you’ll get a taste.”

  She stifled a grin. She could tell him he needn’t worry about underthings, but it’d be more fun to watch his expression when he found out for himself. “You’ll take your hand away if someone comes by?”

  “On my honor.”

  “Then, yes. Please demonstrate.”

  He slid his hand upward from her ankle, disturbing her dress as little as possible as he reached her calf and then her knee. A bit higher, he stopped, and his eyes went wide.

  “My dear Mrs. Trent. You’re naked under there.”

  “Prepared for our picnic.”

  He stroked her slowly, from her knee all the way to her pussy. “Your cunny has prepared itself for my cock. You’re wet.”

  “Why does that surprise you?”

  He stared up at her face, and his eyes held a lazy, heated look. “I’ve hardly touched you.”

  “But, you will.”

  “Only if you want me to.”

  “I do,” she said.

  He turned his attention to the movements of his hands, visible under the rustle of her dress and petticoats. With the same attention to detail he’d shown with his kiss, he caressed every curve of her thighs, just grazing the lips of her pussy. They felt heavy and full, swelling to part and invite his fingers to explore.

  Suddenly, the air went thick, and she had to concentrate to pull enough into her lungs. Warm honey seemed to flow in her veins and pool at her sex. Moisture seeped out of her, and he smoothed it like a lotion into her skin.

  “You’d like me to slip a finger inside you and then rub it over your pearl.” He made it into a simple statement of fact.

  “I would,” she whispered.

  “Would you beg for it?”

  She bit her lip and shook her head.

  “What if I were to give you a taste of what I can do?”

  “I still wouldn’t beg.” Although she’d tried to keep her voice even, it wavered.

  He chuckled. On his next pass, he parted her lips and probed with one finger at the entrance to her sex. She couldn’t help but gasp. It felt so good. Not as glorious as if he’d eased his cock into her. Just enough to tease, to promise at future pleasure.

  “You want me inside you,” he said.

  “Yes.” That came out on a whimper.

  “In the right position, I could plunge my cock into you and toy with your clitoris at the same time.” This time, she didn’t even try to stifle her moan of pleasure.

  “Would you beg for that?”

  “No.” Yes. Yes, I’d beg.

  “Are you sure?”

  She gritted her teeth and fought for control. For some distraction from how his touch set her every nerve to thrumming. Breathe deeply. In and out. Breathe, breathe.

  He pressed a finger inside her again, and her muscles clenched around him. Then, without warning, his thumb rubbed over her clitoris.

  “God,” she cried as her whole body jerked. Something splashed, and wetness soaked into her dress.

  Her wine. She hadn’t put it down. She opened her eyes to find her fist clutched around the stem of the glass. Nothing remained inside. She laid it on the ground beside the blanket.

  “Damn, I’m sorry.” He pulled his arm from under her skirt, found his napkin and dabbed at the spreading stain. “I’m an idiot. I should have taken that from you.”

  She managed to fill her lungs with air. “My fault.”

  “Your dress is ruined.” He kept dabbing at her skirt, and even through all the layers of fabric, her sex responded to the pressure. “I’ll replace it, of course.”

  “I can afford my own dresses, Mr. Boulton,” she said.

  “I know you can, Mrs. Trent. I’m trying to behave like a gentleman.”

  “A gentleman with his hand under the clothing of a woman he’s not married to?”

  “I had your permission, I believe.”

  He had more than that, more than cooperation. In another moment, he would have had her begging. He’d done her a favor by forgetting about the wine. She still throbbed, but she’d taken control of herself and not a moment too soon.

  “Of course, you had my permission, but if you’d like to give me something to pay for the dress, I have something to ask,” she said.

  “Of course.”

  “Think before you agree,” she said.

  A wary look entered his eyes. “Is it something I won’t like?”

  “You’ll like it,” she said. “Maybe too much.”

  “You intrigue me.”

  “I’d like to suck on your cock.”

  He laughed outright at that. A hearty sound from deep in his chest.

  “You find that funny?” she asked.

  “I find it delightful.”

  “Then, I have your permission.”

  “Do your damnedest, Mrs. Trent. You won’t make me beg.”

  They’d see about that. She pushed his shoulder until he lay back against the blanket. His rigid member pushed up against his fly, so by the time she’d finished undoing the buttons, his breath was already coming in a shallow, rapid rhythm. When she finished, she reached inside and pulled his cock free.

  This male part of him was beautifully proportioned, despite its size. Thick at the base and tapering a bit toward the tip. A vein ran along the underside, and she could feel the beat of his heart in it. The ruddy color gave away his secret. Flushed color against her pale fingers suggested an advanced state of arousal. She wouldn’t need to do much to make him plead for mercy.

  “Satisfied?” he said.

  “Magnificent.” She wrapped her fist around the shaft and stroked. “Any woman would want this fine fellow inside her.”

  “Do you?”

  “Oh, yes. But, I won’t beg.” She bent and ran her tongue around the rim of the head. A slight tang of salt spoke even louder of his excitement.

  She glanced up at his face. “You made yourself hot just by talking to me and touching me.”

