The Hunters 6: Rafe and Sheila
Page 13
When he spoke abruptly, she jumped, pulling herself out of her little daydream, smiling sweetly at him.
“Fine, we’ll go out. You, me, and Dominic. We’ll feed tomorrow night. But we stay together. Pierre isn’t the kind who’s going to try to move on three at once.”
“Won’t he recognize me?” Dominic asked quietly.
Sheila said softly, “He might. But we’ll have to risk it. You can’t go without feeding for too much longer. And me…eh, I’ve gone a little longer than I like, too.”
“He’s out tonight. Chances are he’ll use tomorrow to relax. Older vamps don’t have to feed as much…”
His voice trailed off and he turned away.
“Does that mean he’s out there now doing what he did to me?” Dominic whispered, rising from the ground.
“Not very likely,” Rafe muttered. Sheila knew he didn’t want to think about it much. “He won’t need to feed that heavily for a good long while…and I think I’d feel it this time.”
Sheila stilled. She hadn’t thought of that. Eli was prone to sending people out randomly, to a new target, just out of the blue. Master vampires were entirely too attuned to their land and that was one of the reasons, so they could deal with the monsters that plagued their territory.
Dominic turned away, shaking his head. “This is too fucking much,” he muttered, driving a hand through his hair.
“Too damned much.”
* * * * *
“No way. That’s too much—I can’t just go and bite somebody.”
Rafe suppressed the response that leaped to his lips as he dryly said, “What did you think we were going to do? Rob a blood bank? That’s stealing.”
“So is biting somebody to take their blood,” Dominic muttered as they moved upstairs, following the sway of Sheila’s hips.
“Yeah, well, people in a hospital aren’t going to suffer if you take blood from a person… You steal it from a blood bank, you are depriving somebody who needs that blood. We don’t steal…not when we can avoid it,” Rafe replied. “And feeding from them isn’t stealing…they want it. At least at the time.”
He kept his eyes on Sheila’s back, tuning Dominic’s annoyed mutter out of his head. They had to feed. So far, he hadn’t sensed anything from Pierre, not since last night. He’d felt that—known he was on the prowl. But it wasn’t until Sheila came home with her little announcement that he realized she had been the prey.
“Nice outfit she’s wearing,” Dominic said abruptly.
Rafe felt the possessiveness stir as he glanced at Dominic and saw that the vampire was staring at Sheila’s ass, outlined by a very snug-fitting pair of black leather pants. The top she wore left her back and arms bare, tied at the neck and at the waist, and she’d swept her hair up into a loose knot on top of her head. She wore a white gold collar-like necklace, and hammered white gold bracelets around her wrists.
She looked…hot.
Trolling clothes.
The club they’d hit was a rather…eclectic one. As a couple approached Sheila, Rafe figured out real quickly why she’d chosen this joint, and why she was baring so much flesh.
She’d brought them to a bondage club.
Well, he had said he wanted them to stay together, he told himself as she smiled flirtatiously at the woman, then darted a rather nervous glance at the man, before dropping her eyes coquettishly to stare at the floor.
She made a motion in his direction as the man bent his head to murmur in her ear, skimming a hand up Sheila’s abdomen, his fingers trailing between her breasts to come up and toy with the necklace she wore.
Eyes slid in his direction, and Rafe cocked a brow, a smile lurking on his lips as he murmured to Dominic, “She is going to get her ass paddled for this.”
“Well, if that’s what she wants, she came to the right place.” Dominic was staring down onto the lower level, watching one woman in particular as she walked through the club, a man crawling behind her with his head down, wearing nothing but a collar around his neck. “I wondered for a minute if she knew where she had brought us. Didn’t think this was her thing.”
Rafe smiled coolly as Sheila started to move in his direction. “It’s not. Not generally. She had a reason for coming here, and she knows what kind of place this is.”
Rafe and Dominic closed the distance between Sheila and the couple at her back. She smiled mischievously at Rafe before ducking her head, stepping aside and letting the man behind her move up to Rafe.
Rafe summed him up with one quick glance. New to this, and more in it for the thrill than anything. Probably talked his girlfriend into it, and he’d regret that. She got a thrill from it, all right.
And as soon as a real Dominant came along and caught her eye, this guy was history.
“You let your slave go trolling much?”
Rafe suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. Let Sheila? Damn it, he was lucky if he could just get her to use common sense. But he just smiled. “It’s her birthday. Wanted to give her a nice present.”
Sheila stood admirably still as the man stroked a hand down her cheek, forcing her to look up at him. “She’s very pretty—what did you have in mind?”
Fifteen minutes later, they had a room on the upper level of the club.
Sheila stood by, watching impassively as Rafe and Dominic held the woman between them. She looked like she was in heaven.
Jerks, she thought pithily. Her arms were tired. Stretched overhead, the cuffs looped over a hook in the wall, Sheila had been watching them make out for damn near ten minutes. While she had to tolerate the man next to her sliding his hands over her every few minutes, bending to murmur in her ear, “I like to watch a woman eat pussy. Maybe after they are done with her, that’s what we’ll do.”
Wannabe. Sheila kept her eyes down though, making the appropriate noises under her breath.
Their names were Jake and Beth—and Sheila’s plan had worked to a “T”. Rafe wanted them to stay together, and other than Hunting, this was the best way to ensure it, and there was privacy.
Of course, she hadn’t exactly expected it to make her so damned hot…watching Rafe run his hands over the woman while he kept lifting his head to stare at her.
He lifted his head again, and this time, she smiled back. His fangs had dropped. Beth was moaning feverishly as Dominic pumped his fingers in and out of her pussy.
“Now,” Rafe murmured in a low tone.
Sheila lifted her eyes at that moment and jerked down with her hands. The hook came out of the wall with a crack and the man turned, looking startled. Sheila focused, and the air in the room tightened around her as the vampire’s call rolled from her.
A dazed look entered Jake’s eyes and she reached for him, rising on her toes to cup his head, arching his neck. She struck, and the blood flowed into her—hot, ripe. His cock pumped against her belly, and Sheila shuddered as lust billowed through her.
Watching Rafe and Dominic with Beth had made her hot.
Entirely too hot.
When Jake’s hands closed over her ass, she whimpered and rubbed herself against him. The seam of her leather pants slid wetly over her flesh—the scent of her arousal drifted through the air, mingling with the scent of sweat, male hunger, and blood.
“She looks like she’s having entirely too much fun.”
Rafe’s hands closed over her shoulders and she groaned as he cuddled his cock against her ass. His lips cruised over her neck, up to her ear where he purred, “Enough, Sheila.”
Lifting her head, she licked her lips. Glancing at Rafe over her shoulder, she said, “I know when to quit.”
“Good to know.”
Scowling, she glanced at Dominic as he eased Jake’s body from her and slid him to the ground. “You going to put the whammy on him?”
Arching a brow at him, Sheila drawled, “The whammy?”
Dominic smiled. “Yeah. Whatever you always did to me to make sure I was sleeping until long after you’d gone.”
Sheila shrugged. “No reason. He’s not going to wake up for a few minutes, and we’re leaving.”
She narrowed her eyes at Dominic, then shivered as Rafe stroked his hands down her arms.
Dominic was smiling. A real smile, something she hadn’t seen in a while. But it was hot, hungry, and entirely too predatory, not that laid-back smile she was so used to.
“No,” Rafe echoed, lowering his head to rake his teeth over her neck. “We’re not.”
Arching a brow, Sheila drawled, “The bondage thing isn’t really my scene, boys.”
Rafe slid a hand down the middle of her body, palm flat, fingers widespread. As he cupped his hand over her mound, she bit her lip. Heat spiraled through her, teasing senses already heightened by watching Rafe and Dominic with Beth.
“Hmmm, maybe not, but you’re hot,” he whispered against her cheek, the stubble from the late-day shadow abrading her skin. “Very hot…and very wet, I bet. You liked watching us with her, didn’t you?”
Dragging her eyes from Dominic’s face, she arched her head away. “You got some nice moves on you, Rafe. Dominic, too. It’s not a hardship to watch you use them.”