  “It isn’t often I put my hand under a woman’s skirt to find a naked pussy.”

  He did put his hand under women’s skirts often, though. She already knew that much from his reputation. It shouldn’t have annoyed her.

  Well, she’d have to worry about that later. She had a much more pleasant task at hand. This time, when she lowered her head, she sucked the tip of him into her mouth.

  A soft “ahhh” came from him. Approval. So, she took more of him, swallowing as much of his shaft as she could. His hips moved, thrusting him upward. She kept her fingers tight around the base of him to hold him off. A cock this size would never fit inside her mouth, but she could stimulate the whole thing if she used her hands, as well.

  “You do that well.” He kept thrusting gently upward as he’d do if he’d entered her quim. Her mind filled with images of him doing exactly that. Her own excitement hadn’t disappeared but had only abated to deal with a soiled dress and a challenge to reduce Boulton to begging. While his cock throbbed inside her mouth, her pussy did the same. Reaching for something it needed for relief. With an ordinary lover, she’d straddle him now and let him fuck her until she spent all around him. With this one, she’d have to resist the temptation.

  Instead, she worked him harder. She pumped her hand along the base of him and reached into his pants with the other to cup his sac. At her touch, it seemed to contract and grow firm, preparing for the inevitable explosion.

  “Damn,” he gritted.

  She lifted her mouth from his rod but kept clutching it in her fist. “Good?”

  “Never had…oh, God…like this.”

  “I can lower myself onto you and let you fuck me until you come.” If she did, he wouldn’t beg, and she had him so close. “Would you like to put this into my wet cunny?”

  “Mercy!” It was a strangled cry. Close to losing their bet. So close.

  She continued stroking him, now faster, and a droplet of white appeared at the tip of him. “When I climax, my pussy grips my lover’s cock over and over. Would you like to feel that?”

  “For the love of God, finish me and get it over.”

  She made one swipe of her tongue along the underside of his cock and flicked it over the tip. “Begging?”

  He gritted his teeth so hard, she could almost hear his jaw creak. “No.”

  “You wouldn’t beg to have my wetness all around you, the muscles milking you dry?”

  “No.” That denial didn’t sound at all as firm as the previous one.

  “I’ve failed, then.” She removed her mouth but kept up the pressure of her fingers on the root of his sex. “I guess I’ll have to sit here and let you play with my pussy again.”

  He lifted his head in wide-eyed shock. “What?”

  “You’re not going to beg, so what’s the point continuing?”

  “Damn it, woman. Can’t you see what state I’m in?”

  She bit the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling. His member was livid now. Ready to explode with lust. She’d never treat a man this way, but this man needed to learn who was in charge here.

  “If neither of us is willing to beg, we might as well straighten our clothes and drive back to town,” she said.

  He pounded a fist against the blanket. “All right, all right.”

  “You want to fuck my pussy?”

  “What in bloody hell else are we talking about?”

  “Say it,” she said.

  “I want to fuck your pussy.”


  “Damn you,” he growled.

  She sucked him deep for only a second and then lifted her head again.

  “Very well,” he shouted. “I’m begging.”

  Finally! After tugging at her skirts, she lifted a leg over him. She still held his cock, so she had no trouble guiding it between her lips and sinkin
g down onto him.

  With a roar, he thrust upward, impaling her on a column of velvet over steel. She answered his cry with one of her own. He fit inside her so perfectly, stretching her for maximum pleasure. As she straddled him like this, her dress fell all around their hips. It would hide their joining from view, but no one could miss what went on between them as he pushed up into her and she planted her hands on his ribs for anchor as she moved with him.

  “So good,” she moaned. “I will spend and soon.”

  “Hurry,” he said. “Can’t last.”

  Already the orgasm was coiling in on itself, building to the shattering moment when she could no longer resist it. She moved faster now, meeting his upward movements with deep slides along his length. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the feel of him stroking her inner muscles.

  Something rubbed against her clitoris. The pad of his thumb. He’d burrowed his hand under her clothing to find the nub. He made circles over it, setting her nerves on fire. Impossible, and yet, real.

  Her sex contracted all around him and then burst into spasms. The climax went on until she couldn’t breathe. Somewhere her mind registered that he was coming, too, as he slammed up into her and released his seed in burning waves against the entrance to her womb. They stayed that way together until the storm passed. Now weak, she could only lower herself to his chest and take quick breaths while her sex fluttered in the aftermath of her passion.

  Chapter Three

  When some amount of sanity returned, Thomas put his arms around his lover and stroked her hair. Softening now, his cock still remained deep inside her. Such a heavenly connection. If only this moment could go on forever. Lying under this tree with warm breezes washing over them. Dozing and then waking up to enjoy more of the wine and food he’d brought. After a while, making love a different way. He still hadn’t seen her body, hadn’t felt the weight of her breasts in his palms, hadn’t placed his mouth over her pearl and listened to her song of joy as he brought her to climax with his tongue.

  She shifted and sighed. “That was wonderful.”

  “Too weak a word. It was remarkable, astonishing.” Like nothing he’d experienced before, and he’d had plenty of encounters. None compared to this one. “Your pussy came alive around my cock.”


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