Rafe smiled a little. “Maybe we should wake her up then…practice those moves a little.” She felt the cool metal of the cuffs and started to pull away, but Dominic chose that moment to move up, crowding her against Rafe. Caught off-guard, she was cuffed before she even had a chance to blink. “And you can stay here and watch.”
Sheila’s lip curled. “Bite me,” she said pithily. Watching Rafe touch Beth made her hot, but there was no way in hell she was going to watch him fuck her.
“Don’t worry.” The low whisper made her body tighten with anticipation. “I will…but maybe you should put him under first.”
As Rafe spoke, they all heard a low moan, and as one, the three vampires turned their gaze to Jake who lay on the floor, eyes fluttering a little.
“Sleep,” Sheila whispered, reaching out with her mind to touch his. He slid into sleep then, a deeper sleep that would last for hours.
Looking back, she flicked her gaze from Dominic to study Rafe over her shoulder. Tugging with her hands, she tested the cuffs. Reinforced—Rafe’s, most likely. She hadn’t brought any, since she hadn’t planned on doing any Hunting.
They were waiting for her. Waiting to see her reaction, or maybe to give her a chance to put a halt to it. Curling her lips into a slow smile, she tossed her hair over her shoulder and said, “What are you waiting for…an invitation?”
Her gasp of excitement was muffled against Dominic’s mouth as he kissed her. Behind her, she felt Rafe’s hands, moving gently, a pointed contrast to Dominic’s greedy mouth. His fingers stroked up the naked skin of her back, tugging at the ties that held her shirt in place at the waist and neck.
Cooler air stroked over her torso as the shirt fell away. Her nipples tightened, aching. One of Dominic’s hands cupped a breast, his thumb and forefinger plucking one plump, puckered nipple as his tongue slid demandingly into her mouth.
She sucked on it greedily, biting down gently and smiling inside as she felt his response in the way his body tightened, how the sound of his heartbeat stuttered right before it sped up.
Rafe’s hands moved over her hips and she quivered as he slowly tugged the zipper down, his hands stroking down her hips, taking the snug-fitting leather as he moved.
His mouth pressed against her ass, kissing first one cheek, then the other as he tugged away her boots. Seconds later, she was completely naked. Rafe stood up, moved in, pressed against her, so that she was sandwiched between the two men.
Dominic fell to his knees in front of her, taking one nipple in his mouth, tormenting the other with his fingers. “Damn it, I love your tits,” he muttered against her. “You’re so fucking perfect.”
Rafe’s hand cupped her cheek, forcing her to look at him. Craning his head around, he covered her lips with his, swallowing the soft moans falling from her lips. Her head felt too full—too full of emotion, too full of sensation, too full of Rafe. His voice seemed to whisper inside her head as he kissed her. Perfect, and mine. All mine…he can touch your body, if I let him, but he won’t ever touch your heart and soul…
Her knees threatened to give out, her body sagging. Rafe supported her with his body, bracing one brawny forearm around her middle as Dominic moved lower, his dark head trailing down from her breast, moving past Rafe’s arm to press a hot, openmouthed kiss against her navel.
Jerking on the cuffs, she opened and closed her hands, desperate to touch, to grab and hold. Then Dominic spread the folds of her pussy with his fingers and pushed his tongue inside her. The devilish stroke of his tongue, the cool press of his fangs against her, and she exploded, bucking against his mouth in one fast, hard, furious climax.
Rafe chuckled behind her, sliding his free hand up her side, cupping her breast, teasing her still-damp nipple as he murmured, “Jumping the gun a little, aren’t ya, Belle?”
She couldn’t answer. Even though she didn’t need to breathe, she still felt out of breath, her mind blurring.
“She’s got the sweetest pussy,” Dominic muttered, sitting back on his heels, staring up at her. His eyes looked almost drugged. “How can you taste do damned sweet?”
Rafe’s lips moved at her temple as he whispered, “You call to him… That sweet, powerful vampire magick, woman’s magick. It’s inside you, driving us both insane.”
Against her backside, she felt the hard length of Rafe’s cock, still covered by the black cloth of his trousers. Shifting a little, she trailed her fingers up his length. “Turnabout is fair play,” she said softly as another tremor racked her body. Rafe’s hands on her loosened and she slid out of his hold, moving a few feet away, spinning around to stare at them.
Wetting her lips with her tongue, she whispered softly, “Get nekkid…I want to look at both of you.”
Dominic’s hands moved to his clothes, tugging and tearing at them while Rafe shrugged out of his coat, the heavy leather falling to the floor with a muffled thud. Dominic’s shirt went flying across the room and Sheila took a step toward him, eyeing the smooth, muscled length of his chest.
Movement from Rafe drew her eyes and she felt her heart slam into her ribs as his shirt fell from his fingertips. His hands went to his belt buckle, loosening it. As he unzipped his pants, Sheila whispered, “Sweet mercy.”
Maybe vampires could have heart attacks. She couldn’t remember her heart ever beating this hard…had she ever felt it pound like this?
Her head was spinning, and she felt dizzy. She couldn’t figure out what she was to look at—Rafe’s cock as it sprang free from his trousers or Dominic as he shucked his shoes and reached for the zipper of his jeans.
Rafe was naked first. Crossing to him, she rose on her toes to press her lips to his. That hard, firm mouth opened and she pushed her tongue greedily inside, whimpering as he bit her lightly and his hands came up to cup her hips. Her breasts flattened against his chest—one knee pushed between her thighs, moving upward until she was riding the muscled length, his hands dragging her back and forth.
Behind her, she felt the warmth from Dominic’s body moving closer and when he pressed against her from behind, cuddling his cock against her ass, she trembled.
Her head was spinning. Wrenching her mouth away from Rafe’s, she squirmed between them until they each backed up, letting her move a little. They had too much control over this situation and she had none. Too damn much. She sucked air into her lungs and the cool air helped clear her head a little.
Rafe’s voice was soft, a little concerned. Keeping her eyes down, she sucked in another breath of air, focusing on the calming action. She may not need the air, but there was something in that simple gesture that helped her push the cloud of lust aside so she could think a little.
Slowly, she lifted her eyes and studied Rafe’s cock. The vein along the underside of it throbbed under
her watchful gaze. A clear bead of fluid gathered on the crest, beckoning to her. Sinking to her knees, she traced the tip of her tongue over him, taking that salty drop inside her mouth, relishing it before sliding her mouth up and down his length.
Rafe groaned, a deep harsh sound that made satisfaction roll through her. With slow precision, she sucked him. When his hands came up to cup her head, trying to force her to take him faster, she bit down warningly with her teeth. His hands fell away as he whispered, “Fuck, Sheila.”
Sitting back on her heels, she stared up at him with a slow smile, wiggling her wrists to make the cuffs jingle musically. “Take them off, Rafe,” she whispered.
His fangs had dropped again, the tips sliding down, glinting in the light as he snarled at her. Lowering her head again, she licked a slow path down his balls and repeated, “Take them off.”
He moved away from her so fast, she never even saw him go. Sliding her eyes to the left, she sat back on her heels and stared at Dominic. His eyes were on her breasts and she looked down, a slow smile spreading across her face as she saw how her bound position forced her breasts upward and out.
“Come here, Dominic.”
Dominic’s eyes moved to her face and she cocked her head at him, smiling. Rafe stood behind her now, and she felt the tremor of his hands as he messed with the cuffs. Dominic moved slowly to stand in front of her, one hand wrapped loosely around his erection.
She took his cock in her mouth, taking him inside with one long, slow stroke. His taste was different from Rafe’s, salty, his skin not as warm. He tasted of the ocean, she thought, sliding her lips back up his length before moving forward again, not stopping until she felt his cock bump against the back of her throat. Dominic’s breath hissed out, and his hands came up, cupping her head, fingers tangling in her hair.
The cuffs fell away from one wrist and she brought her hands forward, not worrying about the other cuff that braceleted her right wrist. One hand slid up Dominic’s thigh, her fingers stroking over his sac while she reached behind her with the other hand.